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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. get counseling, woodpecker. You are disturbed you betcha. Read and STFU. https://www.theblaze.com/news/democrats-media-grossly-misrepresent-the-mcconnell-rule-so-what-exactly-is-it Democrats, media grossly misrepresent the 'McConnell Rule.' Here's why it doesn't apply now.
  2. seems like brilliant play design, and downright excellent blocking/execution. I love the jet fake - if the safety? cheats in to cover the run, he's toast if the ball is rifled to Nelson on the outside, and vice versa. Taking a big step toward Nelson on the outside, he has to try to come back inside - and meet up? with Chubb or Hunt? Traded for Andy Janovich for just a 7th round pick? Wow. and the offense is getting ready to roll - these guys were having fun - Janovich says they could have had far more yards running the ball. He's a huge fan of Hunt and Chubb, and vice versa. They are having FUN....and they credit the offensive line. Great situation to have. https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/nfl/browns-fb-andy-janovich-on-running-vs-the-bengals-e2-80-98we-could-e2-80-99ve-had-300-or-400-yards-if-we-wanted-e2-80-99/ar-BB19bEQf?ocid=uxbndlbing Browns FB Andy Janovich on running vs. the Bengals: ‘We could’ve had 300 or 400 yards if we wanted’ THANKS for this article !
  3. and stack it with liberal leftwing anti-Constitution hacks. That is the control the left is demanding. Sounds like extortion to me. "we will control, or we will destroy". getting more dangerous, the leftist threats are. https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2020/06/the_left_will_destroy_america_to_regain_power.html https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2020/07/nothing_is_off_limits_to_defeat_trump.html
  4. must be some kind of psychotic hate contest. "Who of the left can more the most sick and vile sombeitch" ....
  5. LOL LOL LOL oh, my. no coffee at this keyboard....
  7. From Washington Examiner: Marquette University released the survey results on Saturday that showed 67% of adults believed the Senate should hold a hearing if a vacancy occurred during 2020’s race, with only 32% opposition — and similar strong numbers across Republicans, Democrats, and independents, who supported holding confirmation hearings at 68-31%, 63-37%, and 71-28% respectively. The poll was completed three days before the death of Ginsburg, the 87-year-old liberal icon who was nominated by President Bill Clinton and confirmed in 1993. Ginsburg earned praise from Democrats and Republicans upon news of her death.
  8. It never went anywhere. Obamao was a lame duck. with a REPUBLICAN SENATE. Justice Scalia died in 2016. So, the people decided to not let obamao lame duck a nominee into the Supreme Court. Now, we have a REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT with a REPUBLICAN SENATE. Therefore, the people HAVE DECIDED. and Pres Trump is NOT A LAME DUCK president. lame duck [ˈˌlām ˈdək] NOUN NORTH AMERICAN an official (especially the president) in the final period of office, after the election of a successor. "as a lame duck, the president had nothing to lose by approving the deal" · [more] an ineffectual or unsuccessful person or thing.
  9. it's going to be a fiasco. The dems will lose, so they won't let Pres Trump win. Democrats open door to Marxist totalitarian rule through ... https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/jun/23/... Jun 23, 2020 · Democrats open door to Marxist totalitarian rule through attacks on police, history and institutions. Democrats have gone hard left. We don't need to follow them.
  10. "When there is a vacancy on the Supreme Court, the president is to nominate someone, the Senate is to consider that nomination, and either they disapprove of that nominee or that nominee is elevated to the Supreme Court," Obama said in February 2016, just days after Scalia's death. "Historically, this has not been viewed as a question," he continued. "There's no unwritten law that says that it can only be done on off-years. That's not in the constitutional text."
  11. oh, Happy Day! My Happy Happy Happy Dance
  12. 1. I didn't say you did. Go back and read what I posted. You mocked OBF after he left by saying he left because he was called out. He was one of the very best, intelligent, most eloquent polite to the max posters on this board. I have his number- he sent it to me in a few emails - so I happen to KNOW what he felt. And it had nothing to do with any non-lib on this forum. 2. you are the one, the only one, that went way overboard and let everybody keep bringing up Rosen and bashing me and Allen. I simply RESPONDED to them. You don't like being disagreed with - well, tough turkeys. 3. You don't get it - you came on here screaming and kicking trying to defend your little bird. Well, you are on the wrong side of the fence. His longterm antagonistic crap has gotten on serveral good posters' nerves around here. But, his politics are yours, so you took sides. Whatever. 4. I can discuss rationally - and have done it recently. But the constant attacks ruin rational discussion. the constant subject changes because lefties can't defend their contentions, is another problem.... 5. You should at least try to be fair, but you play favorites bigtime.
  13. it doesn't fit with their twisted hateful feelings. When the reality contradicts how they feel... it is an affront to their pseudo-nonintellectual arrogance.
  14. It's complicated. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woodpecker The majority of woodpeckers are sedentary but there are a few examples of migratory species such as the rufous-bellied woodpecker and yellow-bellied sapsucker,[14] and the Eurasian wryneck breeds in Europe and west Asia and migrates to the Sahel in Africa in the winter.[15] More northerly populations of Lewis's woodpecker, northern flicker, Williamson's sapsucker, red-breasted sapsucker and red-naped sapsucker all move southwards in the fall in North America.[14] Most woodpecker movements can be described as dispersive, such as when young birds seek territories after fledging, or eruptive, to escape harsh weather conditions. Several species are altitudinal migrants, for example the grey-capped woodpecker, which moves to lowlands from hills during the winter months. The woodpeckers that do migrate do so during the day.[2] https://www.audubon.org/news/listen-woodpeckers-making-their-winter-homes-fall It turns out that some woodpecker species stay year round in the region where they nest, while others migrate south in winter. Those that remain through the colder months – well, it’s safe to say they’re not nesting now. No, these fall excavators are chiseling out roosting cavities, snug hollows where they’ll shelter during the cold nights of fall and winter. Many woodpeckers roost in such cavities, usually by themselves. Even the young, once they’re fledged, have to find their own winter quarters. With woodpeckers, once the nights turn cold, it’s every bird for itself, for they are rarely accepted by any other kind of bird - they are too antagonistic, ignorant and helpless for other bird species to bother with....
  15. it's the liberal desperation for victimization. and it is NOT being disagreed with. It's being an antagonistic jerk to get negative ("victimization") response, so they can then complain about it. Very strange, and disingenuous.
  16. more and more serious - the nutjobs are coming out of the woodwork. Thank GOD they caught it. but it's happened before - some nut tried to send it to obaMao and bloomberg. Really sick psychotic kind of behavior. https://www.theblaze.com/news/president-trump-ricin-package-white-house The FBI has opened an investigation
  17. Just a note - our friends clued us in on beef - available in our local Walmarts. It's Keystone All Natural Beef. Think pot roast in a can. We tried it, and it was excellent. Already cooked. The quality was outstanding - I'm going to stock up on some cans over time. Made a pot roast with potatoes and carrots.... made a wide noodles with beef casserole with it.... makes an excellent addition to the prep stocks we have. Doesn't cost much at all to try a can of it, would be priceless if a depression/crises happen where food disappears from shelves like it did for just a bit during the covid panic rush.
  18. I think if biden were to be elected, God HELP US NO, that sentiment would flip to the opposite.
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