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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. Can you hear us NOW, Hoorta? https://www.theblaze.com/glenn-radio/bin-ladens-niece-trump?rebelltitem=1#rebelltitem1 'The undoing of America has been decades in the making': Niece of Osama bin Laden issues shocking warning 'America, you are at the very edge of the precipice. Please wake up!'
  2. Hoorta is too bush trying to start a war on this forum (as he indicated, so he could shut it down boo hoo) to notice the outstanding peace plan.
  3. ah, so now you are threatening my posts that you can't name one. What you said about not voting for higgardly, I got it. But biden? you make the choice. Do you think biden acted like vp? Hello? Benghazi? The billion? whatever is was of cash GIVEN to IRAN? "Fast and Furious" while blaming American gun owners for violence and dissing our 2nd Amendment? The stupidass Paris accord? Illegally lying to the FISA court? Illegally changing the CIA document about Page? Illegally spying on the Trump Campaign? URANIUM ONE? I could go on and on, but let me put this politely as I can, your hate politics SUCK, your personal attacks make you look foolish. Now you're doing the mod thing again. "Oooh, don't disagree with me or I'll wet my jeans and delete your posts" ? I used to call you "Mr. Hoorta" because i respected you so much. After you blew your big mouth on me for being a Josh Allen fan in the face of you and your Josh Rosen friends... not any more. Now, you came over here and defended your little woodpecker. Stick a cork in it, mod guy. I don't break rules - you shouldn't break them either. BTW, I usually always back up my contentions with links all over the net that also back up my contentions. And usually I can defend my contentions. You are just Obamao raged because you can't control the narrative and stop disagreement with you. Tough turksies, stop your knee jerksies.
  4. despite pleas all around the world.... iranian gov is a hell hole of hatred. More blood on obaMao and biden's hands. https://www.theblaze.com/news/iran-executes-wrestler-afkari-trump-plea
  5. actually referred to Pres Trump as being responsible for.... BUTTOCKS cages. frickin liar. https://twitchy.com/samj-3930/2020/08/18/even-the-ap-fact-checkers-couldnt-let-this-whopper-slide-yup-its-official-michelle-obama-lied-bigly-in-her-dnc-speech/
  6. sure. Rittenhouse should have stayed away, or walked away IF HE COULD. I think if a woman came at me with a deadly weapon or was trying to street fight me into the pavement because I wore a Pres Trump hat - who would not defend themselves? That would be a rare occurence, I suppose. Would you let a woman rioter hit you in the head with a baseball bat because you shouldn't "hit a woman" ? Evasion is only temporary unless you are really good at taking the weapon away martial arts style. Besides that, though, Rittenhouse was wrong to be there in the first place - at the riot. Situational Awareness. Being cognizant of where you are going and your surroundings, and NOT putting yourself in harms way. NOT trying to be part of the action because you have a gun or baseball bat with you. The intent is avoiding being assaulted, not inviting an assault so you can "defend yourself". Not referring to YOU, just in general.
  7. terrific post - and good question. I would say that appointing Constitutionalists to the Supreme Court that defend our Constitution/Bill of Rights helps us all directly to keep our rights. Defending our 2nd Amendment affects me directly. I think back to JFK...and Reagan, and even Trump now. Inspiring Americans instead of dividing us, uplifting our America instead of running us as a country down (obaMao/biden reference) around the world. Nixon, Johnson, carter, clinton, bush w., obamao all let us down, even ford wasn't much help. Bush w had one inspiring moment of time - 9/11. He came through in the inspiration of Americans dept. Leadership is having the ability to inspire others to follow, simply by earning their high respect.
