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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. READ THIS TOO: but you won't. you have TDS. really bad case of it. TDS rage. Like TDS zombies on the warpath to defend their biden boothole. Obama defends Black Lives Matter protests at police ... https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/jul/12/... Jul 12, 2016 · President Obama defended the Black Lives Matter movement Tuesday at a memorial service for five slain Dallas police officers, saying bigotry remains a …
  2. and READ THIS, Hoorta. Barack Obama tells young Black Americans: ‘Your lives matter.’ https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2020/06/04/tony-mcdade... Jun 04, 2020 · Obama struck an optimistic tone as he discussed the ongoing Black Lives Matter protests, which he described as “unlike anything I have seen …
  3. and READ THIS (your obaMao commie has freakin EVERYTHING to do with scandals and protest violence happening now) Obama refers to Black Lives Matter-fueled unrest as ‘great ... https://www.worldtribune.com/obama-refers-to-black... Jun 24, 2020 · The Black Lives Matter movement, Antifa and other assorted anarchists and leftists fueling the ongoing unrest around the country are apparently taking part in a “Great Awakening,” according to...
  4. and READ THIS: Obama defends Black Lives Matter movement | PBS NewsHour https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/obama... Oct 23, 2015 · WASHINGTON — Defending the Black Lives Matter movement, President Barack Obama said Thursday the protests are giving voice to a problem happening only in African-American communities, adding, “We,...
  5. so, TDS Hoorta, read THIS: President Obama defends Black Lives Matter movement - CBS News https://www.cbsnews.com/news/president-barack... ct 23, 2015 · WASHINGTON -- Defending the Black Lives Matter movement, President Barack Obama said Thursday the protests are giving voice to a problem happening only in African-American
  6. pretend somebody else surrenders? that's stupid. I was complaining about obamao for all their eight years. where were you? hiding. "no mas" Hoorta - you wouldn't complain about any scandal, or any obamao race baiting, you STILL won't criticize him in any way. obamao and biden have EVERYTHING to do with the past four years. I didn't know TDS could be so damaging - TDS is like pyschological leprosy or something. race hatred/acting out by BLM ? obamao/biden. corruption in EPA, FBI, IRS, NSA, CIA, DOJ etc? Obamao/Biden. go to walmart and buy a CRITICAL THINKING hat if they have one - you TDSers NEED one. and read: https://www.capitalgazette.com/opinion/columns/ac-ce-column-carl-snowden-20200713-hnfhb7poejagna2upq5nnbvrua-story.html Carl Snowden: Children of the Obama-era drive Black Lives Matter marches | COMMENTARY
  7. pretty sickening. china is the west's enemy - a dangerous one at that.
  8. egad. that is terrible. it's a culture war - destroy ours, so the left can own America
  9. hate speech is their way of trying to outlaw political opposition. I call it "advanced late stages of TDS"
  10. TDS is a real thing, you know. But go ahead and divert attention from your cranksies and wrongsies by making up your own. Nobody anywhere says obamao/biden is responsible nothing. The point is, eight years of your silence, then you come on here and go ragesies about Pres Trump - over covid. Gosh, the rest of us non-Pres Trump bashers are really sorry - your TDS apparently doesn't have a vaccine. No pill for you.... Bashing Pres Trump over the commie chinese letting this virus loose and denying it... go listen to what the Chinese scientist WHO WAS WORKING ON COVID has to say. And then, man up and admit your bias is worse than anybody else's, who is conservative or independent. wait, let me fix that hoorta bloata: "And then, man up and admit your bias is worse than anybody else's, who is conservative or independent."
  11. our country is at a serious crossroads, for all the hate on Pres Trump, some folks need to realize that we have only TWO choices, another four years of PRes Trump (great for America - SAVE America)... or unmitigated disaster. Pres Trump works to seriously SOLVE problems, obaMao and biden CREATED PROBLEMS for eight years.
  12. He views Jews like he does white folks. like the nazis, brownshirts/blackshirts are all the rage with the left when they' want more and more control over an entire nations' wealth.
  13. "never let a crisis go to waste"...especially when you create the crises for the power/wealth op.
