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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. Vernon Jones is just another Real American who gave a great speech. You have to know, it took extraordinary courage to speak at the RNC being black and democrat. You know you will catch serious hell. I'm sure lebong will open his ignorant big mouth and say something really stupid. again.
  2. you betcha ! I donated - it was the most inspiring RNC I've ever watched, ever. We loved it ! The stories were true - and dramatic, heartfelt, and sometimes so sad.... it's about real life. Real Americans telling the truth.
  3. it's a sickening disgrace. Any false narrative - it a good narrative when the ulterior motive is raising hell and getting wealth and power that you never have to let it go. And a lot of leftwing money must be being funneled into facebook. I admire these guys. Here's another one:
  4. goodness. The gal on the left is being honest (though I disagree - Lemon is a hack), the guy on the right is a patronizing dishonest fool, imho, and Terry Crews is a tremendous human being I'd love to meet. It's sad - the left is sick with extreme arrogance and belligerence, demanding compliance. In this case, BLM is marxist, extremely arrogant and belligerent, with ulterior motives. The best way of seeing the left is not sincere at all, is that their actions contradict their alleged fake noble goals. And, as with all the left, corrupt actions results in the exact opposite of what they insincerely say they intend.
  5. I'm disgusted with any of them that do. If Baker does... the hell with him then.
  6. "nice" to you is not kicking people off the board for daring to disagree with you. I am glad you watched a good bit of it. But it is genuinely sad you labeled the color of people's skin - seriously? I mean, seriously - SERIOUSLY? I don't have "extreme right wing views" - that is just another unwarranted slur you liberals love to sling. You "say" it's a waste of time because you know some of us can flat out DOCUMENT why we have the opinions we do. You can't. You just keep repeating your slurs, without being able to justify them. Like, AGAIN, we can list official GOOD/GREAT THINGS that Pres Trump and Vp Pence have done for AMERICA and ALL OF US... in the HUNDREDS. Dude - you can't name one that obaMao and your biden did. Can't freaking name one. Now, guess....what is less that one and still not a negative number. ................... "AAAAAAAAAAA" times up. zero. You got nothing and you can't handle the truth. But I'll be nice. You could man up and comment on the situation with Kayla. Her parents spoke about how your obaMao/biden refused to even MEET with them, when they were desperate to save their daughter. Meanwhile, obaMao/biden did nothing. Kayla was brutally tortured, raped til she died for eighteen months. And only after Pres Trump took office, .... Pres Trump ordered a spec op raid and they killed them. Kayla was already gone. So, call him "orange man" ...but you should admit, Kayla deserved better. She deserved a republican pres who took action to take out that sick, twisted brutal terrorist leader. But obaMao and biden were too busy sending 1.5 billion in cash and gold to iran.... some of which... probably made it's way back to..... the same terrorists who brutalized, tortured and raped poor Kayla til she died. If you have no relevant comment on this...it's you who needs to look in the mirror.
  7. I wonder what Garrett thinks of THAT. and Lebong, he runs his mouth a lot. What does HE...thi...I mean...."feel". It's a matter of power over others. When the haters can say anything, do anything, demand anything... that's fine. But say anything they don't like, that's "hate speech". They hate your speech. God help anybody else who doesn't like theirs. The ulterior motive is dominance, raising hell to intimidate.
  8. and more dangerous. Amazing - the fourth night, I never heard them on TV. It was great. Pres Trump's speech - was OUTSTANDING. What we are seeing right now, is a conflict between a lot of good, and marxist violent, full of hatred evil. I think the person trying to get at the Sen and the rest ...that guy should have been tazed and arrested, but you can't taze a hundred violators - that is their mob rule safety net. big serious trouble is here. and getting a lot worse and more dangerous as time goes on.
  9. So many wonderful stories, every background...inspiring...and sad, like Kayla's story. But this one....if any of us had her as a friend/relative....and obaMao and biden did nothing................eighteen months.... it would hit so close to home - that politics was their "god", and that men like JFK, Reagan, Bush W., Pres Trump... would have ordered a rescue mission and brought her home. This one still gets to me.
  10. getting to be a dangerous time in our country. I wonder why.
  11. Thanks to JAF for finding that pic - I've seen it on TV... maybe a long distance microphone -
  12. it could be a microphone? the closest I can find so far, maybe it's a stripped down (lighter weight) https://www.brownells.com/firearms/rifles/semi-auto/xbrn177e2-carbine-5-56mm-12-7in-black-prod113315.aspx?avs|Manufacturer_1=brownells&avad=avant&aid=189113&cm_mmc=affiliate-_-Itwine-_-Avantlink-_-Custom Link&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_source=Avantlink&utm_content=NA&utm_campaign=Itwine&avad=239913_a1ca384e1&aid=189113&cm_mmc=affiliate-_-Itwine-_-Avantlink-_-Custom+Link&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_source=Avantlink&utm_content=NA&utm_campaign=Itwine
  13. crap. Hoorta is embarrassed - I brought up how he made an ass of himself unloading on Josh Allen when I kept responding to Josh Rosen fans who dissed Josh Allen. I was right. Hoorta was wrong - he should start trying to back up what he says about Pres Trump and stuff, instead of wild ass negative nancy hateful slurs. that is a bit concerning. See, when we diss obamao, we can list all the bad things he said and did as president. Hoorta can't. He won't read the hundreds of GOOD GREAT ACCOMPLISHMENTS that Pres Trump and VP Pence have accomplished in only four years, and he can't even name one legit thing his Obamao/biden did that was good/great for America in eight years. Hoorta, if you can't name one, it isn't anybody else;s fault. You just hate. I can justify my dumb opinions, you just seem to feel that you are a mod, so you shouldn't be disagreed with. sad. Maybe Hoorta just wants to drive conservatives off the board. He seemed to be happy that OBF left. It's been done before - I never thought of Hoorta as one who would lower himself to trying it.
