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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. only for leftwing dishonest scumbuckets. both male and female. The original use of the word included describing a male. why are you so much a bitcher? My guess is, you and Hoorta want to get conservatives on the board to be silenced, and shut down the board so you have a bigger, more friendly mods to the left on the football side. You bitchers can call Pres Trump anything and everything derogatory. But then you fake "offense" at the same done to your leftwing idols. Go peck on a petrified tree.
  2. I just did. It's easy, unless you are dishonestly supporting the democrat party no matter what.
  3. that is what the left does. THEY are "entitled" to slap fans in the face by offending them by showing disrespect for our Flag and Anthem, but... the fans are not entitled to express their own offense? Gee, Reggie Cannon, the fans are showing what THEY BELIEVE IN. you don't get to have it both ways, what comes around, goes around. Especially when you diss our country, our Anthem and Flag - the fans are dissing your stupid actions. Freedom of speech, Cannon. Too bad the likes of you and others - only believe YOU are entitled to free speech.
  4. I've done it rarely, asswhole. You complained when I used it for a man, too. We not-leftwing folks use slurs when there is REASON to. You leftwing haters use them out of spite with zero reason behind it. It's tough to believe you are so freaking birdbrain IGNORANT.
  5. they have been working on it for a year. This is very, very excellent. Travel between the two countries, security giant boost between the two, trade, tourism.... OUTSTANDING PRESIDENT TRUMP ! CONGRATS ! ************************** Trump announces 'Historic Peace Agreement' between Israel, UAE https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-israel-uae-peace-agreement 34 minutes ago · The president, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the United Arab Emirates Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed released a joint statement... Israel and UAE strike historic deal to normalise relations ... https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-53770859 31 minutes ago · Israel and the United Arab Emirates have agreed to normalise relations, US President Donald Trump has announced. A joint statement by Mr Trump, Israeli PM …
  6. woodpecker - another extreme leftwing nutjob with no sense of humor, maybe zero gender or all genders.... wants to bitch again. Typical birdbrain. Hey, Typical woodpecker - why don't you just go peck your hole and STFU ?
  7. it isn't a conspiracy, Hoorta. It's genuine. See, I CAN BACK UP WHAT I SAY. I don't Hoorta/Tex/woodpecker blurb negative nancy nonsense out of emotional knee jerk. ************************************* Argument erupts between Fauci, Trump aide over coronavirus ... https://nypost.com/2020/04/06/argument-erupts... Apr 06, 2020 · A heated argument broke out in the White House Situation Room over the weekend between Dr. Anthony Fauci and another member of President Trump’s coronavirus task force, with the exchange getting so... *********************************** so now, Hoorta/TEx/woodpecker can HATE Fauci: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2020/08/07/power-up-anthony-fauci-cautiously-supports-sending-kids-back-school/
  8. kamoola's leftwing crazy destructive radical asinine positions on society and law.... are complete cowpie. So, there is a REASON it's used. I mean, how many times have "elementary school crap" been used against Pres Trump the last four years? Come ON, man.
  9. OMG, that is so screwed up. I guess a bunch of "Hoortas" in California are real upset they voted for someone who is screwing over his entire state in the worst way.
  10. you can't name one, it isn't my fault. You can't find any fault with any democrat, but you pretend you're an independent. I'm not the only one who sees it. Your arguments are flaccid.
  11. what "original meme" ? in another thread? where you brought up the FBI building, and I clearly showed it had nothing to do with Presdient Trump? I would have thought you would come on this forum and deal with facts. But nope. You change subjects and run and hide faster than your little woodpecker.
  12. See, Hoorta? I CAN BACK UP WHAT I SAY. You rarely can, why bother blurbing your crap all over the place.
  13. In Bid For White House, Harris Promised to Usurp ... https://townhall.com/tipsheet/elliebufkin/2020/08/11/in-bid-for-white-house-harris... Aug 11, 2020 · Harris's proposals, which would redefine the Second Amendment of the Constitution as we know it, could not be legally reckoned by anyone who read her plan for guns in America, including Joe Biden. Reminder: Kamala Harris Said She Would ‘Take Executive ... https://www.gunpowdermagazine.com/reminder-kamala... Harris's presidential campaign died soon after announcing extreme gun control agendas. Her plan was to ignore democratic processes & enact gun control by executive order. Biden & Harris will dismantle the 2nd Amendment. — NRA (@NRA) August 11, 2020. Harris, we remind readers, has made many headlines for her “evolving” stance on guns. Kamala Harris Brings Extreme Gun Control Position to Biden ... https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/08/11/... 1 day ago · On July 14, 2019, Breitbart News reported presidential hopeful Harris’s pledge to go around Congress to secure gun control via executive action, if Congress refused to support her gun control agenda.. On September 7, 2019, Breitbart News reported Harris’s support for government-mandated buybacks of AR-15 rifles. Bloomberg reported that Harris had not … Kamala Says 2nd Amendment Has No Place 'In Civil Society ... https://madworldnews.com/kamala-2nd-amendment Kamala Says 2nd Amendment Has No Place ‘In Civil Society,’ Made To Regret It. January 29, 2019 Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist Political Opinion. Kamala Harris is running for president in 2020, and CNN was so excited they organized a big townhall last night. The former District Attorney was asked about our Second Amendment …
  14. Kamala Harris Takes Aim at Gun Owners | Newsmax.com https://www.newsmax.com/newsfront/kamala-harris... Aug 12, 2020 · Anyone who believes in the Second Amendment should be wary if Sen. Kamala Harris becomes the next vice president of the United States, sitting a heartbeat away from the White House. Harris is no better than Beto "hell yes, we're going to take your AR-15s" O'Rourke on the issue... kamala harris, second amendment, stand your ground, red flag laws NRA warns Biden-Harris ticket will 'dismantle the Second ... https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/nra-warns... 1 day ago · The National Rifle Association reacted to presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden's announcement that Sen. Kamala Harris will be his running mate, attacking the two as a fierce duo...