  14. obaMao commie has everything to do with it - the racial hostility acting out by the left, the corruption and dishonest attacks on Pres Trump's admin, the "resistance", not replacing the masks in federal stocks, the disaster that has been obaMaocare, the bad effects of his leftism/marxism attitude about our military, the gigantic size of government, legally and employee-wise, oh, you have denysies from swimming in Egypt, Hoorta. lol No country on earth is handling this virus crisis perfectly. but you and yours want the earth's plight to be all Pres Trump's fault, because you didn't vote for him and the election is coming up. You have mega-whinesies TDS, you betcha.
  15. of course obaMao commie has EVERYTHING TO DO WITH IT. I don't recall you criticizing your obaMao ONCE in eight years. But now? hahaha. you bash Pres Trump, while he is doing great things FOR AMERICA, because you don't like the color of his skin, his tweets etc? He has a team of experts that he listens to. I honestly don't know if anyone, ever bashed your obaMao commie for the HINI virus thing. But no, you libs make political hell out of this virus, which was china's fault, Not Pres Trumps. You keep having jaw-flapsies about florida - guess what? https://www.theblaze.com/news/florida-department-of-health-exposed-for-massively-over-reporting-positive-covid-cases That's what. You keep having "bragsies" about the troubles America is having with covid and it's all Pres Trump's fault. guess what? COVID cases are rising. COVID deaths are declining. Why? https://slate.com/technology/2020/06/covid-death-rate-declining-explained.html Jun 18, 2020 · Right now, as science journalist Smriti Mallapaty outlines in Nature, estimates for the overall case fatality rate for the coronavirus are converging around 0.5 … If COVID-19 Cases Are Going Up, Why Is the Death Rate ... https://www.motherjones.com/kevin-drum/2020/06/if... Jun 28, 2020 · As that age profile goes down, there are fewer deaths even as cases rise, simply because younger people are much less likely to die from COVID-19 than older people. This probably explains some of ... Author: Kevin Drum That's what.
  16. fake outrage, political manipulation, instant fame on social media - for a little while, anyways
  17. getting worse than BIG SERIOUS TROUBLE these days. consider taking advantage of our 2nd Amendment, folks.
  18. https://humanevents.com/2011/04/02/top-10-reasons-george-soros-is-dangerous/ 1. Gives billions to left-wing causes: Soros started the Open Society Institute in 1993 as a way to spread his wealth to progressive causes. Using Open Society as a conduit, Soros has given more than $7 billion to a who�??s who of left-wing groups. This partial list of recipients of Soros�?? money says it all: ACORN, Apollo Alliance, National Council of La Raza, Tides Foundation, Huffington Post, Southern Poverty Law Center, Soujourners, People for the American Way, Planned Parenthood, and the National Organization for Women. 2. Influence on U.S. elections: Soros once said that removing President George W. Bush from office in 2004 was the “central focus of my life.” He put his money where his mouth is, giving $23.58 million to various 527 groups dedicated to defeating Bush. His early financial support helped jump-start Barack Obama�??s political career. Soros hosted a 2004 fund-raiser for Obama when he was running for the Illinois Senate and gave the maximum-allowed contribution within hours of Obama�??s announcement that he was running for President. 3. Wants to curtail American sovereignty: Soros would like nothing better than for America to become subservient to international bodies. He wants more power for groups such as the World Bank and International Monetary Fund, even while saying the U.S. role in the IMF should be �??downsized.�?� In 1998, he wrote: �??Insofar as there are collective interests that transcend state boundaries, the sovereignty of states must be subordinated to international law and international institutions.�?� 4. Media Matters: Soros is a financial backer of Media Matters for America, a progressive media watchdog group that hyperventilates over any conservative view that makes it into the mainstream media. Now its founder, David Brock, has openly declared war on Fox News, telling Politico that the group was mounting �??guerrilla warfare and sabotage�?� against the cable news channel, and would try to disrupt the commercial interests of owner Rupert Murdoch�??an odd mission for a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt educational foundation that is barred from participating in partisan political activity. 5. MoveOn.org: Soros has been a major funder of MoveOn.org, a progressive advocacy group and political action committee that raises millions for liberal candidates. This is the group that had on its website an ad comparing President George W. Bush to Adolf Hitler and ran the infamous �??General Betray Us�?� ad in the New York Times, disparaging the integrity of Gen. David Petraeus. 