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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. turning against the police is just one of the huge mistakes by the dems/leftist haters/terrorist "protesters". "all policemen are bad".... how about "all blm is very bad" I wish they would find the stolen diamonds in that uprising - and arrest the thieves. but they need more money for weapons, travel, etc.
  2. because their brownshirts/blackshirts are helping them achieve total control and power over their city.
  3. not true. I simply and legitimately gave your narrow cherry picked op some serious context.If classes are online, foreign students do NOT need to be here. Because, the system has been abused in the past, therefore, with online classes, why would foreign students WANT to have to be here? See, Hoorta?
  4. Nazi boycott of Jewish businesses - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_boycott_of_Jewish_businesses The Nazi boycott of Jewish businesses (German: Judenboykott) in Germany began on April 1, 1933, and was claimed to be a defensive reaction to the Anti-Nazi Boycott, which had been initiated in March 1933. It was largely unsuccessful, as the German population continued to use Jewish businesses, but revealed the intent of the Nazis to undermine the viability of Jews in Germany.
  5. IF (arrogance + ignorance)2 = college student, THEN student = (incompetence)2 ELSE student - normal American college student https://www.theblaze.com/levintv/campus-reform-ignorant-college-students
  6. more churches are now arranging armed security.... Community Churches Are Now Arming Themselves ... https://www.realclearinvestigations.com/articles/... Ten miles away, 26 people were dead at First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, the deadliest shooting at a house of worship in the country’s modern history. That night, Tillman-Young and parish leaders held a vigil for their neighbor church. The next day, they decided to arm their own. Guns and God: Growing number of churches want armed security https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/guns-god... Jan 27, 2019 · Crews, 47, is part of the security team at Ava Assembly of God, a Pentecostal church of 300 members in Ava, Missouri. The church has no paid …
  7. https://www.facebook.com/DSouzaDinesh/videos/201623481177031/
  8. Immigration and Terrorism | Center for Immigration Studies https://cis.org/Report/911-Staff-Report-Terrorist-Travel Valid visas were held upon entry by 35. This number includes the six 9/11 hijackers known to have sought enhanced immigration status while in the United States. Student visas to attend various universities were used by 18 individuals and four had applications approved to change status from tourist to student.
  9. the universities can shove it. Here's why: https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/trail/etc/fake.html#:~:text=As was clearly evident in the Sept. 11,own passports and a student or business visa. Welcome to America, Terrorists! Right This Way for Student ... https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/11816/student-visas-terrorists Jan 31, 2018 · Again, the terrorists responsible for the 1993 World Trade Center bombing were living in the US with expired student visas for years before the attack. According to the US Department of …
  10. charles manson like "helter-skelter". if biden does win, all hell is going to break loose. arm yerselves, buy ammo before it gets way too expensive to buy....
  11. they want to use violence with their "brownshirts/blackshirts" to intimidate and frighten and control the rest of America. groups that HATE dream of it. it's what liberals do on mega-group-steriods.
  12. there isn't any legit denying that there is a vast extremely corrupt subculture? in our gov that has been building for decades. And also note: Joe Biden brought up using the ancient Logan Act to get Trump and Flynn in the obaMao commie, sally yates, obama etc meeting they had. This is dangerous stuff folks. The line from the Merle Haggard song rings even truer now: "Are we rollin downhill like a snowball headed for hell..." elect Pres Trump a second term. No insider is strong enough to stop the corruption.
  13. and more. Note the point about russian influence etc being pushed by.... Michael Sussman. Sussman is a partner in the law firm Perkins Cole. Perkins Cole ...law firm.... wait for it............ " that would be the law firm that was employed by the Clinton campaign which hired Christopher Steele and marketed his work to Washington political journalists. " https://www.redstate.com/streiff/2020/07/08/british-court-finds-christopher-steele-lied-about-parts-of-the-dossier/
  14. https://www.redstate.com/diary/riderdan/2020/07/08/would-a-hot-civil-war-be-just/
  15. charles manson could have been spotted 84 electoral votes right off the bat. sad.
  16. it's an attempted take down of America. "rebuild it" in some kind of che' demand for wealth and power.
  17. and the leftists owning what used to be the democratic party is encouraging it in all their corruption. It's going to get worse, apparently. https://www.redstate.com/brandon_morse/2020/07/07/we-are-in-civil-war/
  18. cloward-piven, you betcha. 24 trillion in debt. Not even Pres Trump can stop it.
  19. for some badly needed context: https://historynewsnetwork.org/article/175401
  20. here's a good question - I've said it for some years now - time to get out of the UN. it is absolutely worthless - doesn't stop anything, it is corrupt as hell... no problem can be solved vs russia or china or any of their controlled friends - they simply veto anything they want, regardless of merit. Stop...funding....the....UN. It's time. America FIRST. The UN is worthless. https://twitchy.com/brettt-3136/2020/07/07/us-formally-notifies-the-un-that-its-withdrawing-from-the-world-health-organization-could-the-un-be-next/
  21. Johnny Joey is often a guest on Greg Gutfeld's show - Joey lost both legs in the service....he's a very, very uplifting guy.
  22. and he is exactly the guy to do it. this is how reality is: https://twitchy.com/samj-3930/2020/07/07/you-can-be-more-or-less-than-your-injury-wounded-warrior-johnny-joey-jones-graciously-but-totally-shuts-down-tammy-duckworth-playing-disability-card/ Wounded Warrior Johnny Joey Jones said it far better, of course: A tragic injury from military service doesn’t exempt you from criticism for the choices you make and rhetoric you speak In a political career you sought out. You can be more (or less) than your injury, trust me! 🇺🇸 -a credible source https://t.co/PFRb98NqTO — Johnny (Joey) Jones (@Johnny_Joey) July 7, 2020
  23. Good. Bout time a Real American city stands up for what is right.
  24. " Later reports also seem to indicate that the WHO deliberately recast the novel coronavirus as largely harmless, tweeting in January that there was no proof the virus could be transmitted from human to human, although it was clear from the Chinese experience that the virus was highly contagious. In February, Dr. Ghebreyesus claimed that “the spread [of coronavirus] to other countries is minimal and slow,” and that Chinese efforts to contain the virus had been successful. " too late, WHO. You are corrupted and get lost. No more giant money from us. ANOTHER GREAT MOVE FOR AMERICA by Pres Trump and co. I'm sick of all the liberal globalist give America away garbage. America FIRST dammit.
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