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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. typical asswhole woodpecker, all that and you cherry pick one thing to be able to make yourself look like a moron. She's a gay, pro/BLM, leftwing radical, bitter, envious of Pres Trump's family's wealth, hard core democrat, big time higgardly fan.... I posted all that - you didn't bother to READ it, and you don't comprehend what you read, apparently - you've never shown the ability.
  2. Mary Trump has long been resentful of the wealth of Pres Trump's family - her father was an alcoholic, and she didn't like it that they didn't have the wealth. envious of the wealth, resentful she didn't get it. and she went to Columbia U. (obamao connection) and was a huge fan of higgardly clinton. She's a leftwing ardent radical, hugely pro-BLM, ..... but she's Tex's heroine because she hates Pres Trump. what a bunch of baloney. Mary Trump has no more cred than Christine Blasey Ford does, after lying about Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh. https://www.forbes.com/sites/jemimamcevoy/2020/06/15/whos-mary-trump-heres-everything-we-know-about-the-presidents-niece/#7ff00bfc474e "The death of Mary’s father has been an ongoing source of tension in the family, surfacing publicly when Fred Jr.’s children brought a court case against Donald and his siblings in 2000, contesting the division of assets of their grandfather’s real estate empire in his will. " "Mary earned a bachelor’s and master’s in English Literature from Tufts University and Columbia University" "On November 9, after her uncle was elected president, Mary took to Twitter to voice her discontent, writing “This is one of the worst nights of my life” and expressing her support for Hillary Clinton, “an extraordinary human being and public servant.” " On Twitter—where Mary frequently shows support for Democratic policies, particularly increased gun control—her bio is #blacklivesmatter, “she/her/hers.”
  3. seems that Mary Trump is gay and has ulterior motives - she's a leftwing hackjob. and the secret recordings are illegal. She should be prosecuted for that. Mary L. Trump on Growing Up Gay in an 'Anti-Everything' Family https://www.advocate.com/exclusives/2020/7/27/mary... Jul 27, 2020 · Mary L. Trump — and there’s a reason that the “L” is in there — has lived a very quiet existence for most of her life, but not behind the scenes. As a member of the Trump …
  4. seems that Mary Trump is gay and has ulterior motives - she's a leftwing hackjob. and the secret recordings are illegal. She should be prosecuted for that. Mary L. Trump on Growing Up Gay in an 'Anti-Everything' Family https://www.advocate.com/exclusives/2020/7/27/mary... Jul 27, 2020 · Mary L. Trump — and there’s a reason that the “L” is in there — has lived a very quiet existence for most of her life, but not behind the scenes. As a member of the Trump …
  5. hoo hoo hoo ! this rocks. lol https://www.redstate.com/nick-arama/2020/08/22/trump-campaign-pulled-a-brilliant-troll-of-the-wapo-that-will-make-you-laugh/ rump Campaign Pulls a Brilliant Troll of WaPo and other Media That Might Just Make You Laugh
  6. folks - I believe everybody here on this forum KNOWS these corrupt dangerously power-mongering swamp rats have to be OUT of our government - inevitable, for our own sakes'. Just that some will never admit it. that's just plain sad.
  7. obaMao opened the floodgates. For years, our gov agencies have been getting far, far too powerful, they have become a corrupt weapon of the corrupt left - obaMao put the corrupt people in place. This isn't saying "all FBI" "all CIA"...that's stupid. What is serious ,though, is who Obamao put into place, and who they corrupted and used. Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Mueller, "pit bull wiesmann", klinesmith, strzok, page, susan rice, holder. lynch, higgardly, and a bunch of other names I can't recall right now. https://www.redstate.com/diary/johncleer/2020/08/23/who-told-clinesmith-to-do-it/ 'But *if* Clinesmith was under FBI supervision and someone else told him to alter the email, then that someone was probably FBI. Friday the 14th was a curious date to leak the guilty plea and who knows, it may have been chosen as a shot across the bow. This was the first of Durham’s indictments and as President Trump said after the plea was leaked, it’s “only the beginning.”' '
  8. interesting - yesterday's update ...Harrison Bryant is turning heads at camp, and Peoples-Jones is making a case for himself here and there. https://www.brownsnation.com/te-harrison-bryant-is-turning-heads-at-browns-training-camp/
  9. it seems that obaMao is far more dishonest after being president as time goes on. If that is even possible. and just as divisive, damaging to America, racist, belligerent, ...he's still a lyin marxist sombeitch. Like Moochelle, he is also male. Maybe. https://babylonbee.com/news/man-who-intentionally-divided-nation-for-eight-years-calls-for-unity
  10. nobody can seriously vote for him because they want him to be president. I mean, seriously now. https://www.bitchute.com/video/p1N8YRg8V2GN/
  11. he didn't pull an Obamao and lie to get into office. Pres Trump MEANT "America First". and "AMERICANS FIRST". and refreshingly, that is EXACTLY what he has done. He's suffered from a tainted sold out hating subservice msm, false illegal fake "investigations" that only ended up putting THEM in legal jeopardy, fix three trade deals, got us out of the stupid ass paris accord, ended the stupid ass Iran agreement, doesn't buy off terrorist countries like obaMao and biden did...., doesn't bash us around the world like obaMao did, LOWERED our taxes, HELPED OUR VETERANs with their medical care. A president can't stop the leftwing democrat House from inflating our national debt for very long....... the list is in the HUNDREDS of good and great things he and Pence have accomplished FOR AMERICA. He donates much of his salary to charity. He is the real deal - he knows he isn't a Reagan.... but look at the long list sometime of what he has done. Folks, tweets and bitching about his "orange skin" (racist) aside, He has KEPT HIS PROMISES TO AMERICA. ObaMao/biden/higgardly sold us out. And the rest of their ilk tried to destroy him because he was an outsider - not a coward who was part of the political establishment. So, he isn't a politician. I like that. He isn't afraid of the deep corrupt swamp in our gov. I like that. He isn't afraid to stand up for US to russia and china...and has world known terrorists killed. from Pres Trump: ********************************************************************* “I’m with you, and I will fight for you, and I will win for you. To all Americans tonight, in all our cities and towns, I make this promise: We will Make America Strong Again. We will Make America Proud Again. We will Make America Safe Again. And, We will Make America Great Again.” -President Donald J. Trump 2016 Republican National Convention When I accepted the Republican Nomination for President of the United States in 2016 I promised you that I would spend every minute of the next four years putting America FIRST... Now here we are again, and I can honestly say I have kept that promise to you. These have been the hardest, but most rewarding four years of my life. We’ve faced more challenges than any other president in our Nation’s history, and despite the Left’s best efforts to BRING US DOWN, I will deliver a historic Presidential Acceptance Speech on August 27th.