6. Center for American Progress: Headed by John Podesta, White House chief of staff under President Clinton, the Center for American Progress has been instrumental in providing progressive talking points and policy positions for the Obama administration. There has also been a revolving door between the White House and the Soros-funded think tank, with Obama staffing his administration with many CAP officials. 7. Environmental extremism: Former Obama green jobs czar Van Jones and his leftist environmental ideas have been funded by Soros�?? money at these groups: the Ella Baker Center, Green For All, the Center for American Progress, and the Apollo Alliance, which was instrumental in getting $110 billion in green initiatives included in Obama�??s stimulus package. Soros also funds the Climate Policy Initiative to address global warming and gave Friends of the Earth money to �??integrate a climate equity perspective in the presidential transition.�?� 8. America Coming Together: Soros gave nearly $20 million to this 527 group with the express purpose of defeating President Bush. A massive get-out-the-vote effort, ACT�??s door-to-door canvassing teams included numerous felons, its voter registration drives were riddled with fraud, and it handed out incendiary fliers and made misleading taped phone calls to voters. ACT was fined $775,000 by the Federal Election Commission for violations of various federal campaign finance laws. 9. Currency manipulation: A large part of Soros’ multibillion-dollar fortune has come from manipulating currencies. During the 1997 Asian financial crisis, Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir bin Mohamad accused him of bringing down the nation�??s currency through his trading activities, and in Thailand he was called an �??economic war criminal.�?� Known as �??The Man who Broke the Bank of England,�?� Soros initiated a British financial crisis by dumping 10 billion sterling, forcing the devaluation of the currency and gaining a billion-dollar profit. 10. Delusions: Soros has repeatedly said that he sees himself as a messianic figure. Who but a megalomaniac would make these comments? �??I admit that I have always harbored an exaggerated view of my self-importance�??to put it bluntly, I fancied myself as some kind of god�?� or �??I carried some rather potent messianic fantasies with me from childhood, which I felt I had to control, otherwise I might end up in the loony bin.�?� If only the loony bin were an option. As it is, one of the wealthiest men in the world is using his billions to impose a radical agenda on America.
  19. He hasn't been able to control/own America, and he hates Israel for the same reason. He spends a lot of money to undermine America's support for Israel... and spends a lot of money to sow fully funded feigned unrest to force collapse to happen. https://listverse.com/2016/10/21/10-dark-secrets-of-george-soros/
  20. America stands in his way. Our economy stands in the way of him controlling the global economy to his liking. America IS under seige. soros - brought him up years ago. Now, apparently, he's po'd and is trying to buy America into failure. George Soros’s Foundation Pours $220 Million Into Racial ... https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/13/us/politics/george-soros-racial-justice... Jul 13, 2020 · The Open Society Foundations, the philanthropic group founded by the business magnate George Soros, announced on Monday that it was investing $220 million … Billionaire George Soros To Spend $220 Million On Racial ... https://www.forbes.com/sites/karenrobinsonjacobs/... Jul 13, 2020 · Billionaire philanthropist George Soros’ Open Society Foundations pledged Monday to invest up to $220 million in organizations and leaders working to improve conditions in Black communities, a move...
  21. bad move - losing unions. Pres Trump is our only hope to keep our country.
  22. "haha" the dems are liars, and are a lot like the Star Trek "Borg". then the dems, if they do get elected, can screw over the voters who were swindled by lies/misrepresentations. Like him or not, Pres Trump did NOT lie about who he was. And America is better off for it. https://bearingarms.com/cam-e/2020/07/15/vowed-2a-hired-gun-control/
  23. Wait - that should be "Don't worry, Chuck Berry sings the Woodpecker Song behind woody's back"
  24. In conclusion: Q. ObaMao commie - how many states in the U.S. are there? A. (obaMao) - "well, I've been to.....eh....57 states. Q. Pres Trump - how many states in the U.S. are there? A. (Pres Trump) - "Is this fake news? Most Americans know there are 50 states. Is this a trick question? Everybody knows there are 50 states...well, except one, who the fake news won't talk about, and liberals won't talk about.." *********************************************** (camera centers on Hoorta) "dammit, obaMao was always joking, but Pres Trump never is joking, because I'm a liber...I mean, "independent"
  25. bullhockey, you have TDS cranksies in the worst way. What is your opinion on this:
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