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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. Pres Trump: 'Hoorta, and you too, woodpecker - your shoes are untied..." Hoorta: " DAMMIT, STOP UNTYING MY SHOES HOW DID YOU REACH ALL THE WAY FROM DC TO OHIO? BIDEN DIDN"T DO THAT!" Woodpecker: "YEAH! STOP UNTYING MY FRIENDS SHOES! AND BIDEN DIDN'T DO THAT" Texag: "The orange king liar didn't untie your shoes, he just thinks his arms are that long..."
  2. and of course, the left will rig the election - they are that desperate. It's a "winner take all the power" election. They lose, they lose it all. they win - then America is lost, and their corrupt marxist/globalist deep state ruins America permanently. https://www.redstate.com/nick-arama/2020/07/30/884321/
  3. racist misogynist woodpecker, who would have thunk it
  4. the people who demand mail in voting are the ones who demand voting with NO ID, and who wanted plural voting: even triple-voting – found in US elections - Fox News https://www.foxnews.com/politics/double-voting... Sep 12, 2016 · The East Bay Times reported that "in just three counties, Contra Costa, Alameda and Santa Clara, 194 people voted twice, suggesting the abuse statewide might run …
  5. I just found about 15 minutes ago from a friend, haven't watched TV all morning, been canning jam - another 18 jelly jars... Herman was a real good guy - traveling has it's dangers, I wonder if he had underlying health conditions. Prayers to all his family and friends - that is a lot of folks.
  6. https://www.foxnews.com/transcript/secretary-pompeo-susan-rice-has-a-history-of-going-on-sunday-shows-and-lying
  7. the most dangerous pick he could make is.... obaMao's corrupt sidekick - susan rice. obaMao will push for it - he will run the white house through her. one way or another.... Susan Rice dismisses Benghazi criticism as 'dishonest' and ... https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/susan-rice... 18 hours ago · Susan Rice knows Republicans will relitigate the deadly Benghazi attacks if Joe Biden taps her as his vice president. Rice, a national security adviser to … Susan Rice's e-mail exposes Team Obama's treachery: Goodwin https://nypost.com/2020/05/20/susan-rices-e-mail... May 20, 2020 · Susan Rice’s email exposes Team Obama’s ‘by the book’ treachery: Goodwin By Michael Goodwin. ... For more than three years, that kept a dangerous man quiet and out of the way.
  8. now Woodpecker can have TWO posters on his wall: https://www.theblaze.com/news/florida-man-miami-hotel-lobby-social-distancing
  9. Germany's gov has gone a good bit soft - they have had every opportunity to take care of their own defenses without just relying on us.
  10. in itself, it is ignorant and comical - as far as the iran army thinking they could get close enought to get a missile fired without being detected. Truth is, Iran wants to re-enforce defense treaties with china and russia.... those three countries need to take over the rest of their part of the earth to survive in the long run, economically, by whatever means they have to.
