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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. Just a note - our friends clued us in on beef - available in our local Walmarts. It's Keystone All Natural Beef. Think pot roast in a can. We tried it, and it was excellent. Already cooked. The quality was outstanding - I'm going to stock up on some cans over time. Made a pot roast with potatoes and carrots.... made a wide noodles with beef casserole with it.... quick and easy to make all sorts of beef recipes before the big game.
  2. Nice to see some rational stuff coming from you. Roe vs Wade is such a giant problem - it was a mistake - painted too broad a brush - they left open - "...without excessive government restriction"...which means...just what? I think eventually Roe vs Wade will be clarified as to extenuating circumstances. Here is a really smart article, - from a submission to the Huffington Post of all places. I admire it - https://www.huffpost.com/entry/how-to-resolve-the-aborti_b_227238#:~:text=In fact%2C many of the divisions between pro-life,respectful of women%2C adopted children and their families.
  3. I agree with folks who believe it will be a highly, highly qualified woman. Would they dare "Kavanaugh" a woman? I'm not so sure they won't try. and if they vote against a woman for the Supreme Court... well, that would lose a whole LOT of votes for sleepy not all there joe hoboken harris. Yes, hold a vote before the election. Need a full court for all the frivolous lawsuits already being set up all over America. BTW, the reason to go ahead and have a vote, what the left refuses to admit - is to protect our Constitution/Bill of Rights. by George Soros. (oops, am I allowed to say george soros ?) see, biden and harris have openly bragged and gloated about the leftwing soros-funded attorneys in our judicial system. the dems appointed leftwing radicals who thought more of liberal causes and cherry-picked international law (Justice Ginsburg has referred to that in the past, defying our Constitution/Bill of Rights). In defense of true AMERICAN justice - it is important now, to get a Pres Trump appointed nominee voted on. The decision to go global law and toss away our Constitution/Bill of Rights or defend American Liberty and Justice for all... is at stake. Presidents take an oath to defend us....obaMao broke that promise with his nominees. America First judge to the Supreme Court immediately. To KEEP THE PROMISE to defend our Constitution/Bill of Rights, way of life, and put America first.
  4. our running backs are inspiring to say the least. On one point - I think if the Browns had tried to run more vs the ratbirds, *their first game* ...they would have ended up in more third and longs, maybe. I'm still hoping for a few more throws to the high talent TE's - that should make a defense sit back on their heels. Once the Browns offense gets really rolling - they will be very, very hard to stop. and Stefanski called a great game.
  5. if there are any legit moderate dem politicians out there - they may as well become republicans, I think. The number of dem house reps that let pelosi vote by proxy for them is concerning.
  6. egad. If we ever try to replace Justice Ginsburg...they will WHAT? https://www.pacificpundit.com/2020/09/18/reza-aslan-former-cnn-hack-threatens-to-burn-the-entire-fcking-thing-down/
  7. https://twitchy.com/gregp-3534/2020/09/18/this-this-this-john-fund-explains-why-the-u-s-needs-a-full-complement-of-scotus-justices-for-election-day/ ‘THIS THIS THIS’: John Fund explains why the U.S. needs a full complement of SCOTUS Justices for election day
  8. https://www.redstate.com/nick-arama/2020/09/18/armed-man-attacks-three-trump-supporters-including-84-year-old-woman-at-trump-rally/
  9. Speaking of Justice Ginsburg - most of us know that she was great friends with Justice Scalia. that is pretty cool. She also lamented the nasty proceeding of the last two rep - nominated judges. She says she wishes they could go back to how it was fair and bipartisan - that is how she got to become a Justice. She was a leftie legitimately - I just never agreed with her opinions legal opinions - she was apt to consider international law over our U.S. Constitutuion/Bill of Rights. That is dangerous. https://www.theblaze.com/news/2017/04/29/scotus-justice-ruth-bader-ginsburg-laments-over-recent-dem-obstruction-in-senate
  10. Wow. That is OUTSTANDING ! "Kosovo gives Trump Order of Freedom for his role in securing deal with Serbia" Trump was given the award for his 'exceptional' contribution to freedom in Kosovo"
