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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. any fabricated excuse is all they need. like obamao and comey and rosenstein/strzok/page/mueller/biden/higgardly etc etc etc etc.
  2. like obaMao saying there weren't any scandals... like obamao saying "if you like your dr, you can keep your dr" like obamao saying "we will have the most transparent administration" like obamao saying "I support the 2nd Amendment and the Constitution" like obaMao saying "I believe marriage is between a man and a woman".... all bare-arsed lies. but obamao was just a liar radical leftwing sombeitch. biden is truly mentally deficient.
  3. if he's serious, well, he is a sludgebucket to me...I'm already not going to attend any games - sports used to be a terrific bringer together, a fun escape from controversy and too much work. Now, it's lost. Dirty politics is poisoning everything it touches. Up yours, garrett. You lost a fan. But you are so rich you don't give a crap. It's like two terrorists asking if they are Christian or Jew, and anyone who defiantly answers "yes" is shot because of "hate speech". It's a matter of power and control.
  4. night 4 may very well surpass that. America is at a crossroads - one road is doom, and the other is MAGA. so many outstanding speeches by Real Americans, democrat, used to be democrat, chinese, escaped cuba, used to work for planned parentinfanticidehood, had terminal cancer but lived because of Pres Trump and "right to try"...Hershel Walker, Sen. Scott, so MANY outstanding speakers. An absolutely amazing and uplifting RNC.
  5. sad state of affairs - entitlement - makes the lefties emotions swing nicely to happiness. maybe that is what is wrong - Hoorta and woodpecker weren't allowed to play in the girl's leagues, and they are permanently po'd. lol
  6. Hoorta isn't happy, he can't get any takers of his TDS liberal progressive garbage hypocrisy. The UN demands a global redistribution of wealth from US. I can refer you to a good book to read about the complete corruption in the UN. A UN official even admitted there will never be redistribution of wealth without widespread acceptance of man made global warming, Oh, that's right, you liberal progressive/socialists think mmgw was ridiculed, you couldn't seriously defend it, so you renamed it "climate change" because climate does change. Hoorta blames US for helping climate change. He should man up just once and take a genuine look at china and india. But he won't, just like emotionally, it would hurt him to have to admit to himself he's full of bs after watching much of the RNC. The emotional knee jerksies don't end with Hoorta and the other two. It's because their emotions rule, and don't change. Hoorta says : Trump shut down the country to get his border wall? Sorry Cal...  " really? conspiracy much right back at you, Hoorta. and the nonsense about the border wall.... your corrupt biden says he'll COMPLETELY order a COMPLETE shutdown. so, you like shutdowns when it's politically convenient, and you hate them when it's politically convenient...because your emotions tell you so. My question is, seriously, how many innocent born and unborn children in our country have to die because you call Pres Trump stupid names, don't like the color of his skin, and you are locked into to your leftwing extremist democrat party?
  7. 3 ways the Senate Democrats’ new climate plan is all about ... https://grist.org/politics/3-ways-the-senate... Aug 26, 2020 · 3 ways the Senate Democrats’ new climate plan is all about money ... 260-page report calling on the government to spend more than $400 billion a ... government should be spending … Democrats Should Stop Complaining About the Budget. They ... https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2019/07/23/... Jul 23, 2019 · And for the next fiscal year, this deal increases nondefense discretionary spending by 4.5 percent, more than the military spending increase of 3.1 percent. In other words, Democrats …
  8. and none of them have anywhere near our population, Hoorta. and, our debt IS up. Your dems own the House. that is where the budgets originate from. and, the dems blow it up bigger and bigger and bigger, (have you read up on Cloward-Piven yet?) only to "negotiate" a lesser bigger bill that still gets them buying votes from their base. and if the reps don't go along with a blown up budget? the dems force a gov shutdown and blame the reps. You want the balanced budget? Then support CUTTING GOV SPENDING like Pres Trump has done, and must do MORE of. Your opinions are emotional - superficially self-rewarding, but they don't make sense.
  9. well, Tex, don't let information cloud your decision. You just run with your emotional knee jerking vote. We're still good to re-elect our terrific PROMISES KEPT President. and, compare 283 good or excellent accomplishments Pres Trump and Pence have done in only 4 years. then consider that Hoorta and woodpecker, can NOT NAME ONE good/great thing biden has done for America his entire career.
  10. Hoota translation: "Cal is a poo poo head" lol you had me on ignore. right.
  11. https://www.investopedia.com/articles/economics/11/successful-ways-government-reduces-debt.asp Tax hikes alone are rarely enough to stimulate the economy and pay down debt. There are examples throughout history where spending cuts and tax hikes together have helped lower the deficit. ****************** and Hoorta's demoquack leftwing squad sombeitches GROW GOVERNMENT SPENDING OUT THEIR WAZOO. Just sayin, Hoorta's just playin.
