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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. no comment from Hoorta nor his little woodpecker? Just ... typical. This garbage has to stop. But it will get a lot worse before it's fought against, which is the only way to stop organized political leftist revolutionary criminal sombeitches
  2. anti-1st Amendment....anti-2nd Amendment... talk about a danger to democracy. It's obaMao and the dems/leftists/facists/sombeitches.
  3. LOL ding dongs and ho hos. LOL
  4. and that is just a dangerously revealing tip of the iceberg. Social change and accruing power, means having to indoctrinate the next generation. Hitler youth. Did Obama’s Youth Corps Birth and Incubate Black Lives ... https://patriots4truth.org/2020/01/19/did-obamas-youth-corps-incubate-antifa Jan 19, 2020 · Question: Was Obama's Youth Corps, the birth and incubator for 'Black Lives Matter' and Antifa? What is the Obama Youth Corps? Homeland Security graduates first Corps of Homeland Youth October 7, 2012. Vicksburg. The federal government calls them FEMA Corps. But they conjure up memories of the Hitler Youth of 1930’s Germany. Regardless of their… Barack Obama's School-aged Indoctrination and Sedition Act ... https://www.redstate.com/diary/jd11756/2009/04/24/... Apr 24, 2009 · Barack Obama’s School-aged Indoctrination and Sedition Act of 2009. A prime example of a strategy being employed in an effort to elevate government defined acts of charity above traditional altruistic deeds, which in the past, were dictated by conviction, conscience and religious tenet is the Obama youth brigade.
  5. Hoorta doesn't understand evidence. Just hateful rhetoric that is never backed up with relevant FACTS. and TDS swimming in Egypt about the FACT that his projection onto Pres Trump should actually be leveled at his Obamao/biden/higgardly/pelosi/schumer...the whole deep swamp. just slurs, accusations with zero merit, and panty-twisted outrage over falsehoods he parrots. I'm shocked I tell you.
  6. oh, stop with the stupid crap already, LOL LOL. YOu are being a fool. Want me to list the REAL ways a president/vp is a "danger to democracy" ??? the list of crap tha qualifies per your obaMao commie and vp biden.... is a long one. biden is big anti-2nd amendment, the entire dem party is. That is your democracy danger right there. obamao/biden lied out their asses, you and the rest slurped it up. Giving thousands of guns to drug cartels... not TRACKING THEM...so they could blame American gun owners? DANGER TO DEMOCRACY. "TAXING" people who don't kiss your ass and buy your obaMaocare bs? DANGER TO DEMOCRACY obaMao/biden et all SPYING ON AN OPPOSING POLITICAL CAMPAIGN BEFORE AN ELECTION? DANGER TO DEMOCRACY. obaMao commie dissing our Constitution, putting his "czars" all over important areas of our government to by pass Congress, ....DANGER TO DEMOCRACY in 2016 - one who KNOWS THE LAW and RESPECTS IT - AG BARR called obaMao a great danger to democracy - greater than russia. and obaMao is dangerous. globalist, anti-Constitutionalist leftwing judges to the US Supreme Court.....liar about everything he said before the election - corruption, more corruption, and politicization of the FBI, CIA, NSA, IRS, DOJ - THAT IS THE FREAKING DANGER TO OUR DEMOCRACY.
  7. blah blah blah. Obama and his attack dogs have nothing but hate and anger in their hearts and spew it whenever possible. Donald Trump Read more at https://www.brainyquote.com/topics/hate-quotes Fear of something is at the root of hate for others, and hate within will eventually destroy the hater. George Washington Carver Read more at https://www.brainyquote.com/topics/hate-quotes
  8. yeah, you lied? about putting me on ignore, and just keep mentioning me. I guess since you can't name ONE GOOD OR GREAT THING your obaMao/biden did for America in EIGHT SCANDALOUS SOLVE NOTHING YEARS.... that you are throwing more and more of a hissy fit. boo hoo, Hoorta. Cry us a river. You can't name one, you're done, and you are mad because your slurs don't match up with the truth about things. although - your TDS rage is amusing. Your little woodpecker has never been amusing.
  9. oh, please.....destroying the post office? It's been destroying itself for decades. You DO know what DEBT is, right? take you time, Hoorta - is 13.2 BILLION DOLLARS IN DEBT A GOOD THING OR BAD THING? $13.2 billion The Postal Service subsequently reduced its debt by $1.8 billion, finishing the year with $13.2 billion in debt outstanding. The organization plans to reduce its debt level by an additional $2.2 billion as existing debt matures in February and May 2019.
