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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. again, no comment at all from Tex and Hoorta? seriously? biden is untouchable because of TDS?
  2. Gee, I wonder what Hoorta and Tex have to say on this subject.............
  3. You apparently leave out the context of what you're posting, to have the most nasty effect of belittling Pres Trump, who has,. along with Pence, ACCOMPLISHED WELL OVER TWO HUNDRED GOOD/GREAT THINGS FOR AMERICA in only 4 years. Your obaMao/biden ? zero. Not one. You can't name one, Hoorta can't name one. That's a fact so far, jack. I don't see where it's bad to say John Mccain was a loser - he LOST THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION. you lose, that makes you having lost. If you've lost, you're the loser. John Mccain, after his service, IS a loser. He left his wife because she was sick. What the hell do you defend him for? Do you know Trump raised a million dollars for mccain/Paliin to run ? Trump did say a really stupid thing - "I like the military guys who weren't captured, ok" that is a loose paraphrase. But that doesn't mean he doesn't like veterans who were captured. Hate all you want, but you've lost so much cred in the TDS hate mongering. Higgardly said "at this point what difference does it make" about letting Americans die at Benghazi. obaMao and biden have said a lot of stupid things. Your higgardly/obaMao/biden did NOTHING to MAGA. So, we elected Pres Trump, and he and Pence have absolutely done hundreds of great and good things FOR AMERICA.
  4. Minnesota Freedom Fund Faces Scrutiny for Antifa and Soros ... https://www.breitbart.com/crime/2020/06/09/... Jun 09, 2020 · Both organizations have strong ties to anti-Trump billionaire George Soros. MFF Executive Director Tonja Honsey was named a Soros Justice Fellow by the Open Society Foundations in 2019. Honsey is a convicted drug offender who was arrested during a meth lab bust in 2002. She has also served time for theft and check forgery. Minneapolis is Burning - Soros Paid Antifa Gangs Involved ... https://sarahwestall.com/minneapolis-is-burning-soros-paid-antifa-gangs-involved May 28, 2020 · Andy Ngo, a journalist who specializes in domestic terrorist groups claims that the mass arson attacks, looting and vandalism on Wednesday night were largely perpetrated by paid Soros gangs. He tweeted, “Antifa have joined forces with BLM [Black Lives …
  5. yep. Something was really wrong with him - I wonder how antifa finds members anyways? say.... Soros & Steyer exposed as backers of ‘paramilitary’ left ... https://www.rt.com/usa/491546-project-veritas-antifa-video-soros Jun 11, 2020 · Tom Steyer – who unsuccessfully campaigned for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination for 2020 – and liberal financier George Soros are both named as financial contributors in the new clip on Refuse Fascism, an organization dedicated to removing President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence from office.
  6. he'll say anything stupid thing to get votes. and never once kept his promises in eight years. https://news.yahoo.com/joe-biden-says-kenosha-police-194334887.html
  7. Hoorta, Tex and Woodpecker will surely? find a way to excuse her - she's a dem. Perfection to emotional knee jerking.
  8. biden is so corrupt and he can't even think or talk straight enough to fool anybody. I mean, not even "the squad" on this forum would buy it. (but they won't admit it)
  9. oh, Tex, you just stooped to a new low. No one with any common sense would buy into that. really sad of you.
  10. well, some is serious wrong with that shooter - I don't see any self-defense. He isn't right, had no idea what he was doing. Without a legitimate imminent threat, no chance to make up a fake excuse and get away with it.
  11. Cannon Bath Towels - Sears https://www.sears.com/home-bed-bath-towels-rugs... Cannon Perfect Bath Towels Hand Towels or Washcloths (32) Sold by Kmart. $7.99 - $8.99. Cannon Ultimate Cotton Bath Towel Hand Towel & Washcloth (10) Sold by Kmart. $16.99. Cannon Egyptian Cotton Bath Towels Hand Towels or Washcloths. Sold by Sears. Displaying 1-9 of 9 Items.
  12. scary smart people who love their country and will vote that way to help themselves
  13. okay. Whose side are you on, Hoorta? Revolutionary Communist Party USA leader endorses Biden ... https://www.foxnews.com/politics/revolutionary-communist-party-head-vote-biden Aug 03, 2020 · The head of the Revolutionary Communist Party USA is urging members to head to the polls in November to cast their votes for presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden – arguing that while Biden... Author: Andrew O'reilly Revolutionary Communist Party Endorses Democrat Joe Biden ... https://www.dailywire.com/news/revolutionary... Aug 04, 2020 · The Trump campaign responded to the the Revolutionary Communist Party’s endorsement of Biden by saying in a statement: Biden deputy campaign manager Kate Bedingfield just this morning made clear that “everybody who believes that Joe Biden should be president” is “welcome into this campaign.”. That now includes Bob Avakian, the radical founder and leader of the Revolutionary Communist Party who just endorsed Joe Biden and instructed fellow communists to support Biden …
  14. darn. You de-ignored me. That is a biden kind of lie, liberal guy. You vent more political hate vs Pres Trump for no good reason. You got nothin. The rinos have been rinos since Bush. and were rinos while you obaMao commie and ho biden were doing NOTHING GOOD OR GREAT THING FOR AMERICA. You can't name one, you're so done. You got nothin to backup your feeble angry rage points. Except for TDS. Have a nice liberal day.
  15. your allegations are completely unfounded, your emotionally hysterical venting is duly noted. Examples would be great, but all you do is hate. If you can't name one good/great thing ObaMao/biden did in 4 years for AMERICA, yup, you're DONE, you betcha.
  16. the left is desperate for victims so they can rally violence and raise hell. with the internet, connections with people are quick and easy, and false ignorant narratives rule. I mean, look at every one of Hoorta's and woodpecker's posts. Yup.
  17. rinos were never really republicans. They were weak, cowardly leaves in the wind. Want me to post the way over 200 promises he's kept? way over 200 good/great things he and Pence have already accomplished in only 4 years? Come on, man. Be serious, you're delirious.
  18. Hoorta can't come up with one good or great thing his obaMao/biden did for AMERICA in eight years. but he hates Pres Trump who kept HIS PROMISES and has, with Pence, accomplished well over 200 good/great things for America. Hoorta is no republican. man made global warming < NOPE. Hate building a wall? NOPE. Green new deal? NOPE. unlimited murder of unborn and born children? NOPE. Another shutdown - with biden? NOPE. Biden is an incompetent, mentally lacking corrupt plagiarizing empty suit. God help us all if America is run by Hoorta, Tex's and woodpecker's emotions. that would be Venezuela.
  19. how many democrats and former democrats spoke at the RNC. yep.
  20. don't go pouty hoorta on me here, Tex. and he IS building the wall. and how much do you think it is costing Mexico to pay their troops stationed near the border to stop all the traffic? how much are they losing with the new trade deal with Mexico/Canada? Pres Trump keeps his promises. Eventually, mexico will pay for the wall. are you happy that hunter biden got 1.5 billion from china?
  21. Here ya go, Tex. After attacking Trump's coronavirus-related China travel ... https://www.foxnews.com/politics/dems-media-change... Apr 01, 2020 · Within hours of President Trump's decision to restrict travel from China on Jan. 31, top Democrats and media figures immediately derided the move as unnecessary and xenophobic -- …
  22. Meanwhile, the TRUTH is, nuthatch biden criticized Pres Trump for stopping most travel from China, then Europe in January.. and now biden gets to pretend he would have done better. just....worse than stupid.
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