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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. warped childish dreams of marxist/communist utopia. they would never be that way, except for not knowing history at all.
  2. this is who they are. the only way they can get the power they crave - is to be out in front of the marxist movement, whatever it takes. socialism --->communism
  3. chicago is one of the very worst democrat marxist hell holes. Pres Trump doesn't win in NOV, and most of America will be chicago. as in... venezuela
  4. already they were idiots, now they are ready for armed insurrection, and got shot by their own; getting more and more dangerous. https://www.theblaze.com/news/shooting-louisville-nfac-militia-shot Three armed protesters accidentally shot by their own militia member during Louisville demonstrations
  5. yep. He is 100% defending our 2nd Amendment - I don't care if he never went hunting or owns a gun.
  6. fauci is dirty. Fauci Yet Again Proves He Doesn't Believe a Word of the ... https://www.redstate.com/michael_thau/2020/07/24/fauci-yet-again-proves-he 22 hours ago · In Fauci’s case, we’ve known for a while now that he never believed a word of that BS he’s peddled that COVID-19 is “ten times more lethal than the flu.” He didn’t dare try to pass it off on other experts too knowledgable to fall for bogus stats and said it was likely “akin to a severe seasonal flu” in the pages of the New ...
  7. https://madworldnews.com/fauci-political-ties-jim-acosta/ Fauci Troubling Political Ties Exposed After He ‘Signals’ Jim Acosta At Presser "On Monday, ABC’s Jon Karl invited a known propagandist for the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) into the briefing room to question President Trump. Karl is currently the head of the White House Correspondents Association (WHCA) and selects the journalists who will participate in the White House daily briefing. The CCP so-called journalist tried to antagonize Trump by screeching at him: “Why aren’t you working with China? Are you going to help China?” (Advertisement Below) Trump called out the hostile CCP journalist after she lied and claimed she did not work for the CCP. However, what caught people’s attention was right after the presser ended, Dr. Fauci was caught “thanking” the ABC reporter. It appeared as if Fauci and Jon Karl were in cahoots to set up Trump. Now, that “conspiracy theory” may not be so crazy as highly regarded conservative reporters were caught aghast when Fauci did it again. On Wednesday, at another briefing, CNN’s Jim Acosta had a similar antagonistic exchange with President Trump. Once again Fauci hangs back to give Acosta a similar signal. Subtle like a brick through a window:"
  8. speaking out from california is automatically discrediting. they can shove it and nasty pelosi, too.
  9. simple - pepperoni rolls. 1 package of Rhodes rolls package of pepparoni package of mozzarella cheese. let rolls soften on tray, when soft enough, but not too soft and sticky - flatten them out, add about 4 pieces of pepperoni + 4 pieces of cheese. roll up, put on tray in warm place, let rise. bake about 350 degrees til the tops are brown = add root beer... they are the best.
  10. getting to know the Scottish Hammer - I think the Browns lockerroom is going to rock.
  11. not much Browns news - but let's look at some super secret weapons that will make a huge difference in the Browns now - collectively - it means serious football wins for the Browns. First off, one the most secret and admirable, er...and amazing secret weapons is... the Scottish Hammer. Here's a video about his workouts:
  12. I believe it's significant because the guys they drafted WANT TO PLAY FOOTBALL and the contracts were fair. It's the difference between drafting guys who hold out, think it's cool to miss some/a lot of training camp, etc. Also, it means you drafted players with no screwed up agents.
  13. scary stuff: Emotionalism, immorality demolishes honest critical thinking, destroys democracy Former KGB Agent, Yuri Bezmenov, Warns America About Socialist Subversion
  14. God BLESS her ! I hope to see her on Hannity, etc etc etc. Please get this message out. For those who know history, what is now going on in America is alarming. She and the rest have lived through this. I dental assistant told me this stuff about three years ago. Her words were serious, and her warnings have started coming true. So many people have died from socialist tyranny - fascists "hate fascism" as a cover for them getting the power to be fascists. Americans need to drop being manipulated to hate and ridicule everything about us - it's becoming dangerous to America now. Listen to her. At the farmer's market a few years ago - a friend from Yugoslavia escaped from it. When times were slow...one day he was telling me all about it. I should go find him I think. He loves America so deeply, he loved the freedom here. He and his Wife did some of the greatest baked goods......some of his stories were heart-breaking. Sadly, hate like a cancer grows. America needs to stop it before it's too late.
