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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. "Hoorta and woodpecker, trollin in a tree" whatever. LOL
  2. I've never seen the like of it - Chris Wray ended up being just another frightened chicken, like Sessions, to rock the deep swamp boat. May as well figure it's similar to going after the mafia. A marxist mafia. They want permanent control. And they were oh so close to it last election, and it got them po'd to the max. If they can't FIX and STEAL the election - they will muddle and corrupt it until they can say white America stole it, and throw America into serious marxist chaos. That is how marxists do. Venezuela. The nation of Venezuela is in a state of crisis. Over the past few years, corruption and failed government policies have led Venezuela's economy to collapse, causing infrastructure to crumble and leaving millions of Venezuelans in poverty. https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/venezuela-economy-facts-2019-5-1028225117# Venezuela is going through one of the worst political and economic crises in modern history. Once a stable democracy and economic powerhouse, Venezuela is now on the brink of collapse and the country is effectively insolvent. Read on for nine hard-to-believe facts about Venezuela's economy today. Inflation in Venezuela may hit 10 million percent this year Venezuela has the world's largest proven oil reserves, but its production today is 2.3 times less than it was in the 1970s Venezuela used to be the wealthiest country in South America. President Maduro has ordered 26 minimum wage increases in his six years in office, including a 300% increase earlier this year In 2018, experts estimate that in Venezuela, a roll of toilet paper cost 2.6 million Venezuelan bolivars REUTERS/Jorge Silva Experts estimated that a roll of toilet paper cost Venezuelans 2.6 million bolivars in 2018. For reference, in terms of US dollars, that 2.6 million bolivar roll of toilet paper would have cost 40 cents. And at the time of the assessment, in mid-2018, inflation in Venezuela was around 1 million percent, according to NBC News. Venezuela's 2018 GDP was smaller than that of Connecticut's Reuters According to World Economics Ltd.,Venezuela's gross domestic product in 2018 was approximately $276 billion. That same year, the GDP of the state of Connecticut was about $279.7 billion. Venezuela's estimated unemployment rate stands at a staggering 44% REUTERS/Christian Veron Bloomberg reports that experts estimate Venezuelan unemployment will surpass 44% this year and will likely hit the 50% mark next year. The state, however, has not released an official unemployment figure since 2016, when it claimed a 7.3% unemployment rate, according to Reuters. Venezuela's commercial output may contract by 25% this year, the worst performance seen in any nation since Libya's civil war Reuters/Jorge Silva Production, agriculture, and exports in Venezuela are so stymied that the country's output may fall by a quarter this year alone. That's the worst performance of any economy since Libya fell into civil war in 2014, and about the worst contraction ever experienced by any country not in a war, as calculated by the IMF. As of 2017, oil production accounted for about 95% of Venezuela's export earnings REUTERS/Isaac Urrutia According to the CIA Factbook, in recent years oil has accounted for almost all of Venezuela's exports, and is responsible for about half of the Venezuelan government's annual revenue. Venezuela's 2018 GDP was smaller than that of Connecticut's Venezuela's estimated unemployment rate stands at a staggering 44% Venezuela's commercial output may contract by 25% this year, the worst performance seen in any nation since Libya's civil war ****************************************************************** Now, look at the cloward-piven and saul alinski's rules for radicals and the "democratic party" platform. read up on the Wiemar Republic, too. Let me know what you honestly think our direction would be if Pres Trump and Pence weren't re-elected.
  3. the more you finally find out........the more you have to get leftist/globalist dems our of our government. The clinton's raked in MILLIONS and MILLIONS and MILLIONS. biden's family made MILLIONS off china, too. https://www.redstate.com/diary/davenj1/2020/08/16/another-look-at-uranium-one-part-1-the-art-of-the-deal/
  4. lol. wow. https://www.theblaze.com/news/obama-usps-conspiracy-theory-biden-trump
  5. I'll repeat my thread op here: https://www.theblaze.com/news/obama-usps-conspiracy-theory-biden-trump FLASHBACK: Thousands of USPS mailboxes removed during Obama-Biden administration Then there was the time Obama said: 'It's the post office that's always having problems'
  6. her seriously corrupt history will only help biden's undoing as a politician.
  7. darn. of course, that was during the obaMao/biden regime.....anybody think Hoorta and his little woodpecker will complain that obaMao and biden tried to fix the election THEN? https://www.theblaze.com/news/obama-usps-conspiracy-theory-biden-trump FLASHBACK: Thousands of USPS mailboxes removed during Obama-Biden administration Then there was the time Obama said: 'It's the post office that's always having problems'
  8. funny, but also... chicago is a hell hole. thanks obamao and the dems.
