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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. oh, geez. Smoke particles don't exist in droplets. airborne viruses do. Therefore, wear a mask. btw, a virus droplet is near your mask, it can be breathed into the front of your mask and the droplet kept there. There is no inhale with your eyes. That would be an incredibly rare random occurence.
  2. I thought it was wax worms. Neither one is readily available in the wild. Now, ants and grasshoppers, just roast em over an open fire well done and.... actually, I have never tried them. But cattails = those are great food. The roots are a poor man's potatoes.
  3. yep. getting worse and worse and worse. had a prelist of approved journalists he was to call on. https://www.redstate.com/nick-arama/2020/09/16/biden-makes-a-gaffe-about-veterans-and-pulls-out-his-list-of-reporters-to-call-on/
  4. egad. she's far, far worse than extremely STUPID and BIGOTED.
  5. "...we don't have to bring George Soros into this" ????? why the hell not? this is how bad it is getting, folks. I just mentioned him before... now this? Watch:
  6. what is even MORE DANGEROUS, is that this hack for the left - is very well funded. Guess who. A name we brought up years ago when the clintons were in the WH. George Soros. https://www.investmentwatchblog.com/norm-eisen-democrat-impeachment-counsel-linked-to-george-soros-orchestrating-the-overturn-of-the-2020-election/
  7. sure, but he isn't. It's the left cherry-picking, quite dishonestly, dissing Trump for the deferments, when they don't include biden in the same breath. It's called TDS.
  8. I did read the entire article, yes, it does mention climate change etc be valid according to two. The entire point, your beakness, is that it IS NOT SETTLED. SCIENTISTS DISAGREE. Read all the other links, you cherry-picking birdbrain.
  9. I went squirrel hunting this morning, but the breeze got too strong and it was whispering in the treetops.. I never heard "obj" from that, and I was out there a couple of hours in our woods.
  10. woodpecker is a changling. He pretends to be a human, but morphs into a woodpecker as soon as he enters this forum.... then morphs into a belligerent antagonistic, judgemental, complete ASS. lol. then back again.
  11. LOL, from https://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/barbara-hollingsworth/un-s-top-climate-official-goal-intentionally-transform-economic-0 The UNFCCC is the parent treaty of the 2005 Kyoto Protocol, the world’s first legally binding emissions reduction treaty, which the U.S. Senate refused to ratify. According to UNFCCC’s website, “the ultimate objective of both treaties is to stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that will prevent dangerous human interference with the climate system.” To achieve that goal, $10.2 billion has been pledged by 27 developed nations as Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to help Third World countries cope with the alleged effects of climate change, including a $3 billion pledge made by President Obama last November in what one official called a “game-changing moment.” But that won’t be enough to prevent global temperatures from increasing 2 degrees Celsius by 2100, Figueres said, a prediction based on the U.N.’s now discredited computer climate models. The twin objectives of the U.N.’s next major climate change conference, which will be held in Paris in December, are to raise at least $100 billion per year in NDCs from industrialized nations while reducing their greenhouse gas emissions to zero by the end of the century to stop global warming even though, according to satellite data, there has been no warming for more than 18 years.
  12. want a laugh at woodpecker's stupid expense? ****************************************** from that last link: “This will not happen overnight and it will not happen at a single conference on climate change…It is a process, because of the depth of the transformation,” said Figueres, who said last year that Communist China, the world’s top emitter of greenhouse gas, is “doing it right” regarding climate change while calling the U.S. Congress “very detrimental” in the fight against global warming.
