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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. Time for the fraud to end. Black Americans have every right to be indignant at the left/msm assertion that they must not thinking independently of the radical hive. https://salemnow.com/uncle-tom/
  2. trying to get folks to vote WITHOUT ANY ID is a clue. Giving illegals driver's licenses is a clue. Trying to give illegals the vote is a clue, desperately trying to give illegals representation in the House is a clue. a new, uneducated for the most part, don't know the Constitution/Bill of Rights...sure they will vote to give them away, they don't know what the hell they are. anybody who thinks NY, Minnesota, Illinois, would NOT have a fraud problem - especially with mail in ballots, is just trolling.
  3. how can any intelligent person call it NOT a PR issue, when the dems are blasting Pres Trump for anything and everything related to it? but they never complain about china. nope. their pres candidate and hunter biden make billions from china. that's more welfare for the demoquack base.
  4. and.. Red-necked grebe - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red-necked_grebe The red-necked grebe (Podiceps grisegena) is a migratory aquatic bird found in the temperate regions of the northern hemisphere. Its wintering habitat is largely restricted to calm waters just beyond the waves around ocean coasts, although some birds may winter on large lakes. I'm so freakin outraged and offended. All country folks are.
  5. mass voting fraud - mass confusion - with no definite outcome a few months after Nov 3..... I can see 420,000,000 million votes cast...lol https://www.redstate.com/nick-arama/2020/08/04/the-mess-now-happening-in-new-york-shows-why-mail-in-voting-would-be-a-complete-nightmare/
  6. like "yellow bellied sapsucker" (a woodpecker) is racist - to asians. and Scarlet Tanager Scientific name: Piranga olivacea. A brilliantly colored bird of large eastern forests the Scarlet Tanager is most often heard rather than seen despite its showy appearance. ......offensive to women who like "Gone With the Wind".....
  7. I predicted it. It's history - it's happened like this before. Put forward a misdirection, then go for total win by surprise. Interesting article: (why do liberals love china and refuse to condemn anything they have done, are going to do? https://www.redstate.com/shipwreckedcrew/2020/08/04/chinese-increase-belligerence-over-south-china-sea-in-response-to-sec-pompeos-comments/
  8. from the link above: "Conservatives did not agree with Barack Obama while he was in office, but they accepted him as president because they realized he was the people’s choice and was duly elected. The left has never given and will never give Trump the same courtesy. Donald Trump was duly elected as president, but there has been nonstop treasonous resistance against him since the day he was elected. We can only expect more of the same if he is reelected. Blaming an open civil war on Donald Trump will be like blaming the American Civil War on Abraham Lincoln. In both cases, the forces had been on a collision path for years before the conflict, and it reached its culmination during the time these two great men were in office."
  9. https://www.redstate.com/diary/coolhand/2020/08/04/889063/ he Coming National Crisis DIARY / Jeff Lukens // Posted at 4:25 pm on August 4, 2020 by Jeff Lukens "Both left and right detest each other, and with no resolution in sight, things could get ugly. With China on the march, COVID in the air, and racial unrest in the streets, the mix could not be worse and may finally boil over. What has been a cold civil war up until now could very well go hot. Worse still, the election will probably not be resolved on November 3. As the vote goes into overtime with counting and recounting ballots, many of them fraudulent, the far-left anarchists will take to the streets, burn down buildings, and reach deeper into suburban strongholds of republicanism. The police may or may not side with the mobs as private citizens try as best they can to protect their property, often armed with a gun."
