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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. and I think it is going to be reflected in the outcome of the pres election.
  2. stop deflecting. Name one good or great thing your obaMao did for America during his eight years. can't name one, your beak is done. Meanwhile, back at the ranch - here is all the honorary degrees you obaMao got for also doing NOTHING. Illinois June 4, 2005 Knox College Doctor of Laws (LL.D)[1][2] Massachusetts June 2, 2006 University of Massachusetts Boston Doctor of Laws (LL.D)[3] Illinois June 16, 2006 Northwestern University Doctor of Laws (LL.D)[4] Louisiana August 13, 2006 Xavier University of Louisiana Doctor of Laws (LL.D)[5] District of Columbia May 12, 2007 Howard University Doctor of Laws (LL.D)[6] New Hampshire May 19, 2007 Southern New Hampshire University Doctor of Laws (LL.D)[7] Connecticut May 25, 2008 Wesleyan University Doctor of Laws (LL.D)[8][9] Indiana May 17, 2009 University of Notre Dame Doctor of Laws (LL.D) [10][11] Michigan May 1, 2010 University of Michigan Doctor of Laws (LL.D) [12] Virginia May Hampton University Doctor of Laws (LL.D) [13] Ohio May 5, 2013 Ohio State University Doctor of Laws (LL.D) [14] Georgia (U.S. state) May 19, 2013 Morehouse College Doctor of Laws (LL.D) [15] District of Columbia May 7, 2016 Howard University Doctor of Science (D.Sc)[16][17] New Jersey May 15, 2016 Rutgers University Doctor of Laws (LL.D)[18][19]
  3. Ted Kaczynski, better known as the Unabomber, is one of a number of convicted criminals who graduated from Ivy League schools. In 1962, Kaczynski earned a degree in mathematics from Harvard University. *************************************************** say. woodpecker is said, by him, to be good at mathematics too. Scary woodpecker bird.
  4. a close friend's son is moving to Colorado - told him to research on how to be safe hiking....talk to some local outfitter shops.
  5. sorry about the fake one. Here's the link again: (really graphic pics of head injuries) https://bulletsfirst.net/2017/09/11/another-bear-spray-failure-warning-graphic-images/
  6. 1. Of course not, that isn't true, your feeble nonsense non-points are very dull compared to your beak. Pres Trump didn't go to Harvard, numbbeak. 2. I accuse obaMao commie of being a chronic LIAR because he broke every promise he made to get elected. He even admitted in his book, that he learned early on, how to talk to white people so that he could get their support. In eight years, he acoomplished NOTHING good or great for America. I have accused him of that often. Go back and look and shut your beak, freak. Pres Trump and vp Pence have done HUNDREDS of good and GREAT things for AMERICA. 3. As to grades - obaMao was no leader, just an empty suit, admitted druggie and was said to be a poor student. And, his presidency showed nothing but FAILURE and DAMAGE to our America over his eight years. Just lies, REAL scandals, corruption. His people spied on the Trump campaign, maliciously lied and committed fraud to fake prosecute anyone close to Trump, and the scandals,very legit scandals, btw, added up over the eight years. The same is not true at all about Pres Trump: https://www.worldhistoryedu.com/donald-trumps-educational-background/ "New York Military Academy Trump excelled greatly at the military academy. His social and academic life transformed in a positive direction. He was also a great sportsman. Trump was a star soccer player, an athlete, and a member of the academy’s baseball team. Tapping into his leadership skills, Trump was appointed a cadet captain. In 1964, his graduation year, he led his cadet members to 5th Avenue during a parade on Memorial Day." ********************************************************** and it certainly SHOWS in his success as America's president. The terrific accomplishments are into the hundreds in only four years. you can stick obamao up your tailfeathers woodpecker. You seem to FEEEEELLLLL that every day should be January 5th.
