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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. stock up on toilet paper, etc. food. I canned 9 pints and two quarts of excellent tomato juice tonight. I'm going to make green tomato and sweet banana pepper pickles this week. Collected black walnuts, have to hammer on those tomorrow. Looking at a non-wifi security system eventually. Going to make a new first aid kit for camping, traveling. Have to split a bunch of firewood - already have plenty for the next entire winter. Haven't gone squirrel hunting yet. Time to start treasure hunting out in our woods with my metal detector. Shopping for a new/newer brush hog. Ah, retirement is GREAT FUN. I hope this election is too, a landslide for our terrific FOR AMERICA Pres Trump and VP Pence.
  2. I hope one of his demands is to leave America and move to venezuela, his kind of place. or cuba.
  3. I would hate to have my phone stolen and used during a violent antifa rally. ************************************************* September 14, 2020 Your phone says you're a murderer? In 2018, 23-year old Jorge M. was arrested on suspicion of murder. According to a report, police told Jorge they knew “one hundred percent” his phone was at the scene of the murder. Police in Avondale, Arizona held Jorge for six days while questioning him. But it turns out Jorge wasn’t there. He had simply given an old phone away. An old phone that was still signed into Jorge’s Google account. And during the police's murder investigation, the officers obtained a geofence warrant. A geofence warrant is a somewhat new, but popular investigative method used by police. In the past, police would identify a suspect, then get a warrant to search their home or cell phone records. But geofence warrants work in reverse. Police come up with the time and location of the crime they are trying to solve. Next, they request data from tech companies related to devices in the location and a time frame of the crime. Sometimes the tech companies will provide law enforcement with anonymous data on the devices in the area. These types of geofence warrants can gather data on one person or thousands of people. But, police can get a warrant for more detailed information such as the e-mail address or name of the account holder. According to Google, they experienced a 1,500% increase in requests from police from 2017 to 2018. But it isn’t only Google...Apple, Uber, and Snapchat have received similar requests from law enforcement. And the reality is, this tactic can target any tech company. With these types of warrant requests, the documents can often be requested under a gag order. This means you would have no idea if you were part of a geofence warrant. And, it wouldn’t take much bad luck to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. To protect yourself from this invasion of privacy, here are a few ways to keep safe from geofence warrants. Turn off Wi-Fi: When you are out and about, avoid using public Wi-Fi at all costs. Not only is it dangerous from a cybersecurity standpoint, but it also tracks your location. Don’t just avoid public Wi-Fi, but you should completely turn Wi-Fi off on your phone. Here's why... When Wi-Fi is on, your phone will always be looking for networks to connect to. For instance, if you are walking down the street and walk past 5 different businesses your phone will pick up each Wi-Fi network. So, even if you don’t login to the Wi-Fi network, your phone still detected it. Now, imagine you are sitting at a bookstore and the coffee shop next door gets robbed... A geofence warrant could put you at the scene of the crime. Having your Wi-Fi turned off can help you avoid this. Use a VPN on your Smartphone: Even with your device location turned off, a geofence can still establish your location through your device's IP address. VPNs (Virtual Private Network) allow you to hide your IP address by encrypting data and channeling it through another region. For instance, you could be using your phone in New York, but the VPN would show you using a server in Dallas. So, if you always have a VPN turned on, your device will not show the actual location you are in. Turn off Google tracking: When it comes to geofence warrants, the biggest tech company to give up information is Google. That's because Google is known for tracking the location of its customers through a program called Sensorvault. Whether you have an Android phone or an iPhone, if you use any of Google's apps, they can track you. For instance, if you have an iPhone but use Google Maps or even the Gmail app, Google can track your location. But, you can turn this tracking off in each Google App. If you use the Gmail app, go to settings, then to manage your Google Account. Next, go to data and personalization, then scroll down to location history and turn it off. Many smartphone users have come to realize that smartphones are always keeping track of what they’re doing. But they don't realize just how dangerous that tracking data can be - sometimes until it's too late. By taking these steps you can close one more method in the number of ways you are being unwittingly watched by your tech.
  4. yep. and note that Tour and Hoorta left.... but woodpecker jr is still here raising all sorts of crap. more stirring up of trouble on this forum, to get to shut it down. That is what I think. Hell Hath No Fury Like a Hoorta Scorned....
  5. Hoorta should be so proud. Interesting - he threatened to shut down the board etc etc etc etc.... delete my posts for constantly disagreeing with his constant attacks......, warning point, unwarranted.... but his little woodpecker and the weirdo can do anything they want, and one can threaten violence, etc. and he doesn't do anything. Really interesting, isn't it? Also interesting that politics has been stinking up the football forum...