  12. oh, crap, that is funny. another reason to never drink anything at my keyboard.....
  13. of course it does. A lot of elderly in the inner city will sell their mail in ballots or be extorted out of them. that is why the dems demand mail in ballots. VOTER FRAUD ENABLEMENT. Absentee ballots work. I figure you don't give away your absentee ballot, because you actually plan to do your own voting.
  14. I'm so glad you found this - saw it on Fox today. Harvey Weinstein - hero of the left. Moochelle was so full of bs on this, too.
  15. was busy, was going to post this - how many times can this biden be hidin, lyin, and plagiarisin? before he completely gets a humiliating bunch of polls coming in? I'm looking for a landslide victory for Pres Trump, even with many mindless progressive borgs in colleges and inner cities. Not because Pres Trump is charming like a JFK or Reagan, but because hidin lyin plagiarizin biden = mondale or mcgovern - actually, worse than mondale or mcgovern. that is really bad.The only way for dems to get their party back to being a legit AMERICAN party, is to slap the leftists the hell out of it. Just my opinion.
  16. Twitter ‘accidentally’ suspends satirical site Babylon Bee ... https://www.rt.com/usa/498263-babylon-bee-satire-twitter-suspension Twitter suspended the account of parody news site The Babylon Bee after it mocked Democrat VP candidate Kamala Harris and ‘mail vote suppression’ conspiracies. It was shortly restored amid protests about censorship. The Bee went dark around 6 pm on Monday.
  17. LOL LOL LOL. good one - satire is cool.
  18. great - the left has gone all in on hate and violence, and acting out in any offensive way they feel like... really bad that the dems leftists encourage it completely. really sad that not one on the left on the forum has anything to say.
  19. and some good stuff on tying knots: https://www.wideopenspaces.com/how-to-tie-a-fishing-lure-3-knots-thatll-do-the-trick/?utm_source=wideopen&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=wos_daily&utm_content={{EXTERNAL+`https%3A%2F%2Fwww.wideopenmediagroup.com%2Fgetresponse%2F%3Fsite=wos%26articlenumber=1%26type=title`}}
  20. and, if your power ever goes seriously out - best survival candles for camping/lights out situations. https://www.wideopenspaces.com/10-emergency-candles/?utm_source=wideopen&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=wos_daily&utm_content={{EXTERNAL+`https%3A%2F%2Fwww.wideopenmediagroup.com%2Fgetresponse%2F%3Fsite=wos%26articlenumber=1%26type=title`}}
  21. and who got billions in free? funds from china? lyin' biden's own son - dirty Hunter biden.
  22. but wait, there's more! (and how many years now have I been saying it? ) " I pulled the above quote from Pan-Amazon Synod Watch, which also included this quote from Investors Business Daily: “U.N. Warm-mongers are seeking to impose a global climate reparations tax on everything from airline flights and international shipping, to fuel and financial transactions.” Incidentally, the 2017 Paris Climate Agreement? You know, that thingy Donald Trump withdrew from, and was subsequently torched by the Left to a charcoal briquette? Yeah, that. Under the Paris agreement, developed countries — the United States principal among them — pledged to provide funding and technical support to “developing countries,” such as India and China, to assist with emissions reductions. India and China. In its nationally determined contribution, India estimated that it would need “at least USD 2.5 trillion” in aid by 2030 to achieve its emissions reduction targets. China is also exempt from achieving its emissions reductions goal until 2030. And there it is. COVID. Worldwide wealth redistribution. All makes sense now, doesn’t it? As Rahm Emanuel infamously said, “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.” Why, it’s “almost” like the UN and other climate-crisis-pushers are behaving like the Democrat Party.
  23. don't be demoquack leftist stupid for America. from the same link above: " Here’s how the dot-connecting — “reasoning” — works, as explained by Ottmar Edenhofer, a leading member of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (bolded font, mine): “Basically, it’s a big mistake to discuss climate policy separately from the major themes of globalization. The climate summit in Cancun at the end of the month [July, 2019] is not a climate conference but one of the largest economic conferences since the Second World War. “First of all, developed countries have basically expropriated the atmosphere of the world community. Thus the developers of coal and oil should pay reparations in the form of global carbon emission rights and taxes. “The Cancun agreement set up a “Green Climate Fund” to administer assistance to poor nations suffering from floods and drought due to global warming. The European Union, Japan and the United States have led pledges of $100 billion per year for poor nations up to 2020, plus $30 billion in immediate assistance.” "
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