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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. Joe Pientka is an American FBI agent. Pientka is famously known for participating in the January 2017 interview at the White House. The interview led to Michael Flynn’s prosecution. Nonetheless, Pientka was also involved in everything corrupt that entailed Michael Flynn.
  2. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/07/gregg-jarrett-fbi-director-chris-wray-hiding-joe-pientka-investigators-hid-documents-4-years-prove-trumps-innocence-video/ Gregg Jarrett: FBI Director Chris Wray Is Hiding Joe Pientka from Investigators – Hid Documents for 4 Years that Prove Trump’s Innocence (VIDEO)
  3. Dark and Dirty FBI Agent Joe Pientka Is Under Protective ... https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/01/dark-and... Jan 27, 2020 · The FBI has done all it can to hide Joe Pientka, the corrupt cop at the FBI, who’s part of most all the criminal activities involving the coup of candidate and President Trump. This corrupt cop was involved in everything and the FBI …
  4. Biden has always been against the 2nd Amendment. He says the same thing about semi-auto rifles and pistols that are .22 LR, that he does about a 5.56 AR-15. just extremely stupid. https://www.ammoland.com/2019/04/joe-biden-has-long-been-hostile-to-the-second-amendment/#axzz6T4oGSnUK
  5. otherwise... https://defconnews.com/2020/02/09/joe-biden-says-the-2nd-amendment-doesnt-guarantee-the-right-to-own-any-weapon-at-all/ "Biden: “Those who say ‘the tree of liberty is watered with the blood of patriots’ — a great line, well, guess what: The fact is, if you’re going to take on the government you need an F-15 with Hellfire Missiles. There is no way an AK-47 is going to take care of you.” pic.twitter.com/npmW40DHS2 — Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) February 9, 2020 “Those who say ‘the tree of liberty is watered with the blood of patriots, a great line, well, guess what: The fact is, if you’re going to take on the government you need an F-15 with Hellfire Missiles. There is no way an AK-47 is going to take care of you if you’re going take on, worried about the government coming down, knocking on your door,” started Biden. This is a BS line Biden has used before, but he treaded on some new unconstitutionality with this: “And so it’s bizarre, we never said you could own any weapon at all from the beginning,” claimed Biden."
  6. liberal school districts don't teach physics anyways - they teach gay stuff, hate Pres Trump stuff, despise America stuff, despise Israel stuff, trans stuff, and irresponsible sex stuff, and abortion is good stuff. Parents would do a hell of a lot better job teaching physics.
  7. what is wrong with you? the subject has nothing to do with dems or reps.
  8. yeah, drugs are a "non-violent crime". just tragic. I"m sure biden, pelosi and madmaxine waters will be outraged at the behavior of the paramedics and police. the left is turning America inside out, upside down, and bass-ackwards. it's all HATE.
  9. seriously. it's time to call out the BLM violent leftwing radicals. Time to walk away from the blm. https://www.theblaze.com/glenn-beck-special/black-lives-matter-exposed EXPOSED: BLM unites with Islamists and communists to DISMANTLE the West
  10. anyone doing that should be shot. Plain and simple. https://www.theblaze.com/news/federal-officers-blinded-by-lasers
  11. to make her look bad in court. this is obaMao/biden/democrat encouraged corruption. would anybody want it to happen to them? https://www.theblaze.com/news/gun-couple-mccloskey-inoperable-st-louis-prosecutor The handgun Patricia McCloskey was armed with when a large group of protesters marched near her home in St. Louis was inoperable when seized by police. A St. Louis prosecutor ordered the crime lab to dismantle and then reassemble the firearm to make it functional, according to a report from KSDK-TV.
  12. yep, I did. It's sickening. blm is a disgrace
  13. You mean, "you have to FEEL like woody.....liberals dont' think, they feel issues. that's why facts don't matter, logic doesn't matte, the all the great things that Pres Trump and co. have ACCOMPLISHED FOR AMERICA don't matter. he does annoying tweets, so they FEEL UNHAPPY about the tweets.
  14. well, the categories I did mention include a lot of democrats, but point well taken.
  15. China: What We Must Do, What We Must Not Do https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/16082/china-what-we-must-do Jun 01, 2020 · We have to remember that China's 2017 National Intelligence Law requires every Chinese citizen and every Chinese entity to spy if demanded, which means that …
  16. Rick Scott says every Chinese citizen is a Communist spy ... https://floridapolitics.com/archives/335857-scott-china-communist-spy In the New Cold War with China, every mainland citizen is a Communist spy, claimed Sen. Rick Scott on Wednesday. The comments, made on the Fox Business network during an interview with Stuart... China Infiltrates American Universities | Wrong Planet ... https://wrongplanet.net/forums/viewtopic.php?t=388157 Jun 27, 2020 · Therefore is someone from China is in the U.S. and holds technical information that the Chinese communist party ring desired, they would threaten the family still left in China (parents, wife, children, aunts and uncles, etc.) with death or a quick trip to the labor camps if a person refused to spy.
