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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. missed the point again. it isn't about changing parties - that happens when your party changes and you leave. That's fine. But Trump has always been himself. I could have grown up a democrat until JFK and Bobby Kennedy were murdered. Not even Hubert Humphrey inspired me... there hasn't been a decent democrat president since. A lot of people change parties. Kasich changed himself to fit in with another party. Can.....you......hear......me..............now? LOL.
  2. you are being stupid - I clearly made the point that kasich was one thing, then flipped when he was embarrassed in that pres primary, so he changed himself. it doesn't matter what he did before, as far as completely deciding to be a lefty now. You are missing the point, as usual.
  3. both are turds and should be investigated. both are corrupt - hidin dishonest Biden fit right in... https://www.redstate.com/diary/davenj1/2020/08/11/john-brennan-part-2-super-sleaze/
  4. and colleges - too many of them - if you are a conservative, you had better not let them know about it. https://www.theblaze.com/news/conservative-professor-deluged-with-messages-from-anonymous-academics-scared-of-getting-fired-if-their-conservative-views-are-discovered
  5. that may be - Trump make him look like a red faced monkey's ass - you completely change your persona and alleged "belief system" he had....because he doesn't like the president? nah. He's a fake frontrunning slimeball.
  6. Faucci discredited himself by being... - Dr. Liam Schübel ... https://www.facebook.com/Dr.LiamSchubel/posts/3375521505844199 Faucci discredited himself by being consistently wrong throughout this entire #plandemic. Relying on his guidance has caused the death and economic ruin...
  7. Now, this next subject is catchy. In a true survival situation, NEVER TRY THIS OR YOU COULD DIE. If I was hungry, I'd trap the snake's head with a long stick and kill it with a rock. This showboat knows how to do it, fine. If you've grown up around these snakes and have learned over the years how to do it... nope. There are a lot of safer ways to survive. I don't think Tex would try this, and he's a wildman. https://www.wideopenspaces.com/this-is-how-you-really-kill-rattlesnakes-with-your-bare-hands/?utm_source=wideopen&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=wos_daily&utm_content={{EXTERNAL+`https%3A%2F%2Fwww.wideopenmediagroup.com%2Fgetresponse%2F%3Fsite=wos%26articlenumber=1%26type=title`}}
  8. We have all three sizes of Berkey water filtration - use them for camping, and emergency use if we are ever in that situation. ********************************************** https://www.wideopenspaces.com/best-filtered-water-bottles/?utm_source=wideopen&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=wos_daily&utm_content={{EXTERNAL+`https%3A%2F%2Fwww.wideopenmediagroup.com%2Fgetresponse%2F%3Fsite=wos%26articlenumber=1%26type=title`}} 12 Best Filtered Water Bottles of 2020 to Purify Stream and Tap Water
  9. how to make cowboy coffee anywhere: (I might try the eggshell hint, haven't heard of that before https://www.wideopenspaces.com/make-cowboy-coffee/?utm_source=wideopen&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=wos_daily&utm_content={{EXTERNAL+`https%3A%2F%2Fwww.wideopenmediagroup.com%2Fgetresponse%2F%3Fsite=wos%26articlenumber=1%26type=title`}}
  10. how did this loser ever get to be gov of Ohio? LEt's see- lied anough to get at the top of the Ohio Republican Party. then totally got rejected at running for president. So what does the slug do? He slimes his way over to the democrat party and pretends he's biden/obaMao to find a better skateboard to wealth and higher office to ride. He is going to speak at the DNC convention. He's fine with our 2nd Amendment until he gets embarrassed running in the GOP primary for pres. So, he flips and just changes into a democrat party boy who disses OUR GOD GIVEN 2nd Amendment RIGHTS. What a slimeball. https://www.buckeyefirearms.org/op-ed-speaking-biden-dnc-will-complete-kasichs-betrayal-gun-owners
  11. You don't destroy everyone's lives, careers, businesses, educations........ etc etc etc, you don't put covid patients in RETIREMENT HOMES (NY)... to "save them".
