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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. you betcha she is. Even Jake Tapper calls her out for her stupid crap
  2. Kamala Harris is either the stupidest or the cruelest ... https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/kamala-harris... Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., evidently would have let Ray rot in prison. If she was president, Harris wouldn't hand down pardons or grant clemency. That's because Harris is either the stupidest ... Kamala Harris is an Anchor Baby and She is not Black ... https://patriots4truth.org/2019/03/11/kamala... Mar 11, 2019 · Conclusion #1: Kamala Harris is an anchor baby, born to a Caucasian Indian mother and a Jamaican father. Conclusion #2: Kamala Harris is not African-American, she is Jamaican-Indian. Conclusion #3: Kamala Harris is not eligible to be …
  3. Kamala Caught Up In Disgusting Sex Scandal, Aide Made To ... https://madworldnews.com/kamala-sex-scandal-aide Senator Kamala Harris is trying to cover-up the disgusting sex scandal that is rocking her possible bid as the Democratic nominee for the presidency in 2020. The lurid details include a female aide made to "get down on her hands and knees." But, that's not all. The 54-year-old former California Attorney General is getting her just deserts after she attempted to end the career of Brett ... It's CONFIRMED! Kamala Harris Slept Her Way to the Top https://www.independentsentinel.com/its-confirmed... Jan 27, 2019 · As we reported, Kamala Harris slept her way to the top. Former [corrupt] mayor of San Francisco Willie Brown admitted it but doesn’t see a problem with it. The 84-year-old can’t understand the fuss of giving his young mistress state jobs while they slept together.
  4. BOMBSHELL, Sex Scandal Derails Kamala Harris' 2020 Dreams ... https://thefederalistpapers.org/opinion/bombshell... Dec 14, 2018 · California Sen. Kamala Harris could watch her 2020 presidential dreams get destroyed as she finds herself in the middle of a sex scandal. As we reported previously Harris’ aide had a lawsuit brought against him and Harris feigned ignorance.. Sen. Kamala Harris … Kamala Harris and the Extramarital Affair Which Made Her ... https://www.sebgorka.com/kamala-harris-and-the... Jan 31, 2019 · Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) has been championed by the Democratic party as a great defender of women’s rights. In fact, some have publicly likened her to a female version of Barack Obama. On paper, Senator Harris would seem to be a competitive politician. She graduated from Howard University as well as the University of California, Hastings College of Law. Willie Brown admits it: Kamala Harris slept her way to the top https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2019/01/... Jan 27, 2019 · Kamala Harris, that vaunted self-righteous feminist candidate who's using her 'year of the woman' chops to challenge President Trump in 2020, has a little problem: She slept her way to the top. Here’s Why I Hate Kamala Harris : freeworldnews https://www.reddit.com/r/freeworldnews/comments/i... Actually the title is a bit misleading. If I were to explain all the reasons I hate this slut it would take many chapters, ending up as a book. Let’s face it: nobody on the internet is going to read a book. Thus, what follows is highlights of the low-life, Kammy (<——- Her slooting name) Harris. SHOCKING!!! 85 year old Willie Brown Slept with Kamala Harris https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBU-kaiBxzM Jan 27, 2019 · Kamala Harris, that vaunted self-righteous feminist candidate who's using her 'year of the woman' chops to challenge President Trump in 2020, has a little problem: She slept her way to the top.
  5. Kamala Harris' Dirty Little Sex Secret Comes Out After ... https://madworldnews.com/kamala-harris-sex-jeff-sessions Jun 14, 2017 · Kamala Harris was grandstanding again as she tried to bully Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Capitol Hill. Sessions, with his smooth southern drawl, outsmarted and outclassed Harris, who came off as a screaming shrew, and it's no wonder with her tawdry past. Harris has a dirty little sex secret that is coming back to haunt her, but that's not all. Tomi Lahren seemingly calls Kamala Harris a slut on Twitter https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2019/2/2/1831616/... Fox Propaganda Channel’s Tomi Lahren sent out a disgusting tweet on January 28 that seemed to insinuate that Senator Kamala Harris (Democrat of California) traded sex for political career ... Kamala Harris Disgraces Herself On The View, Calls Trump A ... https://gellerreport.com/2020/04/kamala-failed-slut.html Kamala Harris Disgraces Herself On The View, Calls Trump A “Drug Pusher” on National TV. By Newsthud, April 9, 2020: Kamala Harris is desperately trying to save her chance to be Joe Biden’s VP pick. The sharks are circling and every backbencher on the Dems roster wants the gig. Dear Kamala Harris, You Anti-Gun, Opportunistic ... https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/dear-kamala... Jan 29, 2019 · Dear slutty Kamala, Firstly, why do I call you a slut? Because according to your ex, former Mayor Willie Brown of San Francisco, you're a slut. If you find the word "slut" offensive, may I offer you some other choices?
  6. saw video on Fox - Harris said young people should be able to vote. In another clip, she is talking to a different audience, an says young people are....STUPID. that is why they want to give them the vote. same thing for illegals. No English, no Constitution/Bill of Rights culture, totally dependent on gov handouts for their survival... the dems figure they desperately need a new base.
