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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. Interesting article - Stock up, Stock down" I would have listed Harrison Bryant as a stock up - one play, he showed what he is capable of - just wait til he gets some more experience under his belt and gets a few more chances. STOCK UP - Hooper, Ward, Stefanski, Baker, Richardson. STOCK DOWN - those who covet drama from Baker and OBJ....special teams....and good ole #23, Sendejo. https://brownswire.usatoday.com/lists/browns-stock-report-who-rose-up-and-who-fell-down-in-clevelands-week-2-win-over-the-bengals/
  2. you heard him testify. He was "concerned" about that Ukraine phone call. But he was found out to have a sick arrogant ideology - he strongly believed that NO elected president should have the power to establish foreign policy. deep swamp hack. The president is COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF - the stupidass violated that - never went up the chain of command, etc etc. So, if he can't run foreign policy to his own demands, like per Ukraine...then the president had better not do anything his highness vindman doesn't want him to do. That isn't mentally right - a personality disorder? narcissism? On a personal note, way back in the day, a bunch of us ran afoul of a narcissistic master sergeant. He ended up getting his ass handed to him. I just wonder how much of the deep state is narcissists at work. https://www.theblaze.com/op-ed/commentary-vindman-set-impeachment-in-motion
  3. that is what is going on, folks. We have to stop it, and the only way is to re-elect Pres Trump and VP Pence.
  4. well, he DID dramatically boost federal hiring. He skyrocketed it. His "new normal" was that America's jobs were never coming back. Because, he and so many like him, are globalists.... "America last"ers. He corrupted the IRS, FBT, DOJ, EPA, IRS, CIA, NSA,...etc etc etc. and... the CDC. What About That Liberal Bias? CDC Staffers Make Over 8000 ... https://patriotforamerica.com/2020/07/20/what... Jul 20, 2020 · SHOCKING: CDC employees made more than 8,000 federal contributions to PACs and politicians since 2015. Only 5 went to Republican causes. 99.9% of employee donations went to ActBlue and other left-wing organizations, indicating the CDC is entirely staffed by Democrats.
  5. #23, Sendejo - seems like he had his second poor game. I'm surprised the Bengals didn't throw at him often. If he did anything right, I missed it. The weakest link so far. the injuries hurt the secondary badly, and a few players have said they had come miscommunications....
  6. https://www.redstate.com/bonchie/2020/09/18/cnn-defends-not-fact-checking-joe-biden-their-excuse-is-absolute-nonsense/ CNN Defends Not Fact-Checking Joe Biden, It’s Alternate Reality Material
  7. I think she should have been pepper sprayed - she wasn't acting normally - it's happening around the country... "get in their face"... "make them unwelcome anywhere" "we'll bring a gun to a knife fight" the "systemic racism" dangerous LIE.... and the democratic sanctioning of violence, intimidation, and dishonesty/dangerously corrupt ideology acted out. It's a growing threat - won't stop until Real America STOPS them.
  8. I loved the offensive line play. I read where Baker, last week, held onto the ball longer than any other qb in the NFL. 2.7 seconds, something like that. Not surprising, since it was their first outing with their new offense. The second game, they ironed out the wrinkles, and rolled, and sure, the ratbirds have a highly talented defense without injuries all over their secondary. Chubb and Hunt - the oline was inspired and having fun like crazy. They were having fun playing the game, not thinking about their assignments first. My guess? is, the previous offense exposed the oline's weaknesses, the oline is fixed, and this offense shows the talents strengths instead.
  9. https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/do-face-masks-really-work-health-experts-weigh-in/ar-BB15SVb7 Do face masks really work? Health experts weigh in © Provided by West Palm Beach-Ft. Pierce WFLX-TV wflx The Palm Beach County Commission voted unanimously Tuesday in favor of requiring face masks to be worn in public to help prevent the spread of the deadly coronavirus. But how effective are masks in curtailing the spread of the virus? Doctors say it is important to find the right mask for filtering COVID-19 virus particles. "I think any facial covering is better than none," said Dr. Charles Murphy, who is in charge of patient safety at Jupiter Medical Center. WPTV asked him and other medical experts about wearing face masks during the COVID-19 pandemic and which ones work the best. When it comes to homemade masks, the differences can be dramatic. “The effectiveness can have a wide variation, anywhere from 5 percent to 90 percent,” said Murphy. "It seems to be important what material is included. Cotton is probably the most used material. The thread count of cotton can be important, with the higher thread counts being more effective." He said the masks can stop the droplets and aerosols that can be airborne even during a normal conversation. Those droplets, just from a conversation between two people, can number in the millions, experts say. "You have droplets when you’re speaking, when you’re sneezing, when you’re coughing, that you can leave up in the air, you can leave on surfaces, so it’s not a good idea to go out without wearing a mask,” said Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center Dr. Shady Salib. According to Salib, there is no medically-acceptable reason for anyone older than 2 years old not to wear a mask. "If you can't find a surgical mask, it's OK to wear a homemade mask. They're not as effective. They don't protect as much. But at this point, because the numbers are so high in our area in Florida, anything that covers our nose and mouth would be acceptable," said Salib. Salib said the multilayered, blue-colored surgical masks are among the most effective available to the general public. “If you’re going to a store any place that is poorly ventilated, not open air ... you are at risk of having the virus particles in the droplets, in the air, hanging for few hours," Salib said On Tuesday, coronavirus cases reached 103,503 in Florida, which includes 11,180 cases in Palm Beach County. The state death toll is now at 3,328. MASK MANDATE Dr. Charles Murphy, Chief Quality and Patient Safety Officer at Jupiter Medical Center is here to answer your medical questions about today's mask mandate in Palm Beach County: https://bit.ly/2YZVMgh Posted by WPTV on Tuesday, June 23, 2020
  10. the hold on Beckham, even pulling his shirt out a foot... ref right there. no call. what in the heck is going on with the refs? missing calls, Stefanski had to throw the flag THAT early in the game, on an obvious incompletion?
