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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. that tells the tale. It isn't only hypocrisy, it's desperate and corrupt play for more power, and the power to KEEP power permanently.
  2. hopefully it is contained over there. I keep asking....why stop marmot killing if they carry the disease? oh, yeah. they are desperate for food. https://www.rt.com/news/494296-china-warns-kazakhstan-pneumonia/?utm_source=miximedia&utm_medium=miximedia&utm_campaign=Miximedia
  3. he "knows it all" but doesn't know much at all. just pecks. not smart.
  4. don't underestimate the damage a woodpecker can do, especially a BLM woodpecker.
  5. except you lick the feet of every single liberal emotional knee jerk pov, 100%, and you do it far more ignorantly than the nutty woman in your op. and she isn't even a featherbrain.
  6. name one poster on this forum outraged about a store selling face masks. liar bird.
  7. kinda like a stampede of loser haters coming out of the woodwork. https://bearingarms.com/tom-k/2020/07/10/violence-spike-not-large-cities/ Violence Spike Not Just Hitting Large Cities
  8. I don't really like Stone... but he was dishonestly railroaded in the deep state's attempts to destroy Pres Trump.
  9. Hate is a virus, gusting wind spreads leaves and dust, hate infects the weak.
  10. time to stop funding the city. if some whacko goes violent, and invades the mayor's home, why, who's he gonna call? the police............helper.
  11. stupid excuses - people who hate Israel, want us to fall apart. any excuse will do.
  12. that couple made a mistake - they needed to get their dog inside, and call the police from inside their home. Depending on which state you are in, you cannot defend your property from damage with firearms - firearms are only if you face an immediate lethal threat. This crowd threatened their deaths, arson - in threatening to burn down their home, ... they do still have a case of self-defense.
  13. U.S. Senate Candidate attacked by a Liberal - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2uNg8IyWE-8 5:35 Jul 24, 2018 · Why Do People Act Like Black Conservatives Don't Exist? ... 6:33. NBC News 320,617 views. 6:33. Triggered Liberal ATTACKS Man at CSU - Duration: 8:32 ... How white liberals really
  14. this is good - there are so many of those young folks who ended up here as kids, and only remember being here. Nothing was their fault. At some point, DACA must end, because we have a problem of people "visiting" the U.S. just to have their baby be an American citizen. What are we, about 389 million in population? double that and see if we can even exist as a nation. Those of us right now, we can't all move to Montana and the Dakotas, ya know.
  15. Mark Levin is great - https://www.theblaze.com/levintv/blm-is-marxist Mark Levin: BLM is the equivalent of the KKK And the 'Democrat operatives in the media' keep defending them
  16. I think all taxpayers in Oklahoma want their money back for state buildings, and roads, etc. But if the treaties were legally established....and say it's their land, no one had a right to take it away. Pretty crazy though. I hope the Indian Tribes have the death penalty for the rapist.
  17. nope, factcheck fails again.and Pres Trump is CORRECT AGAIN. https://www.foxandhoundsdaily.com/2020/06/mail-in-ballots-vs-voting-by-mail/ "What is the difference between the two? Most states allow voters to request an Absentee ballot which they can cast in advance of election day by either mailing it in, no postage necessary, or they can drop it in a ballot box or drop off location on election day. The Vote by Mail is different. Ballots are sent to all registered voters in a state or county. No one needs to request a ballot and no checks are done to verify the voter rolls are accurate before sending the ballots. All ballots are returned via USPS, there is no place to cast a vote on election day in person. "
  18. https://www.theblaze.com/news/tony-dungy-says-don-lemon-doesnt-know-what-hes-talking-about
  19. the left doesn't want to learn. https://www.redstate.com/shipwreckedcrew/2020/07/10/investigative-notes-released-today-in-flynn-case-confirm-doj-view-was-flynn-was-not-being-willfully-false-to-fbi/ Investigative Notes Released Today in Flynn Case Confirm DOJ View Flynn Was Not Being Willfully False to FBI Posted at 2:30 pm on July 10, 2020 by Shipwreckedcrew
  20. The eighteen is just one EXAMPLE. One EXAMPLE is not valid to establish a percentage. Do you know how many AMERICANS DIED because of the few terrorists on 9/11? no, you can go look it up, but maybe you won't and don't care. The PRINCIPLE, which you have never once understood, is if all classes are VIRTUAL, they do not need visas to be HERE. With covid, that's a huge advantage. your belligerent mouth doesn't make you look smart in discussing issues. Never has.
