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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. again, you can vote by absentee ballot - you REQUEST one, you get verified as a legit voter in your state/county/township...and you receive your ABSENTEE ballot. the wholesale delivery of millions of ballots to registration rolls - the rolls are not correct. and dems have SUED to keep them incorrect. because they wanted to fall back on mail in ballots if they couldn't win elections. so there ya go. mail in ballots are rife with fraud.
  2. That is worse than stupid, I still need to come up with a word that describes that. Your pecking slurs don't work around here, you are too ignorant to comment intelligently in any thread. It's pitiful. You think "kamoola" is parroting? Please, learn what words mean. You do not communicate well with others - because you talk out of your tailfeathers.
  3. oh, the irony and ignorance of the above post. The left is "moderate". The left is "reasonable". Get this - Pres Trump was the RIGHT President to elect. He has PROVEN IT by keeping HIS PROMISES and his ACCOMPLISHMENTS IN ONLY FOUR YEARS - that is...HUNDREDS OF GOOD AND GREAT THINGS for AMERICA. I've tried and tried, Hoorta can run away from it, so I'll ask the woodpecker: Can YOU peck one thing that was accomplished by ObaMao/Biden over eight years that was GOOD OR GREAT FOR AMERICA? Just one. Just peck one.
  4. OTH, I have NEVER used the fword, or cword, or the sword. Those are also a bad look. Liberals like Hoorta and his little woodpecker always demand to control the narrative, and they get to pick and choose what words are offensive to them, but refuse to let not-liberals choose what words are offensive TO THEM. Lenin-marxism/progressiveism/liberalism - have become synonymous.
  5. LOL LOL The Surprising Roots of the Word ‘Slut’ https://www.thedailybeast.com/the-surprising-roots-of-the-word-slut Apr 14, 2017 · In other words, in the 14 th century, at least one author was using slut to refer to a man, and if you read the context of that quote, it’s clear that Chaucer, for once, didn’t have sex on his...
  6. eh..... she has a nasty history. Vitriol, sure. But there is no character assassination - it's her history, like it or not. That is the problem - I defend Pres Trump when it's legit. For eight years, all we heard from the left was "Respect the office" per ObaMao. But the racist/divisive statements list was started to get pretty long. The scandals were real, and mounting up. But thanks for admitting you are tempted to jump into extreme dishonest bias and kicking all "MAGAs" off the board. See? By hook or crook, your liberal emotions drive you to desperately try to control the narrative. If that is a veiled threat, ....no workie, emotional knee jerkie.
  7. but it's fine to ridicule Pres Trump? that's my point. I haven't seen you take a stand vs the haters who denigrate Pres Trump with all sorts of names. I came up with "moochelle" because her statement "for the first time in my life I am proud of my country"...was cowpie. I haven't been able to coin a "bimooden" that works. It just doesn't. I can be very creative, but I haven't come up with a way to use it with hiden biden. Maybe "hiden mooden". nope. dammit. lol
  8. lol. LOL. So Hoorta has me on ignore, but quotes my post and bitches about stupid stuff. LOL LOL I imagine his dishonesty is a desperate attempt to get conservatives to screw up and be nasty enough' that he can get us off the board. It's what hard core dominated-by-their-emotions progressive "independents" do. Like, "you can ridicule Trump all you want, but ridiculing Kamoola is offensive". yeah, right. Hoorta and his little woodpecker LOVE them some liberal bias snopes and cnn. If a source is dishonest enough to make progressives/liberals/"independents" smile, then it's a wonderful source no matter how dishonest.
  9. Then GOD BLESS YA. I love getting mail, especially when it's something important I was hoping to have come in. 1. If my first point is false, I'm sorry, but I read a lot. Is it not true? https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/usps-workers-union-endorses-biden-citing-threat-to-postal-service-survival/ar-BB17Yyxi?ocid=uxbndlbing Postal carriers union endorses Biden, warns that 'survival ...https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2020-election/...21 hours ago · Postal carriers union endorses Biden, warns that 'survival' of USPS is at stake The endorsement comes after the president's resistance to Postal Service funding, amid his fight against expanded... USPS Union Gives Biden, Harris Endorsement as Trump Says ...https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/usps-union...USPS Union Gives Biden, Harris Endorsement as Trump Says He Opposed More Funding for Agency Joe Biden has received the endorsement of the National Association of Letter Carriers on … 2. As to my second point, I did overstate it, but look at the trend: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/postal-service-broke-law-in-pushing-time-off-for-workers-to-campaign-for-clinton-investigation-finds/2017/07/19/3292741c-6ca0-11e7-b9e2-2056e768a7e5_story.html However, I am sure a lot of poster workers, who do work hard, voted for Pres Trump and VP Pence last time. I'm not talking about the rank and file, I'm talking about the UNION. Remember, my Wife is very conservative, and there was a time when she was badgered aggressively, got hostile about it in her face...... by their union rep because she wouldn't say she'd be voting for the dem running for pres. Her friends/teachers jumped all over her and said she'd better apologize fast before I found out. LOL. So, I differentiate between the union, and rank and file members. Sorry if that wasn't clear. 3. I mispoke - I should have said "to hell with the USPS UNION". It's strange to me - plenty of people in a union don't vote the way they are told, but what the heck is up with union hierarchies being so democrat oriented? Just my take on that.
