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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. so much for the bragging about Sweden and how Pres Trump should have done what Sweden did, blah blah blah. https://www.theblaze.com/news/new-study-dashes-concept-of-herd-immunity-in-covid-19-patients
  2. I don't think so, maybe it does - I never joined Red State, maybe it knows you are a terrible, mean, wicked, bad and nasty TDSer. LOL No, I just read the first part, and let the rest of it go. I ain't payin to join up to read it all. I thought it was doing that because I used up all my "Free" reads. sorry bout that.
  3. makes a lot of sense to me - but the option of homeschooling for high risk needs should be expanded upon parent's request. It isn't a national big gov solution - it's a local(s) solution. Different school districts have different situations. A small school system in Wyoming is a lot different that a large school system in NYC. That is going to shock the local TDS's on the forum, but it's just reality - that is how it goes. https://www.redstate.com/joesquire/2020/07/13/what-k-12-schools-should-do-if-they-cant-open-up-in-the-fall/
  4. more blah blah blah? lol Fauci is wrong about things, Pence and Trump DO LISTEN TO THE MEDICAL EXPERTS and SCIENCE, so that TDS of yours is causing you major failsies. And blaming the spike on schools reopening. LOL. THEY HAVE NOT REOPENED YET. It's a huge problem. No country on earth has handled this virus correctly - it's a pandemic, but do go ahead and cry "xenophobic" because nasty pelosi does. You libera... I mean "independents" sure parrot pelosi's etc talking points. Every single time, it's like you and your other TDS friends are little toys that have recorders that repeat what is said (by your TDS leaders). Starting the schools back up is important - how to do it safely? beats me, but the entire medical team argues these points out in the open. Sorry you, Tex and your little woodpecker aren't there to be a part of it so you won't bitch constantly about what isn't true..... BTW, opening schools - our Niece wants to home school - the Mother-in-law has health problems and can't be exposed to it. Other friends of theirs want to home school for similar reasons. The Father-in-law's beautiful assisted living - the folks there are pretty much staying in their rooms, they don't go out on trips, they don't get together in the dining room for meals... it's sad to be them. No visitation, and they stopped doing the silly "window drive by" visits - that kinda backfired = the residents weren't happy. But, none of them got the virus and none died, they are good. It's a sad thing - all around the world, everywhere, and all you dweebs can do it use it to bitch at Pres Trump and ridicule him for no good reason. That's sad, too. Have readsies: https://www.theblaze.com/news/admiral-brett-p-giroir-m-d-says-dr-anthony-fauci-is-not-100-percent-right-about-covid-19-doesnt-have-the-whole-national-interest-in-mind
  5. only about half of them, but that's enough to cause us to be ruined.
  6. this man LIVED it. And he is WARNING us about it. https://www.redstate.com/nick-arama/2020/07/12/watch-american-who-fled-castros-cuba-describes-the-greatness-of-america-and-warns-of-the-peril-we-face-now/ Watch: American Who Fled Castro’s Cuba Describes the Greatness of America and Warns of the Peril We Face Now
  7. yes, "systemic racism" is a crock of crap. and yes, this election may be the end of America - the point of no return. Permanent corruption by the marxist dems. https://www.theblaze.com/news/thomas-sowell-says-systemic-racism-has-no-meaning-warns-2020-election-could-be-point-of-no-return Thomas Sowell says systemic racism 'has no meaning;' warns 2020 election could be 'point of no return' "The people who use it don't have any clear idea what they're saying," Thomas Sowell tells Mark Levin.
  8. woodpecker got Dunning Kruger. definately has a real zinger ringer to it....
