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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. eh.... biden will stay in as long as it looks like marxist rioting will happen. otherwise, he won't really debate Pres Trump. Hell, he won't even be interviewed by Chris Wallace - a notorious hardline interviewer - for conservatives.... that is cowardice.
  2. and yet, you are the kettle calling the pot "black". not racist analogy, either.
  3. Hoorta and his little woodpecker are worse than politically bigoted - they are defiantly locked in to their emotions that make them blind to reality. the reality is, the democrats are condoning all this violence by the marxist left, meaning, BLM etc. their obaMao started a race war of sorts, we are just seeing indications of the very beginning. that beginning is bad enough - vote for a dem president, and all hell breaks loose. Hoorta a big republican? woodpecker is mainstream middle? LOL LOL that is like me saying I'm a communist but I am going to vote republican for the first time. It's all troll nonsense. those two can forget any cred when they come up with ONE good or great thing their obaMao/biden did for America in EIGHT FREAKIN DESTRUCTIVE LEGTI SCANDAL=RIDDEN FALL APART YEARS. just one. or stick a cork in thinking that they are worth listening to. it's bs.
  4. that's also part of It, my guess. and again, https://www.theblaze.com/glenn-radio/leaked-documents-reveal-seattle-plan?rebelltitem=1#rebelltitem1BOMBSHELL: Leaked documents reveal Seattle City Council's plan to abolish FAR MORE than the police The 'white supremacist institution' must be DISMANTLED
  5. most folks are bewildered by this happening. but there are reasons portand etc are doing it. it's bigger than most folks imagine: https://www.theblaze.com/glenn-radio/leaked-documents-reveal-seattle-plan?rebelltitem=1#rebelltitem1 BOMBSHELL: Leaked documents reveal Seattle City Council's plan to abolish FAR MORE than the police The 'white supremacist institution' must be DISMANTLED
  6. always? not true. I haven't accused you of that but every so often. why, not today, last week, .... 'always' - the emotional knee jerk refuge of haters. lol
  7. https://www.foxnews.com/world/george-soros-transfers-18-billion-to-his-liberal-philanthropic-foundation "Soros, 87, has used his stash of money to place his stamp and influence on more than 100 organizations in more than 100 countries, spanning five continents. He's pumped money into Planned Parenthood and the Black Lives Matter movement and contributed $1.4 million to help pass a California law that would make drug possession and minor theft charges misdemeanors." "Soros has long been a strong opponent of Trump's, pouring millions of dollars into Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton's campaign during the election. "
  8. Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) https://www.discoverthenetworks.org/organizations/... Jul 24, 2020 · Founded in 1985, the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) is a revolutionary socialist and Marxist-Leninist entity that is today rooted “primarily in the labor movement, the African-American struggle, the gay and lesbian movements, anti-intervention movements, and the student movement.” It grew initially out of a merger between the Proletarian Unity League and the …
  9. I think you want everything closed, destroy the economy, so your Biden would have a chance at winning. not gonna happen.
  10. when liberals do admit reality... they get honest real fast. mega-changes of opinion direction.
  11. not all that much with republicans. a lot of reps gave obaMao commie the beneifit of the doubt, and found out he lied and lied and betrayed, and lied. scandals, scandals, do nothing but cause division, solved no problem....... not one liberal on this board has come up with ONE GOOD OR GREAT thing obamao/biden did in eight years. that is very, very bad. Hoorta/woodpecker - just name ONE. JUST ONE FREAKING EXAMPLE. You should learn to THINK instead of troll rage.
  12. on Fox News, it says violent riots are happening in cities all over the U.S. I was talking to a company I ordered a few things from - the gal said they were in a suburb of Minneapolis. she said a lot of them are afraid = and it is happening overseas, too. the marxist movement is global.
  13. stopping the CDC is GREAT LEADERSHIP by Pres Trump ! get serious, Tex. CDC Scientist Whisteblowers Confirm Corruption Within the CDC https://vaccineimpact.com/2017/cdc-scientist-whist... As the rats scurried and the paper tiger corporate media roared, it appeared that the fuse had been lit to finally shed light on the longtime CDC corruption. It was in 2014 the CDC senior research scientist Dr. William Thompson publicly admitted that he, and his coauthors, committed research fraud during the agency’s 2004 autism-MMR study.
  14. HUGE: MASSIVE CDC FRAUD UNCOVERED - CDC Grossly ... https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/07/huge... Jul 01, 2020 · A report released Thursday from the Government Accountability Office levied criticism at the CDC for combining active cases of the coronavirus and positive antibody tests, which may give a misleading view of nationwide testing and spread. Do You Think The CDC Is … Author: Joe Hoft CDC Corruption: A Betrayal Of Public Trust - HoneyColony https://www.honeycolony.com/article/cdc-corruption-a-betrayal-of-public-trust Nov 25, 2016 · The HHS Inspector General’s investigation of corruption into the CDC’s vaccine division, which painted the CDC as a hopelessly corrupted arm of the pharmaceutical industry. CDC has allowed vaccine industry profiteers to make millions by serving on advisory boards that add new vaccines to the schedule.“In a typical example, Dr. Paul Offit, in 1999, sat on the CDC’s vaccine advisory … Author: Jan Wellmann CDC and WHO Corrupt Financial Entanglements with the ... https://childrenshealthdefense.org/cdc-who CDC Scientists Expose Agency Corruption A letter sent by more than a dozen senior CDC scientists charging the agency with nursing an atmosphere of pervasive research fraud. The group, which claimed to represent scientists across the CDC’s diverse branches, calls itself SPIDER (Scientists Preserving Integrity, Diligence and Ethics in Research).