  6. It's actually worse than a fix. It's a kgb corrupt major "cloward-piven" of our electoral system. Burden it with confusion of vote counting, and crashes, then lean on the Supreme Court to side with them... out of fear. https://www.redstate.com/diary/clint-fargeau/2020/09/14/democrats-ddos-attack-election-system/
  7. OTH, my 97 year old Father-in-law has far more common sense than woodpecker has ever shown, and more apt to critically think than Tex on his worst day, and more able to critically think than Hoorta on any day. lol man made global warming is a fraud- it's about emotional plea to vote leftwing, and redistribution of wealth globally, per the UN. have a nice day in reality land: Is Global Warming Science Just A Fraud? | Investor's ... https://www.investors.com/politics/editorials/is... Feb 25, 2017 · Is Global Warming Science Just A Fraud? Climate Change: We're often told by advocates of climate change that the "science is settled." But in fact, "science" itself is in a deep crisis over making... Nolte: Scientists Prove Man-Made Global Warming Is a Hoax https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/04/09/... Apr 09, 2019 · The far-left ThinkProgress reports that scientists have finally proven that the theory of man-made Global Warming is a total hoax. Of course, no one will admit it, but that is exactly what has happened. A new scientific study shows has revealed the following: AFA.net - 90 Scientists: Global Warming Is a Total Hoax https://www.afa.net/the-stand/culture/2019/07/90... Jul 09, 2019 · Not only does man-caused global warming not exist, but it is also the scientific hoax of the century. And 90 leading Italian scientists say so. All of them signed a detailed letter to lawmakers which challenges the claim that man is causing catastrophic global warming, and that CO2 emissions are the culprit.
  8. what? https://headlineusa.com/biden-running-mate-jumps-gun/ pandering to the Latino vote - our president would be Latino - her. " Afterward, she assured them that only she could understand them—and that if they scratched her back, she would scratch theirs with an influx of $100,000,000,000 in tax dollars earmarked specifically for minority businesses. " right. that's 100 billion on top of 100 trillion for the green new deal...... nope. VOTE FOR OUR MAGA PRESIDENT !!!
  9. poor defenseless attackers with knives and guns who happen to be black victims of police hosility - just because the police didn't want to get knifed or shot......
  10. "bring those black votes in AGAIN HAHAHA" she needs three sets of knee pads. one for her knees, one for her elbows, and one for her big fat corrupt belligerence ignorant mouth.
  11. they will have millions of fake voting with mail in ballots ,etc... to confuse the election so badly they can't name a winner in the electoral college, and get total control of our gov with nasty pelosi. or, biden wins and they say Trump should immediately concede. but they will never concede. If it's a landslide win for Pres Trump, they will say the rest of America "stole" the election. they will inflame tensions sky high when ? they don't get their way, just like the violent protesters murdering innocent people, and innocent people who are on the police forces...., burning down "America", and cancel culturing anyone who isn't them...because they don't ever want to share power again. Far, far worse than the current big, serious trouble.
  12. well, sorry, I was on a roll there - I didn't mean you were full of baloney - I mean I don't understand the idea that "fiscal conservative" means much. I didn't USED to think liberalism meant marxism, but I certainly do now. BLM co-founder describes herself as 'trained Marxist' https://nypost.com/2020/06/25/blm-co-founder... Jun 25, 2020 · Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors said in a newly surfaced video from 2015 that she and her fellow organizers are “trained Marxists” – making clear their movement’s ideological... ‘We are trained Marxists’: Black Lives Matter co-founder ... https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/jun/25/... Jun 25, 2020 · A 2015 video in which Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors describes herself and co-founder Alicia Garza as “trained Marxists” is making an appearance in a GOP campaign ad. To a point, no, you aren't wrong. It isn't that I generalized completely - but upon observation, it just appears that way to me as time goes on. Back in the day, JFK, Hubert Humphrey - were genuine Real Americans. But the dems are no longer. That is the crux of the problem. "socially liberal" is inclusive of all sorts of hair-brained ideas. Socialism, no consequences for significant crimes, ************************************** I say "emotionalism" for lack of a better way to describe the illogical contradictions in liberalism. Over the years, I see a diligent opposition to the death penalty. Then I see liberals adamantly pro-unlimited abortion, at least most ? of them. Partial birth abortion? Letting them simply die of neglect after they are born??? But "blm" ? but Blue Lives don't? White lives don't? The grief and sensationalism over george floyd, but cheering the shootings of two relatively new policemen? I don't know any of us, nor anyone, who supports discrimination. But reverse discrimination is ok with liberals? If we have a republican president, our national debt is a gigantic hot button issue with the left. With a democrat president? The Green New Deal would cost America about 100 trillion??? It's just that the contradictions are glaring and extreme. Makes zero sense to me - so one day a long time ago, I tried to make sense of it. For instance - the anti-war movement against the war in Vietnam. Jerry Rubin would talk about how "you have to kill your parents to be free" and really stupid crap that had a lot of students shaking their heads and walking away. Back in the day, at Kent State - a year after the May 4th debacle - I was between classes and the only room in the place had to young coeds sitting on one side. Tears flowed down the one gal's cheeks , she was devasted. The story was, they told me, busloads of protesters against the war went to D.C. to protest. It got out of hand, a bunch of them got arrested, and put in RFK stadium. Here's the link: http://exiledonline.com/recovered-history-7000-may-day-protesters-herded-into-d-c-stadium-prison-in-1971/ The rest of the story was, she went because she was afraid her excellent brother was over there, and they were afraid he wouldn't make it back home. The problem was- the leaders of the rallies ? they never got arrested. They never went to the protests. They used the bus money and food money they all contributed to........for the trip back....to throw themselves a wild booze party. and the tears streamed down her pretty face in bitterness. She said so many of them were sincere, and they were betrayed. They had to wire parents and relatives to get more money to get back home. It's the contradictions I"ve noticed over the years. I know you are sincere - though, I don't understand "smaller government" with socially liberal policies that require a giant government expansion to assert liberal policies like man made global warming nonsense, the green new deal, legalized politically correct speech enforcement (see Britain), forcing Christians to redefine Real Marriage, the attack on our 2nd Amendment.... so, generally speaking, not referring to you, I guess ulterior motives are the explanation - personal stances based on emotions - emotions change, so do the stances. Drones were VERY BAD. Until obaMao did them, then silence. I appreciate your post - I just went and started venting about the left in general, and the contradictions, to me, that I don't get.