  10. Hoorta is hopeless - can't name one good great thing for America his obaMao/biden did in EIGHT WORTHLESS YEARS, and he can't name one damaging thing Pres Trump/Vp Pence have done that was bad for America. Meanwhile, the list the latter did GOOD GREAT for America is really long. Liberals love...nothing. Truth, integrity in politics...nope. Unborn/born children's lives....nope Flag/Anthem AMERICA ....nope capitalism, nope. God, NOPE Freedoms they ...don't use -......Nope Free speech....nope (except they get to use it, political opposition had better STFU Smaller, non1984 gov....nope patriotism ....nope I guess they do love to HATE...that's one....but not really, they live solely on their own emotions, so they are predisposed to hate.Another nope. Not one. there's more, probably.
  11. well, every time you buy something for 1.99, or 5.99 cents, like gas, etc..... how the hell are you supposed to give change? what would a woodpecker do? Use bird poop? not political. "Scary barber shop"
  12. Man, I love this question and am looking forward to Woody's reply. This is going to be GREAT. A first answered question by woodpecker. Oh, boy oh boy oh boy. or, maybe he'll just cower in his bird nest and redirect and counter with ignorant bs again. the suspense..........
  13. Hoorta - can't name one good or great thing his obaMao and biden did for America in EIGHT FREAKING YEARS. He whines "he tried" with obaMaocare. And I toasted that with a bunch of links to the contrary. obaMaocare was a poltiically disasterous for America STUNT. But, kudos to Hoorta, he didn't say it with a serious straight face. lol Can't name one, TDS HOORTA IS DONE. "I tried to name one, but Cal made a fool out of me and I cried and put him on ignore (but not really)" yeah. a whole LOT like THAT.
  14. I"ve found that right clicking on it, and selecting "open in new private window" works....
  15. woodpecker translation: "SQUAWK ! WOODY WANNA CRACKER! CHIRP"
  16. well, Hoorta keeps stepping in it then denying his shoes stink. Lies about mail in balloting...blah blahblah... https://www.redstate.com/christopher-arps/2020/08/21/%e2%80%9csue-until-your-blue%e2%80%9d-plus-244-other-ways-democrats-plan-on-stealing-2020-election/ Sue Until You’re Blue” Plus 244 Other Ways Democrats Plan To Steal 2020 Election According to the Public Interest Legal Foundation, a 501(c)(3) public interest law firm dedicated entirely to election integrity, there were 244 counties that exceeded 100% voter registration and another 279 counties across 31 states that exhibited registration rates of 95 to 99 percent. You don’t have to be a math whiz or a political genius to figure out many of these registrations are probably fraudulent, but under the Democrat’s universal mail in ballot plan, these fraudulent registrations would receive a legitimate ballot.
  17. and I think it is going to be reflected in the outcome of the pres election.
  18. stop deflecting. Name one good or great thing your obaMao did for America during his eight years. can't name one, your beak is done. Meanwhile, back at the ranch - here is all the honorary degrees you obaMao got for also doing NOTHING. Illinois June 4, 2005 Knox College Doctor of Laws (LL.D)[1][2] Massachusetts June 2, 2006 University of Massachusetts Boston Doctor of Laws (LL.D)[3] Illinois June 16, 2006 Northwestern University Doctor of Laws (LL.D)[4] Louisiana August 13, 2006 Xavier University of Louisiana Doctor of Laws (LL.D)[5] District of Columbia May 12, 2007 Howard University Doctor of Laws (LL.D)[6] New Hampshire May 19, 2007 Southern New Hampshire University Doctor of Laws (LL.D)[7] Connecticut May 25, 2008 Wesleyan University Doctor of Laws (LL.D)[8][9] Indiana May 17, 2009 University of Notre Dame Doctor of Laws (LL.D) [10][11] Michigan May 1, 2010 University of Michigan Doctor of Laws (LL.D) [12] Virginia May Hampton University Doctor of Laws (LL.D) [13] Ohio May 5, 2013 Ohio State University Doctor of Laws (LL.D) [14] Georgia (U.S. state) May 19, 2013 Morehouse College Doctor of Laws (LL.D) [15] District of Columbia May 7, 2016 Howard University Doctor of Science (D.Sc)[16][17] New Jersey May 15, 2016 Rutgers University Doctor of Laws (LL.D)[18][19]
  19. Ted Kaczynski, better known as the Unabomber, is one of a number of convicted criminals who graduated from Ivy League schools. In 1962, Kaczynski earned a degree in mathematics from Harvard University. *************************************************** say. woodpecker is said, by him, to be good at mathematics too. Scary woodpecker bird.
  20. a close friend's son is moving to Colorado - told him to research on how to be safe hiking....talk to some local outfitter shops.
  21. sorry about the fake one. Here's the link again: (really graphic pics of head injuries) https://bulletsfirst.net/2017/09/11/another-bear-spray-failure-warning-graphic-images/
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