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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. care to list all the "czars" that your obamao put into place? to bypass the house? other presidents did a LOT more exec orders. it's what presidents do. you lose again, TDS cranksies. Eight years of obamao exec orders...no whine from you..... there goeth the handy dandy cranksies bandwagon with flat tires and no steering ! lol Hoorta whinesies, crisies, poutsies, cranksies.... and then the truth happens: Consolidated list by President # President Party Total Executive Orders Order Number Range 42 Bill Clinton Democrat 364 12834–13197 43 George W. Bush Republican 291 13198–13488 44 Barack Obama Democrat 276 13489–13764 45 Donald Trump Republican 169 13765 and above
  2. remember when your hillary was going to beat Trump by a landslide? I have never been in a poll, and I've never known anybody who has said they were in a poll. If President Trump doesn't win re-election - America will become portland, chicago, and seattle..... all hell will break loose. You lefty hater TDS sombeitches are free to choose. You decide. America with Pres Trump and Pence? or murder millions of babies and become venezulea?
  3. you are a woodpecker's dick, and you don't know how to contructively carry on a conversation because you are stupid.
  4. woodpecker translation: "aliens are on their way to earth, they will be here any time now, I don't have to explain anything, ima birdbrain"
  5. the stuff in the op, Steve, is off the mark. It's our gov that is trying to DEFEND our freedoms and our way of life. The left is doing what he/she talks about. It's way off the mark for that author to ascribe what the left is doing, to our government. It reeks of being a slight of hand dishonest way to get people to decide to not vote for President Trump. What the author is saying then, applies directly to the marxist leftist leftwing part of our country, NOT the government. The claim that the gov is doing blah blah blah, is stupid. They are following the advice of the consensus of their medical experts. Some, like fauci, are getting po'd they are being criticized...by other experts. fauci is dirty - conflicts of interest politically to begin with.
  6. mike wallace, a real loser, was interviewing Pres Trump, Pres Trump said that, and wallace goes "no sir, he did not" but, biden most certainly did. it's what they do - they are for something until they are against it, and always were against it, but they were for it when necessary..... lefties/loser liberals believe in nothing, have NO principles to live by. They live by only emotions, and it makes them happy to lie about themselves and anyone who isn't on their side.
  7. She still does her job, doesn't plan to leave. Sad for anyone to have to battle cancer. But we need another pro-Constitution Justice on the court. or, our Constitution won't matter anymore. She should have retired, but won't until after the election. https://www.theblaze.com/news/ginsburg-has-cancer-again
  8. it's the ultimate organized crime goal - take over everything, no matter what it takes, even murdering millions of people. (that is a reference to the FBI agent that infiltrated the weathermen back in the 60's) https://www.theblaze.com/glenn-radio/maximo-alvarez-communism-warning-
  9. yep. actually a lot WORSE than just stupid. but any reason to raise hell and get some mo money....is a good reason to them. https://www.theblaze.com/news/sleep-is-apparently-racist-now-too-according-to-popular-teen-magazine
  10. Dr. Birx Unleashes Bizarre Cult-Rant Against CDC https://bipartisanreport.com/2020/05/10/dr-birx... May 10, 2020 · Birx and others were frustrated with the CDC’s antiquated system for tracking virus data, which they worried was inflating some statistics — such as mortality rate and case count — by as much as 25 percent, according to four people present for the discussion or later briefed on it. ... Justice Sotomayor’s Criticized Chief Justice ...
  11. Rosenstein??? I didn't know that ! these traitors are ALL over our government bureaucracy. dang. Rod Rosenstein’s sister gins up fear with her CDC statement https://legalinsurrection.com/2020/02/wuhan-virus... Feb 26, 2020 · Rod Rosenstein’s sister gins up fear with her CDC statement Yesterday, I looked at how people have used news about COVID-19 as click-bait . Additionally, Professor Jacobson noted that the virus had merged with Trump Derangement Syndrome as a means of attacking President Donald Trump and tanking his outstanding economic success . Rosenstein’s sister pushed CDC’s panic button on ... https://www.worldtribune.com/rosensteins-sister... Mar 03, 2020 · That is a far cry from the dire warnings issued last month from a CDC official who is the sister of former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, reports say. “It’s not … What? Rod “The Rat” Rosenstein’s Sister Is CDC Dr. Who ...