  7. I don't have a problem, you swim in Egypt. You spout off your leftwing numbers, but any numbers that don't fit, you throw a fit. I never said I BELIEVED the numbers, I don't know. STOP and THINK for a minute, Hoorta. maybe it's only 1/16. I reckon that's 9.5 million. How close was the last election, without pause for deflection? Did I get your attention? eh. sorry. lol But your adamant TDS deserves some conflict - since you throw out accusations and criticisms of Pres Trump, and you won't criticize your hidin biden or your kamoola - when it comes to being honest about it, you do the hula. (okay, I just did that because it rhymed - you swim in Egypt. Again, I can list HUNDREDS of great and good things terrible old Pres Trump and VP Pence - HAVE DONE FOR AMERICA. MAGA ! and you still can't name even ONE good or great thing your obaMao and biden accomplished in EIGHT FREAKING GOD FORSAKEN DESTRUCTIVE TO AMERICA YEARS. You can't name one, you're done.
  8. when it's HER problem, the rioters/blm/antifa have outlived their usefullness https://www.theblaze.com/news/protests-banned-police-guard-chicago-mayors-home
  9. bad opiniion you have. how many registered voters.....1 in 8 are FAULTY? One in 8 U.S. voter registrations faulty: survey - Reuters https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-vote-idUSTRE81D19720120214 Feb 14, 2012 · One in eight U.S. voter registrations is invalid or markedly inaccurate, the result of an outdated and inefficient registration system, a Pew Center on the States report said on Tuesday.
  10. Um, yes you sure the hell ARE. There IS a big difference - stop swimming in Egypt...don't drink while swimming... Judicial Watch Finds Millions of ‘Extra’ Registrants on ... https://www.judicialwatch.org/press-releases/... Jan 02, 2020 · Judicial Watch found major voting list issues in California, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Virginia, and Colorado. The following counties have excessive registration rates or have failed to cancel sufficient numbers of ineligible registrations: Colorado. Jefferson County. California. Imperial County. Monterey County. Orange County. Riverside County Are States Purging Or Cleaning Voter Registration Rolls? : NPR https://www.npr.org/2019/12/20/790319853 Dec 20, 2019 · So, for example, Georgia earlier this week took 300,000 inactive voters off the registration lists. That's still being challenged in court. But …
  11. from the link above - just two harvard guys who got into Harvard because...(NOT of getting good grades)
  12. Exposed: The Obamas' College Admissions Scandal At Harvard ... https://madworldnews.com/exposed-the-obamas... Mar 22, 2019 · Obama arrived at Harvard in the early 1960s with the goal of getting a Ph.D. in economics. According to biographer Sally Jacobs, Obama ‘struggled’ with his studies but managed to get a Masters degree.” Democrats claim Barack Obama is the smartest guy in the room wherever he goes. Nothing could be further from the truth.
  13. yep - political advantage moves usually? backfire on the left. What they do, for false reasons, ends up being the opposite of what they lie about as to their "intentions". It's leftwing corrupt political dirty theater. Windmills sound good to the left, so...they are politically all in. But, big problems, as usual. But the dems(leftists) don't care about the murder of bald eagles any more than they care about the murder of born/unborn children. https://www.redstate.com/michael_thau/2020/08/20/trump-can-make-dem-heads-explode-by-rescinding-obamas-rule-letting-windmill-industry-kill-endangered-bald-eagles./
  14. ...pre-recorded nonsense. It's a disgrace. Forget being "woke" - democrat voters need to WAKE UP. https://www.redstate.com/nick-arama/2020/08/20/gop-has-a-good-laugh-at-democrats-effort-to-duplicate-people-clapping-for-kamala-harris/
  15. she is THAT dirty and corrupt. A logical choice for dirty, corrupt BIDEN's vp. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/08/12/kamala-harris-failed-to-prosecute-priest-sex-abuse-cases-despite-victims-pleas/ "At the same time Harris failed to pursue prosecution of cases of priest sexual abuse, her office “would strangely hide vital records on abuses that had occurred,” Schweizer revealed. The bombshell details show that while Harris’s predecessor, former San Francisco District Attorney Terence Hallinan, had launched an aggressive investigation into priests of the Archdiocese of San Francisco accused of sexual abuse, Harris’s campaign to unseat Hallinan showed an unusual influx of unparalleled donations from high-level officials of the Catholic Church."
  16. obamao SAID he had high grades... but has desperately refused to show his grades. obviously, the woodpecker didn't READ the article.