  9. I don't see anyone seriously voting for democrats in the congressional and presidential elections. seriously.
  10. Say, I have a Browns one - I'm gonna get one of those, too !
  11. blah blah. I never said "primary reason". I simply tried to explain to you, lib...I mean "independent"... that there are a lot more reasons for the spike than your simple minded TDS blaming republicans and especially Pres Trump. Like college kids partying at the beaches. Like regular folks not listening and not wearing masks. Like protesters. This spike was predicted to happen AFTER the beaches populated and the protests happened. Toss in regular folks refusing to wear masks...I have seen entire families, with young kids, NOT wearing masks going into grocery and hardware stores weeks and weeks ago. But every single politician in every country on earth is terrible because "they could have stopped the virus"... give us a break from your dumb TDS garbage'. I get firsthand reports from friends back in McKinney Texas, and FT Worth where the brother in law lives. You don't link, your opinions stink. Have a nice day.
  12. you can bet the liberal media won't issue a retraction. They encourage any claim by the left, even the fake ones. Fake ones work to influence liberal voters, too.
  13. ha, you have to make up your own misinterpretations to be able to argue with them? fancy stuff there. lol Meanwhile, you won't post them because... they are written by democrat MAYORS of major CITIES. See, I believe in handling the covid outbreaks where they ARE. Not politically vs an entire state. You libs gloat over demoquack dirty politics. Such as: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kate_Gallego Born Kate Widland October 21, 1981 (age 38) Albuquerque, New Mexico, U.S. Political party Democratic Party The DEMOCRAT mayor of PHOENIX ARIZONA does nothing, and bitches at the republican GOV of ARiZONA to solve the problem. In other words, if the REP GOV DID issue a statewide mandate to wear masks, etc...the DEMOQUACK Mayor of Phoenix would be the first to BITCH that the governor was "over-reaching" etc. But the gov DOESN'T, so the demoquack MAYOR bitches that the rep gov should "do more". Bitch, bitch, liberal independent BITCHing ad nauseum. It's what you all do.
  14. 328 Chinese nationals caught entering US illegally https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/washington... Illegal immigrants apprehended at the southern border since Jan. 1: China: 328 South Korea: 3. Foreign nationals refused at land ports of entry by CBP from Feb. 2 to March 3: Canada: 113 China: 90 ...
  15. you think california is republican? what is the opposite of "smarting off" ? dumbing off? 'Sanctuary' California Begs Trump for Help After Illegal ... https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/victoria... May 04, 2020 · No doubt, Trump, who has spent billions of US dollars sending ships, PPE and ventilators to states to fight the COVID-19 outbreak, will help out California again. However, the irony over the ... Author: Victoria Taft Under Trump, Undocumented Immigrants With COVID-19 Are ... inthesetimes.com/...immigrants-covid-19-coronavirus Apr 06, 2020 · Act Locally » April 6, 2020 Under Trump, Undocumented Immigrants With COVID-19 Are Being Denied Care. For immigrants, the coronavirus crisis is becoming a nightmare. Hundreds of Chinese migrants detained at US border amid ... https://www.foxnews.com/politics/hundreds-of... Since officials first reported the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan in late December and the United States imposed a travel ban for those entering from China, Border Patrol agents have detained 333... ’16 Illegals’ From Coronavirus-Infected Countries Released ... https://dailycaller.com/2020/03/24/coronavirus-concerns-u-s-mexico-border Mar 24, 2020 · Individuals encountered along the Northern and Southern border by CBP will be returned to Mexico or Canada without delay through the nearest Port of Entry. In the event an alien cannot be returned to Mexico or Canada, CBP will work with interagency partners to secure return to the alien’s country of origin and hold the alien for the shortest ... Illegal Immigration and the Threat of Infectious Disease ... https://sma.org/illegal-immigration-and-the-threat-of-infectious-disease There's a growing health concern over illegal immigrants bringing infectious diseases into the United States. Approximately 500,000 legal immigrants and 80,000 refugees come to the United States each year, and an additional 700,000 illegal immigrants enter annually, and three-quarters of these illegal immigrants come from Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala, and...