  13. Global Warming: A Scheme To Redistribute Wealth ... https://www.lewrockwell.com/2019/12/no_author/global-warming-a-scheme-to-redistribute-wealth/ Dec 05, 2019 · As the “science” behind man-made global warming has been increasingly discredited, the story has changed. Now it’s not about saving the environment but about redistributing wealth, says a leading member of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Ottmar Edenhofer, a co-chair of the IPCC’s Working Group III and a lead … UN IPCC Official Admits 'We Redistribute World's Wealth By ... https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/noel-sheppard/... Nov 18, 2010 · If you needed any more evidence that the entire theory of manmade global warming was a scheme to redistribute wealth you got it Sunday when a leading member of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change told a German news outlet, "[W]e redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy." U.N. Official Reveals Real Reason Behind Warming Scare ... https://www.investors.com/politics/editorials/climate-change-scare- Feb 10, 2015 · Economic Systems: The alarmists keep telling us their concern about global warming is all about man's stewardship of the environment.But we know that's not true. A United Nations official has now ... GOLDSTEIN: Failed climate policies are about wealth ... https://torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/goldstein-failed-climate-policies-are-about-wealth-redistribution Oct 10, 2018 · The UN says Canada and the global community must now achieve far deeper emission cuts than the ones they agreed to in 2015, even … UN’s Top Climate Official: Goal Is To ‘Intentionally ... https://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/barbara-hollingsworth/un-s-top-climate-official-goal-intentionally-transform-economic-0 Feb 18, 2015 · The twin objectives of the U.N.’s next major climate change conference, which will be held in Paris in December, are to raise at least $100 billion per year in NDCs from industrialized nations while reducing their greenhouse gas emissions to zero by the end of the century to stop global warming even though, according to satellite data, there ...
  14. Yes, it changes. but woodpecker's scientists had political motivations. https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/features/GISSTemperature/giss_temperature2.php
  15. https://www.academia.edu/37664273/_THE_EARTH_IS_ACTUALLY_COOLING_NASA_says_due_to_low_sun_activity_Record_Plunge_despite_Rising_Co2_The_0_8_C_increase_over_140_years_is_too_small_and_within_the_range_of_natural_variability_to_constitute_human_made_global_warming " THE EARTH IS ACTUALLY COOLING," NASA says due to low sun activity: Record Plunge despite Rising Co2. The 0.8* C increase over 140 years is too small and within the range of natural variability to constitute human-made global warming. James G Matkin
  16. you are a liar and a birdbrained low life woodypeckerhead. I've read up on this subject for years now. There is no "virtually all doubt is over" . I told sheply that, and I've told you that, others have told you that for years. Maybe man made global warming makes you excited enough to go to the bathroom. Maybe you need a whole lot more fiber in your diet. You cried and cried over this subject, wet your tailfeathers over it, you sqawked and flocked like a bird Shirley Temple. You all changed if from "man made global warming" because we helped you make asses of yourselves. You started calling it "climate change" because climate does change. hahaha asswhole. https://www.sciencetimes.com/articles/20972/20190504/expert-says-the-earth-is-actually-cooling.htm "Climate change itself is already in the process of definitively rebutting climate alarmists who think human use of fossil fuels is causing ultimately catastrophic global warming. That is because natural climate cycles have already turned from warming to cooling, global temperatures have already been declining for more than 10 years, and global temperatures will continue to decline for another two decades or more. That is one of the most interesting conclusions to come out of the seventh International Climate Change Conference sponsored by the Heartland Institute, held last week in Chicago. "Check out the 20th-century temperature record, and you will find that it's up and down pattern does not follow the industrial revolution's upward march of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2), which is the supposed central culprit for man-caused global warming and has been much, much higher in the past. It follows instead the up and down pattern of naturally caused climate cycles," says Peter Ferrara, who served as one of the speakers at the conference. "Temperatures dropped steadily from the late 1940s to the late 1970s. The popular press was even talking about a coming ice age. Ice ages have regularly occurred roughly every 10,000 years, with a new one actually due around now." Ferrara said. Ferrara adds that "In the late 1970s, the natural cycles turned warm and temperatures rose until the late 1990s, a trend that political and economic interests have tried to milk mercilessly to their advantage." Actually, the incorruptible satellite measured global atmospheric temperatures show less warming during this period than the heavily manipulated land surface temperatures. But that is not all. Earth is also currently experiencing a surprisingly long period with very low sunspot activity. That is associated with the earth's history with even lower, colder temperatures. The pattern was seen during a period known as the Dalton Minimum from 1790 to 1830, which saw temperature readings decline by two degrees in a 20-year period, and the noted Year Without A Summer in 1816. Even worse was the period known as the Maunder Minimum from 1645 to 1715, which saw only about 50 sunspots during one 30-year period within the cycle, compared to a typical 40,000 to 50,000 sunspots during such periods in modern times. The Maunder Minimum coincided with the coldest part of the Little Ice Age, which the earth suffered from about 1350 to 1850. The Maunder Minimum saw sharply reduced agricultural output, and widespread human suffering, disease and premature death. The outstanding question now is just how cold this present cold cycle will get. Will it be modest like the cooling from the late 1940s to late 1970s? Or will the lack of sunspots drive us all the way down to the Dalton Minimum, or even the Maunder Minimum?"
