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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. woodpecker would have made a very effective nazi collaborator
  2. far more than in other western countries. Marxist/Leninist corruption and political fear mongering all the time in their controlled ms media.... https://www.theblaze.com/op-ed/horowitz-survey-greater-mental-health-crisis-us
  3. https://www.redstate.com/nick-arama/2020/08/13/the-democrats-have-completely-lost-their-minds-with-the-latest-trump-hoax-theyre-pushing/
  4. Hoorta and his little woodpecker - I called Hoorta out for not being able to come up with JUST ONE little itsy bitsy good or great thing his obaMaocommie/Hidin Biden accomplished for America - and he can't think of one. but, he's free to hate Pres Trump because of his "orange skin". I won't repeat the HUNDREDS OF GOOD/GREAT THINGS PRes Trump/Vp Pence have done. but I'll give sassy Hoorta a few link: again (since he's surely getting tired of swimming in Egypt) of course, somebody will have to quote it to get Hoorta to see the truth: *************************************************** The List Of President Trump's Accomplishments So Far | 710 ... https://710wor.iheart.com/featured/mark-simone/content/2019-03-09-the-list-of... Mar 09, 2019 · The President signed legislation that reauthorized the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act, making more than $1 billion available for career education programs. President Trump has prioritized the economic empowerment of women. The women’s unemployment rate recently reached its lowest rate in 65 years. A List Of President Trump's Accomplishments So Far | 710 ... https://710wor.iheart.com/featured/mark-simone/... Oct 22, 2019 · A List Of President Trump's Accomplishments So Far By Mark Simone Oct 23, 2019 If you tune out all the hyperbolic, hysterical, partisan, Trump haters, screaming 'he's the worst President ever' or 'he's destroying our Democracy', and look at the facts and the actual results, he's one of the most successful Presidents ever: Trump Administration Accomplishments | The White House https://www.whitehouse.gov/trump-administration-accomplishments Almost 4 million jobs created since election. More Americans are now employed than ever recorded before in our history. We have created more than 400,000 manufacturing jobs since my election. Manufacturing jobs growing at the fastest rate in more than THREE DECADES. See full list on whitehouse.gov
  5. even out in the outdoors? fishing? walking in park paths on a windy day? STFU, woodpecker.
  6. https://www.politico.com/news/agenda/2020/04/16/the-right-way-to-bail-out-the-post-office-190271 The USPS is a financial disaster. They say they need 75 BILLION to keep going? It is NOT A GOVERNMENT AGENCY, so they SHOULD be run like a freaking BUSINESS. They have been badly managed, and now they whine about changes? and the dems want mail voting so badly for voter fraud in their favor, of course, that millions and millions and millions of mail in ballots would slam the USPS into oblivion. Nope. Not President Trump's fault. The op is just dishonest.
  7. what is obvious that the op is a slanted bit of the story. The TRUTH is: https://www.ibtimes.com/whats-wrong-us-postal-service-5-things-know-309790 What's Wrong With the U.S. Postal Service: 5 Things to Know The U.S. Postal Service may lose $10 billion this fiscal year ending Sept. 30, and the agency is nearing default. It even has the potential to close, if Congress doesn't step in with help. The USPS is trying to downsize by attempting to reduce one-fifth of its workforce, closing 3,700 branches across the U.S. and taking over its employee benefits now run through the federal government. Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe appeared by before a Congressional committee Tuesday to talk about the problems and ask for help from Congress so the agency can avoid default and perhaps even a shutdown. But the agency is facing so many issues suddenly that fixing them all through Congress may prove a difficult task. Here's what's wrong the the United States Postal Service: 1. Faster-than-expected sales declines due to evaporation of First Class mail. Many argued years ago that the computer as we first knew it would kill our need for paper. But they were wrong. If anything, the first computer increased our reliance upon paper. But then came the smartphone and tablets, social media and the sophistication of online bill pay. Fewer people need First Class mail. They send e-mail letters, connect with Facebook, and pay bills online. And the trend is growing fast, leaving the USPS with a bloated structure trying to downsize -- but the agency can't do it fast enough. 2. Price increase limitations. In September 2010, postal regulators denied requests by the USPS to increase postage rates in January 2011. The reason given was this: The postal service's financial woes are caused by a flawed business model and not the recession. Thus, a request by the USPS to raise postage rates on First Class mail, periodicals and other services beyond the rate of inflation was denied. So while the postage stamp remains one of America's best bargains, it comes at a significant cost to the postal service. With First Class mail volume in decline, a price hike is needed to get business in order while the system is restructured. But in a period of low inflation following the recession, the postal service cannot raise the price of stamps and other services. 3. Too many costly retail units. The postal service is in the midst of a retraction plan, shedding retail units across the country and eliminating jobs. But it isn't happening fast enough. The postal service has found that contract retail units, with core operational costs managed by an independent proprietor, work well. That's why the agency wants to close 3,700 branches throughout the U.S. But by the time that happens, that number will already be much larger. But such contract postal outlets, while cost-efficient, also come under fire when the post office tries to close them. It is politically incorrect to close down community post offices and postal workers don't like the move, since it eliminates jobs. Still, it's the path the post office has taken in recent years. The only problem is that federal bureaucracy makes the process far too slow to keep up with slowing business due to fast-moving technology. 4. A federal law forcing the USPS to pre-fund its retiree health benefits. This is perhaps the most pressing issue facing the postal service. Expected to post a deficit this year nearing $10 billion, the postal service, which doesn't receive a dime of federal taxpayer subsidy, must pay the government roughly $5.5 billion annually. A payment is due Sept. 30. The payment began in 2006 due to a law passed at that time -- when the postal service was profitable -- which requires the postal service to prepay benefits costs to the federal government since many of its employees are within the government's retirement system. The USPS doesn't have that money this year, and a payment is due at the end of September. The postal service wants help from Congress to change the law, allowing the USPS to take over its pension and health care benefits directly for its 480,000 retirees and 600,000 active workers. But Congress is under pressure from postal service worker unions to avoid such a move, making it a political hot potato. One union spokesman representing the American Postal Workers has said crushing postal workers and slashing service will not solve [the USPS'] financial crisis. Still, something must be done. Either Congress must take over the payment or allow the postal service to manage benefits, or else the USPS will default. 5. Bureaucratic struggle. The USPS is a standalone agency. Many think the postal service is a direct function of the federal government; it's not. Because the postal service does not receive federal subsidies, it is an independent agency -- or a pseudo-government agency, if you will. Still, the postal service is plagued by bureaucratic inefficiencies because it relies upon a direct tie to the federal government. Therefore, while the agency seems to understands the problems with its business model, fixing those problems meets bureaucratic resistance. Congress thrashed about during debt ceiling negotiations, for instance, and postal cuts and solutions are a similar hot potato since union jobs are involved, and postal units slated for closing in legislative districts.