  11. any LIE, any FALSE NARRATIVE is ok with them if it helps them get power and votes.
  12. https://www.redstate.com/nick-arama/2020/09/17/blm-chaz-protester-suspected-of-murdering-girlfriend-it-didnt-end-well/
  13. https://www.theblaze.com/news/man-shot-by-police-in-utah-after-he-allegedly-pointed-gun-at-officer-during-altercation
  14. getting really dangerous in our country. Leftism does that. Look at venezuela. https://www.theblaze.com/news/phoenix-cops-ambushed-teen-rifle
  15. I was really disappointed that Hooper didn't get a chance to make the ratbirds pay. He had only two passes? Harrison Bryant was only targeted twice. That is a lesson Baker needs to learn.
  16. pretty sad to get to be famous for that -that is just a bunch of crap.......... although, Pelosi IS a turd, soo..... besides that, this Maine woman has been putting dog poop in Trump supporters' mailboxes etc. https://www.theblaze.com/news/maine-woman-dog-poop-trump-supporters
  17. this IS possible - but only because the offense is new to Baker and co.... and Keenum has been with about ...5 or 6 teams? He's seen a lot. We'll see. So far we aren't missing much, waiting til the game has been on about ten minutes before we start watching it, or recording it....
  18. There are only about five biden signs in front yards. We've seen about 70? Trump/Pence signs in front yards. I wish I knew somebody with a biden sign, so I could maybe ask them about this stuff. I figure I know what they will say..."our grandparents and their parents were democrats, our parents were always democrats, and by satan, we will always be democrats. except democrats don't exist anymore. From one of the greatest movies ever made:
  19. Therefore, a virus is already much, much bigger than molecules of air - and give the fact that the virus doesn't exist in the air by itself - it's in a water droplet..... come ON, man. lol.
  20. oh, geez Part Two. https://www.quora.com/Which-is-larger-the-coronavirus-or-an-air-molecule David Rosen , PhD physicist worked on optics, solid state, and biology. Answered March 27, 2020 · Upvoted by Christopher VanLang , PhD in Chemical Engineering · Author has 9.7K answers and 4.2M answer views Originally Answered: Which is larger, the coronavirus or an air molecule? (The reason I ask is I see people wearing face masks and if a virus is smaller than an air molecule, then surely it can get through as easily as air). Viruses are much bigger than air molecules. An air molecule is generally a pair of double bonded atoms. A virus contains many thousands of atoms. A virus maybe even a million atoms. So a virus is much larger than an air molecule but smaller than a bacteria cell. However, both viruses and bacteria are sticky. So they are generally stuck to large dropletss mostly comprised of water containing billions of atoms. Respiratory pathogens are generally spread in dispersions of large water droplets. A person coughs or sneezes water droplets that are inhaled by other people. The pathogens seldom travel as individual cells or viruses. They are almost always stuck on water droplets and aerosols (dirt particles). Individual pathogens also stick together in large groups, forming large particles. These large particles of water, dirt or pathogen can be filtered out by filters with medium sized pores. The large particles only travel of minutes during which they travel only a few feet. The individual viruses and bacterial cells could remain suspended in air for many hours and travel hundreds of feet. Large particles are also much easier to filter out than individual viruses and cells. Fortunately, individual viruses are naturally sticky. So they eventually have to stick to the surface of a larger body. It is unnatural to find viruses and bacteria suspended individually in the air.
  21. I disagree. I don't remember anyone ever mentioning biden's deferments, nor clinton's, not obaMao's. Bringing up biden's is only to respond to the many, many attacks on Pres Trump and his having gotten deferments. Nothing wrong with deferments - I had one because of my knee, had to talk my way two and a half years later.
  22. these are dangerously corrupt obaMao people, folks. Deep state traitors. https://www.redstate.com/slee/2020/09/16/email-suggests-muellers-team-had-possession-of-lisa-pages-lost-cellphone/
  23. I don't think so. Harris just got scared by the mention of the mega-billionaire government buster corrupt soros. she's apologized. It was a very weak apology. I've lost respect for her now. https://www.thedailybeast.com/fox-news-anchor-harris-faulkner-apologizes-for-cutting-off-newt-gingrichs-george-soros-rant
  24. oh, geez. Smoke particles don't exist in droplets. airborne viruses do. Therefore, wear a mask. btw, a virus droplet is near your mask, it can be breathed into the front of your mask and the droplet kept there. There is no inhale with your eyes. That would be an incredibly rare random occurence.
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