  9. The writing is on the wall, but Hoorta and his little woodpecker will slurp them up: https://www.redstate.com/bonchie/2020/08/15/joe-biden-spreads-wild-conspiracy-theories-about-the-post-office/ Joe Biden Spreads Wild Conspiracy Theories, Shows the Ridiculous Hypocrisy of Democrats and the Media. "In reality, nothing nefarious is going on. The USPS, which is indeed cash strapped because it’s a terribly run organization that’s always cash strapped and has been for most of its history, is streamlining operations. Part of that is removing redundant, little used mailboxes when there is another one literally just a few feet away. " "But the “USPS in crisis” narrative is what Democrats see as their next political tool now that coronavirus hot spots are waning, Iran didn’t melt the earth after we killed Soleimani, and Israel was able to make peace with its Arab neighbors without starting a major conflict. Selling panic porn is the name of the game, and they plan to keep it up until November. " "In truth, there’s a very simple way to make sure your vote counts. Get off your duff and go vote. There is no science behind the idea that it’s dangerous to do so. If you are very old and want to vote absentee, then apply for an absentee ballot. Problem solved. There is no crisis here, no matter how much the Democrats want to claim there is." "Meanwhile, Joe Biden is so out of his mind that he sounds like he should be writing for The DailyKos. If Trump tried to spread such a conspiracy theory, the media would lose their minds. Orange man bad and all that. Biden gets to hide in his basement though while Kamala Harris does softball interviews with Trevor Noah. In the end, the lesson here is that the Democrats and the left are massive hypocrites. Conspiracy theories for me but not for thee. Will any media firefighter call out Biden’s spreading of such nonsense? Don’t hold your breath. (Please follow me on Twitter!!! @bonchieredstate)"
  10. not just the first example but the collection of examples: https://www.theblaze.com/news/democratic-rep-ayanna-pressley-calls-for-unrest-in-the-streets-targets-trump-allies https://www.theblaze.com/news/wrongtrump-trends-on-social-media 'WrongTrump' trends on social media as leftists wish death on President Trump — but the blowback is fierce https://www.theblaze.com/news/minneapolis-john-thompson-video-bob-kroll Democratic State House candidate suggests Minnesota suburb be burned down: 'I didn't come here to be peaceful' The situation got intense at a Black Lives Matter protest at the head of the Minneapolis police union's home https://www.theblaze.com/news/black-lives-matter-protesters-demand-white-residents-give-up-their-homes Black Lives Matter protesters in Seattle demand white residents 'give up' their homes https://www.redstate.com/mike_miller/2020/08/16/keepin-it-classy-leftists-continue-to-gloat-over-robert-trump’s-death-as-wrongtrump-trends-on-twitter/ Keepin’ It Classy: Leftists Continue to Gloat Over Robert Trump’s Death as #WrongTrump Trends on Twitter https://www.redstate.com/beccalower/2020/08/16/nyc-tribute-in-light-live-name-reading-to-honor-911-victims-back-on-after-public-outcry/ https://www.redstate.com/bonchie/2020/08/15/president-trumps-brother-has-passed-away-media-immediately-show-how-gross-they-are/ President Trump’s Brother Passes Away, Media Immediately Show How Gross They Are https://www.redstate.com/bonchie/2020/08/15/joe-biden-spreads-wild-conspiracy-theories-about-the-post-office/
  11. I reckon any time now woodpecker will start screaming "citizen's arrest, citizen's arrest" for being mean about his hero and heroines.
  12. leftwingers have a desperate need to control narratives - and keep others from disagreeing with them - because their twisted emotions demand the validation.
  13. pitiful. defending the lack of coverage/outrage about a white 5 year old kid, brutually murdered.... but so many black kids get murdered, and the activists don't care. It's only white on black violence that gets their motor running - because that gets them victimhood, and a platform to raise hell and demand free stuff - reparations, especially in terms of smashing windows and stealing stuff. That's how I see it.
  14. 1. When you SAY you don't care what is said about Pres Trump, then you complain about ridiculing Kamoola...you are taking sides. You either genuinely care that ridicule happens, or you don't. You don't care one time, and do care another....that is confusing to say the least. So, inherent in your posts is a contradiction. 2. Thanks for investigating that - but go further back. I have even posted pictures of hillary as a cow. I don't remember ever getting that from Rush. I don't get to listen to him much. On the board, how can we tell if I invented the obvious ON THE BOARD, after Rush did also? I don't know. You don't either, so SACIT. 3. Now you are getting smart ass again, Tiamsies. oops. Did Rush invent that too? dammit.
  15. OMG. The c letter. You should be asham...dammit....I just repeated it. The dreaded scary "C" letter. Then there's the scary "w" letter, and you know who will be offended by that....