  8. I can't imagine the pain of losing someone to violence. So sorry to hear.
  9. Thanks, and really sorry about your situation with all that, and you having to deal with it.
  10. she worked with it, she would know. Some experts say it isn't. Guess what. The communist chinese wouldn't make a hybrid covid that was obviously created in a lab. But it was. And Li-Meng WORKED ON IT. https://en.as.com/en/2020/08/03/latest_news/1596459547_022260.html
  11. but will the liberal lefties on the forum READ it? (and admit it?) btw, I was wrong about susan rice being the vp pick. but hints are there that she will play a more important role, a more dangerous role than she had before.... where she lied repeatedly about Benghazi for higgardly and ObaMao.
  12. the truth is, liberals emotionally desperately need to control others. they tend...to flock to authority careers. Teaching, law, they flock to "leadership" (and control) in home owners associations... coaching, management positions, pta, some churches.... pastors/priests whatever. Politics....military....different organizations.... they have this sick need to tell other people what to do. They NEED personal power, and validate it by controlling other people. They aren't wired to just mind their own freaking business.
  13. their irrational self-centered emotional kneejerk hate won't let them. there is still hope they may start being honest about it.
  14. I suppose, if you don't, it will be like the socialist mandate to have insurance - they will "tax" you if you don't comply with their power they will take. and they will raise taxes even MORE to subsidize free masks. "bidenmasks" like "obamaophones". Free! vote for me, Joe Hidin Biden ! https://www.redstate.com/brandon_morse/2020/08/13/biden-2020-strategy/
  15. Hard to believe that Hoorta and woodpecker are not offended by her. TAKE HER STATUE DOWN ! wait, she's so nasty she doesn't have one.... my bad.
  16. When Kamala Harris was 'extraordinarily nasty' to Brett ... https://nypost.com/2020/08/11/when-kamala-harris... 1 day ago · Harris, who Joe Biden had earlier announced as his running mate, went viral for aggressively questioning Kavanaugh’s sexual misconduct …
  17. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/05/22/fact-check-joe-biden-arrested-ohio-u-womens-dorm/5244339002/
  18. In college, Joe Biden was known to be a pedophile ... https://fellowshipoftheminds.com/in-college-joe... Jun 04, 2019 · The definition of “pedophile” is an adult with “sexual fondness for and activity” with children, i.e., minors below the age of consent. Joe Biden, 76, is a former vice president in the Obama administration and a 2020 Democrat candidate for President.
  19. meanwhile...seattle protesters demand white people give up their homes and give them back to black people. Meaning, marxist-leninist violent black/brownshirt democrat stooges. Gettin worse, folks. Might be goin to get worse. The left will raise hell if they don't win, lose by a landslide, and will raise hell if they did win. https://www.theblaze.com/news/violent-group-of-seattle-rioters-scream-at-strangers-give-up-your-house-give-black-people-back-their-homes
  20. Awkward, you betcha: https://www.theblaze.com/news/kamala-harris-i-believe-biden-accusers FLASHBACK: VP pick Sen. Kamala Harris: I 'believe' Biden accusers
  21. oh, my gosh, that had to hurt. lol says "oops The page you're looking for isn't here. Either someone gave you a bad link or there's something funky going on. Either way, we're truly sorry for the inconvenience.
  22. Mexico Is Paying for Trump's Wall - Townhall https://townhall.com/.../2020/01/26/mexico-is-paying-for-trumps-wall-n2560095 Jan 26, 2020 · A Mexican journalist just named this human wall of Mexican troops "Trump's Wall." So, in fact, Trump has built the wall, a human wall. And Mexico is paying for it. Mexico Isn't Directly Paying for Border Wall, Trump Says ... https://people.com/politics/donald-trump-mexico-wont-pay-for-wall Jan 11, 2019 · “Mexico is paying for the wall indirectly,” he continued, contending that a recently agreed-upon trade deal between Mexico, Canada and the U.S., known as the USMCA, would cover the cost of the wall...
  23. Trump is Not Wrong. Mexico is Paying for the Wall ... https://www.immigrationreform.com/2020/03/09/mpp... Mar 09, 2020 · Mexico then ramped up its “wall” by chartering deportation flights to outside countries like India. This served to deter illegal aliens from transiting through Mexico, especially those from outside of the Western Hemisphere. In one case, in the fall of 2019, Mexico flew more than 300 Indian migrants back to New Delhi. The flights were paid for by the Mexican government and contributed to the …
  24. it sure the hell is. https://www.westernjournal.com/lifelong-democrat-tells-trump-first-republican-ever-voted/
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