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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. I make the same bet that Hoorta has watched the RNC and has guilt of TDS emotional knee jerksies and will vote for Pres Trump and Pence Too. So will Tex. woodpecker won't vote - his beak gets in the way.
  2. Hoorta - you got nothin. Can't name ONE, you're done. and your political hatred over hydroxy? https://www.theblaze.com/news/new-studies-hcq-covid-hospitalizations-deaths
  3. Another dirty hateful leftwing LIE bites the dust. https://www.theblaze.com/news/new-studies-hcq-covid-hospitalizations-deaths New studies show risk of COVID-19 hospitalization and death decreases with hydroxychloroquine use The drug has been politicized in the US
  4. bs. TDS has been established as a real thing to a LOT of Americans. One again, you are blabbing bs. You diss our Pres for his orange skin? what would happen if anyone had dissed your obaMao for his "black skin" eh? you'd go apecrap over being offended. Sure, there are a lot of folks who don't like Pres Trump for his tweets, skin color etc. But they are going by their own FEELINGS instead of what is best for AMERICA. It's liberal nutjob inherent self-centeredness run amok. You can't like biden...but you won't admit it. you can't respect kamoola, but you won't admit it. THAT IS TDS. You can't even think of ONE GOOD/GREAT THING that your obaMao/biden accomplished for America in their EIGHT YEARS? They did NOTHING good. You whimpered about obamaocare, well- I showed you in a bunch of links that that was crap. The mandate was crap. "If you like your dr you can keep your doctor" was the biggest smoke blowing up your rear since "I didn't have sexual relations with that woman" and Bush's "Read my lips, no new taxes". But, you go by your feeliings - it's cool to hate when you don't THINK. Pres Trump and VP Pence have done HUNDREDS of GOOD/GREAT things for AMERICA - MAGA. You can't name one on your side, and the whole forum sees it. You can't name ONE, your bs is done.
  5. I suppose after a hurricane down south and flooding.... well, this is an article about a huge copperhead some homeowners in Georgia killed... copperheads probably head for higher ground, too. Getting bit by one of these out hiking...really not good. https://www.mailing.wideopenmediagroup.com/click.html?x=a62e&lc=1kL&mc=d&s=u34g&u=u&z=O9gGgwZ&
  6. It was a fine speech - there were so many speeches that were outstanding... an AMAZING convention so far. The guy whose family fled cuba.... the gal who had worked for "planned parenthood" the gal who had cancer, but only survived because of Pres Trump "right to try"... so many wonderful presentations by REAL AMERICANS - who don't hate. Really uplifting.
  7. The memes are important - I forgot last night about what Steve said, and quit again - even if provoked by belligerent hoorta or his little woodpecker, The TDS Twins. Yes, the above meme is exactly true !
  8. Sad to hear - we don't know anyone who has known someone who has it - so far. With school starting, we are keeping a little bit of distance from the kids in school next door, ...or we spray with lysol after they leave lol You submitted yourself to that test...man, KUDOS to you ! If we do get a real vaccine by the end of the year - it would be historically the fastest creation I think. The Fatherinlaw is still 97, in a great assisted living home, doing really well, the residents have a solid sense of humor about it, but it's tough with NO visitors except window visits, down in Texas. I want a drinkable vaccine like the polio thing. Getting shots seems to be so...invasive. lol
  9. this is cool - we'll buy some. You never know. Odds are, we don't win anything again, but for a charity, we're good with that. https://www.clevelandbrowns.com/news/win-big-give-back-to-ohio-youth-by-playing-browns-50-50-raffle-during-training-c Win big, give back to Ohio Youth by playing Browns 50/50 raffle during training camp Aug 20, 2020 at 10:01 AM
