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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. sad. the dems/leftists are so corrupt, they will stoop to any dirty level to try to keep power to control us and our government, and to keep their extent of corruption secret. It's taken too long. Big serious trouble.
  2. I heard this and ... remember when hillary was the only one to get the questions ahead of time? now, they can't do that again, but...giving them the subjects ahead of time - only dramatic helps biden - if that is at all possible. he's still apt to have a bad showing. Biden is like a pit toilet - you can put the lid down all you want... but it still stinks.
  3. https://frankreport.com/2020/04/18/one-hundred-twenty-five-amazing-accomplishments-of-president-donald-j-trump/#:~:text= One-Hundred-Twenty-Five Amazing Accomplishments of President Donald J.,so that animal abusers face tougher... More https://www.whitehouse.gov/trump-administration-accomplishments/ https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/washington-secrets/trumps-list-289-accomplishments-in-just-20-months-relentless-promise-keeping https://www.newsmax.com/jackbrewer/trump-obama-hbcu-food-stamps/2019/07/12/id/924217/ but they won't open the links. or they will do so only long enough to argue with one. it doesn't fit their twisted emotions, so... we'll just have to keep posting them again and again when they ask..... then they will complain to Hoorta about repetitive posting, and Hoorta will ignore the repetitive, belligerent questions.
  4. out of college, and woodpecker owns the whole plant. yeah... a lot like "so much cooler online"
  5. too bad. what could have been a great poster, isn't. just negative, FAKE bs. glutton for negative attention, I guess.
  6. the original topic is stupid. The idea of a credible witness/accuser goes out the window with liars, and destroyers of good characters by dangerous haters. and Romney is a hater, and is corrupt. Just a waste of time - more deliberate false narrative. Watch for romney to become a democrat soon. He hates, and is completely corrupt.
  7. interesting - I wouldn't bet on the game, the Hochuli Monster could show up and wipe out that -7 points. Sure, it's only a silly legend. LIke Bigfoot....loch ness monster... but this one has been actually been sighted by thousands of people. https://www.brownsnation.com/browns-get-an-interesting-official-assigned-to-washington-matchup/
  8. yeah. "RESPECT THE OFFICE" goes both ways - for honest democrats anyways.... (oxymoron there?)
  9. really pitiful. Sometimes I think I want to write down the few addresses of the FEW people who have biden signs, and get a chance to talk to them if they have a garage sale, and ask them what the )&U_ they were feeling.
  10. the deep swamp is not small. been growing for years.
  11. the murderer of cannon-girlfriend is now arrested with helping the murderer go free. https://www.secondamendmentdaily.com/2020/09/police-arrest-girlfriend-of-the-man-who-shot-5-year-old-cannon-hinnant-in-the-head/
  12. cavalry [ˈkavəlrē] NOUN (in the past) soldiers who fought on horseback. "the cavalry charged up the hill" · [more] synonyms: mounted troops · cavalrymen · horse soldiers · troopers · horse · dragoons · lancers · hussars · carabineers · cuirassiers · sabreurs modern soldiers who fight in armored vehicles. "a cavalry regiment" (the cavalry) used to refer to a source of help or rescue in an emergency, especially as a last resort. "she said she wouldn't be sending in the cavalry to sort out the country's problems" synonyms: rescuer · savior · liberator · knight in shining armor · knight on a white chargerr
  13. yeah, no violence is happening in your dreamworld. You're too ignorant to intelligently converse on issues, so you resort to personal squabbles - you feel like you look like Einstein. nope. You're hopeless, and you deserve to be called a woodpecker.
  14. they rented a car and are from Virginia Beach? " "Their backpack contained a Glock pistol with an extended magazine, 200 rounds of ammunition, and four tourniquets, authorities said. At least two shovels and a pitchfork were also allegedly found in their possession. Hummer added that the rented vehicle the pair had been in had several items "suspicious in nature,” which he described as “odd items, but nothing illegal.” They were each charged with making terrorist threats; carrying a concealed weapon; inducing panic, and criminal trespassing after their arrests that involved the Secret Service because Trump was at the rally nearby, The Sentinel-Tribune reported. It wasn’t immediately known if either one had retained an attorney." " Hummer said John Davison had been cited Sunday night by police in nearby Walbridge for criminal trespass at their street department. " "
  15. https://hotair.com/archives/ed-morrissey/2020/09/21/new-rnc-ad-democrats-endorsing-scotus-appointment-2016/ A great, effective ad … but. The RNC takes us on a trip down Memory Lane to 2016, when Senate Democrats along with Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi lectured America on the necessity — nay, the constitutional mandate — to immediately fill Supreme Court vacancies. Can’t wait for the DNC’s response video about what Republicans were saying at the same time, though: See Also: Study: People do hide their true feelings about some things from pollsters — but not about Trump Not long ago, Joe Biden said that “the American people deserve a fully-staffed court of nine.” We agree. Fill the seat! pic.twitter.com/K8GpnAMEly — Ronna McDaniel (@GOPChairwoman) September 21, 2020 The double inclusion of the same Joe Biden clip, declaring in 2016 that “the American people deserve a fully staffed court of nine,” is no accident. (Neither is the more recent clip of Kamala Harris.) The Trump campaign and the RNC plan to shove those words down the throats of Democrats and the media, probably every day. Here’s Kayleigh McEnany, telling CBS This Morning host Gayle King earlier today that she should ask Biden about his principles on filling Supreme Court vacancies: President Trump says he will soon nominate a justice to replace the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the Supreme Court. White House @PressSec @KayleighMcEnany joins us with details on the president's timeline, and what she says the president is looking for in a nominee. pic.twitter.com/3nPk4tCJez
  16. my browser is set high and I have no problem with it. and, AGAIN, for the umpteenth time: it isn't that the left are too emotional, it's that critical thinking doesn't play a part in their feeling, and feeling is their only and primary basis upon which to see issues. That is why they are usually always completely wrong, why they go into a hissy fit rage when disagreed with, why they never answer questions, but resort to changing subjects they FEEL like discussing instead.. a lot like that.
  17. it's been proven over the nearly four years. We elected Pres Trump and Pence to do what they promised, and they have delivered outstandingly. Except- the deep staters demand one way or another to get their control and power back. Hell with them. H.R. McMaster Admits There’s a Cabal in the Administration Working Against Trump
  18. https://www.secondamendmentdaily.com/2020/09/husband-begs-carjacker-not-to-hurt-his-pregnant-wife-before-being-shot-in-the-head-and-killed-murderer-then-forces-wife-on-100-mph-ride-of-terror-at-gunpoint/ a murderer lebong james is proud of, I suppose
  19. https://www.secondamendmentdaily.com/2020/09/indianapolis-mugger-robs-shoots-couple-changing-tire-kills-40-year-old-mother-of-four-leaving-husband-bleeding-on-the-street/
  20. opposite parties, of course. and obamao was a lame duck pres. lefties don't go by the actual definitions of words because it doesn't fit their twisted emotional knee jerk narrative. So, they just use words incorrectly, as if they had different meanings.
  21. guess what? LOL Schumer in 2007: Don't confirm any Bush Supreme Court nominee https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/schumer-in-2007... Feb 15, 2016 · Chuck Schumer said in July 2007 that no George W. Bush nominee to the Supreme Court should be approved, except in extraordinary circumstances, 19 months before a new president was set to be...
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