  16. https://www.wideopenspaces.com/elk-attack-on-city-sidewalk-ends-with-woman-antlered-to-the-ground/?utm_source=wideopen&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=wos_daily&utm_content={{EXTERNAL+`https%3A%2F%2Fwww.wideopenmediagroup.com%2Fgetresponse%2F%3Fsite=wos%26articlenumber=1%26type=title`}}
  17. Dan Crenshaw @DanCrenshawTX · Jul 11 US House candidate, TX-2 This is getting dangerous for people living in left wing cities. They will not protect you from the mob, and if you try to protect yourself, they’ll forcibly disarm you. Governor and AG must step in. This is unjust and unconstitutional. Dana Loesch @DLoesch · Jul 11 In my hometown of St. Louis they’re pushing to defund the police and punish you for defending your life alone by seizing your property and stripping you of your constitutional rights without due process. This isn’t law and order, it’s tyranny.
  18. Tex, you should start supporting the WALL and decide to STOP ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION> Texas borders mexico. (Edit:) Travis County is southern Texas. (I had to look it up...) from Vambo's op link: "Most of the cases in the Southwest -- California, Arizona and Texas -- are occuring in counties closest to the U.S.-Mexico border, Atlas told anchor Jon Scott during an appearance on on "Fox Report Weekend." "When you look in the southern counties of California, Arizona and the bordering counties of Texas -- with the Mexico border -- these are where most of these cases are really exploding," Atlas said. "And then you look at the Mexico map and in Mexico, that's where their cases are. Their cases are in the northern border zone states. And it turns out the timeline here correlates much more to the Mexico timeline of increasing cases than anything else." and Pres Trump HAS BEEN TRYING TO STOP IT. YOUR DEMS WANT IT TO CONTINUE.
  19. yep, that is what I said earlier. Quotes from the link above: "illegals sombeitches coming here across the border. they get free hc here. it's a mess. Most of the cases in the Southwest -- California, Arizona and Texas -- are occuring in counties closest to the U.S.-Mexico border, Atlas told anchor Jon Scott during an appearance on on "Fox Report Weekend." "When you look in the southern counties of California, Arizona and the bordering counties of Texas -- with the Mexico border -- these are where most of these cases are really exploding," Atlas said. "And then you look at the Mexico map and in Mexico, that's where their cases are. Their cases are in the northern border zone states. And it turns out the timeline here correlates much more to the Mexico timeline of increasing cases than anything else." IN FLORIDA, OVER 40 HOSPITALS MAX OUT ICU CAPACITY AMID CORONAVIRUS SURGE Spikes in Texas, Florida and Arizona don't essentially line up with reopening but with Mexico's surge and the recent protests that have gripped the U.S., Atlas sai
  20. Antifa Is Mostly Made Up Of Privileged White Dudes https://thefederalist.com/2019/07/01/antifa-is-mostly-privileged-white-dudes Antifa’s goals are not those of most non-white Americans. Most non-white Americans don’t want to destroy the systems of government, abolish the police, end capitalism, or cripple corporations.
  21. apparently, the mob had guns too. It's like NY - you are not allowed to go to church, gym, no big groups... but big groups who are doing their brownshirt/blackshirt violence are fine.
  22. My Browns game attendance started before I was born. Mom and Dad went to several games. As a young kid, I remember going with my Dad to see the Browns play the Steelers in an exhibition game...at the U of Akron Rubber Bowl. I looked it up once - the Browns played 19 exhibition games at the rubber bowl back in the day. We'd go fishing early in the morning, and make it back home to watch the kickoff. Catch too many fish, and we'd listen to the radio til all the fillets were checked and rechecked, and put in a bowl of salt water in the fridge. I'm certain that if they played a night game, we'd watch it til the end, and I'd have to drive about 3 hrs back to Wright-Pat AFB to be on duty the next morning. Of all the years, the Kardiac Kids were so much fun...and exhaustion.
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