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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. next, not having a red crescent on your mask will be a violation. I'm going to get a Trump 2020 one next. I have a Browns one.
  2. it's just another way to undermine American culture/society - which isn't predominantly Muslim. It is, however, a voter bloc of sorts, that they can reach out to, to help win elections. So many school districts are a disaster now - no wonder the left wants to concentrate on a minority religion - to undermine Christian parents' teachings. Christian kids have been harrassed around the country, simply for silently praying before they eat their lunch. Or wearing a Christian tshirt. Or reading a Bible during library free reading hrs....etc. But teaching kids to make Muslim prayer rugs, etc - is ok with them. Their "separation of church and state" disappears - in a fit of political leftwing hate. Florida School Teaches Islam Including Prayer Rugs https://culturecampaign.blogspot.com/2015/02/... Florida School Teaches Islam Including Prayer Rugs Ron Wagner, a parent of Lyman High School in Longwood, FL who says he's "not religious," complained that his 10th grade son was forced to make an Islamic prayer rug …
  3. some young people may - if they don't know who the vp is, don't know what our Bill of Rights say. smoke dope. are homeless. I'm sure some will "Imagine" there is pancakes and pot and big piles of gold at the end of the rainbow on the other side of the fence. at this point, voting for biden is voting for us to become venezuela, economy crashes, (cloward-piven), and far more corruption and scandals and malicious prosecutions that eight years of obaMao/biden did to our country.
  4. and they are serious. LOL. what next ? snow? white rabbits? https://www.theblaze.com/unleashed/crosswalk-signals-are-racist
  5. bad for chris wallace LOL LOL he flipped and wants an interview with biden (Pres Trump said he should interview biden) and for biden to come out of his basement. all of a sudden... the msm went silent. No more praise for wallace. that is what emotional knee jerks do.
  6. sorry, that is one of those that pastes in as text only, not an active link. when I edit it, and re-paste the link, it is active and highlighted. I haven't any idea why it's happening.
  7. that's from a woodpecker that has NO life. hasn't done much except sit back and bitch about reality and pretend he's an expert on everything.
  8. haven't respected chris wallace for a long time. he's a biased bigoted hardass to republicans etc, and pussyfoots around with prominent liberals. He belongs on cnn or msnbc. Pres Trump isn't afraid, he went with it. now, biden or obaMao doing an interview with Hannity? Mark Levin? Laura Ingraham? nope. I already saw the interview on fox news. Trump mentioned what I mentioned above, and wallace was ready with a clip of him being mean to comey in an interview. the trouble is, comey isn't a prominent politician - his retort video was off the mark and proved nothing.
  9. he was a fraud frontrunner his entire career. what a loser. https://www.theblaze.com/news/kasich-democratic-convention-biden
  10. I know. "vote for Biden so we can open schools safely". and "See? our schools are closed because of Pres Trump! Aren't you sorry you voted for him?" and "we demand free income and healthcare for illegals, and free healthcare and housing for everybody, and illegals and liberals get to vote five times, but you republicans are not allowed to cheat and vote more than once..." we get it.
  11. pretty amazing. scary stuff in a war zone.
  12. Muhammad tried to force Jews to become Muslim. Liberals want to politically dominate Christians at every turn. and...communist china orders Christian churches to take crosses down and.... https://www.theblaze.com/news/china-orders-christians-to-take-replace-crosses-and-images-of-jesus-christ-with-portraits-of-communist-leaders
  13. Obama divided America. https://www.thespectrum.com/story/opinion/2018/05/... May 12, 2018 · Obama was simply not what white people voted for in 2008 and many of us felt betrayed. This left America deeply divided. Is it any wonder America wanted and got a change in 2016.
  14. Obama Fans Racial Strife To Divide America Along Racial Lines https://blackrepublican.blogspot.com/2016/04/obama... Racial Politics: A new national survey finds more than 1 in 3 Americans worry a “great deal” about the state of race relations in America. Anxiety has reached new highs under President Obama. That’s no coincidence. He’s rubbed racial sores raw. Barack Obama sowed the division that led to Trump ... https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/on... Sep 10, 2018 · Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie also took issue with Obama's attempt to blame America's divisions on Trump, calling it "richly ironic" for him to refer to Trump as a … Ben Stein: Obama 'most racist president' in American ... https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/nov/3/... Nov 03, 2014 · Ben Stein on Sunday blasted President Obama for being the most racist president in American history, arguing that he and fellow Democrats are purposefully using race to divide the American people.
  15. Obama’s Legacy Is a Weaker and More Divided America | The ... https://www.heritage.org/political-process/... Eight years of Obama’s leadership has left America demonstrably weaker and more divided. Rather than the promised “healing”—racial and other—the Obama era frayed the ties that bind us. How Obama Ruined Race Relations - The Root https://www.theroot.com/how-obama-ruined-race-relations-1791550839 Barack Obama made race relations worse in America. ... during Obama’s presidency, racial animus between blacks and whites reached a fever pitch. He presided during the rise of Black Lives Matter ... Author: Michael Harriot How Obama has turned back the clock on race relations https://nypost.com/2016/01/17/how-obama-has-turned... Jan 17, 2016 · Seven years after American voters made history by electing the country’s first black president, racial tensions have worsened. It didn’t rank on Obama’s one-item list of his “few regrets ... How Obama Left Us More Racially Divided Than Ever https://thefederalist.com/2016/07/13/how-obama... Jul 13, 2016 · Under President Obama, many black folks think racial division has increased, not decreased. A family friend, who is a Democrat and an Obama supporter, recently curiously remarked, “I’ll … 20 Reasons Why Obama Was the Most Racist and Divisive ... https://thepoliticalinsider.com/20-reasons-obama-most-divisive-president-history While speaking at the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation dinner in Sept. 2014, Obama not only blamed police for black community mistrust, but also proclaimed that “most Americans” think the country is racist. The speech came not long after the death of Michael Brown in …
  16. what a stupid leftwing contest who wins the "cancel culture prize".
  17. money would have been spent to enrich china. those tests, so many of them, DID NOT WORK. you just have to be educated on the issues, and READ and COMPREHEND. Millions of Chinese-Made Coronavirus Tests Bought by UK ... https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2020/04/06/... Apr 06, 2020 · 3:26. The British government has ordered millions of coronavirus tests made in China that do not work, Public Health England’s Professor John Newton has admitted. Professor Newton, the government’s new testing chief, said that while some of the Chinese tests could identify immunity in those who had been very sick, all of the tests had failed the minimum thresholds set for the trials.
  18. on occasion, that may end up being true. The old adage is very true - "those who never make mistakes never do anything".
  19. no, the economy was not great under obaMao/biden. Racial tension was skyrocketed. Anti-Christian hostility skyrocketed. Corruption profoundly skyrocketed. It means Make ObaMao damage go away and we'll be great again.
  20. Hoorta hopes that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. I hope we don't have to end up over there....in American "venezuela" if you are pro-unlimited abortion, you are coldly pro-murder. period.
  21. he doesn't back up anything, anything he posts is emotionally knee jerk stupid woodpecker poop.
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