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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. TDS means never having to say you're sorry for defending COMMUNIST CHINA that let this virus all over the world, and kissing biden's rear end. But Pres Trump tweets ! WHINE !
  2. and still, YOU CAN'T NAME ONE GOOD/GREAT THING YOUR OBAMAO COMMIE AND BIDENACCOMPLISHED IN EIGHT FREAKIN YEARS., But "whaaaaaa Pres Trump isn't perfect". I stand by my previous opinion. You are only here to helter-skelter and try to get conservatives off the forum so you and Tour and your little woodpecker can own it. No workie, emotional knee jerkie is all you got, that ain't a lot.
  3. whatcha get? I sent to Fin, Feather and Furs - they are still out of 9mm. egad. and I've had ...eh.....4 friends ask me about getting their first gun... and a CCW license ( that will take some months now maybe)... and it is going to get worse. Companies are having trouble keeping up with demand.
  4. she's a lunatic, biden is only a liar, dishonest hack, plagiarizer, failure and mentally incompetent. TDS means never having to say you're sorry you don't know your arse from a watermelon.
  5. so, Hating Pres Trump and VP Pence, and refuses to admit Pres Trump/Pence HAVE to be re-elected, seems to mean the left wants our soldiers to have to go to war in Syria. After eight years of malfeasance of Hoorta's and Tour's obaMao commie and biden, it's too late for Syria.
  6. Real America is going to kick the can off the road this election. The left is desperate. It's win or their movement dies. We'll keep our Real American Supreme Court, and you lefties don't have to like it. Will the lefty bitching, whining, moaning and pants wetting NEVER END ?
  7. no wonder Hoorta and Tour refuse to talk about him... they are kindred spirits to belligerent nonsense.
  8. again, dirty smears JUST IN TIME to try to dishonestly influence the election in favor of the left. Alas, they are doomed to start being honest til they grow up. The Hoorta/Toursies song:
  9. I guess we embarrassed Hoorta and Tex. I reckon they could only push false narratives so much while getting their TDS egos diminished.
  10. Pretty good article, I wish I'd written it. https://www.israelnationalnews.com/Blogs/Message.aspx/3074
  11. Mccormick should know - he was that close to biden. just weird that Hoorta, Tex and Tour refuse to stop swimming in Egypt.
  12. "we pay for this building" no, all taxpayers pay for the building, and you are not fascist revolutionaries. Just ignorant, nasty - and entitled to be as aggressive and belligerent and loud and violent as they want to be because obaMao gave them a green light. and they lost the election.
  13. baloney. His own GRANDMOTHER said he was born in Kenya - she was there. His half brother says the same thing. So does his half-sister. You need to stop the hysterical promoting of politically expedient narratives and do at least a little research before you vent. https://www.israelnationalnews.com/Blogs/Message.aspx/3074
  14. I wouldn't start a new thread, but so many threads get cluttered up with the stupidass woodpecker's glib nonsense bitch posts, including Tours, and whatshisname... that threads get off track, a birdbrain intention, apparently. "hide the truth, I can't legitimately refute it, so bury it with a deflection and change the direction ----that's my intention" WOODPECKER PROVERB
  15. you betcha Toursies has cranksies over this, Tex and Hoorta will bail and flail https://www.redstate.com/sister-toldjah/2020/09/08/atlantic-hit-piece-on-trump-continues-to-crumple-after-u-s-ambassador-with-firsthand-knowledge-weighs-in/
  16. even the timing is similar - rathergate was a fraud that tried to throw the election. I wonder how much money was flowing to him under the table. https://www.redstate.com/shipwreckedcrew/2020/09/08/atlantic-story-weve-seen-this-movie-before-it-was-called-rathergate/
  17. totally a fraud. But if they can get fools to vote for biden, they are all in on lies. Those are lies that Hoorta, Tex and Toursies love. https://www.redstate.com/bonchie/2020/09/08/the-atlantic-fabricates-another-anti-trump-story-because-no-lessons-were-learned/
  18. Have to love our elected President Trump and VP Pence. THEY respect our AMERICAN rights - GOD-GIVEN. "...SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" https://www.buckeyefirearms.org/dems-adopt-platform-radical-gun-control-agenda " The official DNC platform, adopted...at the Party's virtual convention, dedicates a section of its 80-pages to "Ending the Epidemic of Gun Violence." As outlined in the document, Democrats plan to: Ban the manufacture and sale of "assault weapons" and "high capacity" magazines. End online sales of guns and ammunition. Ensure the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention "have sufficient resources to study gun violence as a public health issue." Enact universal background checks. Expand the definition of who can lose their gun rights due to misdemeanor domestic violence charges. Halt the safety valve that allows would-be gun buyers to receive a firearm after a background check has stalled out for more than three days. Enact mandatory gun lock laws. Push for states to enact licensing requirements for owning firearms. Push for more "red flag" gun seizure laws which have become increasingly popular in blue states. Prioritize repealing the law that shields gun manufacturers from frivolous lawsuits. "Presumed Democratic presidential nominee, Joe Biden, called the firearm industry 'the enemy' from the debate stage one year ago," said Larry Keane, senior vice president for government and public affairs, assistant secretary and general counsel to the National Shooting Sports Foundation. "Now, the rest of the party plans to follow him in that announcement with the Democratic Platform that lays out an agenda to dismantle the firearm and ammunition industry and destroy Second Amendment rights in America." "
  19. Toursies got poutsies ever since his higgardly lost the election. This is exactly the point. Blaming Pres Trump for the covid is the hoax. Lies, deflection, baseless smears and corruption - is not going to win the dems the election.
  20. no suprise - nasty pelosi lives in a gated community.
  21. Hoorta, Tour and Tex now have egg on their faces. again. another lie, another nancy pelosi deliberate smear. Who know TDS was going to rage just because they lost the last election. Get the hell over it and grow up already. geez.
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