  15. of course it does - the left is desperate to enable fraud. NO ID ? WTF? after demanding open borders? this leftwing circus has become America's nightmare.
  16. you link has a bunch of images, I don't get it. the CDC has gone politically corrupted/inefficient. It has been months - truth is, the big city schools, or maybe some urban area where there is a huge outbreak - I wouldn't open schools. It isn't valid to say "ALL SCHOOLS or NO SCHOOLS". the communist chinese CREATED this worldwise disaster. blaming Pres Trump is just TDS. Meaning, it's irrational, unfair, blind sombeitch attacks. no merit. as far as schools reopening - the left has made everything part of their political war over losing the last pres election. IT's stupid, and very, very destructive, to our country, and it has demolished the false narrative that they deserved to have won the last one. They won't win this time, either, they've gone further and further into stupid hate poltiics. Collectively, school districts have to be HONEST and GENUINE about safetly opening schools back up, or not opening. I meantioned before - our friends' daughter is in band. The school will have a regular football season, but no marching band. Does this make any freaking sense to anybody? Football sells tickets? and Band parents, they hope, will hate Pres Trump? What the hell is wrong with TDS people? We have friends who went to work every workday all during this crisis. NOBODY ever got sick. We had plans to go camping with different friends, and we all had to cancel all our vacations. Several members of PRes Trump's team of experts constantly disagreed with fauci - I don't know why he ended up being a mouthpiece. I suppose he volunteered. He caught hell during the HINI? virus (obaMao) and I don't remember anybody, any where, blaming obaMao for any freaking thing. I honestly think the left WANTS to be infected with covid19, so they can make Pres Trump lose the election. Wouldn't surprise me one bit. Sadly, far too many leftwing school districts will not open until just after maybe Pres Trump loses in Nov. Not going to happen - because the left acts on their twisted emotions, and what they do ends up accomplishing the OPPOSITE of what they allegedly intended. Usually, in the past, their ulterior emotional self-serving motives are kept hidden. Now they are out in the open. America sees it. Pres Trump MUST be re-elected, or our America is lost to corruption, and leftwing bigotry and crime on steriods, from our gov, all the way down to cities and towns near all of us.
  17. well, you want me to name the scandals that were absolutely legit during the obaMao/biden years? then Hoorta can name the fake non-scandals since he lost the election, and his smooched up posters of obamao and higgardly lost all value. But he's fine - he has his little bird friend. eight years of freaking scandals and NOTHING done to fix any problem, and Hoorta and woodpecker had nothing to complain about.
  18. getting very bad.The time to stop this garbage is now, and on Nov 3. and a vote for a fake real party, or biden is not going to do it. https://www.redstate.com/nick-arama/2020/07/23/watch-tiny-little-kids-led-to-portland-federal-courthouse-encouraged-to-use-vile-curses-against-police/
  19. did I mention that if Pres Trump loses, America is lost? venezuela is what we will become. https://www.redstate.com/diary/colonel-race/2020/07/24/another-reason-why-trump-wins/
  20. not even democrats should vote for democrats anymore. apprehending https://www.redstate.com/shipwreckedcrew/2020/07/24/minnesota-attorney-general-keith-ellison-we-are-not-interested-in-apprehending-rapists/
  21. lol except his expert medical scientists say HE LISTENS TO THEM. therefore, "thinks he knows more than them" is another false TDS narrative. Pres Trump will win. Stay tuned.
  22. forget baseball then. Never was a huge fan, cept back in the day when the Browns were in hiatus.
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