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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. it's sad. it plays into their desperation politics, so they encourage it, then deny it is happening. not good for our country. good for them if they can make folks terrified of going to their local polling places, especially in big cities.
  2. Come on, seriously, Woody. You smart off about the group being "thrown" together within the last ten days. what is the criteria for a new group being allowed to speak out? I posted about psychosomatic illnesses. I have no idea, you don't either. but one of the dr.s, even if they are goofy and wrong about something, doesn't deny the other nine from having a valid point about hydroxi. What if she HAS treated 350 patients and none of them died? you ridiculed the group about being "frontline" and I defined frontline for you and told you at least one of them is an emergency room physician currently. You are politically dissing the group in terms of your complaining they aren't perfect enough. The Yale prof isn't perfect enough. and on and on it goes. Pres Trump's own Navy doctor put him on it. All sorts of information now, is coming out - hydroxi doesn't work when it is given too late. Maybe that is like a rabies shot or tetanus shot. You have to take them in time or it won't save you. You are making assumptions that aren't valid, your information is restricted to bits and pieces, cherry picked.
  3. oh, bs. you jumped in with assumptions. Do you really feeeel that if a gay parade took place, 97%/95% whatever...would be straight? because gallop polling says that the gay population is about 4.x percent? ???????? come on, now.
  4. hopefully it was some kind of mistake? a shipping computer went wild? the world is getting to be a "smaller" place all the time. and hopefully, not plants that would affect our crop production. That would be tragic. viruses, crowding out, ruining hay, poisoning stock............ Dutch Elm disease came from Asia. crap. Dutch elm disease - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dutch_elm_disease Dutch elm disease (DED) is caused by a member of the sac fungi (Ascomycota) affecting elm trees, and is spread by elm bark beetles. Although believed to be originally native to Asia, the disease was accidentally introduced into America and Europe, where it has devastated native populations of elms that did not have resistance to the disease.
  5. egad, a lot of changes should be made: change investments... stock up on ammo buy a used gun for defense or hunting... fill all gas tanks, buy extra... all sorts of changes. Our country is done. Stock up on food, smartly...water... historically, our society/country could entirely crash. Nobody really knows how bad it would be - but be prepared for the worst. America won't be America any more. We'll be done.
  6. a friend's son and his girlfriend are moving to Colorado - a ways north of Denver. We'll have to go out and visit them. I just checked...I'm good in most states except the N east coast, california, illinois, minnesota nor oregon. On the N east coast - still, Maine is good, and NH and Vermont ! are good. Has grown since I checked it last year. Ohio ccw license is good a most states: very excellent. No vacations anymore where you don't have to worry about safety of you and your family. Like no more leaving your door unlocked at night at home.... https://www.usacarry.com/concealed_carry_permit_reciprocity_maps.html (for OHIO) Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming
  7. did you even make it to the fourth grade? you equated the percentage of the black population in the U.S. with the % of BLM members who are in BLM rallies. You have no idea, you just want to try to make yourself some kind of superior human calculator. PS you are very much a worthless member of this forum, imho. You don't understand or know much. Axe nailed you well: Dunning–Kruger effect - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning–Kruger_effect In the field of psychology, the Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which people with low ability at a task overestimate their ability. It is related to the cognitive bias of illusory superiority and comes from the inability of people to recognize their lack of ability. Without the self-awareness of metacognition, people cannot objectively evaluate their competence or incompetence. As described …
  8. of course not. My point was, Trump's indiscretions matter despite being years ago. I clearly remember when obaMao commie first ran for office - the libs said "NO, that was years ago, we are dealing with the present" . I have often talked about how the left operates SOLELY on emotion - it makes them happy to make 30 years ago MATTER if it's a republican - but it makes them UNhappy to say the same thing about a democrat. that's all. If a politician did cocaine in college, red flag. no "it's a " democratic excuses, no "it's a" republican outrage. My point is principle. If 30 years ago matters, it matters all the time. NOT just when it is politically expedient. That' all. Now, the left refuses to talk about biden's past, refused to talk about his son's past, refuses to talk about obamao's past, refused to talk about higgardly's past, refused to talk about bill clinton's past. etc etc. but the knee jerk reaction by the left is, DON"T LISTEN TO THAT PERSON< LOOK WHAT THEY SAID 30 YEARS ago. can't have it both ways. It's just dishonest. that is all my point.
  9. you attack like a timid neurotic dodo. one dr goes out on a limb and says something you ridicule, instead of keeping to the subject. it's what you do, you are a cowardly woodpecker. beats me....but there is this: Psychosomatic Disorders | Patient https://patient.info/mental-health/psychosomatic-disorders Jun 30, 2020 · Psychosomatic means mind (psyche) and body (soma). A psychosomatic disorder is a disease which involves both mind and body. Some physical diseases are thought to be particularly prone to being made worse by mental factors such as stress and anxiety. Your mental state can affect how bad a physical disease is at any given time. Psychosomatic illness | definition of psychosomatic ... https://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/psychosomatic+illness psychosomatic disorder (psychosomatic illness) a disorder in which the physical symptoms are caused or exacerbated by psychological factors, such as migraine headache, lower back pain, or irritable bowel syndrome; see also somatoform disorders. It is now recognized that emotional factors play a role in the development of nearly all organic illnesses and that the physical symptoms …
  10. that's so stupid I can't believe it even from you. The percentage of blacks in a BLM event has little to do with the percentage of Americans who are black. Ever watch Black Entertainment Awards? see the audience? Do you think only 3% of that audience is black? you should consider learning about something before talking out of your tailfeathers. OH LOOK Here is a famous pic of MLK and co-marchers walking across the famous bridge. Do you FEEEEEEEEELLLLLLL that the percentage of blacks was only 3% ????????????????????????? LOL LOL actually, it's also pitiful that you actually want to fake gloat again over nonsense. sometimes when you go "look, no hands!", you suddenly crash yer bike.