  10. I didn't know it til just now- but I posted that Greedy is hurt now, might? miss time.... I'll delete it if it's already been said... A lot of us? would have felt the Browns would have a great chance at winning the division...but with the significant injuries.. I have to wonder now. But if any HC can adjust and still win - it will be Stefanski I think. "secret weapons" will play a far bigger role in the Browns - given the injuries. Stefanski is just an inspiring guy - a good press conference - (Chubb is back, etc) https://www.clevelandbrowns.com/news/kevin-stefanski-jedrick-wills-jr-is-progressing-every-day
  11. Are any other teams having injuries? happening all around the league? Injuries are adding up to a point where maybe some questions about whether or not all the covid crap all this year kept a lot of players from getting into football shape. who knows... https://www.brownsnation.com/greedy-williams-could-miss-significant-time-with-injury/
  12. Sanders’ Supporters Do Not Like Kamala Harris, Reinforcing ... https://freebeacon.com/politics/democratic-party... Aug 03, 2017 · Progressive Democrats have not embraced rising star Sen. Kamala Harris (D, Calif.), highlighting a rift within the Democratic Party that evidently did not … Kamala Harris Will Not Win The Black Vote | Grandmother Africa grandmotherafrica.com/kamala-harris-will-not-win-the-black-vote Not all HBCU students are Black in case that wasn’t clear. That’s it. More, Kamala Harris is married to a white man. She is plugged into the very white supremacism that Native Blacks needed a candidate in order to dismantle. Kamala is not it. She can’t even fake it. She cannot dismantle the White Supremacist Industrial Complex.
  13. Judge Drops Six Charges In Kamala Harris' Case Against ... https://thefederalist.com/2019/12/06/judge-drops... Dec 06, 2019 · As the former attorney general of California, Kamala Harris sought to prosecute Daleiden at the behest of her political donors at Planned Parenthood. ... and even …
  14. Hoorta - you can't name ONE, you're DONE. BTW, have you manned up and watched that one video yet? You've had plenty of time..... https://www.nydailynews.com/opinion/ny-oped-prosecuting-kamala-harris-20200703-dutcgewwtbd5fls5e54rjzhxvq-story.html
  15. Kamala Harris Failed to Investigate Client of Husband’s ... https://www.breitbart.com/2020-election/2020/08/21/... Aug 21, 2020 · As California’s chief law enforcement officer between 2011 and 2017, Harris racked up a record as a tough on crime prosecutor. From cracking down on school truancy to opposing marijuana legalization—with more than 1900 people being prosecuted for possession of the drug under her tenure—Harris was California’s self-acknowledged “top cop.”
  16. Why black voters never flocked to Kamala Harris - POLITICO https://www.politico.com/news/2019/12/04/kamala... Dec 04, 2019 · 2020 elections. Why black voters never flocked to Kamala Harris. A medley of concerns blocked Harris and Cory Booker from breaking in big with …
  17. California's law-and-order past haunts Kamala Harris - Los ... https://www.latimes.com/politics/story/2019-10-24/... Oct 24, 2019 · California’s tough-on-crime past haunts Kamala Harris Starting in the late 1960s, one lurid killing after another spawned outrage and harsh sentencing laws in California.
  18. don't go away mad, I don't want to make you sad, but if you can't name ONE, you've been HAD, and you're done. You watch the video? you've had time, now. Have a nice day...
  19. niether do the people in California. she is that corrupt. you like corrupt, I don't. Most of us don't. You are just enraged because you have TDS.
  20. pretty cheap to play the divisive gender card/race card/... I suppose next Hoorta will blurta that I hate white people because I don't respect his biden. Hoorta, NAME ONE GOOD/GREAT THING THAT YOUR BIDEN HAS FIXED/ACCOMPLISHED FOR AMERICA in 47 years. You can't. You've been had. The truth grabbed you, and you can't handle the truth.
  21. Kamoola is nasty. Look at her record in California. THEY don't respect her. Why the hell should you? I judge by performance, not TDS emotional knee jerksies like you
  22. you are copping out - it's what liberals do - they run and hide from reality. Just take a few TDS minutes and LISTEN. or continue to post ignorantly and hatefully. Listen to it, or stick a cork in it. lol
  23. wanna call them racists, Hoorta? How about this guy? You are welcome to continue hating etc. but you should listen to this man:
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