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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. not seeing it. There are sub-cultural issues, sure. raising hell and rioting over fake issues like "hands up don't shoot", which was a farce, doesn't mean race issues. it means a feeble excuse to plunder and raise all hell. The knee on the neck murder was sickening, most of us said that - but the riots in Portland? 53 days of helter skelter riots, arson, murders, rapes, whatever? doesn't mean "race issues". It means marxist/communist issues.
  2. https://www.theblaze.com/news/california-new-york-coronavirus-surge California close to passing New York as state with highest number of coronavirus cases The state is ordering lockdown measures again after surge in cases
  3. https://www.theblaze.com/news/yale-professor-hydroxychloroquine-100-000-lives you can't be objective, then you are hurting your country, and hurting a lot of folks with covid that could be helped.
  4. good thing your feathers keep you afloat, for all the time you swim in Egypt. I made a great point. It happens that that is part of it. Prove me wrong, or stop chirping, woodpecker.
  5. and several TDS'ers have posted the Lincoln Project as their source .... wow. "useful idiots" ? More like, "sheeple, easily herded"
  6. banning Christianity in schools vs teaching Islam with prayer rugs = teaching/learning algebra. what the....... ?????????????? another change of subject again.
  7. THANK GOD FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP. what more can the left try to corrupt our upcoming election? outside of get rid of the electoral college, put their blackshirt/brownshirt "protesters" in front of every polling place in conservative-trend districts......and easy to abuse with fraud mass mail in votes......
  8. my Wife just got me to watch that news on TV - unbelievable corruption. He's a disgrace. He's a republican, too - I expected him to be a democrat. lol
  9. Here's a look at the 10 states with the most cases: 1. New York: 407,326 cases (in the BLUE- that's the highest levels) 2. California: 398,751 cases (in the BLUE- that's the highest levels) 3. Florida: 360,394 cases (in the BLUE- that's the highest levels) 4. Texas: 343,783 cases (in the BLUE- that's the highest levels) 5. New Jersey: 176,963 cases (in the Green- that's the high level below blue) 6. Illinois: 163,922 cases (in the Green- that's the high level below blue) 7. Georgia: 145,582 cases (in the Green- that's the high level below blue) 8. Arizona: 145,183 cases (in the Green- that's the high level below blue) 9. Massachusetts: 113,789 cases (in the Green- that's the high level below blue) 10. Pennsylvania: 101,738 cases (in the ORANGE - that's the MID level below green) There. Facts. Correlated illegals' highest population in states...with the worst states for covid19.
  10. this is another failed gotcha attempt by the pathetic woodypeckerhead - illegals travel.
  11. apparently, woodpeckers can't get corvid19.....they apparently have closed minds and sinuses, and little fibers in their throat filter out corona virus, but they can be very contagious spreaders. this isn't common knowledge, though. COVID-19 And Pet Birds – Pet Birds by Lafeber Co. https://lafeber.com/pet-birds/covid-19-and-pet-birds Mar 15, 2020 · Bird species found to have coronavirus include pigeons, pheasants, chickens, and turkeys. Typically, coronaviruses are problematic in young animals but mild or asymptomatic in adults. The virus mostly is found in respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts, causing problems in …
  12. biden has always been extremely dishonest. a LIAR. PLAGIARIZER. Dishonest PATRONIZER.