  11. My point is, you smarted off about OBF leaving - how does it feel to be called out like you accused OBF of being? No, I'm not. Neither are millions and millions of Real Americans who will re-elect Pres Trump. You are on the wrong side of history. I can back up my contentions - you have rarely tried or were able to back up your contentions. So, say.... here's some facts for you: Sure, I dare to disagree with you. You can't stand that. It carries over to football too. HAHAHA. You tried to shut me down about football, because I kept disagreeing with you and your friends over Josh Allen and your Josh Rosen. Well, guess what, Hoorta? Buffalo Bills Wire’s Week 1 Player of the Game: QB Josh Allen https://billswire.usatoday.com/2020/09/13/buffalo... Sep 13, 2020 · Bills Wire's Week 1 Player of the Game: QB Josh Allen. There were certainly some head-scratching moments made, but quarterback Josh Allen did more than enough to earn Bills Wire’s Week 1 Player of... "Against the Jets defense, Allen had one of his better career outings, going 33-for-46 passing with two passing touchdowns, and for many, crossing that 300 passing yards mark with 312 to his credit is a very big benchmark in his career. Allen also had 57 yards rushing in the win with a score on the ground. " ************************************************** let's see, what were your Josh Rosen's stats. oopsies... He is a backup on his third team. yeah. like that. I can back up my contentions, and you can't. Have a nice day trying to bait conservatives here to make a mistake and get them kicked off the board - I say that strictly by your own admissions and behavior here. and I believe Pres Trump and VP Pence will be handily re-elected. We'll see if we also right about that. Then you can just boot all of us off - but at least we saved America from becoming venezuela. Have a nice day. (BTW, what happened to "if you don't like it, put him on ignore" ??? yeah. thought so.) You said you had me on ignore but you don't. dammit. LOL That was the intent of my starting the thread.)
  12. Yep. I do wonder why she ran as a democrat. But then I read up on her....- not perfect, but not totally dangerous corrupt and vicious - which is, the left. Sadly, she would bring the left with her now. She would accomplish nothing with the left's help, if she didn't play ball. if Tulsi was ever elected to the presidency? Big, serious trouble for our Constitution/Bill of Rights. Why? because - she says good things ...but...she is a contradiction between being for American Rights... and leftwing causes. I think she's a real person - but I would never vote for her. One foot on one side of the fence, and one foot on the other.... https://www.ammoland.com/2019/04/tulsi-is-terrible-but-redeemable-on-the-second-amendment/#axzz6YSfcJJEv
  13. Where is Hoorta on this one? yep. ***crickets***. The power to make people afraid - helter skelter in our justice system, helter skelter in our economic system..... and helter skelter in our major Real American institutions, folks. Family, Real Marriage, Freedoms, all schools, churches.....that are permanently protected by our Constitution/Bill of Rights, They are so much like pre-WWII nazis. They demand the power to accrue total power.
  14. the belligerence of the left on this forum is a microcosm of what is happening in our country. They lost the permanent corrupt and reigns of power over us, and our entire government when we elected Pres Trump to stop them. Now, they are hell bent to get it back. and packing our Supreme Court with corrupt liberal judges who will always vote to protect THEIR leftwing interests. So much like the show (series) "Shooter". The corrupt and dangerous secret bureaucrat org ran everything. And when they don't, people die. And THEY get to decide who the Supreme Court nominee will be. Or else. you cross them - just like Kavanaugh - they will come after you. https://www.latimes.com/nation/la-na-joe-arpaio-verdict-20170706-story.html and, the movie based on a real story: Sheriff Buford Pusser And The True Story Of "Walking Tall" "Just before dawn on Aug. 12, 1967, McNairy County Sheriff Buford Pusser got a call about a disturbance on a side road just outside of town. Though it was early, his wife Pauline decided to accompany him to investigate. As they drove through the small Tennessee town toward the site of the disturbance, a car pulled up alongside This is nationwide - the movement is just as vicious and corrupt. Assassinating children...policemen. Our existence is at stake: Of COURSE Pres Trump should name a NON CORRUPT NON LEFTWING JUDGE to the Supreme Court. Pres Trump will win. But they are openly saying they will refuse to admit it. Meaning... all hell is going to break loose. Millions and millions of folks feel the same way - look at firearm sales going through the roof.
  15. Except in this case - look what they did to Kavanaugh - they tried to destroy him, his family, his career, with fake witnesses and vile attacks in the leftwing media (pretty much an oxymoron when talking about the msm). Liberal activism = MAKING lefty law, instead of interpreting adherence to our U.S. CONSTITUTION/BILL OF RIGHTS. and that isn't wrong. The politics have gotten so evil and corrupt and vicious, the democrats are no more - it's more resembling the nazi party pre-WWII. For the sake of our entire country and way of life - ALL judges must be originalists. or we are doomed to repeat world history. We are in a fight for our way of life and liberty. Look at the democrat run cities - burning down - violence, murders, assasinations of children and police. Of course Pres Trump should nominate another originalist. That is never a problem with me, regardless of the time frame. Justice Ginsburg should have retired a year or two ago - so there.
