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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. 40 percent favor it??? seriously? amidst all this leftwing revolutionary violence??? 60 percent will vote for Pres Trump. It's America's only chance to prevent venezuela.
  2. of course they do. frickin told ya. https://www.theblaze.com/news/texas-border-county-new-covid-lockdown Texas border county enters new COVID-19 lockdown as it sees disproportionate spike in cases "Counties on the U.S.-Mexico border in Texas have accounted for a significant portion of the recent increase in cases and hospitalizations. Data from the Texas Department of State Health Services shows that border counties (including Hidalgo, Brewster, Cameron, El Paso, Hudspeth, Kinney, Maverick, Presidio, Starr, Terrell, Val Verde, Webb, and Zapata) have seen a sharper increase in cases and deaths per capita dating back to mid-June. TX border counties vs. non-border counties since 5/1: Per-capita new cases and deaths (7-day rolling averages). Cas… https://t.co/V28PtZQX72 — Matt Malkus (@Matt Malkus)1593984706.0 Some of these cases are reportedly coming from Mexico, where the health care system is not well equipped to handle the COVID-19 outbreak. From KVEO-TV: "One of the factors is the border, we in McAllen Medical are receiving many patients from Mexico, they are coming in because their resources over there are also limited so they are coming in to our area seeking medical attention and by law we have to provide it," said Dr. Lopez, "The patients that cross the border say 'we don't have hospital space over there, the oxygen is gone, we don't have medications so we cross the border', that's the situation in the border." Dr. Ivan Melendez, the Health Authority of Hidalgo County says Mexican nationals are coming due to the lack of medical resources in Mexico. "Contacts I have from my friends that are in Matamoros and Reynosa paint quite a grim story- that story shows hospitals packaged to the gills, there aren't any beds, people can't come in, I had one day someone send me a list of 45 people in a particular hospital in Reynosa and 45 people out of 45 beds diagnosed with a typical pneumonia, and I called him and he said we don't have tests so we're assuming they're COVID," said Dr. Ivan Melendez, M.D., Hidalgo County Health Authority."
  3. by encouraging voter fraud,....but THIS - red flag open season day on false accusations, politically/domestically.... "if you don't give me 10000 bucks, I'll tell them you are abusive and they'll automatically come take all your guns haha" God help any gun owner, in this case, a veteran, who goes through a divorce, or has a nasty sibling demand to inherit everything..."or else" . red flag with no consequences for false claims, no proof, no due process. Really dangerous to our rights. House NDAA Contains “Red Flags” for Armed Service Members Please contact your Representative and tell them to vote “No” on this gun control package. The vote is later this afternoon, so please make a phone call to your Representative (202-225-3121) if you have time. Take the next step in the No Compromise mission and upgrade your GOA membership today! Say “NO!” to Military Court Gun Confiscation Orders Dear Mike, Once again, Nancy Pelosi and her comrades are trying to sneak a gun confiscation scheme through on a giant piece of legislation. In this case, it's H.R. 6395, the William M. (Mac) Thornberry National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021. The section in question, section §542, would authorize an unannounced middle-of-the-night raid of the home of any individual subject to the Uniform Code of Military Conduct (§542(a)) based on a middle of the night ex parte “court” proceeding (§542(i)) initiated by an aggrieved friend or relation, raising unsubstantiated allegations that the serviceman or servicewoman was “abusive.” The gun owner is not entitled to receive notice or give his or her side of the story. The proposed emergency Military Court Gun Confiscation Orders (GCOs) are explicitly exempted from the “Protection of Due Process” provided for in 542(g)(1). In fact, there is no notice before the SWAT Team arrives at 2:00 a.m. -- ready to ransack the house, seize all guns, and, if the target resists, kill the servicemember. This is the new anti-gun agenda of Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, and their anti-gun compatriots. Unlike most “red flag” gun confiscation, this provision leaves most of the details up in the air -- presumably, with the intention that they be filled in by an anti-gun White House. What is the standard of proof for raiding your home? What needs to be proven? What rights do you have to defend your Second Amendment-protected rights? Nancy Pelosi is hoping that all these questions will be answered by a Joe Biden administration. We urge you to contact your Representative and tell him or her to vote against H.R. 6395 so long as it includes Gun Confiscation Orders for our men and women in the United States Military. And because the vote is today, don’t forget to call your Representative at 202-225-3121 if you have time. Tell your Representative that anyone who supports this gun confiscation will be regarded as anti-gun in GOA’s congressional rating. In liberty, Michael Hammond Legislative Counsel Gun Owners of America P.S. Please distribute this alert to your pro-gun family and friends and urge them to Take Action. To renew your GOA membership or to join for the first time, please click here.
  4. Tex, you need to read more. A LOT MORE. Research the internet, it's good for that. My 97 year old Father in Law doesn't research on the computer anymore, but he used to. You have a few decades of time, yes? Public health officials take seriously new research that ... https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/children-may-not-be-super-spreaders-afterall-new-research-suggests-1.5552099 What Australian researchers are calling the first survey on children and the spread of COVID-19 in the class room is turning heads in Canada. The preliminary data suggests kids are not so-called ... Research Shows Students Falling ... - The New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/05/us/coronavirus-education-lost-learning.html Jun 05, 2020 · The abrupt switch to remote learning wiped out academic gains for many students in America, and widened racial and economic gaps. Catching up in the fall won’t be easy.