  12. took too long, but it's a great move: https://www.redstate.com/michael_thau/2020/08/11/trump-picks-lockdown-skeptic-dr-scott-atlas-as-new-covid-advisor/
  13. it's what they did with LBJ's "great society" to the black communities. It's what they do with promises of "reparations" for fake "current racial victimization everywhere".... etc etc. with guns - they are fine with radical leftists murdering anyone who crosses their paths, or just being at home, etc... but let a Good Honest American have to defend their home with a gun? They go fake outrage, but the truth is, they want all of America to be afraid. and be totally dependent. and totally obedient, and allow themselves to be totally manipulated. It's the ultimate power they crave, the ultimate access to power over the wealth of America. They will tax everything, outlaw any freedom that helps them get the power to never have to give it up. Guns protect Americans - they don't have to be so afraid of "blackshirts/brownshirts/rapists/muggers... so the left fights the gun orgs and gun owning Americans. ****************************************************** t's happening next week, from Monday, August 17 to Thursday, August 20. And, if you can stomach it, you should watch because you need to see for yourself what the party's plans are for gun control if Biden becomes President. This is directly from the 2020 Democratic Party Platform. They seek to: Enact universal background checks. Ban the manufacture and sale of common sporting rifles. Ban standard capacity magazines. Require licensing to exercise 2nd Amendment rights and own firearms. Impose "red flag” laws that allow seizure of guns without due process. Mandate storage rules in the privacy of your own home. Allow companies to be sued out of existence if someone misuses their legal products. And more. We've been saying for years what the gun-grabbers really want. And now we're seeing it. They're not even hiding it anymore. And this at a time when many cities are allowing, or even encouraging, mob violence and toying with the idea of defunding or abolishing police. It's vital for you to know the enemy of your rights. Yours for Liberty, Dean Rieck Executive Director
  14. another "secret weapon" is the offensive line depth. The Browns are paying serious attention to it. https://www.brownsnation.com/browns-sign-guard-jovahn-fair-add-interior-offensive-line-depth/ The current Browns KNOW the offensive line woes of the past teams. The offensive line is the engine of the offense. You can have the most expensive wheels, steering wheel, mirrors transmission, etc, but if the engine falters, the whole car falters.
  15. that is just the first page, K. having this happen is not the norm: Why Johnnie and Janie can't read? Kindergarten teacher's transgender lesson causes ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0BbkOR5xeI 2:07 Sep 20, 2017 · Parents speak out at school board meeting in California. Munroe Bergdorf Clashes With Piers in Heated Debate on Gender Fluidity | Good Morning Britain - Duration: 12:29. Good Morning Britain
  16. Public Schools Indoctrinating Students One Liberal Lesson ... https://www.ibtimes.com/public-schools... There's an alarming trend in America's public schools, and it involves indoctrinating our children, rather than educating them -- one force-fed, left-wing ideological lesson plan at a time. In... LEFT-WING INDOCTRINATION IN THE SCHOOLS - No Holds … https://www.liberalforum.org/topic/215814-left... Jul 14, 2017 · Indoctrination in left-wing politics begins in elementary school, where children are taught the pernicious doctrine of “white privilege.” In Edina, not even bus drivers are exempt: they, too, are required to take political re-education classes. Here are excerpts from some of the communications we have gotten from Edina parents and students. America’s Public Schools Have Become Socialist ... https://townhall.com/columnists/justinhaskins/2019/... Jan 28, 2019 · Not only are K–12 teachers more likely to vote for Democrats and favor left-wing causes, socialist ideas permeate nearly every aspect of government-run … The Rebellion Against Left-Wing Politics in the Schools ... https://www.americanexperiment.org/2017/07/... We wrote here and here about left-wing indoctrination replacing education in the Edina public schools. The stories that were told by Edina students and parents were shocking. In response to those posts, parents and students have continued to blow the whistle on propaganda masquerading as instruction.
  17. Author: Brad Polumbo Right-Wing Warns Of ‘Homosexual Indoctrination’ In Public ... https://talkingpointsmemo.com/muckraker/right-wing... Apr 20, 2011 · To hear some on the political right talk about it, “homosexual indoctrination” is already a problem in public schools — and it’s about to get much, much worse. ZHU | I Am a Survivor of My Public Schools' Liberal ... www.thecornellreview.org/zhu-i-am-a-survivor-of-my... There is no doubt that there are many problems and controversies that currently plague the public education system, such as Common Core, charter schools, racial disparity in achievement, etc. However, the greatest threat to my intellectual cultivation throughout my years of attending Boston Public Schools is the prevalence of blatant left-wing ... Back to School: Let the left-wing indoctrination begin ... https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/back-to-school-let... Sep 01, 2015 · Back to School: Let the left-wing indoctrination begin. It’s no secret that our nation’s public universities want to transform American young people into a bunch of hyper-sensitive ... How Leftist Indoctrination Ruins a School System | Power Line https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2017/10/how... I wrote here about left-wing indoctrination in the Edina, Minnesota public schools. As a local story, it has been explosive. As a national story, it is a warning to normal parents and students ...
  18. here, let me help ya - and I'm married to a retired spec ed teacher: Leftist Indoctrination In Our K-12 Schools – David ... https://horowitzfreedomcenterstore.org/products/... Leftist Indoctrination In Our K-12 Schools. $ 1.00. Share this item: Tweet. Pin It. Related products. Socialism: A Fad or Our Future? from $ 1.00 Crashing the Border: The Left's Manufactured Crisis from $ 1.00 The History of Muslim Persecution of Christians ... Public Education as Public Indoctrination – Reason.com https://reason.com/2020/01/12/public-education-as-public-indoctrination Jan 12, 2020 · Today, the goals of public-school indoctrination have shifted somewhat. But the fact of it persists. ... Then, California would no longer be free to promote left-wing indoctrination in its schools
  19. https://enigmose.com/enigmose_political/schools_leftist.html#:~:text=Left wing indoctrination begins in grade school and,indoctrinate and control public opinion of future generations.
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