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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. unless you know the history around the world...... https://www.redstate.com/brandon_morse/2020/09/02/call-of-duty-blops/
  2. wait, who was in charge of obaMao/biden's state dept? higgardly. only now we have the information coming forward? https://www.theblaze.com/news/social-media-monitoring-ukraine-scandal State Dept. officials monitored Donald Trump Jr., Rudy Giuliani, Fox News hosts' social media accounts in the early days of the Ukraine scandal And may have broken the law in doing so
  3. crap. Wallace is a hack. He's smiles and nicer questions with the left, he's a sissy. But he's pointed, nicely belligerent with republicans. and he won't STFU after he asks a question if it's a republican. He should be on notice to be fair. I doubt it. He's afraid of the left - they play nasty and mean.
  4. the corrupt left demands power, the power to do what they want, and get away with it. But it's more seriously corrupt than ever before - it's out of control. Pelosi's elitist arrogance is now out there obviously, and does make her look like a hippo's rear end.
  5. he was only 17 ????????? my post isn't strong enough then. He had zero business being there at all. only 17 in that position... nope. Not smart. Not smart to have been there regardless.
  6. these two are very bad. Very bad for America. The other ones are good - but yes, he did it for the LGBT part of his voting base.
  7. ObaMao/biden never kept any of their promises. really sick. https://time.com/3672066/guantanamo-bay-history/#:~:text=It was six years ago%2C on Jan. 22%2C,no less than a year from that date.
  8. lol. Actually, his golf analogy is correct. He was talking about choking so that even lefties could understand his point. I'm sure you did, you're just on the attack. And Pres Trump HEARD from a well known person who was ON THE FLIGHT and was talking about it. She was correct though - the simplest things he can say, no matter what, will be twisted against him intentionally, like you lefties do every time. And slurring Pres Trump over communist chinese military lab virus - is just dumb and malicious. https://www.ajc.com/politics/politics-blog/wsb-poll-trump-builds-lead-over-biden-in-georgia-after-rnc/B7XVX4WYHJG4BIQMVTM2AJEEQM/?ocid=uxbndlbing President Donald Trump Gets Betting Bounce After RNC https://www.casino.org/news/president-donald-trump... Aug 28, 2020 · President Donald Trump on Thursday officially accepted the Republican Party’s nomination for the 2020 presidency. And the Commander-in … Author: Devin O'connor President Trump Gets HUGE Bump from RNC - Polling Shows ... https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/08/president... Aug 30, 2020 · Today’s polling shows President Trump is way ahead in national polling, in electoral college polling and in state polling. The President received a huge bump after this week’s RNC and the Democrats are in a panic. The President is up in the national vote:
  9. the kid is innocent, it was self-defense, but he is also guilty of bad judgement. With any training at all - even in our CWW class, "SITUATIONAL AWARENESS" is paramount. You don't intentionally go into situations where you may encounter trouble. He isn't a policeman. Should have stayed home and away from the helter-skelter. Extremely not smart.
  10. nah. The right is NOT anti-police nor anti-government. that sounds more like antifa.
  11. Bryant has won the Maurice Bassett for best rookie. He is a football player at heart - and catches the ball like crazy. https://www.brownsnation.com/harrison-bryant-wins-award-for-best-rookie-during-training-camp/
  12. CNN Scorched After Being Caught in Blatant Lie Over Chris ... https://www.westernjournal.com/cnn-scorched-caught... Apr 21, 2020 · Even for CNN, even for Chris Cuomo, even for the nadir of American journalism that’s been reached after four years of dishonesty about Donald Trump, it’s a new low. In fact, it’s almost unbelievable. Almost. We are committed to truth and accuracy in … CNN Field Ops Manager: It's Bullsh*t, We're Totally Left ... https://townhall.com/tipsheet/timothymeads/2019/10/... Oct 17, 2019 · All week long, they have been trickling out videos from their CNN staffer-turned-whistleblower, Cary Poarch. Poarch started at CNN in 2017 at what he thought was his dream job.
  13. I suppose woody needs research be done for a engineering class. Helpless..... the internet is an essential service, not a public utility. Right now, the internet is being abused to limit information/messaging to favor the left. This is dangerous. Simple freedom of speech is being violated. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/innovations/wp/2016/07/07/why-treating-the-internet-as-a-public-utility-is-bad-for-consumers/ For the Internet, regulation as a public utility represents a dangerously poor fit. For one thing, Internet access is no monopoly. According to the FCC’s own data, nearly 70 percent of American households have a choice among three or more wired providers, including cable, telephone companies and new entrants such as Google Fiber. One need only watch television ads for a few minutes to see fierce competition among providers. And it works: Nearly 20 percent of U.S. consumers switch networks every year — hardly the behavior of a monopoly. What’s more, the technology of access, which began with dial-up modems only 20 years ago, continues to evolve rapidly. Consumers increasingly get their Internet access from mobile networks, of which there are several national and regional choices. And with the coming of next-generation mobile, which promises speeds as fast as 10 times what is available even with fiber optics, competition between wired and mobile providers is growing.
  14. Hoorta is not making any sense - he used to. Maybe he's channeling biden. he can't back up any of his emotional knee jerk TDS rants, so he keeps changing subjects, and throws fake mud at the wall to pretend he's proving a point. I'm still remembering him demanding man made global warming be realized, because saw an glacier calve. LOL LOL. so have I. It's because glaciers flow. Yes, still waiting for Hoorta to feebly come up with ONE good or great thing that his ObaMao/biden did FOR AMERICA...in eight years. He can't think of ONE. The entire forum sees it.
  15. desperate for anything to help them win the election - no reason to investigate outside of dirty politics.
  16. https://www.brownsnation.com/report-mack-wilson-wont-need-surgery-back-in-4-6-weeks/
  17. Except we can supply a lot of legit evidence to support our position. Hoorta has slurs, lies, and a bunch of TDS BS. THANK GOD we have an imperfect but terrific president who is a LEADER and not a leftwing ideology/deep swamp kisser. https://www.theblaze.com/news/trump-demands-patriotic-education-schools President Trump calls for 'patriotic education' in schools: 'Left's war on police, faith, history, and American values is tearing our country apart' Because the U.S. is 'an exceptional, free and just nation, worth defending, preserving, and protecting'
  18. in a democrat city. Innocent people are getting rapedk, attempted raped, murder, young kids white and black being assassinated out of leftwing hate, people beaten the hell up badly, businesses set on fire, democrat leftist mayors telling police depts to not respond... and you want to ask the asinine question about why do any of us feel the need to ccw? yep. You are trolling to raise trouble to shut the forum down for your little woodpecker, I think. No workie, emotional knee jerkie.
  19. Man, I'm glad I didn't have my coffee at the keyboard again...that was GREAT. LOL LOL
  20. YEP. I posted to that affect before - Hoorta and his little woodpecker just swam in Egypt......
  21. I was saying "big, serious trouble" for years...and it's come to pass worse than I ever imagined. This is all a venezuela-type attempt to establish a corrupt gov to take over all the wealth of America, and never let it go. Our elections have to be corrupted, there are roving well funded? "brownshirts/blackshirts" violent gangs run amok, trying to crash our economy with overwhelming debt (cloward-piven - which Hoorta is terrified to look up), a rejection of American legitimate authority on every level, and worst of all - the complete and total desperation to make Real America terrified to vote in the next election. This was just the beginning:
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