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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. if you don't know better than that...you are only here to instigate trouble. https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/03/us/david-dorn-st-louis-police-shot-trnd/index.html Retired St. Louis Police captain killed after responding to a pawnshop alarm during looting By Susannah Cullinane Updated 7:46 PM ET, Thu August 27, 2020
  2. I honestly think he is trying to disrupt the point with rage to get conservatives kicked off eventually, or to shut the board down. The left desperately needs more help - they could find it over there. Hoorta even implied it's on his mind..."he could" take his flat balls and go home.
  3. that is apparently obaMao's advice to their failing campaign: "just tell em you are FOR Real Marriage, so they will vote for you. Then just"change your mind" as soon as you are inaugurated. The same went for our 2nd Amendment. and transparency. and respecting our Constitution/Bill of Rights. and being "post-racial". "bringing us all together". on and on and on..... a whole lot of Real Americans of all races, creeds etc are seeing the lies in the past and currently from the left. They should be losing big in Nov 3. Lies, corruption and manipulating hatred are all they have now.
  4. Hoorta, you are making a fool of yourself again. Here's proof you emotionally knee jerk instead of research. https://nypost.com/2020/08/09/joe-bidens-doubletalk-on-defund-the-police/ Yet his views on #DefundThePolice are different. In a statement last month, his folks insisted: “Biden does not believe that police should be defunded.” Later, though, asked if money should be “redirected” away from cops, he replied, “Yes, absolutely.”
  5. oh, "shove your f(*ing wall up your ass...." ... etc etc etc etc etc? another sick example of serious TDS. They can be nasty, but political opposition shouldn't be nasty. HOW MANY THOUSANDS OF TIMES? HAVE YOU AND YOUR IGNORANT LITTLE WOODPECKER personally attacked Pres Trump, with no proof, no evidence, no reasoning, ....nothing. the obaMao sydrome. Would make a good movie. The hypocrisy is glaring. Hoorta doesn't think his point of view is superior? just nasty hypocrisy, you betcha.
  6. because... they have been instigating unrest and racial/class hatred for years. Now, they think the American people are so STUPID... they can manipulate them by saying "if we don't get elected, it will be worse". like democratic party mafia protection money. https://www.redstate.com/bonchie/2020/09/01/joe-biden-decides-to-hold-a-gun-to-the-countrys-head/
  7. going downhill fast? https://www.redstate.com/nick-arama/2020/08/31/910014/ That was bad enough. But the delivery of the speech showed the deep problems that the Democrats have with Biden. Biden identified one of the crisis under Trump as the “birth of the right American future.” Wait, what? He seems to either be completely losing track of what he’s trying to say and/or not able to read his teleprompter. Notice him seeming to squint. https://t.co/bzJxG0hmWg
  8. yes, the rest of us can list hundreds. Hoorta and his little woodpecker can't even list one on their side. pretty twisted warped emotional knee jerk TDS - to think biden in the better choice. No critical thinking with TDS, you betcha.
  9. and you can't name ONE GOOD or GREAT thing that your obaMao/biden did for America in eight years. not one. you can't, Hoorta can't, Tex can't. But guess what: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/washington-secrets/trumps-list-289-accomplishments-in-just-20-months-relentless-promise-keeping The Trump administration’s often overlooked list of achievements has surpassed those of former President Ronald Reagan at this time and more than doubled since the last tally of accomplishments after his first year in office, giving President Trump a solid platform to run for re-election on. As Trump nears the two-year mark of his historic election and conducts political rallies around the country, during which he talks up his wins in hopes it will energize Republican voters, the administration has counted up 289 accomplishments in 18 categories, capped by the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. They include 173 major wins, such as adding more than 4 million jobs, and another 116 smaller victories, some with outsize importance, such as the 83 percent one-year increase in arrests of MS-13 gang members. “Trump’s successes in reducing the cost of taxes and regulations, rebuilding our military, avoiding wars of choice and changing the courts rival those of all previous Republican presidents,” said Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform. Recommended For You John Ratcliffe says he is coordinating with John Durham and plans to declassify more documents soon “Trump has an advantage over Ronald Reagan: He has a Reagan Republican House and Senate while Reagan had a [Democratic Speaker] Tip O’Neill House and a pre-Reagan Republican Senate. Reagan and [former GOP Speaker] Newt Gingrich were the ice breakers that allowed Trump’s victories to grow in number and significance,” he added. Unlike the Year One list which included many proposals and orders still to be acted on, the new collection includes dozens of actions already in place, signed legislation, and enforced executive orders. For example, while the Year One list bragged about the administration’s efforts to rewrite the much-maligned NAFTA trade deal with Canada and Mexico, the Year Two list said: “Negotiated an historic U.S.-Mexico-Canada Trade Agreement to replace NAFTA.” In December, Secrets reported on the first list of White House accomplishments. And shockingly the NAFTA achievement is presented as a sidebar to the larger achievement that reads, “President Trump is negotiating and renegotiating better trade deals, achieving free, fair, and reciprocal trade for the United States.” Under that umbrella are eight trade deals cut with Japan, South Korea, Europe and China. “President Trump is a truly unique leader in American history. He’s a kid from Queens who became an international business leader and made billions by getting things when no one said he could,” said Trump’s 2016 campaign pollster John McLaughlin. “They told him he couldn’t be president and beat the establishment and he did. For two years the establishment is telling him he can’t do things in Washington and he’s succeeding in spite of them. He never retreats. He doesn’t back up. He’s relentless. He just wins,” he added. Comparing the two years shows that the latest has an expanded group of economic achievements while the pro-life category was folded into the health care section. Massive overflow crowd tonight in Erie, Pennsylvania. THANK YOU to everyone who came out and joined us. Together, we are MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! pic.twitter.com/FkPNNVpccX — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 11, 2018 Along the way, there have been some disappointments, such as failing to replace Obamacare, fund a big infrastructure plan, and build the border wall. But the White House believes that despite a lack of media coverage of his accomplishments, supporters know about them and will head to the voting polls to help the GOP maintain control of the House and keep the president on what CNN dubbed a “winning streak.” In the Washington Post Friday, former Bush speechwriter and columnist Marc Thiessen agreed and said that Trump has proven to be successful at keeping his campaign promises. He wrote, “The fact is, in his first two years, Trump has compiled a remarkable record of presidential promise-keeping.”