  21. Hey, Hoorta - here ya go - from your demoquack party former president Jimmy Carter no less. http://www.ruthfullyyours.com/2020/04/11/heed-jimmy-carter-on-the-danger-of-mail-in-voting-absentee-ballots-remain-the-largest-source-of-potential-voter-fraud-by-john-r-lott-jr/ Heed Jimmy Carter on the Danger of Mail-In Voting ‘Absentee ballots remain the largest source of potential voter fraud.’ By John R. Lott Jr. Posted By Ruth King on April 11th, 2020 https://www.wsj.com/articles/heed-jimmy-carter-on-the-danger-of-mail-in-voting-11586557667?mod=opinion_lead_pos10 ‘Absentee ballots remain the largest source of potential voter fraud.” That quote isn’t from President Trump, who criticized mail-in voting this week after Wisconsin Democrats tried and failed to change an election at the last minute into an exclusively mail-in affair. It’s the conclusion of the bipartisan 2005 report of the Commission on Federal Election Reform, chaired by former President Jimmy Carter and former Secretary of State James Baker III. Concerns about vote-buying have a long history in the U.S. They helped drive the move to the secret ballot, which U.S. states adopted between 1888 and 1950. Secret ballots made it harder for vote buyers to monitor which candidates sellers actually voted for. Vote-buying had been pervasive; my research with Larry Kenny at the University of Florida has found that voter turnout fell by about 8% to 12% after states adopted the secret ballot. You wouldn’t know any of this listening to the media outcry over Mr. Trump’s remarks. “There is a lot of dishonesty going on with mail-in voting,” the president said Tuesday. In response, a CNN “fact check” declares that Mr. Trump “opened a new front in his campaign of lies about voter fraud.” A New York Times headline asserts: “Trump Is Pushing a False Argument on Vote-by-Mail Fraud.” Both claim that voter fraud is essentially nonexistent. The Carter-Baker report found otherwise. Intimidation and vote buying were key concerns of the commission: “Citizens who vote at home, at nursing homes, at the workplace, or in church are more susceptible to pressure, overt and subtle, or to intimidation. Vote buying schemes are far more difficult to detect when citizens vote by mail.” The report provides examples, such as the 1997 Miami mayoral election that resulted in 36 arrests for absentee-ballot fraud. The election had to be rerun, and the result was reversed. There are more recent cases, too. In 2017 an investigation of a Dallas City Council election found some 700 fraudulent mail-in ballots signed by the same witness using a fake name. The discovery left two council races in limbo, and the fraud was much larger than the vote differential in one of those races. The case resulted in a criminal conviction. In a 2018 North Carolina congressional race, Republican Mark Harris edged out Democrat Dan McCready by 905 votes. Fortunately, the state had relatively complete absentee-ballot records. Election officials became suspicious when they discovered that the Republican received 61% of mail-in votes, even though registered Republicans accounted for only 19% of those who had requested mail-in ballots. A Republican operative, L. McCrae Dowless Jr., had allegedly requested more than 1,200 absentee ballots on voters’ behalf and then collected the ballots from voters’ homes when they were mailed out. Mr. Dowless’s assistants testified that they were directed to forge voters’ signatures and fill in votes. A new election was required, but Mr. Harris didn’t run. Mr. Dowless faces criminal charges for absentee-ballot fraud in both the 2016 and 2018 elections and has pled not guilty. It is often claimed that impossibly large numbers of people live at the same address. In 2016, 83 registered voters in San Pedro, Calif., received absentee ballots at the same small two-bedroom apartment. Prosecutors rarely pursue this type of case. Mail-in voting is a throwback to the dark old days of vote-buying and fraud. Because of this, many countries don’t allow absentee ballots for citizens living in their country, including Norway and Mexico. Americans deserve a more trustworthy system.
  22. Hey Hoorta - shove this into your TDS psyche: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/new-report-reveals-perils-of-mail-in-voting-go-beyond-fraud New report argues perils of mail-in voting go beyond fraud The report warns that sweeping national change to voting would be costly and dangerous
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