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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. Sure we all wanted them to win, but seriously - new coaching staff, new offense, new defense...a few key injuries... the first game was the worst matchup all season... I predict the Bengals won't be happy facing the Browns Thurs. Might take a few games to get the kinks worked out. We'll see. We KNOW we can run the ball, not sure about pass defense. We'll see.
  2. ok, I added the lowlife part. But Candace Owens NAILS it. https://www.theblaze.com/news/candace-owens-shreds-pea-brained-lebron-james-blm-for-ambush-on-la-sheriffs-the-racist-anti-police-black-lives-matter-lie-is-to-blame
  3. how much of a hypocrite is woodpecker? his picture was apparently taken AT that Sturgis Rally. They were selling shirts with it.
  4. biden would have made a great soviet union politician. He's that corrupt.
  5. so, biden thinks a pistol is a "weapon of war" ....I get SO tired of the stupidity. An AR-15 looks like a very excellent design rifle. That's all. No automatic machine gun nothing. NOT FREAKIN MACHINE GUNS. STFU already. lol biden is a turd. Sorry, but his mental problems aren't what makes him a turd,... it's his complete dishonesty his entire career. He's a chronic serial compulsive liar, plagiarizer, child sleaze, two-faced deep state errand runner. His crime bill was a disaster, he voted for the Iraq war, then denied it Opposed school integration in the 70's..... yeah. Pres Trump does stupid tweets - but has kept his promises to America.
  6. well, we finished the game. Here is some thoughts I thunked. lol 1. The Browns were thinking instead of just playing. New offense, excellent defense, you betcha that sucks. Wait til they play the Browns in Cleveland. 2. I'm seeing indications that ODB doesn't have his head screwed on straight. He drops an easy important pass, ok. He grabs the facemask and holds onto it, drawing a terrible penalty on his team. That was worse than stupid. He runs his route, steps out of bounds, catches the ball, and argues with a coach on the sidelines about it. He gets open on a quick slant, and Baker didn't have time to get the ball to him, looks like to me, that he was pouting after that. I think the continual flagrant holding calls against the back that was covering him, got him out of his game and got into his head. The stupid deliberate facemask penalty just says a lot. He is all about himself, is a prima donna, and lacks mental toughness and/or discipline. 3. The Browns weren't ready for primetime, that's all. I wanted them to run the ball for a first down at the end of the first half. Nope. Ratbirds score at the end of the half. 4. I saw somewhere that the ratbirds have 3 of the top db's in the NFL. It looked like it. 5. I pity the Bengals. New offense, new defense, new excellent coaching staff - they had to see what they do well. Too bad it was against the stinking ratbirds. 6. The late hit on Baker was trash - he should have been ejected for that one. Just my opinion. 7. Wills made the Browns proud - he had one bad play I noticed, where the de cut to the inside and got away from him. Not bad for the first game. Chubb is amazing, he and Hunt are going to batter defenses all season.
  7. watched the second half of the first quarter, whole second quarter on record - ffwd past the commercials and anything that might have to do with politics.... can't cover. the ratbirds upgraded their wr group - the Browns can't run up the middle - got stuffed all three times. Njoku surprised me. Can't cover. This team will miss Delpit all season long. Can't think about man to man on the outside til Greedy gets back. #23 - Sandejo? got blown up on the special teams fake punt. Disaster. Got burnt on the long pass - disaster. TE's getting wide open at the worst times..... ah well. I'll can some more tomatoes and watch the second half on record. The upside is, I expect the Browns to settle down a bit and make adjustments for the second half that other coaches never seemed to have the smarts to do. New offense, new defense - first game - I expected mistakes. But the loss of Delpit, Greedy and Wilson is more serious than I thought.
  8. Hoorta had to have invited him here. He hasn't said one thing to him or his little subject changing stupid question asking little woodpecker.
  9. It's true - the panic buying around here was amazing. What is sad, is with a new shipment of Toilet paper, people were taking as many big packs as they could, in 2 and 3 shopping carts. it was nuts. I took a picture of the bread isle - 95% of the space I figured, was empty. In AMERICA? We STILL can't find lysol spray. I found out it comes in to the drug store on Wednesdays. I went on a Thurs afternoon, and it was all gone. And this is months later ! I'm getting a bit more of a prepper. God help us if we hit a major depression or a grid shutdown....