  16. Why is it you nearly always? try to rub your alleged engineering degree in people's faces? My question, under the circumstances was valid. That's from a long conversation with someone who used to live in Venezuela when it was a great place. He escaped with his life, giving up his coffee bean farm, after getting kidnapped twice, and threatened with his life, etc. You are extremely ignorant, and you emotionally and sickly knee jerk into personal attacks. I asked a simple question. Do you need it explained to you word for word? No personal attack, just a valid point. Why is how long it was... do you think Justices die on schedule, asswhole? THAT is how you became known as the forum's woodpecker - for good reason.
  17. https://www.bakersfield.com/ap/sports/jeff-mclane-the-eagles-had-better-get-their-offensive-line-right-or-it-could-sink/article_32972d52-c647-543a-9181-d066e53fdbb9.html
  18. all your belligerent posts are a waste of time. You attack people and sources, you make "anti" claims with no legit reasoning - you can't back up your contentions, and you belittle everyone who doesn't agree with you. Your false narratives keep blowing up in your beak - it's tiresome. It would have been great if you actually tried to contribute constructively to this forum, on any subject. But you just don't want to, or aren't able to.
  19. Tom Cotton would make a great replacement. Constitution/Bill of Rights RULES ! Replace her NOW !
  20. it's called a "color revolution" to complete, permanent power over a country. https://www.theblaze.com/glenn-tv/obama-administration-plan-color-revolution 1. Semi-autocratic regime (not fully autocratic) – provides opportunity to call incumbent leader "fascist" 2. Appearance of unpopular president or incumbent leader 3. United and organized opposition – Antifa, BLM 4. Effective system to convince the public (well before the election) of voter fraud 5. Compliant media to push voter fraud narrative 6. Political opposition organization able to mobilize "thousands to millions in the streets" 7. Division among military and police
  21. so, there are a few biden signs around town. I saw one - with a sign next to it that said "end racism".... right. obaMao/biden had EIGHT FREAKING YEARS in the WH, and only made racism worse. They never did help black colleges struggling - but Pres Trump and Pence DID. They didn't drastically lower unemployment in the private sector for blacks and other minorities. Nope. But Pres Trump and Pence did. Those are FACTS, my friends.
  22. He said: (on the football forum no less) " LOL, true that. Some have called to ask the Supreme Leader shut it down, I understand its barely tolerated. You don't like my political POV, I'm ok with that. I'm not ok with you repeatedly calling me a f**king idiot because you don't agree. There would be plenty of kiddie time outs and warning points to be had if the standards of the Browns forum were applied. Its Steve's show over there, and the inmates run the asylum. Enter at your own risk. " ***************************************** yep. some whiner liberals who can't control the narrative - want the political board shut down. They are getting frantic to cancel culture the rest of us because they see the polls tightening, even with Pres Trump and VP Pence taking the lead. They also see HUNDREDS of good/GREAT reasons to vote Pres Trump and Pence back in for another four years. and they don't have ONE legit good/great reason to vote for anyone else. Everybody else knows why - they are outnumbered here, for good reason, and they could find a lot of liberal help over on the football side, and they can bitch and moan and deride people with a far bigger audience. Barely tolerated eh? Yeah, by the likes of him, and woodpecker and whoever else. I stand by my opinion - He and a few? others tried to raise hell over here, to get it shut down, so they could control all politics over there. And over here, he's one of the most judgemental nasty posters here, maybe. And, only the conservatives would be censored over there. That is what I think, you betcha. You can bet the lefties can threaten (like over here) with pistol whipping, threaten violence if they meet a conservative in person (happening all over the country...thanks for NOTHING obaMao and biden), extremely foul language and personal attacks on family members etc... and he won't say one thing. We've seen that here. The "cancel" culture, and "warning points"... only work one way - against conservatives. I don't know ANYONE who has called him a "f** idiot". My opinion is, you either agree with him, kiss his ring, or he talks deleting posts, shutting the forum down, censoring conservatives on the board, and leaving for good. A lot of hateful emotionalism from somebody that starts trouble because he is disagreed with, he can't name ONE, and he can't back up his silly contentions with out slurs against our President that make zero sense, and spouting false narratives - totally not true. Just my opinion - don't start name calling and insulting, then complain that you get it back. Even to the point about smarting off about OBF - who was one of the very best and gracious posters on this board.
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