  12. Over 30 Major News Organizations Linked to George Soros ... https://www.mrc.org/commentary/over-30-major-news... When liberal investor George Soros gave $1.8 million to National Public Radio, it became part of the firestorm of controversy that jeopardized NPR's federal funding. But that gift only hints at the widespread influence the controversial billionaire has on the mainstream media. Missing: cdc Must include: cdc List Of 206 Organizations Funded By George Soros That Are ... https://needtoknow.news/2017/04/list- A. Organizations directly funded by Soros and his Open Society Foundations (OSF): ... The COVID-19 fatality rate for children is so low that the CDC calculates it at 0.0% for anyone under 19 years of age. Isolation creates depression, lack of sleep, poor cardiovascular function, cognitive decline, and …
  13. this is very serious business. obaMao/biden leftist traitors are all over our government. https://uncoverdc.com/2020/07/17/cdc-politicized-pandemic/ The CDC Has Politicized the Pandemic, Says Senior Administration Official 'A senior administration official who spoke to UncoverDC expressed serious concern about politicization at the CDC, saying “We have scientists who are working against the release of diagnostics that will help heal the American people, and we in the administration are concerned they will do the same thing with a vaccine. CDC has been doing studies and presenting analysis that is designed to hurt the President. They are laying out junk science, that is designed to discredit the President, and they are putting out reports that are designed to frighten the American people. They are leaking, they are talking to the media, and removing data from the website and doing whatever it takes to interrupt the Presidents coronavirus response.” '
  14. Have a nice day swimming in Egypt Hoorta. You are on the wrong side of it.
  15. The trouble is, Hoorta with cranksies, is that the HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES creates laws. Not the President. " As per the Constitution, the U.S. House of Representatives makes and passes federal laws. The House is one of Congress’s two chambers (the other is the U.S. Senate), and part of the federal government’s legislative branch. " So, you are bitching about Pres Trump presidency, while your demoquacks are in full control of the House. So, you are talking out of your ass, TDS cranksies. Your claim has no link, makes no sense. Pres Trump is our ONLY choice to save America. His administration has a ton of accomplishments to brag on. you obaMao and biden chinese communist ass kissers didn't have ONE good thing to brag about. They hurt America badly in several ways. I can list Pres Trump's accomplishments. You can't list obamao/biden's accomplishments, because there are none. Have a nice TDS day.
  16. well, it's getting to be berry season. blueberries are ripe... we have a lot more blackberries around our farm, other farms where I have permission to pick. Made 12 jelly jars of dandelion jelly, 24 jars of wild blackberry jam, we bought a couple boxes of S. Carolina peaches and I made 28 jelly jars of excellent peach jam and canned 8 pints of peaches to try canning them. Wild blackberry jam with baked chicken breasts...or with a pot roast...or ham and eggs, etc for breakfast.. rocks. We share a jar here and there with friends - haven't run out yet, but the blackberries are just now turning from green to red...they'll turn black when ripe, obviously... it will take a few weeks yet, I think. I made vidalia onion relish - canned about 10 pints of it. It's awesome on hot dogs, hamburgers, sandwiches. Last year, I picked a some wild grapes, and made grape juice. it was excellent. I want to make grape jelly this fall - the grapes are still very green. There is a Lebanese recipe, basically, instead of stuffed peppers, the stuffing gets wrapped up in grape leaves. Really good. I have had them some years ago, never made them, want to try it this fall. A LOT of grapes now. BTW, you have to be careful about the wild grapes. There is a look-a-like vine with berries.. that is very poisonous. The leaves are different, and the poison berries have only one seed in them. Edible grapes have multiple small seeds. You have to research and know what you're doing, you know. The trick to processing is to have a nice de-seeder. I bought one from a garage sale years ago - it rocks. No seeds in your jam. Takes skins off too, pretty well. Which reminds me, I want to go out and get some chicory roots and make coffee with them. Browns game with great food plus wild blackberry jam... Browns going to the PLAYOFFS ! (if we have a season)
  17. consider the statement from above: Hillary’s mentor, Saul Alinsky stated, “The ends justify the means.” you see it now. the vile dishonest attacks on Pres Trump, Kavanaugh, etc etc etc etc etc. ObaMao put corrupt followers of the new world "nazi like" order in place all over our government. We elected Pres Trump in response. the left went rage - and have been dialing up violence more and more, even from Congress. It's a fight to get permanent control. they will never lose elections. they want to pad the U.S. Supreme Court, get rid of the electoral college, flood our country with helter skelter drugs, criminals, illegals, some/too many with no education and no morals and some with violent criminal backgrounds, drug cartels (obamao even gave them a LOT of weapons)... like soros, another hillary mentor...they demand total control. it's what the left demands - it's a sickness