  10. that is how the left works. being left is corruption personified. It's who they are, what they do. https://www.theblaze.com/news/de-blasio-blm-murals-permit
  11. not just a few of us around here - millions of Real Americans are worried about all radical left hell breaking loose, even regardless of who would validly win in Nov. They are setting the stage for election helter-skelter. If they lose, they will point to the helter-skelter they created. If they win, it would be so controversial per the fraud they perpetuated... obaMao commie divisiveness will rage anyways. Millions of Real Americans have every right to be worried. and every right to arm themselves. Three million more guns: The Spring 2020 spike in firearm ... www.brookings.edu/blog/up-front/2020/07/13/... Jul 13, 2020 · Spikes in gun sales over a decade. Past spikes in firearms sales have occurred when individuals worried about possible restrictions (see figure below). Following President Obama’s calls to ... Pandemic and protests spur Americans to buy guns at record ... www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/jul/31/americans-guns-coronavirus-protests Jul 31, 2020 · Fears over the Covid-19 pandemic, a perception of rising crime and worries over civil unrest and political instability in the wake of anti-racism protests have sparked Americans to buy firearms at ... Spike in violent crime follows rise in gun-buying amid ... www.washingtonpost.com/business/2020/07/15/... Jul 15, 2020 · Spike in violent crime follows rise in gun-buying amid social upheaval Two studies examine a surge in gun sales during the pandemic and after …
  12. they are already planning for it. They do not intend to lose everything for a long forever. https://www.redstate.com/nick-arama/2020/08/04/how-are-dems-going-to-handle-it-when-trump-wins-not-well-if-the-podesta-war-game-scenario-is-any-indication/
  13. you betcha the dems have overplayed their socialist dishonest power trip agenda so badly, that a whole lot of Real Americans are noticing. https://www.redstate.com/alexparker/2020/08/04/black-trump-supporters-march-los-angeles-black-lives-maga/
  14. that is ANOTHER action for AMERICA that takes courage. He and Reagan had that kind of courage. the rest.... same old don't rock the boat. don't criticize the deep state or big pharma....BIG brother government, BIGGER GOV...
  15. gettin more weird by the day, which means the pres election is getting closer and closer. https://www.redstate.com/michael_thau/2020/08/04/trump-makes-stunning-admission-about-lockdowns-but-masks-are-no-better/
  16. you can message me now - I deleted a whole bunch of very old messages. I know how to clean it up now!
  17. THANKS ! I never saw it because it was fairly invisible with the orange on the banner. I found it by accident with the mouse running across it. I fixed the messages - some were 10 and 11 years old. wow. I wonder if I ever responded to a few of them. A couple of gals who visited the board, were really nice...and left. too bad.
  18. no, they hate history because it contradicts their lies and their desire to total control over America and all Americans. can't take America without destroying American's history and culture completely.
  19. Trump suggests schools should open for a 'short period of ... https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-schools-open-for-a-short-period-of-time President Trump, in his Monday coronavirus press briefing, said he thinks it would be a “good idea” if schools open up, even for a “short period of time” before the end of the academic year. "I... Trump urges states to consider opening schools before ... https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory/trump... Apr 28, 2020 · Trump urges states to consider opening schools before summer President Donald Trump says states should “seriously consider” reopening their public schools before the …
  20. twice? you have avoided answering at least a dozen? times? I can show you what all he did wrong. Let's make it easy for you - name one good of great thing for AMERICA your biden accomplished in his entire political life. You hate on Pres Trump, and won't criticize the alternative. that is emotional knee jerk TDS. Trump university was years before Pres Trump ran for president. Want me to show you a lot of bad stuff that obaMao did years before? all the lies and plagiarism that biden did years before? You can't name one for obamao or biden. you muttered something about obaMaocare. LOL LOL I showed you why that was worse than asinine. Trump isn't perfect human being either. but as PRESIDENT, HE HAS DONE A LONG LIST OF HUNDREDS OF GREAT THINGS FOR AMERICA. Your obaMao and biden didn't do ONE good or great thing. if it QUACKS like a duck, WADDLES like a duck, and avoids being honest like a duck... it's a freaking duck. duck [dək] NOUN a waterbird with a broad blunt bill, short legs, webbed feet, and a waddling gait. a pure white thin-shelled bivalve mollusk found off the Atlantic coasts of America. a fake "independent" that refuses to admit he/she has TDS and is a freaking emotion-dominant LIBERAL.
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