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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. Sen. Corker Wants to Appoint Obama as Dictator https://www.redstate.com/diary/lifeofgrace/2015/04/... Apr 20, 2015 · Sen. Corker Wants to Appoint Obama as Dictator Even ancient Rome realized that the powers of a dictator should be limited, but what Corker proposed to give Obama as dictator is …
  2. OBAMA ADMITS HE WANTS TO BE DICTATOR!! (NO JOKE!!) … https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yf7rPmPQ64k 3:52 Jul 26, 2011 · Obama the dumbest person to sit in the Oval Office doesn't know the U.S.A. is a Republic and admits he wants to be a dictator. Dumbass Obama spoke at the National Council of La
  3. when liberals FAIL, their emotions go on the attack. this is dem attacking dem. they are imploding, just in time for a huge win by Pres Trump in Nov
  4. my messages come through to my email. Not finding anything like that. dammit. lol
  5. the left is making extreme crises happen, to benefit from it politically. "Trump's fault" for the violence they have been condoning and encouraging and manipulating. nazis did that kind of stuff to get complete power.
  6. no, because THAT is different. He was a liberal, so he gets a pass. Being in front of a church is BAD only if it's a repubican President. Note to Hoorta, Tex and woodpecker: https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/obama-makes-surprise-visit-to-st-johns-episcopal-church/2012/03/18/gIQAEUTdLS_story.html Obama makes surprise visit to St. John’s Episcopal Church ******************************** no fake outrage from you three back then. any now? How dare your obaMao commie go do a publicity stunt at that church?
  7. well, since it is MEANT to be a "middle finger" why not?
  8. btw, Hoorta, I'm still waiting - name ONE good or great thing your biden or ObaMao commie accomplished in 'EIGHT FREAKING FAILED YEARS. Just one. that's "1". Not "won"...but "one". one [wən] NUMBER the lowest cardinal number; half of two; 1. "there's only room for one person" · [more] synonyms: a single · a solitary · a sole · a lone
  9. ah. "full of crap" is science? "Trump is a quack" is science? "The bar moves?" yeah - here is your science MOVING: https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/lancet-retracts-large-study-hydroxychloroquine-n1225091 their "study" that bashed hydroxy .....they retracted it. Oopsies on Hoorta's sciencies? "quacker backers" is science? "tweeting Cheetos Jesus" is science? your "science" is full of emotional outrage. Of course, Tex is good with that. when is YOUR study going to be "retracted"?, ...mocking Jesus doesn't impress me, Hoorta. I respect your credentials, but your rage about Pres Trump, and silence about biden and your ObaMao commie, is not essential. credential/essential. heh heh heh.
  10. Tex and the rest know their biden is a loser - their irrational rage is out of control. "Assassinate....". Really outlandish nonsense. That is what "emotional knee jerkie" is. A rage-blurb that is only intended to emotionally inspire an emotional response in others. See it all the time on Fox from demoquacks. Like that song... "Every breath he takes....every move he makes.........I'll lie and vent...be hell bent....to hate him......"
  11. If Pres Trump doesn't get re-elected - America will lose it's independence on energy. Globalist investors would make big $$$$$$$$$$$$$, but we will be screwed. No more low prices on heat/air conditioning/etc for you home, farms, recreation.... *************************************************** There’s nothing Joe Biden won’t try to undo the Trump-era energy dominance of America. Biden will essentially put the country’s natural gas, oil, and coal industries out of business. He will tax everyday people like you and me on any energy we use that’s generated from those sources — as almost two-thirds of our electricity is right now. And he’s already committed to rescind the permit for the Keystone Pipeline. Combined, these are bad signs for how Biden would treat other American energy infrastructure projects at a time when that work is needed most. Although America’s energy production is booming under President Trump, the green left’s interference means our country still has critical infrastructure shortages in some regions. That’s because radical environmentalists have filed expensive, time-consuming lawsuits, while in other states, misguided governors supportive of the green left have undermined or stopped their states’ energy projects. The northeast, for example, moves natural gas by truck and rail in a chilled, liquified form rather than the cheaper, more efficient, and less polluting shipment by pipeline. Even worse, Massachusetts has had to rely on imports from a Russian company that the Obama Administration sanctioned … while the Marcellus Shale in nearby Pennsylvania continues to produce abundant, affordable natural gas in America. Biden’s proposed polices would make these challenges worse because he would make it more difficult for energy producers to get federal permits for key infrastructure projects like pipelines. He wouldn’t have to outright cancel projects to cause damage to America’s energy producers either. Regulatory uncertainty, which is the fancy term for not knowing how a government agency will rule or respond, has real consequences. In early July, the Atlantic Coast Pipeline was canceled, and the companies leading it cited “the legal uncertainties facing the project.” That means, even without direct action, Biden’s overall anti-American-energy policy agenda — and the “green” legislation championed by House Democrats — could do the work of canceling American infrastructure projects for him. Right now, Americans deserve affordable, abundant, and reliable energy and our nation needs energy security and economic growth. You and I have seen our energy producers in the natural gas, oil, and coal industries deliver on those promises, and you and I can tell that Biden’s policies will fall short. Tom Tom Pyle President American Energy Alliance
