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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. this is very strange and dangerous. Is that what venezuela is like? we're getting there? reminds me of a few organized crime movies.and reminds me of stores about unknown associates of the clinton mafia family: Ex-FBI official: Clintons are a 'crime family' | TheHill https://thehill.com/.../303458-former-fbi-official-clintons-are-a-crime-family A former FBI official said Sunday that Bill and Hillary Clinton are part of a “crime family” and argued top officials hindered the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server while... The Clinton Crime Family - On Pedophile Island (# ... electiontennessee.com/clintonpedophile.html The Clinton Crime Family - On Pedophile Island (#LolitaExpress) American Patriot Subscribe5,681 Add to Share More 156,987 views 880 50 Published on Jun 12, 2016 WATCH CLINTON CASH - FEATURED DOCUMENTARY http://vid.io/xouk Jeffrey Epstein, the "billionaire pedophile" who was accused of keeping under aged girls as sex slaves on his private island, was long known to be friendly with former …
  2. and you don't think America is the greatest place on earth - well.... don't let the door hit ya... you're welcome to go get a passport and piss off. and it's funny: https://townhall.com/columnists/derekhunter/2020/07/19/if-america-sucks-so-bad-youre-free-to-leave-n2572724
  3. getting way out of hand. Time to stop all taxpayer funding for crapholes like this: https://www.redstate.com/nick-arama/2020/07/19/student-punished-by-university-for-posts-about-david-dorn-tiananmen-square-massacre/ as well as time to start federal lawsuits against them for violating people's civil rights.
  4. but it is complicated. the left still refuse to blame the chinese communists. that is asswholish. However, I know folks who don't want their kids going to school - they have a parent with health problems living with them. Regardless of whether or not to start schools back up - there MUST be OPTIONS to home schooling - loosen the requirements a bit - let it roll. I don't give a crap that the teacher unions hate home schooling and charter schools and Christian schools - they can't take the competition - they want a captive audience to mind mold children politically. They can't do that if those kids are learning math/science/english/reading etc at home. Science is divided. Not all on one side or the other. https://www.politico.com/news/2020/05/20/coronavirus-back-to-school-272592 Scientists divided over coronavirus risk to children if ... https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/may/17/... May 17, 2020 · Scientists divided over coronavirus risk to children if schools reopen Some studies show pupils are less likely to become ill if infected, while others show they are as infectious as adults...
  5. well, the twit liberals blamed Bush for Katrina, now they are blaming Pres Trump for covid. Giving the communist chinese far more incentive to let loose with another different virus later. The science is divided. Too much "science" has been politically motivated - it's sad and destructive. https://thefederalist.com/2020/07/15/stanford-doctor-scott-atlas-says-the-science-shows-kids-should-go-back-to-school/ 70 Percent of Doctors Say This Is When They'll Send Their ... https://bestlifeonline.com/when-doctors-say-send-kids-back-to-school Jun 24, 2020 · A recent study conducted by The New York Times found that 70 percent of epidemiologists said they would send their kids back to school, camp, or child care either right now, later this summer, or in the fall.
  6. not one little chirp from the woodpecker, and Hoorta has nothin to say to try to blame Pres Trump.
  7. pretty much. and woody hasn't replied to change the subject so....who WOULD sign some stupid ass documents? where did they GET those? We would NEVER have signed them. I hope they win big in court.
  8. you're ignorant - the mask CAN help you from inhaling infected droplets. They land on the mask, if you do run across one in the air near your face. Do you have mites?
  9. and the police are right there to physically stop her... but violence by blm and antifa is ok.... brownshirts/blackshirts ok? closet nazis ok? opposing them is illegal? yep - they mad because they lost the clincher election in 2016. They nearly could have OWNED America forever.
  10. of course that's totally untrue. My beliefs, values, morals etc are intact - they have never changed. Pretty asinine to expand my changing my opinion about bolton. When the truth about things come out, of course a genuine person changes their perspective. You don't know what values and morals, principles, are. You have demonstrated that since you joined this board. You "haha' at the murder of unborn children, you "haha" everything that anyone believes in. and you are weak - you have no character, no honor, no integrity, no sense of humor, and no life. You've never been married, never dated? but you think you're an expert on relationships. You've never been in the military, but you think you are an expert in military life. the list goes on. All you have, apparently, is feathers and woodpecker poop laying all over your place. Axe nailed it - pathetic and sad.
