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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. hey, get this: Joe Biden in 1992: No nominations to the Supreme Court in ... https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/joe-biden... Feb 23, 2016 · On the Senate floor on June 25, 1992, then-Sen. Joe Biden (D-Del.) urged President George H. W. Bush not to name a nominee to the Supreme Court until after the November election.
  2. no con. The results are outstanding - the list of good/great things the Trump Admin has accomplished FOR AMERICA FIRST, are in the hundreds. Let us know when YOU can name just one thing obaMao/biden accomplished FOR AMERICA in eight years, woodpecker. we'll wait.
  3. the facts speaks for themselves and the truth. the leftwing ignorant emotions don't. boo hoo on the leftwing emotional knee jerk side.
  4. and, btw, let's reiterate about marxism. it is a precursor to communism. Ultimate government control and power. deadly control if need be, by the government's whim. https://www.toolshero.com/management/marxism/#:~:text=Marxism is a political-philosophical system based on the,the working class and political and economic developments. Marxism is a political-philosophical system based on the ideas of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. The founders of Marxism, what would later become communism, investigated the effect of capitalism on the working class and political and economic developments.
  5. marxists. been proven. now, their goal is to destroy the nuclear American family structure. rep. except they caught too much flak for it, and deleted the page. https://www.redstate.com/brandon_morse/2020/09/21/black-lives-matter-page/
  6. America First. You betcha. https://www.redstate.com/mike_miller/2020/09/21/amish-hold-horse-buggy-trump-parade-—-with-american-flags-and-cows-and-stuff-thrown-in-for-good-measure/ Amish Hold Horse & Buggy Trump Parade — With American Flags and Cows and Stuff Thrown in for Good Measure!
  7. and so it goes - the attacks on Amy Barrett has started. https://www.redstate.com/bonchie/2020/09/21/the-attacks-on-amy-coney-barrett-have-begun/
  8. EXACTLY. btw, this "can't have a litmus test" is crap. You think obaMao didn't have a litmus test on his picks? hell yes he did. but the left demands "no litmus" test on their candidates. But you let a conservative originalist be appointed. all "litmus test" hell breaks loose. hell with that crap. https://www.theblaze.com/op-ed/ready-horowitz-no-more-stealth-nominees-use-the-conservative-litmus-test-on-scotus-candidates
  9. I deleted my post - mine was 51 minutes earlier, ...??? lol Poor Wentz - the Eagles offensive line is dismal on a good day.
  10. OH HAPPY DAY ! I personally wonder if they could be in game shape by the washington game.
  11. they are already stacking the house with reps based on counting illegals in the census. corruption everywhere on the left.
  12. actually, it's sad and dangerous for America. biden really has serious mental problems - cognative abilities are impaired. seriously. and harris is unfit to command anything. except negative attention....
  13. expected. liberals never listen. https://www.newsweek.com/mumps-outbreak-confirmed-texas-ice-detention-facility-1325445 U.S. Mumps Outbreak Confirmed at Texas ICE Detention Facility By Scott McDonald On 2/9/19 at 7:30 PM EST https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2016/06/19/diseases-thought-eradicated-world-refugee-day/ Six Diseases Return To US as Migration Advocates Celebrate ‘World Refugee Day’ https://townhall.com/tipsheet/christinerousselle/2016/06/01/arizonas-measles-outbreak-traced-to-illegal-immigrant-n2172048 Arizona's Measles Outbreak Traced to Illegal Immigrant
  14. I'm not happy with shots, but going through the basic training line - those air jobbies were weird. I never had a problem. Medical science has advanced to incredible heights these days. I do know when I was a kid, I had an uncle who took a pneumonia shot? and got pneumonia - after that, they changed the shots. But that was about...eh...a long time ago.
  15. So, to clarify for Hoorta and little woodpecker - I did not like Trump - wasn't my kind of celebrity. Usually, I don't like celebrities - with a few exceptions, like a few country music stars. and a few actors with the courage to be conservatives. etc. But WHEN HE RAN FOR PRESIDENT - I still wasn't a fan. Until I started sincerely LISTENING to him, and I realized he was saying great things I have been wishing a president would finally stand up and say, for years. Then, I decided he was genuinely serious, and I was all in, as long as he kept those promises. He DID, and kept more promises than he even MADE. lol That is reality. I just sincerely and strongly DOUBT that someone is a "republican" and "voted for Trump" when they are all in on the green new deal, bigger government, socialsim, pro-illegal immigration, pro-liberal extremist, usually pro-abortion, pro=Paris Accord, etc. etc. etc. I just don't buy it. I do know, that is the past, it was proven that a mode of manipulation of the left, was to call in to radio shows, and say you are a republican but diss the republican nominee running for president to be more effective at persuading.
  16. a close friend uses coconut briskets instead of the usual charcoal. Much healthier. I haven't researched it yet....
  17. https://www.brownsnation.com/report-browns-have-no-plans-to-trade-odell-beckham-jr/ Report: Browns Have No Plans To Trade Odell Beckham Jr. By Andy Webb September 20, 2020
  18. I think we should just haul off and throw a bomb the first play, to get the safeties back on their heels, and get inside the heads of the defense. Kosar loved to do that. If I remember correctly, the Bengals did it the last game. Starting off running the ball to establish the run to set up play action - won't work I think vs washington. (they will always be the "Redskins" to me.) then sometime after that, you start hammering them with the running game. Just my two cents.
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