  17. China accused of efforts to 'infiltrate' US colleges as ... https://www.foxnews.com/politics/chinese-efforts... Republicans have said it's "crazy" that America is reliant on China, a communist adversary, for critical supplies including antibiotics. China, Trump said, had conclusively misled the world on the ... The Chinese Communist Party’s Military-Civil Fusion Policy ... https://www.state.gov/military-civil-fusion Military-Civil Fusion is a national strategy of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to develop the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) into a “world class military” by 2049. Under MCF, the CCP is acquiring the intellectual property, key research, and technological advances of the world’s citizens, researchers, scholars, and private industry in ... Trump: U.S. Out Of WHO; No More Chinese Spies Posing as ... https://www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/politics/... President Trump announced the end of U.S. membership in the World Health Organization yesterday, and he also suspended the entry into the United States of “students and researchers” from Communist... Harvard professor's arrest shows Chinese spying via US ... https://www.centerforsecuritypolicy.org/2020/01/30/harvard-china-spy Jan 30, 2020 · Espionage against America’s universities surfaced again when the FBI arrested a prominent Harvard professor as an alleged part of a Communist Chinese spy operation. The recent arrests of Harvard Professor Charles Lieber, a Chinese People’s Liberation Army officer, and a second Chinese national in Boston, show that Beijing – among others – uses American academic institutions …
  18. Chinese espionage in the United States - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_intelligence... China is alleged to have begun a widespread effort to acquire U.S. military technology and classified information and the trade secrets of U.S. companies. The Chinese government is accused of stealing trade secrets and technology, often from companies in the United States, to help support its long-term military and commercial development. China has been accused of using a number of methods to ... Chinese spy who defected tells all - Washington Times https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2009/mar/19/... Mar 19, 2009 · A veteran Chinese intelligence officer who defected to the United States says that his country’s civilian spy service spends most of its time trying to steal secrets overseas but also works to...
  19. Inside the Ring: China uses students as spies - Washington ... https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/apr/25/... Apr 25, 2018 · A senior U.S. counterintelligence official recently said publicly what many officials and experts have been warning privately for years: China is using its large student population in the United ... US to expel Chinese students with ties to military schools ... https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8365229/... May 28, 2020 · US to expel Chinese students with ties to military schools as Pompeo announces move to will strip Hong Kong of its special status. The plans could see 3,000 exchange students from China …
  20. Gordon Chang to Newsmax TV: China Attacking US ... https://www.newsmax.com/newsfront/gordonchang... May 28, 2020 · Author and China expert Gordon Chang praised Newsmax TV reports of plans to cancel the visas of thousands of Chinese graduate students with ties to China’s military by the administration of President Donald Trump because the Asian communist government was “relentlessly” attacking America’s sovereignty. “We’re really at a point where we don’t have a choice if we want to maintain ...
  21. the left wants all the power permantely by any means necessary. corruption in elections, corruption in obaMao/biden's DOJ, CIA, NSA, FBI etc holdovers... if Pres Trump isn't re-elected...America is DONE. as in, venezuela, folks.
  22. I still think masks will do a lot of help - to keep from breathing in a water droplet in the air. It is not valid to think the virus floats around by itself. It doesn't - it's in a water droplet coughed out in the air, rubbed off on surfaces.....for your own sakes - WEAR MASKS. There are plenty of really cheap homemade masks out there that might not. We by ours from a private maker who makes them seriously multi-layered with mask cloth inside. that masks don't stop the virus is NOT TRUE. Read: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/06/11/fact-check-n-95-filters-not-too-large-stop-covid-19-particles/5343537002/ ************************************************************************************************* "The virus attaches to water droplets or aerosols (i.e. really small droplets) that are generated by breathing, talking, coughing, etc. These consist of water, mucus protein and other biological material and are all larger than 1 micron. “Breathing and talking generate particles around 1 micron in size, which will be collected by N95 respirator filters with very high efficiency,” said Lisa Brosseau, a retired professor of environmental and occupational health sciences who spent her career researching respiratory protection." **************************************************************************************************
  23. wouldn't know, the "experts" disagree on everything, it is what he has to go by. Your biden isn't cognitive enough to president for one day, that is YOU being thrown under the bus. You don't have a legit option other than saving America by voting for Pres Trump again.
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