  17. These dirty deep swamp rats need to be discovered, proven, and prosecuted. erased all those phones? big serious trouble for them - they know they were screwing with the law, and our entire country. Dangerous isn't strong enough a description.
  18. the first comment from the link above: " James Matkin • 2 years ago The earth is actually cooling and NASA grudgingly begins to admit reality over the fiction of failed computer modelling by the iPCC. So much waste and damage from the futile attempt to reduce our Co2 emissions for a colder climate. The climate alarmists have ignored solar natural variability not because of the science but because of their left wing economic agenda. They have ignored leading science papers like the 400 page study THE NEGLECTED SUN Why the Sun Precludes Climate Catastrophe, by Professor Fritz Vahreholt and Dr. Sebastian Luning. This study demonstrates that "the critical cause of global temperature change has been, and continues to be, the sun's activity." As NASA admits the sun is in a cooling phase and the solar cycles make impossible "the catastrophic prospects put forward by the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and the alarmist agenda dominant in contemporary Western politics." " ********************************************************* So, after all the al gore worship, and all the leftwing political cult wailing..... we were right. That means, shep, Hoorta, and woodpecker... you were......................starts with a "W". ..................... five letters............................................. rhymes with "sarong"...................................................belong.........................
  19. See, woodpecker, I've been talking about rainforests being destroyed and sun activity for years. You and a few others always mocked it. well, now go mock NASA. ******************************************** https://www.thenewamerican.com/tech/environment/item/30214-nasa-sees-climate-cooling-trend-thanks-to-low-sun-activity Monday, 01 October 2018 NASA Sees Climate Cooling Trend Thanks to Low Sun Activity
  20. that was weird. I was at the site, copied the site address, and it still didn't work. Did it three times, and now it worked. Very strange.
  21. I know that. But the description upon looking it up and getting a list is priceless, even if a link doesn't work. Did all the links work? What do you feeeeeeeellllll about the other links' content? If you would just learn to do your own research on the internet - you could find this in just a few seconds....well, with you, and not knowing how to type... 5 minutes. but still - https://finance.townhall.com/columnists/mikeshedlock/2019/01/30/amidst-global-warming-hysteria-nasa-expects-global-cooling-n2540500
  22. of course they do. The principle fears getting his house burned down and his family attacked, so blm displays would be fine. However... https://www.redstate.com/bonchie/2020/09/15/two-hs-football-players-suspended-indefinitely-for-carrying-thin-blue-line-flag/
  23. what goes around, comes around, eh Tex? https://www.redstate.com/scotthounsell/2020/09/15/joe-biden-received-five-deferments-from-serving-during-vietnam-conflict/ "vote for biden because Trump got deferments"
  24. Well. Hoorta rides about 26 miles pretty often too. and he doesn't wear a mask, too. go figure......
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