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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. using the postal service as an excuse for mail in ballots that come in late... right. if PRes Trump wins hugely, by the time all those illegal extra ballots how up, it will be close. right. that many mail in ballots will overwhelm our election, it would be months to count that many mail in ballots. of course, those mail in ballots will keep coming in until the left has a bigger number, then all hell breaks loose. stop widespread mail in ballots now. instead of an economic cloward-piven theory taking place, it would be kind of like an electoral cloward-piven. meaning, overwhelming our ELECTION to benefit from the chaos. get this - the postal service is UNIONIZED. that union can DELIBERATELY slow down, to make counting the main in ballots in time an impossiblity. which gives more and more time for illegal ballots to keep coming in to be counted and more and more...til they win. Vote by mail fails when postal workers are corrupt, look ... https://www.wethegoverned.com/vote-by-mail-fails... Vote by mail fails when postal workers are corrupt, look at Washington State | We the Governed In Washington State, Democratic candidates openly brag about postal workers helping their campaigns. Vote by mail fails when you can't trust the post office
  2. if we go further into this black hole of socialism/communism ideas... with biden, obamao, higgardly.... we could fail as a country. Just vote to keep America on track. forget how some of you TDSers don't like his tweets. it won't be just covid that kills Americans.
  3. so many have lost their lifetime built businesses, lost loved ones, seen their dreams go up in smoke... because of china. but Hoorta, woodpecker - won't bash china. their obaMao commie won't bash china. Everybody knows the bidens LOVE communist china big money. Globalists like pelosi and schumer and so many dems...some reps too... have major investments in china. Labong james love china - their slaves make his shoes real cheap.... COMMUNIST CHINA did this virus to us - they did it to the world. They are in danger of crashing with a failed system just like the old soviet union, except they are using business and spying on advanced technology from other countries to support them for a while. Then, they won't dissolve - they will just go to war. Just like the soviet union and ... well, here's the link: How Joseph Stalin Starved Millions in the Ukrainian Famine ... https://www.history.com/news/ukrainian-famine-stalin Apr 16, 2019 · How Joseph Stalin Starved Millions in the Ukrainian Famine Cruel efforts under Stalin to impose collectivism and tamp down Ukrainian nationalism left an estimated 3.9 million dead. That is where china is headed. They are desperate to get at Hong Kong's wealth, and may go to a world war to get it. and that mentality - what stalin did - is the mentality of the blm/antifa/communist/socialist groups - that biden,pelosi..all the democrats are asskissing. again - just listen - https://www.foxnews.com/story/glenn-beck-chilling-warning-from-only-fbi-agent-to-infiltrate-the-weathermen
  4. My mistake. I thought you would be serious for once on the subject - I was wrong. You TDS love to hate Pres Trump. blah blah blah. NAME ONE GOOD?GREAT thing your ObaMao/Biden presidency accomplished in EIGHT DAMAGING TO AMERICA YEARS. name one. You haven't, you can't, all your vents are on a TSD slant. (ooh, rhyme... lol) I can name hundreds of wonderful things Pres Trump.VP Pence have done for America. you bring up when Pres Trump changed on abortion - all his time as pres, he has PROVEN IT. your Obamao/biden commies - totally support unlimited abortion - PBA, even after they are born. of course Pres Trump has a huge, huge, huge better honor and integrity over your bitemebiden. Pres Trump ever plagiarized? Apparently not. Your biden is famous for it, since back in college. you know the kind of ":justices" put into the Supreme Court by your clintons and obamao right? choose your choice. You want another one of the four activist leftist judges to replace Ginsburg? or do you want a CONSTITUTIONALIST who rejects unlimited abortion? you are emotionally knee jerking, Hoorta. You aren't critically thinking. Bash Pres Trump, you don't like him, blah blah blah. If you want to vote for biden because of your emotional turmoil over not liking Pres Trump the person, have at it. But you will be putting America last. and you will be helping put "the most progressive president ever" (radical anti-America ?Constitution/Bill of Rights somebietch) into the wh. or, you can quit the rage and extreme pouty-pouty, and vote for the president and vp who are doing GREAT THINGS to fix America. Pres Trump has been KEEPING HIS PROMISES. obamao and biden BROKE EVERY PROMISE THEY EVER MADE. It's up to you - choose your choice. But like a journalist (relative of friends) told me at a big party two years ago - he used to live in Venezuela. had a bean farm.. Then Chavez took over, and things got desperate and very strange. It wasn't Venezuela anymore. And it got a lot worse. He was mugged, robbed a few times, kidnapped with a gun to his head, and kept for three days, and then they let him go with his promise to go back and pay them ransom to get his nice car back. He paid them 300 bucks ransom. Then, later, he was kidnapped and held for ransom, but the news outlet he worked for wouldn't pay... and instead of killing him, they just let him go. He said funny thing after the fact - they weren't terrorists, they were teenagers and young guys desperate to survive - they hid from the government in the mountains. After that, he left his bean farm, nobody would have been able to buy it, and escaped back to America eventually. Stop stomping your feet and wailing about PRes Trump's tweets, etc - and vote for him, for AMERICA's SAKE. FFM !
