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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. No freedom of speech for Americans - the left gets "offended" by political differences. this is so much garbage. https://www.theblaze.com/news/new-jersey-student-faces-harsh-disciplinary-action-for-having-trump-background-on-zoom-conference
  2. oh, please. stop bitching about Pres Trump's imperfections - do you want him to continue doing all the great things for America that he has done and will do? or do you want a corrupt, do nothing, solve nothing, politically damage our country? I'm trying to help you realize that you vote, you have to decide. Bashing Pres Trump, do it one more time, and I will list all the GREAT THINGS he as DONE AS PROMISED FOR A GREATER AMERICA. FOR ALL OF US. and I will elaborate on each one. THEN you can finally man up and list just ONE great or good thing your obamao/hidin biden accomplished for America in EIGHT MISERABLE CORRUPT YEARS. I'm going to keep asking, because your hidin biden was the worthless VP for the eight obaMao commie years. Your choice is hidin biden, or Pres Trump. you could write-in Jane Fonda traitor sombeitch, but it's a wasted vote. Just make a decision already. I don't LOVE pres trump, I LOVE WHAT HE HAS DONE FOR AMERICA AND ALL OF US. I despised every lie obamao and biden told, every failure they caused to happen, every promise they BROKE. I can justify comparing biden during obamao eight years. It hurts you emotionally to make you face facts...but you can NOT name even ONE good or great thing obaMao/BIDEN did during their eight years. That is a reflection on hiden biden. Can't name one, you choose. America or....venezuela. Show your true colors TDS HOORTA.
  3. getting deeper and deeper. Let's all finally get some of them prosecuted. https://www.redstate.com/shipwreckedcrew/2020/08/09/new-fbi-document-released-by-senate-judiciary-comm-shows-fbi-and-mueller-deliberately-misled-congress-about-steele-memos/
  4. helping illegals vote ? chinese students on a visa vote? https://www.theblaze.com/news/fake-drivers-licenses-seized-china-chicago
  5. don't think Soros isn't deserving of serious criticism, Tiam.
  6. https://pjmedia.com/blog/kyle-anne-shiver/2011/02/13/george-soros-nazi-obsessive-n11903 You see, while George W. Bush had not even yet been born in 1945, when real Nazis were perpetrating the real Holocaust, George Soros, as a teenager, was actually helping real Nazis confiscate the real property of real, about-to-be-“exterminated” Jews in his native Budapest, Hungary. And no, this actual Nazi collaboration by a young George Soros was not an obscure tidbit dug up by opposition researchers. George Soros freely admitted his actions in the now-infamous Steve Kroft interview of 1998. Soros was shocked that the interview was so upsetting to so many and endeavored greatly to put the controversy to rest by giving more details and explanations to his biographer, Michael Kaufman. When Soros spoke with Steve Kroft in 1998, the huge question was whether Soros had felt any guilt over his acquiescence to the Nazis. It was Soros’ denial of any survivor’s guilt and his nonchalant “If I hadn’t been there doing it, then someone else would have” excuse that caught the discerning public eye at the time. And details added in his biographer’s ear did nothing whatsoever to diminish Soros’ inhumane diffidence regarding the sufferings of his fellow Jews during the Holocaust.
  7. https://fellowshipoftheminds.com/george-soros-admits-hes-impeded-by-trump-to-turn-u-s-socialist
  8. Blame George Soros For Riots - Global Financial Tips https://globalfinancialtips.com/blame-george-soros-for-riots As Minnesota officials blamed violent protests on organized groups from out of state, far-right commentators on Twitter increasingly began blaming billionaire George Soros for playing a shadowy role behind the riots taking place in cities across the country—employing an old conspiracy theory based on false information and anti-semitic tropes. [news] Soros Betrays the Balkans https://www.mail-archive.com/news@antic.org/msg05513.html The 2002 Soros Foundations Network annual report skips lightly over the fact best known to the citizens of the former Communist lands in which Soros money was spent: that he has abandoned them. For example, it notes, "In Central Europe, we have reduced our expenditures because the accession process [i.e. integration into the European Community ... Soros & Antifa Anarchists | Ella Cruz https://ellacruz.org/2020/06/05/soros-antifa-anarchists Jun 05, 2020 · Democracy of Che Guevara and Alinsky, funded by Soros backed by the hard left. “Alliance for Global Justice” (AfGJ), according to its most recent 990 tax form, has received $2.2 million in funding for the fiscal year ending in March 2016 and one of the group’s biggest donors is the Tides Foundation, funded by guess who? George Soros. George Soros: Open Society and Open Borders | Newsmax.com https://www.newsmax.com/Pre-2008/George-SorosOpen... Jul 25, 2006 · George Soros uses a vast network of special interest groups and non-governmental organizations, in the United States and abroad, to support his global objective — a one-world government. Open borders are a stepping stone in his efforts to … Michael Coffman -- George Soros and His Progressive War on ... https://newswithviews.com/Coffman/mike118.htm unknown until recently, multi-billionaire George Soros has been quietly bringing down governments around the world. He has now turned his attention to the United States and unleashed a firestorm of activity intent on destroying the U.S. Constitution and the U.S. dollar.