  15. speaking of Hoorta's "bible" the NY Post: Biden promises to put Beto O'Rourke in charge of gun control https://nypost.com/2020/03/03/joe-biden-promises... Mar 04, 2020 · Moments after former Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke — who promised in a September debate to take away legally purchased assault rifles if elected — endorsed Joe Biden’s White House... Biden Announces His Gun Control Czar Will Be Beto O'Rourke ... https://www.westernjournal.com/biden-announces-gun... Mar 03, 2020 · Although Biden himself doesn’t appear to be as radical of a gun grabber as O’Rourke, his own inexperience with firearm basics is sure to gravely impact any ill-conceived programs from the potential Biden administration.. It remains to be seen what impact O’Rourke’s endorsement will have on Biden’s Tuesday performance.
  16. you can't name one good or great thing your obamao/biden did for America in eight years. You may as well STFU if that makes you mad. Don't get mad, just once, admit biden and kamoola are impossible to elect into our government. It is still true despite your TDS HATRED for Trump. Want me to post biden and kamoola and biden's ... no you don't. Biden Says Beto O’Rourke Will ‘Take Care of the Gun ... https://news.yahoo.com/biden-says-beto-o-rourke-141650776.html Mar 03, 2020 · While accepting Beto O’Rourke’s endorsement Monday night, Biden told the former Texas congressman that he will be heavily involved in federal gun control efforts if Biden takes office. “I want to... Biden says he's coming for assault weapons, as 2020 Dems ... https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-assault-weapons-ban-shootings Aug 06, 2019 · Former vice president Joe Biden, who had a large role in crafting the 1994 assault weapons ban, declared support for a national gun buyback program to get assault weapons off the street.
  17. you can. I'll call you out. what about the FBI building?
  18. Hoorta translation: "I can't prove anything that is true about my TDS crap, and I can't even find ONE GOOD OR GREAT THING to say about ObaMao/biden's actions as pres/vp for EIGHT STUPID YEARS... I can't find one. dammit. so, I'll pretend I did, like woodpecker, and I'm going to make up an excuse to not being able to find even ONE freaking good or great thing, and I'll attack Cal. Hoorta, your Atlantic, Post, NY times are your authority sources? Like YOU and Tex and woodpecker are not totally convinced of your TDS hate? freaking really? waste of time is on your INABILITY TO DEFEND your dishonest slurs against an Imperfect president that is doing GREAT AND GOOD THINGS FOR AMERICAN AND IS KEEPING HIS PROMISES> You libs always run and hide when your emotional kneejerkie crap is called out. You can't explain WHY you say your crap, you can't DEFEND your crap, you can't EXPLAIN WHY you...pretend...to feel like you do, and you can't criticize your obaMao or biden or any other liberal. Face it. Liberalism means you always have TDS and you are swimming in Egypt so you pretend you're an "independent". blech. dayum. things are getting sicker and sicker in leftwing TDS kkk-like HATELAND.
  19. reading history about the nazis make you a nazi? that's so stupid, Hoorta. I wish you liberals WOULD LEARN HISTORY. Because right now, the leftwing demonazis are going to take us to wwii germany hell in terms of oppressive gov. has any liberal read up on cloward-piven? historical disaster under every socialist gov? Weimar Republic? nope. they only care about what makes them FEEEEELLLLLL good. Like biden smelling girls' hair etc.
  20. speaking of sleaze, how can a pres and vp, do absolutely NOTHING GOOD OR GREAT for America IN EIGHT FREAKING YEARS??? Name just one Hoorta. All are sinners. But Pres Trump became a Christian. He isn't perfect - but he and Pence are ] GREAT FOR AMERICA. and Hoorta's hidin biden has been a nothing good for America his whole career. and kamoola.... is just nasty, nasty corrupt, belligerent and dangerous for America. There are FACTUAL filthy dangerous corrupt stuff about biden and kamoola that make them completely corrupt and unelectable. There are FACTUAL GREAT AND GOOD ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR AMERICA, and PROMISES KEPT FOR AMERICA.... that are only because we elected Pres Trump and VP Pence. But liberals like Hoorta and TEx and woodpecker will vote to make themselves feeeeeeellllll good. Pres Trump doesn't turn them on, but if they gave a crap about AMERICA.... they will know who to vote for. and it ain't the democratic socialist/fascist party.
  21. not a bad point, except I haven't seen legit proof of it - just politically bent lawsuits etc. Not sure he cheated on Melania ... the proof of Kamoola's slutness is out there, though. and compare her to Pence as vp. Pres Trump has been a cad at times, I suppose. But he was serious about what he was going to do for America, and America believed him, and he certainly has been excellent at keeping his promises and doing great things. no chance with kamoola. There is a lot more to her slutness than sleeping around.
  22. yep, right up hidin sicko biden's alley. https://www.redstate.com/nick-arama/2020/08/12/helicopter-assigned-to-trump-detail-shot-at-in-the-air-over-virginia-one-injury/
  23. violence is their only way to dominate America if they can. https://www.redstate.com/nick-arama/2020/08/12/helicopter-assigned-to-trump-detail-shot-at-in-the-air-over-virginia-one-injury/
  24. as usual, you didn't see the evidence - and I didn't call her a slut in the title, I ASKED THE QUESTION, which has ALREADY BEEN RAISED on the board, and the evidence as to the answer is only what I posted initially. asswhole birdbrain slut woodypeckerhead.
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