  13. well, apparently teaching kids to pray to Allah on prayer rugs the had to make for class, is just educational. and keeping God and silent prayers by Christian kids is educational too - educating them to not believe what the Christian parents have taught them. It's also a leftwing cultural attack on an American institution - the Family. One wife. per the Bible. So, they kick God/Bible out of the school system entirely - even berating children for silently praying to themselves before eating lunch, or wearing a Christian t-shirt. or a Christian sticker on their notebook. but teaching them about Islam - leftwing school teachers - prayer rugs, multiple wives. of course, polygamy is illegal. a lot of anti-Real American things are illegal, but they happen. https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=90857818 Some Muslims in U.S. Quietly Engage in Polygamy
  14. I believe this was an attack by the chinese communists on US. not Japan or S. Korea. china HATES not being able to get the United States to bow to them, be terrified of them, and not letting them make fools of us in very, very bad trade deals. they HATE us being a military superior country, we can't let that change, or they will go to war with us. I believe they let loose this virus on purpose, to undermine us hugely - our economy, our military - to try to influence the American people to be afraid of them enough that they will vote for biden. biden will bend over for them - they made his son rich, right? here's facts, Hoorta: 367,710 coronavirus tests administered in the U.S. as of Wednesday. South Korea, by comparison, has conducted 357,896 tests, according to public health officials there. Assuming those numbers are accurate, the U.S. has exceeded South Korea in terms of raw tests. just because we are 6 times the population of S. Korea, it's TDS stupid to figure we should have tested six times more. You can only develop ACCURATE TESTS so fast. and it hurt that the WHO and china, AGAIN... lied about covid - they insisted it was NOT TRANSMISSIBLE from person to person. That put the entire rest of the world behind the eight ball, as it was spreading like wildfire all around the world. and, tests given/sold by china - were inaccurate - did NOT work. but libs will be happy to know - that china has forced labor to make PPE's in factories, to sell around the world. China used Uighur labor to make PPE, including US exports ... https://www.businessinsider.com/china-ppe-exports-uighur-labor-nyt-2020-7 6 hours ago · The New York Times identified companies across China that use Uighur labor to make PPE, like face masks, that were then exported around the world. China uses Uighur forced labour to make face masks as part ... https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8543927/... 11 hours ago · China uses Uighur forced labour to mass produce face masks during coronavirus pandemic as part of Muslim re-education programme, report claims Chinese companies are forcing Muslims to mass produce...
  15. nope, nothing postive, a hell of a lot dangerously destructive, hateful, and violent.
  16. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/blm-supporters-ambush-murder-young-white-mother-saying-all-lives-matter?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=miximedia&utm_campaign=zerohedge BLM Supporters Ambush, Murder Young White Mother For Saying 'All Lives Matter' The mother of a 3-year-old boy was shot dead in an ambush over the 4th of July weekend after telling a group of Black Lives Matter supporters that 'all lives matter.'
  17. Tex - try the link above - it gives a list of sites, and that one is first on the list. It should open. very strange.
  18. you're right. I was right there reading the article, and reposted the link...and it crashes in a "404" error. what the.... https://www.bing.com/search?q=Children may not be superspreaders of COVID-19 after all ...https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/children-may...On the eve of the start of a new school year in Australia, the same physical distancing measures used during the winter term will return. (Australian Broadcasting Corp) What Australian researchers...&form=IPRV10
  19. thanks to lies by the commie chinese, we had NO WAY of containing covid - no country on earth has done it well. and polls? whatever. polls said hillary was going to win in a landslide, too. Biden doesn't have to....biden is AFRAID to. Biden is an empty suit with an added brain. Dude - America is better off with Pres Trump's annoying tweets. Try to be fair and balanced, you would do better. lol
  20. Thank GOD we will always have our 2nd Amendment https://pjmedia.com/columns/stacey-lennox/2020/06/22/john-kerry-warns-of-revolution-in-november-if-trump-wins-while-he-lays-the-foundation-for-it-n560198
  21. the draft picks are the clincher for me. I'm amazed at the strong criteria they went by (*football player/work ethic/character" )of their picks. So many picks in the past have looked really good on paper. but the 4th round lb who never even made it to training camp for serious legal problems? drunkard qb? stoned wr? OL that didn't really want to fight on the plays? again and again and.... this last draft rocked - we'll see just how much a dramatic difference that makes when ? they start the season this year.
  22. Like I said, Hoorta, look at the long list of great things Pres Trump and co have done for America. you haters can't name one great thing obamao/biden did during their eight years. that is very, very bad.
  23. and now, for the rest of the story. Here's an interview with obaMao. read how the questions go. No gotcha questions. Only about syria...russia. chemical weapons... not one question about domestic policy, domestic controversy. Not one. that is the difference, folks.
  24. only leftwing bigots FEEEELLLL that one person is representative of millions of people in a group. emotional kneejerkie. again.
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