  5. lol. I would never shoot a dove. I shoot for food. Squirrel dumplings, pheasant - except we don't have pheasants in Ohio anymore, and I haven't bagged a wild turkey yet. Might have to go to Kentucky for that. All sorts of Ohio hunters go to S. Dakota to hunt pheasant. they used to be in every cornfield in Ohio when I was kid. I want to duck hunt outback - if the wetland area would flood again. I have a couple of Duck Dynasty duck calls, steel shot.......no ducks. Our yearly campout in a big group from all over the country was cancelled two weeks ago.
  6. true, or he could have had a faulty trigger. I had my .22 magnum rifle trigger replaced years ago - a young gunsmith at a gander mountain, and a week later I went out back to shoot. I loaded the magazine, put one into the chamber, and ... it fired. Never was anywhere near the trigger. Lucky for me, I had the rifle safety pointed away into the ground, toward out woods, houses back behind me. I was po'd, went back, and the gunsmith that had screwed it up was gone. He got all his tools and disappeared over the weekend - they said they had complaints about him. So, I went to a well-known gunsmith that does a lot of work for a lot of folks around here - he fixed it.
  7. more and more bigoted generalizations to make woodpecker feel like darth vader.
  8. The NFL season starts Sept 10, on a Thurs. , so let's hope Jamie is past it and we're good, hopefully.
  9. nope.Several members of Pres Trump's team disagree with him a lot. See, liberals' emotions change, they do not base judgements on what is valid. They base judgements based on their emotions, and principle goes out the window.
  10. I read where the NBA has their stuff made in china - in factories with workers - who are slaves from "reeducation camps". and lebong has nothing to say about it.
  11. the left will use anything for political advantage. that is how enraged they are that the lost the last pres election., They used Lewis's funeral for a nasty obaMao hate rally. the world "depraved" comes to mind...but it's worse than that. a friend txted me about it - said why are we surprised at any low the left will stoop to, since they are the ones who are HAPPY to torture and murder millions of innocent unborn and born children.
  12. that's the ACLU for ya. I wonder why the ACLU went so far left and anti-everything American... oh yeah. George Soros. Soros-Funded ACLU Sues to Free 500 Inmates from Prison in ... www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/05/03/aclu-sues-free-500-inmates-california May 03, 2020 · The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), partially funded by billionaire George Soros, is now suing to have 500 inmates freed from jail in Orange County, California, in the midst of the Chinese coronavirus crisis.
  13. it just gets annoying to watch you lower yourself to saying negatives THAT ARE NOT TRUE AT ALL. have a nice TDS day, I have to go clean a couple dozen nice bluegill we caught.
  14. the left has overplayed their hand in the worst possible ways. demoquack corruption and violence against America - is not going to be the "new normal". https://www.redstate.com/nick-arama/2020/07/31/poll-huge-number-of-americans-concerned-about-the-violence-who-they-blame-is-not-good-for-biden/
  15. this stupidass circus is all on the dems, and will never stop until they lose the House, and don't get the WH or Senate in a landslide. sullivan is a disgrace.
  16. yep, the Communist News Network is consistent over the years.
  17. lol. well, I can right click and select "open in private window"...I go to the site...but I don't see anything about owning a gun.... crap.
  18. the board doesn't make law, it administers/enforces the law, per their website. I reckon they went political upon request, then had to "oops". Ohio pharmacy board backtracks, withdraws rule barring use of hydroxychloroquine to treat coronavirus By Justin Wise - 07/30/20 08:43 AM EDT 555 11,497
  19. well, the pharmacy board is supposed to administer/enforce the law. Looks like they had to backtrack that backtrack https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/509734-ohio-pharmacy-board-bans-use-of-hydroxychloroquine-as-coronavirus-treatment
  20. pretty cowardly to change the subject, woodpecker style. stormy a baby? what is wrong with you?
  21. the left wants to turn America inside out, upside down, and bass-ackwards. It is coming to happen, started when the first black president was also a liar, a racist, a illegitimate radical racial/class/anti-religious/anti-capitalism/anti-America uprising organizer, a closet marxist sombeitch. pro-race warfare, pro-globalist... just a marxist dirtball hater.
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