  5. Research Shows Students Falling ... - The New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/05/us/coronavirus-education-lost-learning.html Jun 05, 2020 · The abrupt switch to remote learning wiped out academic gains for many students in America, and widened racial and economic gaps. Catching up in the fall won’t be easy.
  6. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/children-may-not-be-super-spreaders-afterall-new-research-suggests-1.5552099 Public health officials take seriously new research that children may not be superspreaders after all Survey of Australian coronavirus cases at schools shows almost no transmission to other kids
  7. 'No right decision': Cleveland Clinic pediatrician gives ... https://fox8.com/news/no-right-decision-cleveland-clinic-pediatrician-gives-tips-on... Jul 17, 2020 · ‘No right decision’: Cleveland Clinic pediatrician gives tips on when, if families should send kids back to school News Posted: Jul 17, 2020 / 12:54 PM EDT / Updated: Jul 17, 2020 / 12:54 PM EDT Parents, teachers look anxiously ahead to school - ABC News https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/parents-teachers... 2 days ago · Alessi says parents whose kids do go back to school need to be prepared for a new normal: more independent work in the classroom and less interaction with teachers and peers.
  8. Ask A Doctor: Pediatrician Says Students Should Go Back To ... https://ksltv.com/441388/go-back-to-school Jul 15, 2020 · “Going back to school, it’s going to be hard to keep kids from being close together,” he said. “So that’s why masks are going to be important.” Gottfredson said there are not detrimental effects to wearing masks throughout the day, but he said it can pose a challenge for students to keep them on – especially younger kids.
  9. Here's How Some Countries Are Going Back To School During ... https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/gabriel... Here's How Some Countries Are Going Back To School During The Pandemic. As parents and students across the US prepare for the reality of a returning to the classroom amid the coronavirus pandemic, some schools around the globe have already begun their semesters.
  10. on rootbeer, moron? that all you have, woodpecker? how many times have I explained I type very, very fast? Scientists divided over coronavirus risk to children if ... https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/may/17/... May 17, 2020 · Scientists divided over coronavirus risk to children if schools reopen Some studies show pupils are less likely to become ill if infected, while others show they are as infectious as adults...
  11. it isn't "happy", "smartass". It's if you run in front of a speeding pickup truck on a highway to try to stop it, you learned a lesson - like touching a hot skillet with your hand, sorry, but it's good you learned to not do that stupid thing. Doing really stupid stuff - you get hurt - it's good you weren't killed. no bigotry, STFU with that already. But you got the negative attention you apparently wanted, si?
  12. the blm movement has disgraced itself. calling someone "bigot" over a criticizing a movement is stupid, Tex. You want negative attention that bad or what? what is wrong here? Leo Terrell is a bigot against black people? seriously? Larry Elder is a bigot against black people? they criticized the blm movement.
  13. next, not having a red crescent on your mask will be a violation. I'm going to get a Trump 2020 one next. I have a Browns one.
  14. it's just another way to undermine American culture/society - which isn't predominantly Muslim. It is, however, a voter bloc of sorts, that they can reach out to, to help win elections. So many school districts are a disaster now - no wonder the left wants to concentrate on a minority religion - to undermine Christian parents' teachings. Christian kids have been harrassed around the country, simply for silently praying before they eat their lunch. Or wearing a Christian tshirt. Or reading a Bible during library free reading hrs....etc. But teaching kids to make Muslim prayer rugs, etc - is ok with them. Their "separation of church and state" disappears - in a fit of political leftwing hate. Florida School Teaches Islam Including Prayer Rugs https://culturecampaign.blogspot.com/2015/02/... Florida School Teaches Islam Including Prayer Rugs Ron Wagner, a parent of Lyman High School in Longwood, FL who says he's "not religious," complained that his 10th grade son was forced to make an Islamic prayer rug …
  15. some young people may - if they don't know who the vp is, don't know what our Bill of Rights say. smoke dope. are homeless. I'm sure some will "Imagine" there is pancakes and pot and big piles of gold at the end of the rainbow on the other side of the fence. at this point, voting for biden is voting for us to become venezuela, economy crashes, (cloward-piven), and far more corruption and scandals and malicious prosecutions that eight years of obaMao/biden did to our country.
  16. and they are serious. LOL. what next ? snow? white rabbits? https://www.theblaze.com/unleashed/crosswalk-signals-are-racist
  17. bad for chris wallace LOL LOL he flipped and wants an interview with biden (Pres Trump said he should interview biden) and for biden to come out of his basement. all of a sudden... the msm went silent. No more praise for wallace. that is what emotional knee jerks do.
  18. sorry, that is one of those that pastes in as text only, not an active link. when I edit it, and re-paste the link, it is active and highlighted. I haven't any idea why it's happening.
  19. that's from a woodpecker that has NO life. hasn't done much except sit back and bitch about reality and pretend he's an expert on everything.
  20. haven't respected chris wallace for a long time. he's a biased bigoted hardass to republicans etc, and pussyfoots around with prominent liberals. He belongs on cnn or msnbc. Pres Trump isn't afraid, he went with it. now, biden or obaMao doing an interview with Hannity? Mark Levin? Laura Ingraham? nope. I already saw the interview on fox news. Trump mentioned what I mentioned above, and wallace was ready with a clip of him being mean to comey in an interview. the trouble is, comey isn't a prominent politician - his retort video was off the mark and proved nothing.
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