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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. Do I read this right? The signatures can NOT MATCH, but the elections folks only have ONE DAY to let the "voters" know their ballot was rejected? Yep, time to shut down mail in ballot voting fraud before the left can steal the election, or screw it up so bad a winner can't be determined. "gee, the fraudulent voter can't be reached to notify them...they must be on a one day vacation." all hell is going to break loose I think. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/texas-mail-in-voting-unconstitutional-signature-verification
  2. all these months and this piece comes out just before the election. and all the little TDS hacks go wild with it. It's an early "October Surprise". Nobody will common sense is falling for it. I never would have figured Hoorta would stoop so low. Reckon he's enraged because he can't name one and I called him out on it. and I'm stronger of the opinion that Hoorta is helter-skeltering this forum to get it shut down, or get conservatives to make a mistake in replies to get them kicked off of it. As, he's already spoke of it - to shut it down "he could" .... and he's already whined like a little jet engine about too many conservatives around here.
  3. well, he COULD need laser surgery. Cataracts... TDS can't/won't see facts syndrome.
  4. there you go again. You can't name ONE GOOD OR GREAT THING that your obaMao/biden did in eight years, but you happily jump on any false narrative. Back when woodward, a dem hack sensationalist, had that interview, America didn't have ONE fatality. And China was not forthcoming. YOU know people can die of the flu. Why haven't you admitted it on this forum? Does that make you a liar? LOL. That was TDS bounce back. And I still think you are trying to get conservatives to make a mistake - you admitted you could take your little TDS ball and shut this forum down. You that desperate for your Biden to win? Still can't admit you will be voting for Biden because he's your idea of a coherent hero:? LOL . egad. YOu are pitiful.
  5. THIS is the REAL DEAL by Pres Trump. When the left can't muster up a tiny bit of honesty about THIS... you know it's really bad for them.
  6. TDS means never having to say you're sorry for defending COMMUNIST CHINA that let this virus all over the world, and kissing biden's rear end. But Pres Trump tweets ! WHINE !
  7. and still, YOU CAN'T NAME ONE GOOD/GREAT THING YOUR OBAMAO COMMIE AND BIDENACCOMPLISHED IN EIGHT FREAKIN YEARS., But "whaaaaaa Pres Trump isn't perfect". I stand by my previous opinion. You are only here to helter-skelter and try to get conservatives off the forum so you and Tour and your little woodpecker can own it. No workie, emotional knee jerkie is all you got, that ain't a lot.
  8. whatcha get? I sent to Fin, Feather and Furs - they are still out of 9mm. egad. and I've had ...eh.....4 friends ask me about getting their first gun... and a CCW license ( that will take some months now maybe)... and it is going to get worse. Companies are having trouble keeping up with demand.
  9. she's a lunatic, biden is only a liar, dishonest hack, plagiarizer, failure and mentally incompetent. TDS means never having to say you're sorry you don't know your arse from a watermelon.
  10. so, Hating Pres Trump and VP Pence, and refuses to admit Pres Trump/Pence HAVE to be re-elected, seems to mean the left wants our soldiers to have to go to war in Syria. After eight years of malfeasance of Hoorta's and Tour's obaMao commie and biden, it's too late for Syria.
  11. Real America is going to kick the can off the road this election. The left is desperate. It's win or their movement dies. We'll keep our Real American Supreme Court, and you lefties don't have to like it. Will the lefty bitching, whining, moaning and pants wetting NEVER END ?
  12. no wonder Hoorta and Tour refuse to talk about him... they are kindred spirits to belligerent nonsense.
  13. again, dirty smears JUST IN TIME to try to dishonestly influence the election in favor of the left. Alas, they are doomed to start being honest til they grow up. The Hoorta/Toursies song:
  14. I guess we embarrassed Hoorta and Tex. I reckon they could only push false narratives so much while getting their TDS egos diminished.
  15. Pretty good article, I wish I'd written it. https://www.israelnationalnews.com/Blogs/Message.aspx/3074
  16. Mccormick should know - he was that close to biden. just weird that Hoorta, Tex and Tour refuse to stop swimming in Egypt.
  17. "we pay for this building" no, all taxpayers pay for the building, and you are not fascist revolutionaries. Just ignorant, nasty - and entitled to be as aggressive and belligerent and loud and violent as they want to be because obaMao gave them a green light. and they lost the election.
  18. baloney. His own GRANDMOTHER said he was born in Kenya - she was there. His half brother says the same thing. So does his half-sister. You need to stop the hysterical promoting of politically expedient narratives and do at least a little research before you vent. https://www.israelnationalnews.com/Blogs/Message.aspx/3074
  19. I wouldn't start a new thread, but so many threads get cluttered up with the stupidass woodpecker's glib nonsense bitch posts, including Tours, and whatshisname... that threads get off track, a birdbrain intention, apparently. "hide the truth, I can't legitimately refute it, so bury it with a deflection and change the direction ----that's my intention" WOODPECKER PROVERB
  20. you betcha Toursies has cranksies over this, Tex and Hoorta will bail and flail https://www.redstate.com/sister-toldjah/2020/09/08/atlantic-hit-piece-on-trump-continues-to-crumple-after-u-s-ambassador-with-firsthand-knowledge-weighs-in/
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