  10. you said above, you don't care what is said about PRES Trump, but you DO CARE about what is said about Kamoola - as to your complaining about "Kamoola". You took sides. In favor of Kamoola. So, to reiterate, you're find with calling Pres Trump anything negative, but then you BUTTED IN and took Steve to task for saying "Kamoola". My goofy "translation" is pointing out the discrepancy. When you confuse the issue, don't be po;d when others are confused by you. My silly ass paraphrases are a little funny...here and there....but always have a point. You don't like the point, then do not be fine with ridiculing PRes Trump then turn around and get all haughty about ridiculing Kamoola. Ka....MOOOOO....la. Don't tell me how to post. The idea that Kamoola is a "moderate" is cowpie. The idea that she has any integrity at all, is cowpie. Career wise and personally, she's a sleaze. Full of cowpie. "Kamoola" makes that point. Have a nice day.
  11. yep, if he works hard... it might be tough to keep him on the roster to only be a return man. But, he could be terrific at that.
  12. what is so sad, is Hoorta and his little woodpecker have no comment, no criticism of kamoola. The left thrives on HATE. especially when they could have had free clintonphones if she had won.
  13. did I hear any leftie on the board have a comment about this? black man, thug, goes out and shoots a young white kid in the head? 5 years old. what a horrific tragedy. But, it doesn't make the left FEEL good about losing the last election, and probably losing this one big. No political benefit, they do NOT give a damn.
  14. the only barrier is so much of the black culture, inner city culture. like swimming. NO reason they can't go out and enjoy the outdoors.
  15. The Milizia Volontaria per la Sicurezza Nazionale (MVSN, "Voluntary Militia for National Security"), commonly called the Blackshirts (Italian: Camicie Nere, CCNN, singular: Camicia Nera) or squadristi (singular: squadrista), was originally the paramilitary wing of the National Fascist Party, known as the Squadrismo, and after 1923 an all-volunteer militia of the Kingdom of Italy under Fascist rule, similar to the SA in Nazi Germany.
  16. crap. I don't even want to try it. the brownshirts/blackshirts (nazi/fascist reference)....are doing the bidding of the left. It's leftwing extortion - "we lost the last election, so THIS TIME< elect us, or else we will burn your houses down, your cities down, beat the hell out of you, ....and worse" it helped the nazis get and keep their complete and total power. ********************** Sturmabteilung: The Unofficial Army Of Thugs Hitler Used ... https://allthatsinteresting.com/sturmabteilung Jan 08, 2019 · In 1921, Adolf Hitler formally organized some of the right-wing thugs who had been fighting on the streets into a paramilitary organization dubbed the Sturmabteiling (SA) which literally translates to Storm Unit.. This paramilitary would come to be known informally as the “Brownshirts” as they were clad in brown uniforms similar to the fascist “Blackshirts” of Italy. blackshirt [ˈblakˌSHərt] NOUN blackshirts (plural noun) (in Italy) a member of the paramilitary wing of the National Fascist Party founded by Mussolini. (in Nazi Germany) a member of the SS.
  17. wait, you and your little woodpecker lie about Pres Trump more than... "independent leftwing liberal"
  18. did I hear any leftie on the board have a comment about this? black man, thug, goes out and shoots a young white kid in the head? 5 years old. what a horrific tragedy. But, it doesn't make the left FEEL good about losing the last election, and probably losing this one big. No political benefit, they do NOT give a damn.
  19. and, of course, the USPS employees union says it will support Biden. because Pres Trump won't give them a giant bailout. which, is dishonest bs... they were going to support any democrat anyways. the hell with USPS now. But, it's ok, the NJ gov decided to go all in with mail in ballots. that way, they can't lose, maybe they can't win, but they can't lose. the left demands crises, they live by it, because there is no legit reason for them to accrue the power they crave.
  20. and, of course, the USPS employees union says it will support Biden. because Pres Trump won't give them a giant bailout. which, is dishonest bs... they were going to support any democrat anyways. the hell with USPS now. But, it's ok, the NJ gov decided to go all in with mail in ballots. that way, they can't lose, maybe they can't win, but they can't lose. the left demands crises, they live by it, because there is no legit reason for them to accrue the power they crave.
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