  14. Hoota is just ass gassed - he talks about hate? I don't hate - lol - but he's too arrogant to be disagreed with, he can't support his emotional stupid spewing, he can't prove any point legitimately. His "don't disagree with me, I"M A MOD and I"LL SHUT THIS THING DOWN< I COULD YOU KNOW' is so childish I'm shocked. Having a sincere conversation with someone with severe TDS is just wasting time. too bad. And, Hoorta bitched that Josh Allen was trash, and Josh Rosen was a superduper star. Yeah, I won that one. and PRES TRUMP will win in November. (and refusing to watch the RNC is cowardly TDS. I watched a lot of the DNC, the difference is glaring) even several major unions are supporting Pres Trump, Hoorta. So your slurs against PRes Trump and any other posters here can just get shoved. Have a nice day TDS
  15. excellent article. It's seriously concerning that the dems are happy to encourage mob rule by intimidation and fear. If it helps them get the power they want... they embrace it. Historically, until they GET the permanent power they want, then they have no use for the "blackshirts".
  16. it's called "self-actualization" from what I remember. Kids' characters are forged, ...or not forged, when they experience life - there is no sense of accomplishment and pride when kids don't earn a reward, are handed meaningless "attaboys" across the board. Adversity here and there, losing a competition, making mistakes, finding out what THEY enjoy doing, trying different things - steels self-confidence and strength to not quit. One of the really good lessons, is to not quit. A kid starts hockey, finds out it isn't fun? "you started it, you have to finish it" is a valuable lesson. There is no accomplishment in quitting. Me, I always enjoyed earning my allowance. I never got to play any sports - I had Osgood-Schlatter's sp? disease in my knee. And that was in grade school. After riding in our car on vacation, going to the mountains, my knee would try to kill me. The pain was terrible. But I just figured my cousins had the same pain, so, I just never said anything and kept hiking up into the mountains. I found out what it was, and sports was never going to happen. Ah, but I had already fallen in love with the outdoors, so I went hunting and fishing/camping/hiking - those were my sports. If you aren't quiet and still enough, you don't get a squirrel for supper. Lesson learned. lol. My knee was so bad, the patellar ligament (below the knee cap) started pulling away from the tibia. So, after the time my kneecap went out, ninth grade, they had trouble getting it back in at the hospital. The pain was ... way worse than words could ever say. The head of the orthopedic board - reconstructed my knee, no simple feat. It took a few years to heal and wear a new path for the kneecap. I fished and hunted with my Dad - those days I treasure. I would never have had it any other way. Except I studied every move Leroy Kelly ever made, I wanted so much to play football as a running back. nope. Like I've said before, I was draft exempt - my knee kept me out of the army in 1970/71, in 73 I enlisted, had to talk my way in to the AF after they were going to send me home after looking at xrays of my knee. Stupid big screw that held it together.... after my knee swelled up in basic, I just kept going. There is no "quit" in me, just like I kept hiking the mountains with my knee trying to ruin me. but I digress. Some kids have no adversity, things handed to them just because... they don't develop character. They don't try new things, are afraid to make mistakes, ... simply being is a "you win" trophy. I knew a kid like that, in basic training. Me? adversity and trials are fun - I'll fight through them forever. I used to get into trouble in basic for grinning when our one TI would make jokes. It got so I was like Gomer Pyle grinning back at Sgt Carter. I got good at pushups. Our one TI thought that was great sport. dammit. Damn, he was funny later on in basic, and knew he could get me eventually. But the next row over, there was this kid who couldn't take it. He went around borrowing aspirin, cold pills, even Brasso from the cleaning materials closet ... whatever from other guys, secretly, and took them all at one time, tried to kill himself. One of the guys found out, saw what he was doing...and made an emergency call to the TI, but at the time, all I knew, was hushed frantic emergency crew coming in fast to get him out of there.... I woke up, sat up, and somebody got me by the tshirt and said to get my ass back to sleep NOW. so I did. That kid was gone, never to come back. too bad. I guess that kid always had everything handed to him...was always protected...never faced adversity... was one of those who was never allowed to make a mistake, and was always winning participation...maybe.
  17. The parents of Kayla spoke at the RNC. She was a very smart, wonderful American young woman who went to serve the poor overseas. She was asked to assist at a hospital and camp just across the border to Syria, but their caravan got hijacked by the notorious al-bakdadi sp? They tortured and raped her for eighteen months. Early on, her parents pleaded with ObaMao and biden for help. obamao and biden refused to even meet with them. We elected President Trump, and he sent a Special Operation team, but she had died. That is extremely sick cowardice born out of profound self-serving political expediency. they didn't want to admit they should do something. Tears came to my eyes as her parents told the story about Kayla at the RNC. If Pres Trump had been president months earlier, Kayla would have been able to get back home to her parents. Just a heartbreak. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/parents-slain-isis-hostage-kayla-mueller-honor-daughter/story?id=72663317
  18. no, too many are liberals - and wouldn't prescribe penicillin to a republican who had a bad infection just because Trump liked Penicillin.
  19. oh, so sassy. I don't think you hate America until you vote AGAINST America. which is, for your Biden. Your choice. if you missed the first three days - it was awe-inspiring - true stories from a LOT of Real Americans from all walks of life and all colors.
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