  16. 1. Yes you did take a stand, by your behavior. You openly criticized "Kamoola" and said you didn't care at all about anything ridiculing Pres Trump. So which IS IT? You disagree with ridicule or NOT? Or, just when it suits you, THEN ridicule is bad/good, and YOU get to be the judge. that's bullhockey. 2. Just because Rush said it? a couple years earlier? doesn't mean I didn't "invent" it on this board. I don't believe I got it from Rush at all. I like to make up my own stuff. But, if I did repeat it from having heard it from Rush, I don't remember, and you ASSuming that "if A happens before B, A caused B" makes you in wildman incredulous erroneous. (damn, did Rush make THAT up too, two years ago? lol) 3. Elbow brusher? I don't even know what that is, Tiamsies. I try not to argue with guys for no good reason, but you are getting a bit nasty for no good reason. Fancy that, a partisan phewpoint from you. See what I did there? and I didn't get THAT from anybody else, either. 4. Since you are being a smart ass, Tiamsies (I think you should go look that up on Rush's terminology too, maybe HE made that one up? lol)
  17. here's the problem with that - S. Korea handled it well because A. They are a small country. B. They are not an economic powerhouse that gets travel from all over the world. C. Their outbreak was relatively minor - in one area that they were lucky to have contained a good bit. D. S. Korea - doesn't have a Constitution and Bill of Rights we have. for instance: Containment In its efforts to fight and contain the virus, South Korea has combined testing with contact tracing.[citation needed] Infected South Koreans are required to go into isolation in government shelters. Their phones and credit card data are used to trace their prior movements and find their contacts. People who are determined to have been near the infected individual receive phone alerts with information about their prior movements.[93] According to Chun Byung-Chul, an epidemiologist at Korea University, high-risk patients who have underlying illnesses are prioritized for hospitalization. Patients with moderate symptoms are sent to "repurposed corporate training facilities and spaces provided by public institutions," where they receive observation and medical support. Patients who recover and test negative twice are released. Close contacts and infected individuals with minimal symptoms who can measure their own temperatures and whose family members are free of any chronic disease are required to self-quarantine for two weeks. Local monitoring teams calls the quarantined twice a day to make sure that they stay where they are and to ask about symptoms.[94] Containment In its efforts to fight and contain the virus, South Korea has combined testing with contact tracing.[citation needed] Infected South Koreans are required to go into isolation in government shelters. Their phones and credit card data are used to trace their prior movements and find their contacts. People who are determined to have been near the infected individual receive phone alerts with information about their prior movements.[93] According to Chun Byung-Chul, an epidemiologist at Korea University, high-risk patients who have underlying illnesses are prioritized for hospitalization. Patients with moderate symptoms are sent to "repurposed corporate training facilities and spaces provided by public institutions," where they receive observation and medical support. Patients who recover and test negative twice are released. Close contacts and infected individuals with minimal symptoms who can measure their own temperatures and whose family members are free of any chronic disease are required to self-quarantine for two weeks. Local monitoring teams calls the quarantined twice a day to make sure that they stay where they are and to ask about symptoms.[94] Those ordered to self-quarantine are required to download an app that alerts officials if the patient moves out of the quarantine. Violators are fined up to $2,500.[95] ************************************** So, handled well - a small problem was stomped on, you can't get away with that in America - and they did have statistics that were great- it isn't that they "handled" it well, it's that they had a relatively small problem to deal with, and still had plenty of problems. It's similar to the Western Sahara - only one death. They "handled it well?" I mean, great for S. Korea - but I wouldn't call taking actions America can't take "handling it well" .... it was effective though, admittedly. Here's a list: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/countries-where-coronavirus-has-spread/
  18. by ommission, refusing to criticize a dem in any way, but full bore criticizing Pres Trump - is a defense of biden. The best defense is a good offense, ya?
  19. again, you can vote by absentee ballot - you REQUEST one, you get verified as a legit voter in your state/county/township...and you receive your ABSENTEE ballot. the wholesale delivery of millions of ballots to registration rolls - the rolls are not correct. and dems have SUED to keep them incorrect. because they wanted to fall back on mail in ballots if they couldn't win elections. so there ya go. mail in ballots are rife with fraud.
  20. That is worse than stupid, I still need to come up with a word that describes that. Your pecking slurs don't work around here, you are too ignorant to comment intelligently in any thread. It's pitiful. You think "kamoola" is parroting? Please, learn what words mean. You do not communicate well with others - because you talk out of your tailfeathers.
  21. oh, the irony and ignorance of the above post. The left is "moderate". The left is "reasonable". Get this - Pres Trump was the RIGHT President to elect. He has PROVEN IT by keeping HIS PROMISES and his ACCOMPLISHMENTS IN ONLY FOUR YEARS - that is...HUNDREDS OF GOOD AND GREAT THINGS for AMERICA. I've tried and tried, Hoorta can run away from it, so I'll ask the woodpecker: Can YOU peck one thing that was accomplished by ObaMao/Biden over eight years that was GOOD OR GREAT FOR AMERICA? Just one. Just peck one.
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