  7. Hoorta - can't pick from that list - name ONE GOOD OR GREAT THING THING your obamao/biden acommplished in eight years. just name one. "went to the potty on AF one"? isn't one either... lol
  8. obamaocare is NOT ONE of the good/great things they did. be serious. obamaocare was a farce from the gitgo - they didn't even let the republicans vote for it or against it , they wanted it to be a political (big f&&&&&^^^ deal) in terms of votegetting. The mandate was lied about, keeping your dr if you like your dr was a FREAKIN LIE, it boosted premiums rather than lowering them, it drove a lot of doctors to despise the fake attempt at solving the problem. it made it worse, just like the left always does. it happens because you liberals do things on EMOTION, Personal benefit, and NOT for the good of our country and Americans. The environment? LOL. that is stupid. Kyoto treaty - a UN GLOBIST FARCE. Paris accord - a UN EUROPEAN GLOBALIST FARCE that is so stupid - obamao's asinine ulterior motive environmental actions HURT the environment. Like I said, what liberals do, is based on their own emotions and self-benefit - resulting in failure and the opposite result of what was originally intended: Obama's Regulations Actually Hurt the Environment ... https://www.americanlibertyreport.com/articles/... Obama made it clear that he wanted to transform the energy industry. Under the guise of environmentalism, he invested heavily in alternative fuels. He also used unilateral regulation to force biofuels into many sectors. The result is that today, you can scarcely find gasoline anywhere in the country that is without ethanol.
  9. Did Hoorta get bit by a rabid mosquito? or is it all just TDS?
  10. and how many states are there? and how many of those have corrupt no ID etc illegal voting setups? You stop the poop, your biden is full of it, and corrupt kamoola drops cowpies of lies about any subject - she's a sleazebag. Looks like you won't vote at all. too bad.
  11. no, you blabbered something about obamaocare. that isn't one of them. LOL Just one. Name just ONE LEGIMATE GOOD OR GREAT THING your ObaMao commie/Biden did for America in EIGHT FREAKIN YEARS. There isn't one. You can't name one. You got nothin, but hidin Biden. When it comes to the truth about things, you play Hidsies and go Seeksies, while swimming in Egypt.
  12. which makes no sense at all - Pres Trump and the reps DO NOT WANT MAIL IN VOTING. Conspiracies are only allowed by liberals with severe TDS...when it's THEIR conspiracies.
  13. Name one. You can't. Stop pouting - you got TDS really bad.
  14. see my post above. it's easy to name bad things biden has done TO America. It is easy to show FACTS about why Kamoooola is a dishonest leftwing sleazebag.
  15. lying about PRes Trump and FAILING to back it up with any legit substance, is TDS. You do it, you got it. You can't NAME ONE GOOD OR GREAT THING OBAMAO/BIDEN DID IN EIGHT YEARS, but you are offended by Pres Trump's sometimes stupid tweets, while he is doing HUNDREDS of GREAT/GOOD THINGS FOR AMERICA, and has kept more promises than most demoquack presidents combined. You can stick a cork in it - and have a nice day.
  16. no, did you miss the part where she wanted the fed (all of US) to pay to fix the damage done? and told the police to STAND DOWN? and the fed won't give her bail out money, so NOW she is po'd at the rioters? go figure ******************************************************** For her part, Lightfoot seemed stern in calling the rioting and looting “straight-up felony criminal conduct.” Yet it’s hard to take her seriously when she’s done nothing more to address the problem of widespread inner city shootings than to ask drug gangs to stop shooting each other on the streets. Democrat Mayor Lori Lightfoot Rejects National Guard in ... https://gellerreport.com/2020/08/democrat-mayor... Aug 11, 2020 · Lori Lightfoot Rejects National Guard in Chicago After Night of Looting By Breitbart, August 10, 2020 Chicago officials announced Monday morning that police would be placed on high alert, with 12-hour shifts and expanded patrols throughout the city after the Magnificent Mile downtown was attacked by organized looters overnight. Chicago next to burn? Mayor has told police to stand down ... https://www.tigerdroppings.com/rant/politics/... Mayor has told police to stand down to large gatherings Posted by teke184 on 5/30/20 at 2:12 pm to BuckyCheese Illinois isn’t going Republican barring a massive voter shift in Chicago and the Senate won’t vote through a bailout plan to save their asses.
  17. sickening - now beating/murdering/mugging "scary white people" is a BLM right? it will get far worse under biden/harris.
  18. grizzly chasing a fast mountain biker: On foot, you have zero chance of outrunning a bear.
  19. from the same site: real video, seriously - grizzly makes home in a family's yard, won't leave, is aggressive, and finally, attacks when the man goes out to just scare it away. Has cubs. He didn't want to kill the bear, so he was using BUCKSHOT. Which did work. This was close.
  20. I wish Hoorta and Tex had a script they could read that would convince them to be honest about Pres Trump. and to admit biden can't be our next president. If he was president, he could walk out of the White House to the rose garden, and never find his way home. https://www.redstate.com/bonchie/2020/08/11/joe-biden-needed-a-typed-script-to-call-kamala-harris-and-tell-her-she-the-vp-pick/
  21. there is criticism - legit criticism, then there is extremely asinine and belligerent dishonest TDS stupid hate that ignores the truth. And the truth is, NAME ONE GOOD/GREAT THING YOUR BIDEN EVER DID FOR AMERICA. or Obamao. or dishonest hack Harris. Go ahead. I wait, not for long, because you won't find one to list - Hoorta never has tried - TDS.
  22. but you have labeled senior citizens, you know, "scary old people", for a long time.
  23. sorry, but you have been doing the same thing - about Pres Trump with ZERO evidence. What goes around, comes around, eh?
  24. I didn't write the article that you were afraid to read, chicken little.
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