  8. oh, boy. I disagree hugely. Except on one point - according to Maslow's Hierachy of Needs... people have basic needs - one of them is security... belonging to a group. There are obviously all kinds of groups. Human beings tend to flock to them per their own interests. Like sports.... But our Constitution/Bill of RIGHTS is a profoundly BRILLIANT guarantee of our Freedom. No other country on the planet has it. Sure, haters try to get around it, but if we didn't have a Constitution/Bill of Rights, we wouldn't be a free America. We would be a hell hole and the rest of the world would too. The Constitution can be amended, sure. But our rights can NOT be taken away - that defies the existence of the Constitution/Bill of Rights. It can be, and has been amended to clarify a right, extend a right...but cannot take away rights. It's sad to me, that anyone would take our Constitution/Bill of Rights - our Freedom for granted. So many millions of people around the world have died, been murdered, because they didn't have Freedom. Didn't have a Constitution/Bill of Rights like ours. World History, especially American History = teaches the lesson well - there are always those who demand to control everybody else, they identify via hate. KKK, BLM, nazis, the list is long around the world. In OUR AMERICA - hate takes a backseat to our Constitution/Bill of Rights. Except so many now weren't taught history, weren't taught about our Constitution/Bill of Rights;. it's their own human viewpoint, emotions, greed and weaknesses that they revere. They see themselves as a "god" so they despise Christians - Christianity's existence is a major threat to their feelings. Losing an election violates their FEELINGS. They are crushed because their feelings are their only means to feel like "gods". Reality violates their feelings, they lose their identity, their fake "godness". That is why they don't believe in anything else. Our Flag, Anthem, America, GOD.. - are greater than their feelings. They live for how they feel, nothing else should interfere with their superiority. Like the nazis hated the Jews. nazis feelings were superior. same with the KKK. BLM. Their feelings are their fake "god". Nothing else matters. and the democratic party has engaged them, patronized them, encouraged them and defended them on what they think is their only change at winning the next crucial election. A most crucial example is abortion - the murder of born/unborn children. The left FEELS that unwanted pregnancy makes them have unhappy feelings, so murder it is. Their feelings are their identity, their fake "god". The left FEELS that they were going to win the last election, were ENTITLED to win. and their hate rages on because they lost. Organized crime FEELS like they are owed the benefits of wealth and complete power - so any crime is ok with them. The fight against organized crime was very violent. The left is now violent and HATES. HATE is a mental/twisted emotional narcotic. Like the manson family. they loved to hate - their feelings led them to believe violent crimes were happy times. Profoundly sick. Right now, that narcotic has taken over the democratic party.
  9. Except Pres Trump never said "Muslim immigrant terrorist caravans". and BLM really slowly IS burning America to the ground, several big cities at a time. Learn to do your research. Learn to type on a computer. Learn something.
  10. from your own link: "The second video shows Rittenhouse, wearing red-white-and-blue trunks and shoes, being kicked several times." which lends credence to Rittenhouse being targeted that night. But I think he's out looking for trouble I think - why go out at all and tempt fate? that violates "situational awareness". Very bad. But not illegal.
  11. of course they did. Real Americans will vote against biden - he was one of the swamp fake accuser traitor sombeitches. https://www.redstate.com/bonchie/2020/09/10/robert-muellers-team-accidentally-wiped-dozens-of-phones-before-records-were-logged/ Cover-Up: Robert Mueller’s Corrupt Team ‘Accidentally’ Wiped Dozens of Phones Before Records Were Logged
  12. See? if you are on the left, Hoorta won't complain about anything you say.
  13. Excellent point, on both. Early on, Sam's Club was mobbed with a LOT of folks buying tp, food, with their carts stacked high, and each spouse had a separate cart. Haven't found Lysol spray for months. Early on, Pres Trump played it exactly as best any president could under the circumstances. There had been NOT ONE DEATH at the time of the toxic woodward interview. Pres Trump is transparent - he walked into that one - and communist china LIED. I thought antagonizers like Hoorta would at least criticize china at least ONCE. or criticize biden at least ONCE. But no..... Setting off a panic would have been disastrous. Already people have been arming themselves, stocking up on food and water etc to prep for hard times because of the covid. Had he set up any panic - the death toll alone could have been more than those from covid19, of which there is already a toll with suicides, and stress caused deaths from fear of going to the doctor or hospital for treatments or preventive care/screenings etc.
  14. stick a cork in it - you started the trouble around here with your TDS, so don't you threaten me with your crap. Biden is RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT. Do you know that? or are you just hitting the sauce too much? Communist hot sauce maybe? You sound like you don't know your butt from an avacado. You aren't making any sense. You smart-assed off about OBF leaving - said he was "called out". So, I called YOU out for your stupid crap. And you can't name ONE THING BIDEN HAS EVER DONE GOOD OR GREAT FOR AMERICA in 48 FREAKING YEARS. So, WHO ARE YOU GOING TO VOTE FOR, HOORTA? Biden/commie Harris? or Pres Trump and VP Pence, who have DONE HUNDREDS OF GOOD/GREAT THINGS FOR AMERICA? Are you a paid for leftwing political hack or what? Grow up already.
  15. Sure sounds like Hoorta has TDS rabies - OR - he wants to start serious hell on the board so he can get the political forum ended before the election. He's getting nastier and nastier - no one is allowed to disagree with HIM< because HE's A MOD and he'll take his leftwing extremist TDS rabid football and run home.
  16. waiting for Hoorta or Tour to comment on biden NOW ! only been 3 hours though. Takes time for TDS's to think about manning up to the truth about things.
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