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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. he was a fraud frontrunner his entire career. what a loser. https://www.theblaze.com/news/kasich-democratic-convention-biden
  2. I know. "vote for Biden so we can open schools safely". and "See? our schools are closed because of Pres Trump! Aren't you sorry you voted for him?" and "we demand free income and healthcare for illegals, and free healthcare and housing for everybody, and illegals and liberals get to vote five times, but you republicans are not allowed to cheat and vote more than once..." we get it.
  3. pretty amazing. scary stuff in a war zone.
  4. Muhammad tried to force Jews to become Muslim. Liberals want to politically dominate Christians at every turn. and...communist china orders Christian churches to take crosses down and.... https://www.theblaze.com/news/china-orders-christians-to-take-replace-crosses-and-images-of-jesus-christ-with-portraits-of-communist-leaders
  5. Obama divided America. https://www.thespectrum.com/story/opinion/2018/05/... May 12, 2018 · Obama was simply not what white people voted for in 2008 and many of us felt betrayed. This left America deeply divided. Is it any wonder America wanted and got a change in 2016.
  6. Obama Fans Racial Strife To Divide America Along Racial Lines https://blackrepublican.blogspot.com/2016/04/obama... Racial Politics: A new national survey finds more than 1 in 3 Americans worry a “great deal” about the state of race relations in America. Anxiety has reached new highs under President Obama. That’s no coincidence. He’s rubbed racial sores raw. Barack Obama sowed the division that led to Trump ... https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/on... Sep 10, 2018 · Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie also took issue with Obama's attempt to blame America's divisions on Trump, calling it "richly ironic" for him to refer to Trump as a … Ben Stein: Obama 'most racist president' in American ... https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/nov/3/... Nov 03, 2014 · Ben Stein on Sunday blasted President Obama for being the most racist president in American history, arguing that he and fellow Democrats are purposefully using race to divide the American people.
  7. Obama’s Legacy Is a Weaker and More Divided America | The ... https://www.heritage.org/political-process/... Eight years of Obama’s leadership has left America demonstrably weaker and more divided. Rather than the promised “healing”—racial and other—the Obama era frayed the ties that bind us. How Obama Ruined Race Relations - The Root https://www.theroot.com/how-obama-ruined-race-relations-1791550839 Barack Obama made race relations worse in America. ... during Obama’s presidency, racial animus between blacks and whites reached a fever pitch. He presided during the rise of Black Lives Matter ... Author: Michael Harriot How Obama has turned back the clock on race relations https://nypost.com/2016/01/17/how-obama-has-turned... Jan 17, 2016 · Seven years after American voters made history by electing the country’s first black president, racial tensions have worsened. It didn’t rank on Obama’s one-item list of his “few regrets ... How Obama Left Us More Racially Divided Than Ever https://thefederalist.com/2016/07/13/how-obama... Jul 13, 2016 · Under President Obama, many black folks think racial division has increased, not decreased. A family friend, who is a Democrat and an Obama supporter, recently curiously remarked, “I’ll … 20 Reasons Why Obama Was the Most Racist and Divisive ... https://thepoliticalinsider.com/20-reasons-obama-most-divisive-president-history While speaking at the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation dinner in Sept. 2014, Obama not only blamed police for black community mistrust, but also proclaimed that “most Americans” think the country is racist. The speech came not long after the death of Michael Brown in …
  8. what a stupid leftwing contest who wins the "cancel culture prize".
  9. money would have been spent to enrich china. those tests, so many of them, DID NOT WORK. you just have to be educated on the issues, and READ and COMPREHEND. Millions of Chinese-Made Coronavirus Tests Bought by UK ... https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2020/04/06/... Apr 06, 2020 · 3:26. The British government has ordered millions of coronavirus tests made in China that do not work, Public Health England’s Professor John Newton has admitted. Professor Newton, the government’s new testing chief, said that while some of the Chinese tests could identify immunity in those who had been very sick, all of the tests had failed the minimum thresholds set for the trials.
  10. on occasion, that may end up being true. The old adage is very true - "those who never make mistakes never do anything".
  11. no, the economy was not great under obaMao/biden. Racial tension was skyrocketed. Anti-Christian hostility skyrocketed. Corruption profoundly skyrocketed. It means Make ObaMao damage go away and we'll be great again.
  12. Hoorta hopes that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. I hope we don't have to end up over there....in American "venezuela" if you are pro-unlimited abortion, you are coldly pro-murder. period.
  13. he doesn't back up anything, anything he posts is emotionally knee jerk stupid woodpecker poop.
  14. your arrogance is pathetically misplaced. Axe nailed you on the money. You think you are an expert at everything - but you might know engineering, nothing else. you haven't experienced much of anything to have any kind of frame of reference to understand life or any aspect of it. You are an empty, ignorant mass of woodpecker feathers for brains and heart. this is you posting every time:
  15. seriously, it's true. chinese solar panels. let's just make bidens' friend china even MORe dangerous. biden has been plagiarizing what Pres Trump has stood for. the dems really do think most voters they have a chance for...are ignorant and stupid.
  16. and free everything for permanent illegal new democratic voting bloc, since too many black folks are fed up with the dems and the left.
  17. have you ever posted a picture? or just cowardly weasel sit back and take shots at people? Ever stand for a principle? of course not, regarding the latter. you wouldn't know what a principle is until you go look it up, even then..........
  18. LOL LOL I'm waiting for biden to go totally nuts and bite some woman.
  19. it what marxists do. they take power. now they have been encouraged by leftist dems in congress, and obamao and biden etc.... to go all out. if they can intimidate Americans to stay home and not vote...they win. if they can get national mail in ballots...they win. if they can get rid of the electoral college, they win. if they can damage our economy/cloward-piven... they win. it's a grandiose take power movement, just like the weathermen.
  20. another change of subject. you have never once, to my recollection, talked about how you love America. You have never talked about anything great about America. Anything good or great about America - you just sit back and ridicule it. You don't respect other's Christian beliefs, you don't respect God, Real Marriage, our military, our Flag/Anthem, you diss our Constitution/Bill of Rights, you don't know American history, it's been shown many, many times... you don't understand much of anything. Nobody here is saying America is perfection. Just another fake out by you - a misdirection of subject. Name one BLM member that loves America but just wants to "improve it". name one antifa member who Loves America but "wants to improve it". Maybe when you grow up, you might learn how to stick to a subject. Get a life, accrue some wisdom, go on your first date....and stop being a woodypeckerhead ...some day. You are pathetic, too bad.
  21. yeah, the internet only "works" when they say stupid ass TSD liberal weinie crap, and then no link - then we ask for a link, they post a link of another TDS liberal weinie that is saying the same parrot swawks. Hoorta and woodpecker are like nasty pelosi little finger puppets.
  22. Come on, Hoorta. go ahead. This should be great reading...........
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