  18. The #1 Reason Why the Left Hates Christians and Jews ... imowired.com/why-the-left-hates-christians-and-jews The #1 Reason Why the Left Hates Christians and Jews "The main reason why the Left hates Christians and Jews is the same reason that Hitler hated the Jews. Jewish values, spiritual discipline and love of God made Hitler squirm. He became obsessed with exterminating the Jews to eradicate what they represented-the yoke of conscience." **************** Jewish values, spiritual discipline and love of God made Hitler squirm. He became obsessed with exterminating the Jews to eradicate what they represented-the yoke of conscience. Today’s Nazi Left hates Christians and Jews for the same reason. They stir the conscience. For Elites, conscience is a barrier to the New World Order. See “100+ Facts That Prove Democrats are Racist Nazis” Hitler stated, “The Ten Commandments have lost their vitality. Conscience is a Jewish invention; it is a blemish, like circumcision.” The Left* hisses and recoils from Jews and Christianity much like Bram Stoker’s Dracula when threatened by a cross. For the Leftist useful idiot army, conscience is a buzzkill for their addiction to debauchery, death, deceit and degradation. Conscience and commandments represent constriction and confinement. Screeching with adolescent rage, they rebel against “mean Daddy” authority. *Note-the “Left ” here refers to Democrats, RINOs, “Progressives,” “Liberals,” and Jewish “Liberals” who consciously or not- align with the Luciferian Globalist Elite. The Democratic Party is a path for “freedom” and self-gratification. Hitler said, “Providence has ordained that I should be the greatest liberator of humanity. I am freeing man from the restraints of an intelligence that has taken charge, from the dirty and degrading self-mortifications of a false vision known as conscience and morality, and from the demands of a freedom and personal independence which only a very few can bear.” Mistaking self indulgence and instant gratification for freedom, the alt-Left misses the point of restrictions. A piano has only 88 keys. There are only 12 musical notes. But the creative possibilities are endless. A figure skater can only refine their art to the degree that they are willing to live each day with tremendous discipline, effort and sacrifice. They also must willingly accept the rules of competition. Joy is Light. We all seek the Light. What the alt-Left doesn’t understand is that while something might feel good in the short term, the long term will suffer tremendous damage. The parallel is a slow burning candle vs a firecracker. This is the purpose of restriction. Pop culture abhors restrictions. The radicalized Left doesn’t accept the center, nevermind the Right of center. Instead, they bully and intimidate the rest of the world to respect and submit to their often vile choices-even when they endanger innocent children. Hitler was the Granddaddy of the New World Order. As stated on Aish.com, “Hitler viewed National Socialism as a New World Order, a way to create mankind anew.” As we’ve seen in Europe, the only way to “create mankind anew-” for the purpose of instituting a One World Government- is to destroy anything and everyone that stands in the way. Angela Merkel is the new Hitler. Merkel is exploiting the guilt, denial and passivity of the citizens of Germany. She’s crushing them with an invading army that has raped and gang-raped thousands of young women. The NWO mercenaries have destroyed Germany’s culture and environment. Some German citizens have literally been kicked out of their homes so migrants could move in. There is no gratitude-just promises to destroy them all. For Allah. Angela Merkel won’t let a little thing like conscience get in her way. Globalist forces and their Leftist followers scoff at God. They loathe Christianity and Judaism. They prefer Lucifer, the Satanic cult of Radical Islam, Moloch and Baal. The programmed Hitler youth sang the same sentiments as the programmed youth and incredibly immature adults on the Left do today. The Hitler youth sang, We have no need for Christian virtue. Our leader is our savior. The pope and rabbi shall be gone. We shall be pagans once again. Hillary’s mentor, Saul Alinsky stated, “The ends justify the means.” Hillary certainly took that statement seriously. Between the ‘coincidental” Clinton body count, Benghazi, ripping off earthquake victims in Haiti, tens of thousands slaughtered in the Ukranian coup, and laughing about the torture and murder of Gaddafi, her hands are immersed in rivers of blood. No conscience. Just excuses, blame, seething rage and vindictiveness. But to Hillary and other elite occultists, ” the ends justify the means.” Her long time associate and Campaign Chairman John Podesta and his brother Tony have extensive art collections that reek with pedophilia and Satanism. John had a cannibalistic painting hanging on the wall in his office. He quipped, “It’s better to be the guy with the fork than the guy on the table.” The Elite Globalist Left plays with a whole different set of rules than the rest of us. And rule #1 is to avoid conscience like the plague. To that end, waging war on religion is not so much a necessary evil, but an absolute delight. “Conscience is the voice of the soul” ~Polish proverb. If conscience is the voice of the soul, eradicating conscience is death to the soul. That’s how they sleep at night."