  11. Just Like Her Corrupt Brother Rod Rosenstein -- The CDC's ... www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/02/just-like... The brother of the CDC’s Dr. Nancy Messonnier, is the corrupt disgraced former DAG Rod Rosenstein. Advertisement - story continues below Following in his footsteps, Dr. Messonnier dropped a bomb on President Trump while he was in India yesterday. Yesterday, the CDC unexpectedly announced startling news about the coronavirus in the US. If You Doubt CDC Is Utterly Incompetent Read This Letter ... politizoom.com/2020/03/06/if-you-doubt-cdc-is-utterly-incompetent-read-this... Mar 06, 2020 · Get ready to be appalled. In particular, read the portion where the National CDC refuses to test this nurse because they tell her that if she had worn the proper gear she wouldn’t have the virus. Now we’re victim shaming nurses doing their jobs during a pandemic? Pretty stark statement from a Kaiser nurse in NorCal who got sick after caring for a coronavirus patient, criticizing CDC for ... Coronavirus tests delayed by Covid-19 contamination at CDC lab www.cnbc.com/2020/04/18/coronavirus-tests... Apr 18, 2020 · James Le Duc, a virologist and former CDC officer who now heads the Galveston National Laboratory in Texas, told The Post that the situation was “really a terrible black mark on …
  12. How The CDC Botched Its Initial Coronavirus Response With ... www.forbes.com/sites/rachelsandler/2020/03/02/how-the-cdc-botched-its-initial... Mar 02, 2020 · Topline: U.S. health officials made crucial mistakes in their initial response to the coronavirus that public health experts say hindered the government’s ability to treat the virus...
  13. CDC blocked FDA official from premises - MSN www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/cdc-blocked-fda... CDC blocked FDA official from premises In a sign of growing tension among the Trump administration's health agencies, officials are expressing frustration that a top scientist was initially...
  14. HUGE: MASSIVE CDC FRAUD UNCOVERED - CDC Grossly ... www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/07/huge... Jul 01, 2020 · The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is conflating the results of two different types of coronavirus tests, distorting several important metrics and providing the country with an inaccurate picture of the state of the pandemic. Author: Joe Hoft CDC is a Private Organization – Not Government ... www.armstrongeconomics.com/international-news/disease/cdc-is-a-private... Mar 26, 2020 · The CDC Foundation receives charitable contributions and philanthropic grants from individuals, foundations, corporations, universities, NGOs and other organizations to advance the work of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This is NOT a government-funded organization. It is not exclusively a government-funded – very curious. ******************************* NOTE to Hoorta and woodpecker: the CDC is not a government org.
  15. CDC Corruption: A Betrayal Of Public Trust - HoneyColony www.honeycolony.com/article/cdc-corruption-a-betrayal-of-public-trust Nov 25, 2016 · The HHS Inspector General’s investigation of corruption into the CDC’s vaccine division, which painted the CDC as a hopelessly corrupted arm of the pharmaceutical industry. CDC has allowed vaccine industry profiteers to make millions by serving on advisory boards that add new vaccines to the schedule.“In a typical example, Dr. Paul Offit, in 1999, sat on the CDC’s vaccine advisory … Author: Jan Wellmann Yes, Mom, the CDC Is Part of the Deep State, Too www.redstate.com/stu-in-sd/2020/03/17/yes-mom-the-cdc-is-part-of-the-deep... Mar 17, 2020 · Yes, Mom, the CDC Is Part of the Deep State, Too Yes, Mom, the CDC Is Part of the Deep State, Too Posted at 9:30 pm on March 17, 2020 by Stu Cvrk Think the Obama-era DoJ and FBI were the only federal agencies that were politically corrupted by Democrats? CDC and WHO Corrupt Financial Entanglements with the ... childrenshealthdefense.org/cdc-who This only illustrates, in microcosm, the CDC’s longstanding willingness to cozy up to Big Pharma and Big Health Care in defiance of ethics rules. CDC Scientists Expose Agency Corruption A letter sent by more than a dozen senior CDC scientists charging the agency with nursing an atmosphere of pervasive research fraud. The CDC: A Truly Corrupt and Dangerous Organization ... vactruth.com/2014/09/10/cdc-corrupt-and-dangerous Sep 10, 2014 · Over the years, the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) has repeatedly deceived and lied to the public, yet they continue to state that their mission is to protect America from health, safety and security threats, both foreign and in the U.S.