  10. Tex is just a one way street hater hack. He can't name one either. No criticism of biden, kamoola, the left, rioters, mueller, lynch, holder, higgardly, obaMao, ll just partisan hate garbage.
  11. the comparisons of what happened with venezuela, and our country with the left.... are serious. That comes from a guy, ex-journalist I met a few years ago at a graduation party - who lived there under chavez and maduro. He just escaped, leaving his coffee bean farm behind. We Americans have no place to escape to. Our America is the entire world's beacon of Freedom. Don't doubt it, and don't take it for granted like so many of the left do.
  12. let's see, threats of violence, foul mouth, stupid belligerent takes... you make the despicable woodpecker seem benevolent. and the world isn't laughing at us - look at the new far better trade deals, the peace deals with Israel, Real Americans do not want to have the rest of the world's respect if that means bending over and giving up our country. AMERICA FIRST, UNDER GOD. you just hate. big deal - not.
  13. we were driving around the other day, and the residence of a state patrol car was in their driveway. I can't imagine the stress of fearing attacks on police folks' homes. White folks, conservative folks, Pres Trump voters, police everywhere - are becoming targets. Like the nazis targeted Jews.
  14. every time neo-woodpecker posts, he craps on hiimself. weird.
  15. egad, this is bad. https://www.theblaze.com/levintv/bidens-son-and-china?rebelltitem=1#rebelltitem1 HOCKING DETAILS: Mark Levin and Peter Schweizer talk about corruption surrounding the Biden family and China
  16. I hope he watched that video on the letter the veteran sent to the sleazy commish. I'm glad he changed his mind on that.
  17. Those things are fun. So, we can SHOW harris is a s***, but we can't SAY she's a s***. okie-dokie. lol
  18. Maybe he is - seems to be a newbie invited over to help Hoorta raise all hell on this forum. Notice Hoorta has not said one thing against his threats. just sayin. That is how TDS rolls - birds of a feather flueck together. Maybe he's woodpecker with steroid rage.
  19. I knew, in only my four years, guys and gals from all walks of life, geographic origins, you name it, from all over the country, beaches of Puerto Rico - most of them LOVE their country. I know some stories about racism - my friend from Puerto Rico - his voice would show how proud he was to be allowed to serve in the military and help his family. So many different backgrounds. Somewhere along the way, too many lefties develop a total lack of respect for America...and God...our Flag....our Anthem... our Constitution/Bill of Rights - they don't even respect themselves - look at how many make fools of themselves at these rallies, etc. I told a friend tonight that BLM are trained marxists - he rejected that as a stupid "conpiracy theory". To them, hating and rejection of respect for everything is elitist "cool" - they refuse to find fault on their side of politics. from biden's racist comments to obaMao "get in their faces" and "we'll bring a gun to a knife fight"..... to ridiculing Christians and Christianity, and forcing God out of everything - Their arrogance is unbridled - runaway hypocrisy. PC correctness has morphed into dangerous oppressive cancel culture. You are conservative, you don't go along with their demands - you can get killed, punched in the face, lose your job, get censored... threats of "you say what we don't like and we'll shut you down" ----- because of the left's demand for control via intimidation, it has become a defiant runaway train. Maxine WaterforBrains = says to go after people everywhere. They demand to win this election because they want that power they lost last election - and the power to never let it go. The pretense is gone - they are out in the open - and they will screw with this election as much as they can. Why? You know why. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2018/10/09/lawmakers-leftists-continue-push-get-face-tactics/
  20. Except china and their WHO were telling the world that it was NOT TRANSMISSABLE person to person. https://www.foxnews.com/world/world-health-organization-january-tweet-china-human-transmission-coronavirus "Terrible. We desperately need accurate reporting from China," he tweeted. "The pandemic originated in Wuhan & was initially covered up by Chinese authorities. University of Southampton study found there would have been a 95 % REDUCTION in cases & less spread if Beijing intervened 3 wks sooner."
  21. of course biden/harris are bought and paid for. unemployed donors. Maybe china via hunter biden in the name of a huge book of imaginary chinese in the U.S. ?
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