  9. Because Soros is Jewish? seriously? Soros admits he reported fellow Jews to nazi authorities. slur about pro-semintism - you need to read: Top 5 Revolutions Backed by George Soros - GulagBound.com gulagbound.com/12652/top-5-revolutions-backed-by-george-soros It’s an accomplishment that Hungarian-born financier George Soros doesn’t flaunt. Bragging about it, after all, could just make his global democracy-building mission more difficult. But the multibillionaire philanthropist quietly played a key role in the dramatic overthrow last year of … Our World: Soros’s campaign of global chaos - The ... https://www.jpost.com/Opinion/Our-World-Soross... Aug 22, 2016 · The thrust of Soros’s efforts from Ferguson to Berlin to Jerusalem is to induce mayhem and chaos as local authorities, paralyzed by his supported groups, are unable to … 9 Things You Need To Know About George Soros | The Daily Wire https://www.dailywire.com/news/9-things-you-need... Aug 17, 2016 · Soros is a convicted felon. Soros was convicted of insider trading in France in 2002, a court determining that he had “acted with the knowledge that the bank might be a takeover target,” according to Bloomberg. The court ordered Soros to pay 2.2 …
  10. hogan is not really a republican, he's a wannabe northam. your article is bs."Trump trying to spread dissent" ...whatever it was...was a stupid statement.
  11. they are getting paid to violently rage. It's soros's last ? attempt to undermine and ruin America so he can control global finances. The ultimate darth vader power trip. Which, btw, is ironic - soros looks like darth vader without his helmet on. Ever notice that? Antifa Calls Out George Soros for Late Payment - Truth And ... https://www.truthandaction.org/antifa-calls-out-soros-for-late-payment These allegations are being made by disgruntled Antifa members angry that they’ve haven’t been paid yet for their criminal activities and volatile protesting. And the details surrounding these alleged Soros/Antifa connection only gets more bizarre and shockingly accurate in retrospect of recent events.
  12. Joe Biden & Ukraine: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com https://heavy.com/news/2019/09/joe-biden-ukraine Height: 6' (1.85 m) Author: Keith Mann Nationality: American Born: Nov 20, 1942 Hunter Biden Was on the Board of a Ukrainian Natural Gas Company. The “massive bribery … Biden Admitted that he Threatened to Withhold Loan Guarantees from Ukraine Unless Shokin was … The Ukrainian Rada Wanted Shokin Removed. Viktor Shokin had much bigger issues than the … Experts Agree That Hunter Biden’s Position Created a Conflict of Interest for Joe. Despite Shokin’s … See full list on heavy.com
  13. Joe Biden, His Son and the Case Against a Ukrainian ... https://www.nytimes.com/2015/12/09/world/europe/... Dec 09, 2015 · Hunter Biden, 45, a former Washington lobbyist, joined the Burisma board in April 2014. That month, as part of an investigation into money laundering, British officials froze London bank accounts... Ukraine Money Laundering Scheme Emerges with Links to ... https://neonnettle.com/news/10243-ukraine-money... Evidence has emerged that links Hunter Biden and his former Ukrainian energy company Burisma to a possible Obama-ara international money laundering scheme, according to reports. On Thursday night, TV host Glenn Beck laid out the details linking Hunter, and his then-vice president father Joe Biden, to an alleged illegal operation in Ukraine. Giuliani Says Ukraine Paid Hunter Biden $3M In Laundered ... https://dailycaller.com/2019/09/23/giuliani... Sep 23, 2019 · Giuliani Says Ukraine Paid Hunter Biden $3M In Laundered Money, While Joe Biden and Obama Looked The Other Way | The Daily Caller. Citing an alleged $3 million payment in laundered money that Ukraine sent to Hunter Biden, Rudy Giuliani says Ukraine is a problem for the Democrats, not Trump. My PatriotsAccount. Author: David Krayden Giuliani accuses Ukraine of laundering millions to Biden's son https://nypost.com/2019/09/23/giuliani-accuses... Sep 23, 2019 · President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani early Monday accused Ukraine of laundering $3 million to Joe Biden’s son Hunter and questioned how … Schweizer Exposes More Joe Biden Corruption — It's 'Going ... https://pjmedia.com/video/tyler-o-neil/2018/08/27/... Aug 27, 2018 · “Just to give you an idea, over a 14-month period, from 2014 through early 2016, while Joe Biden is vice president of the United States, a Ukrainian …
  14. you betcha hidin will be frightened to debate now, unless he gets to pick the moderators. https://www.theblaze.com/glenn-radio/kolomoisky-money-laundering-ukraine
  15. I didn't even join the NRA out of disgust for high living Lapierre. Apparently, one guy was prosecuted for misusing funds... Lapierre gets something? like a million bucks. AND whatever else gets paid for? However, I may join again - because whats her stupid face wants to "dissolve" the NRA - another fraudulent lawsuit as a political weapon. I don't think he's corrupt- I think he's way, way overpaid and wasting so much of the membership's money.