  11. woodpecker gets his beak tweaked again! LOL
  12. having said that, btw, I learned this just this morning: NOTE: every hear of stinkbugs? you probably have. Guess what. they came to the US in Pennsylvania. in 1990. They came from.....CHINA. The Brown Marmorated Stinkbug The brown marmorated stinkbug (Eocanthecona furcellata) or simply “stinkbug” for short, is an invasive pest that is native to China. It was first discovered in the United States in the late 1990s, in the state of Pennsylvania. Stinkbugs have since spread to 40 states, as well as parts of Canada, though they are still most plentiful in the Mid-Atlantic region, including Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Maryland, and Delaware. Stinkbugs range in size from half an inch to an inch in size, but their most notable characteristic is the one that gives them their name. When stinkbugs are frightened, disturbed, or killed by crushing, they emit a pungent odor that some describe as skunk-like. Some say it smells like tomato plants. Stinkbugs are becoming an increasingly problematic agricultural pest—the herbivorous insects inject their sharp, pointy mouths into fruit and other crops, leaving behind rotted areas that make them unviable for sale as fresh produce.
  13. several states have had farmers receive them... the public is warned to NOT PLANT them. they don't know why, or what. they might be infected - could damage US crops. Please report any of these packages to agriculture authorities immediately. here's the link: https://www.freep.com/story/news/nation/2020/07/27/unsolicited-packets-seeds-may-mailed-china-states-warn/5516852002/
  14. is? far from it. that means that obaMao is a poor gay child sexually abused cocaine sniffer and communist non-citizen because when he was just a kid.... I distantly remember something about Jordan and Ohio State now. Now many years ago was that? How many years ago only matters when it's convenient to too many people.
  15. Hoorta is trolling to help his little pet bird out. Bloomberg. why not just insist that a cartoon darth vader is your champion, Hoorta? egad. pitiful.
  16. that makes perfect sense. let blm and antifa be the security. they screw up, arrest em and sent them to gitmo.
  17. and, to be such a puppet of fascist neo-nazi demoquack rioter sombeitches.
  18. the left - is addictive. like wanting to be a youtube star. attention, attention, even negative attention. it's sad that so many are so weak and aimless in their lives, that they resort to hate and "whatever it is, i'm against it" disease.
  19. the woodpecker is just pecking, talking out of his dirty tailfeathers again. He's on the warpath since Hoorta "friended" him and believed he was a victim. Now he's a bird monster in his own mind. Have to applaud the Yale expert who says it works - it takes courage to stand up for the truth, when so many scumbuckets are blabbering about taking the anti position on everything. Just dirty politics. and the doctor who organized the group who spoke out? she is a practicing emergency room doc. woodpecker is supposed to be an engineer. But he things HE ? (he?) is an expert frontline expert because he FEEEEEEELLLLLLLSSSSS like a bird monster. it gets so tiresome to define words for him. the most important or influential position in a debate or movement. read on: Doctors Can Still Prescribe Hydroxychloroquine to Patients ... freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/3856712/posts Skip to comments. Doctors Can Still Prescribe Hydroxychloroquine to Patients, Says US Health Secretary as FDA Withdraws Emergency Use Yahoo News ^ | 06/17/2020 Posted on 06/17/2020 9:00:04 PM PDT by SeekAndFind. Doctors can still prescribe anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine to patients, US Health Secretary Alex Azar said, hours after the FDA withdrew the emergency use authorisation of ... Thousands of Doctors: Yes, Hydroxychloroquine Works ... townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2020/04/06/here-are-five-doctors-whose... Apr 06, 2020 · But doctors around the country and the world are using it and seeing positive results. First, in Los Angeles:. Dr. Anthony Cardillo said he has seen very promising results when prescribing ...
  20. why is that? you admit leftwing demoquack violence or what?
  21. orders JIm Jordan to wear a mask, but doesn't wear one, doesn't require his dems to wear them. Surely there can't be anyone who doesn't see this farce by the dems for being a nazi like kangaroo court. well, except Hoorta won't admit it, and woodpecker will refuse to talk about it and change the subject again. https://www.redstate.com/jenvanlaar/2020/07/28/jerry-nadler-bleats-at-jim-jordan-to-wear-a-mask-during-hearing-while-unmasked/ Jerry Nadler Bleats at Jim Jordan to Wear a Mask During Hearing – While Unmasked
  22. https://www.redstate.com/bonchie/2020/07/28/jim-jordan-drops-a-nuke-on-jerry-nadler-at-bill-barr-hearing/ Jim Jordan Drops a Nuke on Jerry Nadler at Bill Barr’s House Hearing
  23. https://www.redstate.com/sister-toldjah/2020/07/28/ag-bill-barr-inadvertently-exposes-real-reason-for-house-democratic-hearing-in-under-five-seconds-watch/ AG Bill Barr Inadvertently Exposes Real Reason for House Democratic Hearing in Under Five Seconds (Watch)
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