  17. With no principles or values to live by, the left flocks to false narratives. they don't seem to care the narratives are completely false. just.... sick.
  18. weird. The video about the poor black guy murdered by a sick cop by kneeling on his neck for nine minutes....... most of us said that was sickening. This beat down was sickening. The blm/antifa hate rages. Well, obaMao DID SAY 'get in their faces" and "if they bring a knife, we'll bring a gun" etc etc etc. obaMao has a ton of blood on his hands. .......but the beat down of the truck driver.... TDS silence so far.
  19. This has been coming for a long time now. I knew guys in the service back in the day who were republican - who happened to be black - who said lbj's "Great Society" was an insult and was going to cause more problems than it ever solved. They were right.
  20. hey Hoorta, would you man up and say the same thing about your ObaMao commie? Nope? really ? still "sniffing obamao butt gas?" like you like to put it? Irrational TDS - it owns you. Feel the unsubstantiated HATE. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2012/10/24/obamas-transcripts-biden-in-1987/ Obama, Biden: Academic Transcripts and the Truth Before Obama chose to disclose his grades to the media, Obama’s grades were unquestionably private and confidential. If he was truthful about his college GPAs, then they are now unquestionably public and non-confidential. Having voluntarily chosen to disclose his GPAs, there is no reason for him now to object to independent verification of those claims unless he knows that his grades differ from what he told the media. Although all presidential candidates deserve a presumption of truthfulness, there are legitimate questions about President Obama’s GPA claims, as set forth in detail in my book Barack O’Liberal: The Education of President Obama. For example, with respect to his GPA at Occidental College, Obama said he was “goofing off for the first two years of college” and had a “lackadaisical approach to his [Occidental] studies.” One of his Occidental professors said Obama “wasn’t a very serious student” and another said that Obama “wasn’t working hard enough.” One of Obama’s law school recommenders said, “I think [Obama] didn’t do too well in college.” If Obama had a 3.7 GPA at Columbia, then why did he graduate without honors? Why is there no public evidence that he made Columbia’s Dean’s List, which required only a 3.33 GPA in any semester? Why hasn’t Obama sought to collect (at least for charity) the million-dollar bet from his classmate, Wayne Allyn Root, that Obama had a sub-3.5 GPA at Columbia? So far, Obama has refused independent verification of his academic record. The New York Times said that Obama “declined repeated requests to talk about his New York years, release his Columbia transcript or identify even a single fellow student, coworker, roommate or friend from those years.” When Salon asked for Obama’s LSAT score, the request was refused. Valerie Jarrett called the requests for Obama’s transcripts “nonsense” and White House Press Secretary Jay Carney called such requests “preposterous.”
  21. If the new mosquito truly cannot reproduce - then it's like hybrid bluegill. They can't reproduce, grow fast, and are just as good to eat. I suppose I'm all for it - it's been ten years in the approval process, not one legit reason to not do it - not one risk I've read about... yet a bunch of nutjobs sign a petition against it. "change.org". "whatever it, I'm against it!"
  22. Colin Powell admitted in his book, that if the American people really knew his actual social politics - they would be shocked. Meaning, he is seriously a progressive social liberal socialist type - not conservative at all. Real impressive man - - per his dedication and service in the military - but his politics are stupid... how the (&*^&*^ did he ever allegedly decide he was a republican??? and he's starting to make a bigger complete ass of himself. He is all in on anything democratic, and is absolutely all in on biden's character. and obaMao's. and higgardly's. and kamoolas..... really now. does he want to sleep with kamoola too?
  23. I think Hoorta might be deliberately having some sick fun with known false narratives. Squawks about them like an angry pink flamingo. Either that, or TDS is taking it's toll on his psyche.
  24. and, considering where I would shoot a bear if my life or someone else's life depended on it -.... kind of surprised at the answer:https://www.wideopenspaces.com/where-to-shoot-a-bear-with-a-bow-shot-placement-guide-for-archery-bear-hunts/?utm_source=wideopen&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=wos_daily&utm_content={{EXTERNAL+`https%3A%2F%2Fwww.wideopenmediagroup.com%2Fgetresponse%2F%3Fsite=wos%26articlenumber=1%26type=title`}}
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