  10. Want me to start posting the many hideous crimes by your and Hoorta's and Hoorta's little woodpecker's criminal illegals and gang members who "just want a chance at the American dream" ? the crimes are sick. you three need to wake the hell up to AMERICA, REALITY, and stop trolling.
  11. https://www.redstate.com/diary/davenj1/2020/08/31/revisiting-benghazi-part-1-why-was-stevens-there-that-day/
  12. the left owns and operates the msm. https://www.redstate.com/brandon_morse/2020/08/31/poll-suppression-trump/ Rasmussen Blows the Whistle on “National Poll Suppression” as Trump Closes the Gap
  13. Horrifying video shows man attempting to rape women in broad daylight in NYC, bystanders don't intervene (UPDATED) Chris Enloe Kenosha activist declares open season on white people: 'It’s time for us to kill one of yours' Chris Enloe
  14. he gets more corrupt as time goes on, per the evidence. Hoorta won't admit it though. https://www.theblaze.com/news/bombshell-documentary-biden-chinese-secrets
  15. the murders of innocent Americans...especially police officers... is sickening. This has been encouraged for the left in gov for years.
  16. er...what? MS, diabetes, asthma, obesity, heart disease, lung cancer, etc etc etc etc etc etc etc are not caused by covid. come on, man.
  17. only Hoorta and his little woodpecker would agree with that stupidity.
  18. true, but woodpecker makes it impossible to talk about a lot of things in one thread - it turns into sissy sassy smart ass diversions and you can't stay on any one topic. So, they need to be separate topics.
  19. well, take your communist senile ball for biden/harris and have a nice day somewhere else, maybe. "kill file" ? isn't that a bit harsh with the current environment? Your heroes are actually murdering innocent people not antifa, not blm, not anti-American. Your statements are STUPID - you are emotionally venting irrationally in rage. Listen to yourself,.... "kill file" ...blaming covid on Pres Trump, ignoring china, biden whose son got 1.5 BILLION from china, and the most corrupt dangerous mental case vp candidate in American political history. Either name one thing your ObaMao/biden did that was good/great for AMERICA, or just shove it - because we can name well over a hundred good/great things Pres Trump has done for America. But, you are a liberal - you aren't a freaking "republican" get out of here with that nonsense. You lefties try to pretend you are a "rep" to try to manipulate other's opinons. Nobody cares if you whiney ass don't vote, or go vote to destroy your country. You haven't ONCE said you loved your country. Weird. "you care so much". You are a "conservative" that is big on man made global warming/globalism, America last, you never bring up abortion/murder of unborn/born children, that HATES the wall and is fine with illegals flooding in to our country - even when they commit the most sickening of crimes, ....have you criticized biden/harris/obamao ONCE? nope, don't remember if you did. Your emotions completely overwhelm any chance you can think about putting America first. Don't go away mad, just shove it. and have a nice day. Let us know when you can think of ONE thing your biden/obaMao did ...JUST ONE FREAKING THING ...IN EIGHT YEARS. you can't, there isn't any. I was watching it for eight years. And try not to get all rage-pouty and take down this forum - like you implied you would like to do - that would be childish, terrible, mean, wicked, bad and nasty liberal wienie of you. When Pres Trump wins, make sure you visit again. You betcha that will be fun.
  20. I agree - I think they will make a move and pick up Ryan. It's pretty obvious.
  21. So, let me get this right... Hoorta and woodpecker troll and "say" that they don't like Pres Trump, because of his orange skin and tweets....so they vote to throw their country into a trash bin instead. If Hoorta and his little woodpecker can't name ONE...they are done. "look at me! I hate like the msm!" and they emotionally do not care. They FEEL like they are going to pretend biden is a better choice, and most of America knows that is stupid.
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