  13. I think we need to have everybody pass a "common sense" test... biden wouldn't get one vote - the left has none.
  14. lower it to just one day old, then the democrats will be against the murder of born children. say, lower it to pre-born. Let the Moms vote twice. So there ya go. the left will be completely against the murder of unborn children.
  15. Sure we all wanted them to win, but seriously - new coaching staff, new offense, new defense...a few key injuries... the first game was the worst matchup all season... I predict the Bengals won't be happy facing the Browns Thurs. Might take a few games to get the kinks worked out. We'll see. We KNOW we can run the ball, not sure about pass defense. We'll see.
  16. ok, I added the lowlife part. But Candace Owens NAILS it. https://www.theblaze.com/news/candace-owens-shreds-pea-brained-lebron-james-blm-for-ambush-on-la-sheriffs-the-racist-anti-police-black-lives-matter-lie-is-to-blame
  17. how much of a hypocrite is woodpecker? his picture was apparently taken AT that Sturgis Rally. They were selling shirts with it.
  18. biden would have made a great soviet union politician. He's that corrupt.
  19. so, biden thinks a pistol is a "weapon of war" ....I get SO tired of the stupidity. An AR-15 looks like a very excellent design rifle. That's all. No automatic machine gun nothing. NOT FREAKIN MACHINE GUNS. STFU already. lol biden is a turd. Sorry, but his mental problems aren't what makes him a turd,... it's his complete dishonesty his entire career. He's a chronic serial compulsive liar, plagiarizer, child sleaze, two-faced deep state errand runner. His crime bill was a disaster, he voted for the Iraq war, then denied it Opposed school integration in the 70's..... yeah. Pres Trump does stupid tweets - but has kept his promises to America.
  20. well, we finished the game. Here is some thoughts I thunked. lol 1. The Browns were thinking instead of just playing. New offense, excellent defense, you betcha that sucks. Wait til they play the Browns in Cleveland. 2. I'm seeing indications that ODB doesn't have his head screwed on straight. He drops an easy important pass, ok. He grabs the facemask and holds onto it, drawing a terrible penalty on his team. That was worse than stupid. He runs his route, steps out of bounds, catches the ball, and argues with a coach on the sidelines about it. He gets open on a quick slant, and Baker didn't have time to get the ball to him, looks like to me, that he was pouting after that. I think the continual flagrant holding calls against the back that was covering him, got him out of his game and got into his head. The stupid deliberate facemask penalty just says a lot. He is all about himself, is a prima donna, and lacks mental toughness and/or discipline. 3. The Browns weren't ready for primetime, that's all. I wanted them to run the ball for a first down at the end of the first half. Nope. Ratbirds score at the end of the half. 4. I saw somewhere that the ratbirds have 3 of the top db's in the NFL. It looked like it. 5. I pity the Bengals. New offense, new defense, new excellent coaching staff - they had to see what they do well. Too bad it was against the stinking ratbirds. 6. The late hit on Baker was trash - he should have been ejected for that one. Just my opinion. 7. Wills made the Browns proud - he had one bad play I noticed, where the de cut to the inside and got away from him. Not bad for the first game. Chubb is amazing, he and Hunt are going to batter defenses all season.
  21. watched the second half of the first quarter, whole second quarter on record - ffwd past the commercials and anything that might have to do with politics.... can't cover. the ratbirds upgraded their wr group - the Browns can't run up the middle - got stuffed all three times. Njoku surprised me. Can't cover. This team will miss Delpit all season long. Can't think about man to man on the outside til Greedy gets back. #23 - Sandejo? got blown up on the special teams fake punt. Disaster. Got burnt on the long pass - disaster. TE's getting wide open at the worst times..... ah well. I'll can some more tomatoes and watch the second half on record. The upside is, I expect the Browns to settle down a bit and make adjustments for the second half that other coaches never seemed to have the smarts to do. New offense, new defense - first game - I expected mistakes. But the loss of Delpit, Greedy and Wilson is more serious than I thought.
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