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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. training is so important. I advise folks who ask, to not buy a gun if they don't plan on getting professional training. The CCW training isn't sufficient. I've thought about being certified as an instructor...
  2. not coming after OUR GOD-GIVEN right - our 2nd Amendment. they'll try. oh, and it's only headed towards the end of August....... Over 2M new gun owners reported in first half of 2020 ... https://www.foxbusiness.com/lifestyle/million-americans-new-gun-owners-2020 Jun 04, 2020 · More than 2 million Americans became first-time gun owners in the first half of 2020, officials reported. The National Rifle Association tweeted the …
  3. meanwhile, police shouldn't carry guns ...depending on the call? WTF? 2 Texas police officers killed in ambush attack; suspect ... https://www.foxnews.com/us/2-texas-police-officers... Jul 12, 2020 · Two Texas police officers killed in ambush shooting Two police officers are killed in a Texas border town while responding to a domestic disturbance call; …
  4. woodpecker doesn't correct anybody, he just argues to get attention. And, obaMao was completely all in on unlimited, even pba. sick stuff, dangerous offensive degradation of what used to be a genuine AMERICAN political party.
  5. especially when you lie , I saw some women on there. You paint dishonest pictures, then pretend they are real to make a fake point. your beak is sharper and more to the point.
  6. the speeches tonight are awesome - shows the real Pres Trump, not the leftwing hatemongering lies. The gal who nearly lost her life, but it was saved by Pres Trump's work on "right to try"... The guy who lost his daughter to school violence - worked with Pres Trump on school safety.... Tim Scott, the whole lot of them. Trump Jr was excellent. Really inspiring. THAT is Real America.
  7. good move. support the racist, figures.
  8. "For one thing, there are a number of nations that have experienced higher fatality rates than the United States, including Belgium, Britain, Spain, Italy, Sweden, Chile, and Brazil. (All of them, incidentally, have some form of government-run health care.) Then there are developing nations that probably don’t have an accurate count of death totals and authoritarian nations like China — whose mendacity helped unleashed the virus on the world — that are almost surely lying. Then there are still-mysterious reasons for why some nations experience lower fatality rates despite high numbers of infections." ***************************** darn, there goes Hoorta's, woodpecker's and biden's bragging rights.
  9. If I heard right, it was domestic violence..... he may have been taking the kids illegally.... need more information.
  10. https://www.theblaze.com/news/texas-school-cartoon-cops-kkk Texas school district blasted for cartoon comparing police to KKK, slave owners that was part of student assignment GOP Gov. Greg Abbott says the teacher responsible should be fired
  11. https://www.theblaze.com/news/new-york-exempts-celebrities-mandatory-quarantine New York exempts celebrities from forced mandatory quarantine — which normal people could be jailed for violating Different rules for the rich and famous
  12. more and more blood on obaMao/biden's hands. "get in their faces" "if they bring a knife, we bring a gun"
  13. getting crazy. False positives is the last thing we need. If the tests are not reliable, why the (O*)*(& bother with them? https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/nfl/kevin-stefanski-had-one-of-the-browns-multiple-false-positive-covid-19-tests-sunday-couldn-t-coach-practice-it-s-kind-of-like-a-bad-dream/ar-BB18k6nH?ocid=uxbndlbing
  14. the Huntsman would be frightening, but there are far worse things: https://hubpages.com/travel/Poisonous-and-Venomous-Spiders-Snakes-and-Insects-in-Australia don't ever go on safari in Australia. I wouldn't even go there at all..
  15. weird - they had their guns already drawn,...he's unarmed? why didn't they taze him instead? has to be more to the story - the guy wasn't right - he was obviously disobeying police officers before that, and disobeyed their orders all the way around to the guy reaching in the front seat/under? the front seat for something. Waiting for more information, not just a bit of a clip that conveniently? shuts off before we see if a gun was present or not.
  16. communist china needs to pay for all the damage caused. they never will.
  17. the dems RAIDED a lot of funds from Medicare to help ? fund obaMaocare. they plan of doing it again. the corrupt communist minded sombetiches will do it, too. All of us who have worked, have PAID INTO MEDICARE. But all those who dont' work, who are illegal, didn't pay into it. but they can vote, and that is the core of the leftwing democrat's base. They will take it from US again, and use it to fund their future voters again. and with enough illegals granted the ability to VOTE, they would never lose another election. Liberals should man up and read it: https://thefederalist.com/2020/06/25/how-democrats-would-raid-a-bankrupt-medicare-to-fund-obamacare-again/ How Democrats Would Raid A Bankrupt Medicare To Fund Obamacare (Again)
  18. btw, Hoorta, listen to Leo Terrell Leo Terrell Reveals What Caused Him to Leave the ... https://townhall.com/tipsheet/bethbaumann/2020/07/... Jul 16, 2020 · Civil Rights attorney Leo Terrell, a prominent Democrat turned Trump supporter, has come under fire from his colleagues for refusing to support Joe Biden and Black Lives Matter.
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