  12. Hoorta translation: "I admit I swim in Egypt, who cares, and I'm sorry I said the democrat party was not represented by the squad, everybody KNOWS the democratic party IS the squad now. And I feel like a fool saying my biden is running as a moderate, he's to the left of obaMao, my fave. and, lol, I know higher taxes is stupid = that lower taxes brings companies BACK to AMERICA, and raises spending by consumers, and raises investment by companies in research and development... I'm just trying to pezz conservatives off so I can get mad at them and say mean things, I'm not really a moron, just trolling out my butt"
  13. Hoorta translation: "lalalalala...I didn't read the links of anybody who disagrees with me...la la la lala laaaaa"
  14. I'm in for the $40 bucks - pretty good deal. I should probably buy another 10 to be sure I win. lol
  15. shoulder - tackling drills. Maybe he over-did it, maybe players aren't in football shape due to the covid crap, don't know.
  16. crap. I did it again. I post a link, and save the post, and the link doesn't work. I figured out, that when I edit the post, paste the link in again over top of the original... then it works. I have no idea why. I went and fixed it.
  17. Really excellent post above, but I do take issue with the last line. This world has a ton of leadership - but it's a battle with the rest, who are too corrupt to follow, too corrupt to lead, and genuinely do not care, except for personal advantage, economic...ego...power....whatever. All the speakers at the RNC showed leadership.
  18. woodpecker was stupidly right on cue. Obviously, most folks know he donates money. But I clearly said: "why doesn't he just give up his millions and send it to all the poor black folks?" that means all his millions. give it all up. He can make more later.
  19. after the outstanding success of the RNC already... he's lost a lot of cred, and the debates would not help him.
  20. I don't believe they should have gone outside. In Ohio, you can NOT use deadly force to defend property. Only immediate danger to your life, or other's lives.....immediate lethal threat..to be murdered, or badly injured. They should have stayed in their home, my opinion, and if one protester home invaded... then given a Castle Law, it is considered legal to defend oneself with a gun. Pepper spray for anything else as a threat. I like what an attorney was saying...what was his rule. think of it this way: Would I rather be prosecuted? OR have some protester throw a potato at me? would I rather be prosecuted? OR, have some nasty stinking protester screaming in my ear? etc. If that guy in Las Vegas that night - if he had charged me with no weapon....I couldn't use my gun. (hence the Krav Maga training) had he pulled out some homemade knife and come at me, sure, I would shoot him if I had time to draw my gun. The threats from the crowd was not an eminent threat, not immediate. Now, open carry of their guns outside is okay, but I don't get the raising of the guns. The protesters were not anywhere near enough to consider the "21 foot rule". Just my opinion. Sometimes I think I should have been a civil rights attorney - specializing in the 1st and 2nd Amendment. But then again, maybe my life wouldn't have been so blessed, eh? The same for not going into the OSI in the AF. I was taught, btw, that when you ever HAVE to use your gun.... regardless of the facts, your life will never be the same. Especially bogus civil lawsuits with no merit at all. But there are always some nasty scumbags that will still try to "win the lottery". That is also something to consider.
  21. pretty cheap ass, Hoorta. You are just wasting space with bs. just little information, too much ego TDS bitching. https://www.bbc.com/news/52311014 https://www.forbes.com/sites/trevornace/2020/03/22/population-adjusted-coronavirus-cases-top-10-countries-compared/#39a8670f974f
  22. my *autographed* copy of Sean Hannity's new book "Live Free or Die" is on it's way, might get it today or tomorrow. here's another one I will plan on buying - https://www.redstate.com/tladuke/2020/08/26/podcast-diamond-and-silk-on-their-new-book-uprising-who-said-you-cant-ditch-and-switch/ PODCAST: Diamond And Silk On Their New Book ‘Uprising: Who Said You Can’t Ditch And Switch’
  23. If lebong feels so much solidarity with rioters, why doesn't he just give up his millions and send it to all the poor black folks? Everybody knows why. Because he's rich, and he's an expert on all things because he's... rich. Never cared about the nba -I just don't care. Leo Terrell certainly put leboob in his place: https://www.redstate.com/mike_miller/2020/08/25/lebron-runs-his-mouth-about-kenosha-shooting-leo-terrell-shows-up-with-a-few-suggestions/
  24. anybody else suspect that Hoorta has started taking Hydroxycholoquine for his inflamed TDS ?
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