  12. Woodpecker blabs self-helping crap, rarely ever has any legit reason for spouting off. Hence, the pecking analogy.
  13. liberals always keep moving the bar - their emotions demand it.....the criteria is changed as their emotions change.
  14. for some folks, I'm sure that's true - but I believe a LOT of folks are sick of the politics - the kneeling, any blm whatever. I won't go to any Browns game this year because of that. I'll never be one to accept the disrespect for our Flag and Anthem just because there is a complaint, even if they do have a legit complaint. Far too many Americans have died for our country, including the Revolutionary War, so that our Flag would still wave and freedom would prevail. I won't even record the first several minutes of the games - I'll set it 5 minutes/maybe more...late to start recording.
  15. Sorry bout that. But I've tried and tried in the past to delete stuff in the message box, and I can't find it. It' full, and there seems to be no way to get there to fix it. I don't get it at all.
  16. I called them "obaMa mafia" til I changed it to obaMao. sure sounds like venezuela to me. the left is on a runaway train. Only way to not get run over by it ....is when Pres Trump and Pence are re-elected. https://www.theblaze.com/news/cuban-immigrant-louisville-activist-mafia
  17. I put it in quotes - to note that some just refuse to admit they are liberal sheep. When you are a TRUE independent , that's a classy thing. Back in the days of JFK/Bobby Kennedy... I'd have been an independent if I wasn't in the sixth? grade. Right now, there isn't any alternative to the republicans - they aren't perfect, but all hell is going to break loose with the progressive corrupt to the end left.
  18. it's a disgrace that that many people thought higgardly the corrupt should be pres. they'll know better with biden.
  19. a simple promise he broke already. how many folks will believe his get elected crap, like they did for obamao's lies? https://www.redstate.com/beccalower/2020/08/01/vice-president-pick-announcement-biden/ Veep Pick Announcement Biden Promised Before Aug. 1 Is Pushed Back AGAIN
  20. How socialism turned Venezuela from the wealthiest country ... https://www.foxnews.com/world/how-socialism-turned... Jan 26, 2019 · Venezuela was once the wealthiest country in ... “Socialism not only takes away from people the access to basic food ... including media outlets, oil and power companies, mines, farms… How Venezuela Ruined Its Oil Industry - Forbes https://www.forbes.com/sites/rrapier/2017/05/07/... May 07, 2017 · Venezuela's highest-ever oil production occurred in 1998 at 3.5 million barrels per day (BPD). That also happened to be the year that Hugo Chávez was elected president of Venezuela. Venezuela's Failed Socialist Experiment https://www.forbes.com/sites/ivonaiacob/2016/07/24/... Jul 24, 2016 · At the start of 2014, Venezuela’s GDP stood at $371.34 billion, with nearly half of that coming from oil (it accounts for nearly 100% of exports). But after a year-high of $105.54 in June, crude
  21. Fighting drought, Venezuela takes over more farms - Reuters https://www.reuters.com/article/venezuela-farms-idUSN024548720091202 Dec 02, 2009 · HATO SAN JOSE, Venezuela, Dec 2 - Venezuela this year has taken over more than a million acres (485,000 hectares) of land deemed idle or of
  22. well, they didn't mention homes. give up your home them is the next step. sure sounds like Venezuela, you betcha. https://www.redstate.com/nick-arama/2020/08/02/minneapolis-police-advise-surrender-your-property-to-the-criminals-and-obey-them/
  23. and I admire her integrity HUGELY. obaMao has NONE, the marxist sombeitch. https://www.theblaze.com/news/alveda-king-obama-john-lewis-funeral Dr. Alveda King rips Obama for politicizing John Lewis' funeral: Leftists will 'grab at any opportunity' 'President Obama, with word play, took us back to the 1960's'
  24. a lot of people have differing opinions on hyroxy. You hate hydroxy because obamao/biden didn't tout it.
  25. she's drunk? stoned? although, she doesn't need an excuse...
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