  16. in education, one size doesn't fit all. The standardized tests given in all schools - were a huge problem. High schools with big successful special ed programs suffered. why? because some of the LD kids couldn't read - they had to have the test read to them. Some just couldn't remember long enough to pass the test. And, obviously, parents of special ed kids had their kids to to the good program schools. and the standardized tests lowered their results. https://connectusfund.org/14-crucial-pros-and-cons-of-the-no-child-left-behind-act teaching to the test. What a farce - a lot of regular kids learn differently. Some learn by reading, some by doing...what liberals do ends up resulting in the exact opposite of what they say they intended. Throwing a gigantic political net over a problem doesn't fix the problem - it causes problems. Bush and Ted Kennedy got together for that fiasco. Political. Before the Air Force, I was in secondary education - I knew kids who were more like Jerry Rubin or Jane Fonda that future great teachers. Some surely became great teachers. It's the human condition - it applies to doctors, lawyers, you name it. There is no antagonism toward academia. No disrespect to teachers that I've ever witnessed. No liberal victimization. There IS toward the BEHAVIOR of some teachers, etc.
  17. offhand, I haven't looked into the question of Pres Trump legally being allowed..... but Pres Trump gets things DONE and FIXED. the left is stonewalling/extorting relief to make an election year funding fiasco for their favorite subjects. that is worse than dishonest. The dems/leftists play vicious dirty ball. So, Pres Trump brilliantly has a defense for that. He SOLVES PROBLEMS. doesn't make them worse like the dems do. Trump Forces Pelosi's Hand With Coronavirus Executive Orders https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/tyler-o-neil/... 16 hours ago · President Donald Trump issued four executive orders extending relief during the coronavirus pandemic after Democrats in Congress refused to compromise with the White House to …
  18. no, you changed the subject again. I didn't ask what you DON'T LIKE about PRes Trump, and I didn't ask you to WRONGLY SLUR Pres Trump with slanderous lies from the msm. I asked you, keep asking you, to NAME ONE GOOD THING YOUR OBAMAO COMMIE AND BIDEN DID THAT WAS GREAT OR GOOD FOR AMERICA IN THEIR EIGHT DESTRUCTIVE YEARS. and....I can BACK UP what I say and post. You keep frantically changing the subject in a bizarre TDS dance. the damage your obaMao left behind, still damaging America: Obama judges vacate Boston Marathon bomber's death ... https://www.bizpacreview.com/2020/08/01/obama... Aug 01, 2020 · Judge Rogeriee Thompson, an Obama appointee, wrote the opinion vacating the death sentence of Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. (screenshot) The federal judges said Hand on heart, it wasn't us! Obama and his Attorney ... https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2325076/Eric-Holder-faces-congressional-grilling-IRS-investigation-Boston-bombing-Benghazi-spying-journalists-phone-records-scandal-fever-sweeps-Washington.html May 15, 2013 · Holder and other cabinet officials have been criticized for failing to act on warnings from Russia, and perhaps other nations, about the accused Boston bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev. And …
  19. not good news for the lefties who WANT mail in ballot voter fraud. by the lefty voters, of course. https://www.theblaze.com/news/mail-in-ballots-new-york-city-rejected 1 in 5 mail in ballots rejected. NYC folks. The stark raving sewer of hard core leftist demoquack voters.
  20. Good for him !!!! GLAD he didn't have a demoquack dr. nor an..."independent" dr.
  21. oops on Stanton, my bad. I forgot, dammit. lol make that - Case Keenum is the secret weapon, for the same reasons - he was IN Washington - knows the offense, will help Baker immensely, and can step in and run the offense if Baker gets banged up or gets the flu or ...something.
  22. another secret weapon - might not see a lot of playing time...DREW STANTON. As a mentor to Baker - it's a terrific fit - https://dawgpounddaily.com/2019/08/20/daily-dawg-tags-drew-stanton-cleveland-browns-secret-weapon/ “Drew is a really smart guy,’’ said Ratley. “I don’t think you understand how smart Drew really is. Drew will tell you something that’s going to work and that thing works. So Bake literally learns from him, so you’ve got to think of it in that kind of way, like Bake’s going to be dangerous.’’ Mayfield has quickly shown he has the arm talent to pick apart NFL defenses. The next step for him in his career is to quickly diagnose a defense and their coverages. With the help of Stanton, Mayfield could develop that trait quicker than usual, making him an even better and dangerous quarterback in 2019 and beyon
  23. another secret weapon - Higgins. No, not kidding - a ton of attention will be paid to Landry and Beckham..... and HIggins CATCHES the ball when it is his turn. A lot of the problems last year have been fixed - by replacing the goofy head coach with the Real Deal HC.
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