  11. republicans didn't read the bill well enough, apparently ******************************** House Republicans Vote to “Red Flag” Military Personnel in Veto-Proof Majority GOA Founder H. L. Richardson wrote a book entitled What Makes You Think We Read the Bills? That adage was never more true than last week when gun control passed in the House. A bucket-load of House “pro-gun” Republicans voted to pass a giant defense bill containing, in its bowels, a “red flag” gun confiscation proposal for the military -- hidden there by Nancy Pelosi's gun-hating stooges. Aidan Johnston, our Director of Federal Affairs, described this congressional farce in an article in the Houston Courant. You can also see how your Representative voted by going here—with “nay” being the pro-gun vote. The House-passed Gun Confiscation Orders (GCOs) apply to persons subject to the United States Code of Military Justice. But, for them, it would be worse in many ways than the “red flag” GCO programs drafted in state legislatures. The essentials are the same: a gun owner can be stripped of his or her Second Amendment-protected rights in an ex parte proceeding by an unsubstantiated allegation from a hostile relative who dislikes him or her. Experience shows that the confiscation normally occurs in a surprise raid on the gun owner's home in the middle of the night. In more than one case, gun owners have been shot to death for “non-compliance.” Now, thanks to the rabid onslaught of gun-hating politicians, it's sitting on the 2021 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Unlike the boilerplate GCOs drafted by gun control groups and passed in 19 states, the House-passed NDAA bill allows the president—presumably, in their opinion, President Joe Biden—to write all of the particulars. But this legislation raises several questions: What will the standard of proof be for taking away the gun owner's constitutional rights? What will the accuser need to show? What constitutional rights will the military court proceedings recognize? What will the police do with their gun confiscation order? Ransack the house? Kill the "threatening" (i.e., non-compliant) gun owner? House Republicans were caught sleeping. Despite Trump’s threat to veto the bill, many Republicans helped pass gun confiscation arm-in-arm with anti-gun Democrats in a veto-proof majority. So we are asking you to contact your two Senators, given that the Senate has passed its own NDAA without GCOs—and tell them to throw the House bill in the garbage can during conference negotiations with Nancy Pelosi. We are also urging you to ask President Trump to carry through with his promise to veto this anti-gun monstrosity. For decades, Congress has dutifully passed an unnecessary National Defense Authorization Act and this isn't the first time it contained gun control. But this time it has gone too far. When Pelosi sticks in a hidden provision embodying the anti-gunners chief current objective, the bills must be stopped. In liberty, Michael Hammond Legislative Counsel P.S. Please distribute this alert to your pro-gun family and friends and urge them to Take Action (above).
  12. he is really getting noticed - not as much a secret weapon now, I guess. Raider article had him #4 of the top five kickers they will face. Four?
  13. this isn't about race, the left is going completely corrupt in anything they say. as if there are no middle/upper class black home owners. it was stupid to try to force that rule to work. can't force lower-income houses into nice neighborhoods. it just is another attempt at leftwing political gigantic big brother government.
  14. Stacey Abrams: ‘Democrats can’t win by pretending to be ... https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/stacey-abrams... May 23, 2018 · The realty is, Democrats cannot win by pretending to be Republicans, Republicans see through it and Democrats see through it. I want to win by turning out voters … ******************************* it's happened before - dems pretend to be reps in polls to bend them in their favor. doesn't work. in fact, the reps keeps winning, despite it.
  15. Major surge. Fear of social collapse? a biden progressive gun grab try(tries) ? collapse of law and order? a LOT of Americans are wondering how they are going to protect themselves if progressive (extreme case study - portland, seattle, ny..etc) hell breaks loose everywhere. Police can't be everywhere, all the time, obviously. oh, and the "defund the police": and "let the violent criminals out of jail" (so they can vote.....for the dems)... they are all in to win this next election. if they win, America as we know it is done, over, no more. WHEN we win, they will be more in a rage than before. A lot more foiks are worried about being safe. That's sad. https://www.wideopenspaces.com/recent-firearms-sales-surge-depicts-wide-demographics-and-numbers-never-before-seen/?utm_source=wideopen&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=wos_daily&utm_content={{EXTERNAL+`https%3A%2F%2Fwww.wideopenmediagroup.com%2Fgetresponse%2F%3Fsite=wos%26articlenumber=1%26type=title`}}
  16. unless you are a blockhead of wood from a Dutch Elm tree......
  17. yes, they have. America is a beacon of freedom for the world, and a profound economic success story. of course the communists hate our success. they hate their countrymen desperately escaping and coming here. they hate not having our wealth and they hate that we are the most dynamic military country on earth.
  18. you betcha that groups of dem activists flock to polls to shank them in their direction. then vote day comes, and Pres Trump wins again ! or America is done, over, lost. There is no other free country to go live in for Americans. We are IT.
  19. now hold on one dang minute - Red State is not in the nutclass of info wars or qanon whatever. now, bloomberg, cnn, msnbc...and pravda...now that is a legit list.
  20. yes, there are a few, sure. but in the current make-up of the dems, you have to be way way way left, all vote in a complete group... or you are gone.
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