  19. the same thing in intent...as "all Jews are the enemy, all Jews must be forced out of their jobs, all Jews' businesses must be shut down....all Jews deserve to be harrassed....all Jews are less than human.... all Jews are UNDESIRABLE...." Who were considered undesirable by nazis? - Quora https://www.quora.com/Who-were-considered-undesirable-by-nazis Jews - At first, the Nazis boycotted Jewish businesses for one day in April 1933. Then legislation excluded Jews from certain professions. The Nuremberg Laws created very detailed Nazi definitions of who was Jewish. Many people who never considere... The Other Victims of the Nazis https://www.socialstudies.org/sites/default/files/publications/se/5906/590606.html The Gypsies, like the Jews, were condemned by the Nazis to complete annihilation for being racially impure, socially undesirable, and "mentally defective."8 The persecution of Gypsies was not new in Germany. A "Central Office for the Fighting of the Gypsy Menace" had been established in 1899.
  20. but changing names isn't just nuts - it's diabolically intended to prove more and more control over society as time goes on. It started with taking God out of schools, etc, and then morphed into anything that is real - gender...Flag, ....Anthem....capitalism.....Real Marriage......patriotism/nationalism....borders........God.....Christians......Constitution/Bill of Rights....the family structure.....the Bible...... it's a "we are the world" movement - extremely arrogant, extremely hateful, extremely demanding to own other's wealth, and demanding to have the power to dominate America's culture and institutions....you name it. Naturally, their ultimate goal is their version of "utopia" - like Venezuela. meanwhile, globalists cannot attain great wealth without the entire globe being in nazi-like lockstep.
  21. "victims" have been told for decades they are "entitled" - obaMao kick started the acting out in violence. even to the point of encouraging BLM violence. dangerous times. now, to the BLM, it's a crime to be white, or a policeman.
  22. now that some libs on the forum have ridiculed Christians again... https://www.theblaze.com/news/jesus-statue-found-beheaded-at-catholic-church-archdiocese-wants-incident-investigated-as-hate-crime Jesus statue found beheaded at Catholic church; archdiocese wants incident investigated as hate crime 'This is another attack on the Catholic Church which is happening across the country' ************************************************* vegimatic,, woodypeckeryhead...and Texag just disrespect and ridicule any claim...it's what TDS liberals do. veg is worse - he's just squealer stupid, rotten egg sucking fan. the lefty haters don't even respect themselves.
  23. furthermore- glaciers move. and ends break off. Glacier Power - What is Glacial Calving? | ASF https://asf.alaska.edu/information/glacier-power/... Cows have calves, glaciers calve icebergs, which are chunks of ice that break off glaciers and fall into water. Calving is when chunks of ice break off at the terminus, or end, of a glacier. Ice breaks because the forward motion of a glacier makes the terminus unstable. We …
  24. florida was supposed to have been totally flooded over by 1977. nope. but al gore made a bijillion dollars on investments. lol silly liberal sheep - no man made global warmingsies for you ! I know, Hoorta, you saw a glacier calve. We have, too. It isn't because you and woodpecker and the rest of the liberal sheepal can't make us pay money for making s'mores over our firepits. https://www.redstate.com/diary/heartlandinstitute/2020/07/16/despite-media-hype-sea-levels-are-not-rising-flooding-is-not-‘extraordinary’/
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