  15. bs, dude. the CDC was corrupted years ago, so was the WHO. 5 Examples Show That The CDC Is Corrupt And Dangerous https://www.naturalblaze.com/2014/09/5-examples... Sep 05, 2014 · 5 Examples Show That The CDC Is Corrupt And Dangerous. Over the years, the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) has repeatedly deceived and lied to the public, yet they continue to state that their mission is to protect America from health, safety and security threats, both foreign and in the U.S. Yes, Mom, the CDC Is Part of the Deep State, Too https://www.redstate.com/stu-in-sd/2020/03/17/yes... Mar 17, 2020 · Now that the CDC (and the National Institute of Health) are in our cross-hairs, we are learning that those organizations were infected by the same Obama-corruption virus, too. And why wouldn’t they be susceptible, as the preponderance of federal civil servants are after all Democrats?
  16. “The CDC is actually a vaccine company.” — Robert F ... https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2020/04/09/the... Apr 09, 2020 · We cannot trust this corrupt organization with our health. The CDC has a large financial interest in pushing untested vaccines on the public. WHO is even more under the control of Big Pharma. The organization is corrupt beyond the meaning of the word. “The WHO is a sock puppet for the pharmaceutical industry.”. — Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
  17. so, what is your excuse woodpecker? willful or inherent in your feather brain?
  18. Trump has shown GREAT leadership. How the bleep has he accomplished the long list of great things, if not for leadership? totally TDS ignorant to deny it.
  19. I have no use for JAF's gigantic nonsense thread, but, whatever. At least JAF has the courage to believe in something. you believe in nothing, woodpecker. you just smartass off on every subject because you want to find a special friend.
  20. " For the past several decades, free nations mistakenly thought that as long as they keep engaging China, engaging the CCP, eventually with economic liberation -- the CCP would change. The Chinese system would become a more liberal and open society like ours. Secretary Pompeo in his speech recognized that this assumption was wrong and it's been wrong for several decades." " the old washington dc malaise let all this happen. it takes sincerity and leadership to stop it.
  21. Larry Elder and Condoleeza Rice, Dr. Thomas Sowell, Denzell Washington...Candace Owens.. - etc etc etc - are heroes. Vambo posted an outstanding video there.
  22. So, none of those men above were perfect. Nobody is. Pres Trump isn't a great orator, he isn't perfect. But the ideals he says he stands for, he shows by his actions. He's kept his promises diligently. Not all that charming at all. He isn't a politician - he's an outsider. That is why we elected him. To stop the political corruption and cowardice of the politics of both sides. But the democratic party...is no more. Gone off the deep end, totally. It can't be fixed, if ever, by continuing voting for them as they are right now. I think...they won't stop growing into a monster until they get totally hammered in Nov. Somewhere along the way, bureaucracy in Washington became a nothing-gets-fixed monster. Was there anybody in America who admired lbj or nixon? I don't know. But clinton, bushes, ford, obamao, carter....etc etc etc. Nothing changed, it was always same old, same old. well, except for lbj blowing up vietnam out of what it started out to be. and carter demolishing our economy. Washington gov was so entrenched, it just kept the power to stay the same. Poverty, taxes are too damn high, lofty promises that went nowhere, corruption, etc etc. Pres Trump - not perfect by any stretch. But he's kept his promises, and as an outsider, he isn't Washington do nothing. and the things they have done, attempted to do, are good for America. He isn't inspiring that much, and can be annoying often. etc etc etc. It's his actions for America that deserve a second term, not his charm or inspiration. But the choice is biden and ? If he won, nothing would get fixed, nothing would change, they would go control of gov on steriods to keep control once and for all... and our freedom goes by the wayside. The more we are learning about what they did - spying on the Trump team, and in strzok's own words - we will stop him from being president - and talked about an "insurance policy" when his mistress page asked, but what if he DID win? since when have prominent dems supported outrageous and extremely violent and destructive brownshirt/blackshirt behavior on the streets of out cities? and supported defunding all police depts? that isn't rational, folks. It's a sickness of corrupt power. and it's the democrat leftists who are doing it. I never liked Trump, had no use for his show on tv, etc. He isn't Washington, though, and he has kept his promises. that is enough to be the best chance to help America stay America. and Trump showed that the obaMao/biden "new normal" of poor economy with more and more giant government...was just another lie. He is excellent for AMERICAN business. Voters choice. There doesn't seem to be but one choice for America.
  23. When I was a kid, I admired JFK. He inspired, loved America, and brought us together as much as anyone could. He wasn't perfect, sure. I also admired Bobby Kennedy. Ronald Reagan - I also admired. His love for America shined - Reagan inspired. Even Tip O'Neal couldn't help but admire Reagan. They had serious charm. That is it for presidents with me, during my days. Sad, isn't it? Hubert Humphrey, ran for president, lost, but was an admirable man. Before my time, I admire Washington and Lincoln. and T.D.R. They weren't perfect, either. Growing up, they tended to brilliant scallywags, ornery, stubborn... but they became great leaders in life. The history of, say, Thomas Jefferson. owned hundreds of slaves - inherited a plantation. Bad, bad, bad. What a lot of folks don't know, because they don't know history, is that Thomas Jefferson worked tirelessly to incorporate anti-slavery legislation into our Declaration of Independence. I have read that in the past. It was also in a book I've read this year. https://www.history.com/news/declaration-of-independence-deleted-anti-slavery-clause-jefferson "What isn’t widely known, however, is that Founding Father Thomas Jefferson, in an early version of the Declaration, drafted a 168-word passage that condemned slavery as one of the many evils foisted upon the colonies by the British crown. The passage was cut from the final wording. "
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