  16. “The CDC is actually a vaccine company.” — Robert F ... www.paulcraigroberts.org/2020/04/09/the-cdc-is-actually-a-vaccine-company... Apr 09, 2020 · The CDC has a large financial interest in pushing untested vaccines on the public. WHO is even more under the control of Big Pharma. The organization is corrupt beyond the meaning of the word. “The WHO is a sock puppet for the pharmaceutical industry.”. — Robert F. Kennedy Jr. 5 Examples Show That The CDC Is Corrupt And Dangerous www.naturalblaze.com/2014/09/5-examples-show-why-cdc-is-corrupt-and.html Sep 05, 2014 · 5 Examples Show That The CDC Is Corrupt And Dangerous. Over the years, the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) has repeatedly deceived and lied to the public, yet they continue to state that their mission is to protect America from health, safety and security threats, both foreign and in the U.S. We need the real CDC back, and we need it now - STAT www.statnews.com/2020/04/29/we-need-the-real-cdc-back-and-we-need-it-now Apr 29, 2020 · Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, the CDC has been inexplicably absent, and Americans are suffering and dying for it. The CDC has long been the steady, trusted source for …
  17. all hell will break loose, I suppose. the left will lose, all their fake ballots will be null and void, and they will say Pres Trump and America took away black folks' votes ! and the trouble we've seen is going to look tame compared........
  18. and, the governor of Kentucky is..... a DEMOCRAT. Hey Hoorta and woodpecker - how would you like to be treated like this?
  19. ah, you have a medical background, so that makes you a lawyer? LOL LOL LOL That is TDS, you betcha. You need a respirator? antibiotics? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DADbg3dXsAY_596.jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DADbg3dXsAY_596.jpg
  20. you laugh at the stupidest, non-existent ironies. That was obvious to everybody else on the board, surely, that was just one person's opinion. Doesn't seem to be constructed to bash the dems. It's constructed to bash the worst degrees of performance on covid . Which, has to do with PEOPLE - most always? in the big cities. Go back and actually READ the article, if you are able, bigoted big bird woodpecker. https://www.theblaze.com/op-ed/here-are-some-science-lessons-i-have-learned-from-new-yorks-handling-of-the-coronavirus Now, pull some feathers out of your ass so you can try to think for at least a few seconds (for the first time ever?) and READ this. Or go down the hall have some grade schooler read it for you: https://abcnews.go.com/US/coronavirus-updates-states-hit-record-high-number-cases/story?id=71497484 Now, the worst hit cities are........ Nashville. DEMOCRATIC MAYOR Pittsburg. DEMOCRAT MAYOR Calfornia/LA - you won't know it, you're a moron, but the gov of Cali is a DEMOCRAT. and the mayor of LA is a DEMOCRAT. now, Arizona, the gov is a REPUBLICAN. Phoenix, (that's in Arizona, woodpecker) - DEMOCRAT. Continuing on. (these are Facts for Birdbrain Dummies)... Florida - REPUBLICAN GOVERNOR but the cities? MIAMI - (that is IN FLORIDA, btw) the mayor is a REPUBLICAN the article mentions San Antonio (that's in Texas, you probably don't know) - INDEPENDENT then the article mentions Florida, S. Carolina and George - the three governors are REPUBLICAN (although, the mayor of Atlanta is a hard core leftist nasty ignorant sombeitch DEMOCRAT) so, stupidass, tell everybody on the forum which political party you think the article is slanted (propaganda) towards. The first article just talks about NY. Guess what? Jesse Waters lives there, says the same thing. So does Sean Hannity. So do a lot of folks. the politicization of covid by you haters with TDS is astoundingly corrupt of mind This disease hasn't been handled well by any country on earth. Let's hear from the Chinese scientist about the dangers of this virus. SHE WORKED WITH IT. SHE escaped and is in HIDING IN AMERICA. Just once, I wish you could be a constructive member of the board, but as nearly? always? ....you just smart off to people. You are pathetic.
  21. https://www.forbes.com/sites/kellyphillipserb/2019/12/16/spending-bill-would-repeal-up-to-three-obamacare-taxes/#1a863330e496 Spending Bill Would Repeal Up To Three Obamacare Taxes
  22. all the dems do is for votes, partisan backstabbing, and....most importantly, empty suit grandstanding symbolism of their desire to get more power by any fraud necessary. https://www.upi.com/Top_News/US/2020/06/30/House-passes-ACA-expansion-bill-largely-as-symbolic-gesture/2141593507128/ House passes ACA expansion bill largely as symbolic gesture
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