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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. so many people just want to vote for biden for NO good reason. sick stuff.
  2. neo translation: "make it stop, or I will cry" woody ll
  3. you're a sad person. You don't know anything, can't add much to any conversation, you aren't experienced at life at all, and you don't have a girlfriend... or a boyfriend, and your nanny deserted you. Must really suck. You really need to grow up. I'd rather talk issues, but you cya by interpersonal bickering. Advocating for your beakness is a weakness.
  4. he's being a GREAT president based on his EXCELLENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS ! Seriously folks, take some time to watch this entire video - you won't be able to seriously say Pres Trump doesn't DESERVE another four years. https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/megan-fox/2020/09/26/trump-on-fire-at-black-economic-empowerment-event-in-atlanta-n971952 Trump on FIRE at Black Economic Empowerment Event in Atlanta
  5. yeah, somebody you will be darth vader, sure. someday democrats will have giant heads to account for the size of their emotions dominating their critical thinking side that was minuscule to being with.
  6. woody doesn't understand anything, much less anything that doesn't give the left an advantage. if Pres Trump had won the popular vote too, they would have attacked something else.
  7. pretty funny stuff - and I forgot about hairy reid deliberately telling the lie about romney not having paid his taxes.... "he didn't win, did he?" that is the corrupt "democratic" party. Organized Slime. https://www.redstate.com/mike_miller/2020/09/25/larry-elder-op-ed-democrats-demand-trump-not-replace-rbg-cue-the-laughter/
  8. CDC director sites old data. 8000 cdc employees donate to politics, only FIVE donations went to republican party. now, what the hell are the chances of THAT? Dr. Atlas knows better than what the CDC is trying to sell. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/filings-show-all-but-five-political-donations-from-cdc-employees-since-2015-have-gone-to-democrats https://www.redstate.com/michael_thau/2020/09/24/watch-trumps-new-covid-explain-covid-science-to-room-of-people-who-majored-in-journalism-at-breifing/
  9. https://www.theblaze.com/news/nyc-subway-attack-crook-on-parole Crook on parole brutally beats woman on NYC subway train after she tried to prevent sleeping rider from being robbed, police say 'He whaled on me like a caged animal'
  10. yes but "if we ain't had bad luck, we've had no luck at all..." (old Hee Haw song reference) https://www.brownsnation.com/browns-denzel-ward-misses-practice-with-groin-injury/ dammit.
  11. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/2020/09/25/warning_signs_in_pa_of_mail_ballot_chaos_in_nov_524431.html#! On Thursday, White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany highlighted Republican concerns in the Keystone State. “It’s a system that’s subject to fraud,” she said at a press briefing. “I can confirm for you that Trump ballots, ballots for the president, were found in Pennsylvania.” The FBI and state police are now investigating after the U.S. attorney’s office reported that nine military ballots were found discarded in Luzerne County – and seven of them had been cast for Trump. While the GOP is focused on the risks of mail-in ballots, Pennsylvania Democrats are expressing worries that security measures for mail ballots will disenfranchise their voters. Earlier this week, Democratic Philadelphia City Commissioner Lisa Deeley sent a letter to the Republican leaders of the Pennsylvania legislature warning that a recent state Supreme Court decision threatens to upend November’s elections by disallowing mail-in ballots that aren’t returned in “secrecy envelopes.” Secrecy envelopes are an additional envelope or sleeve that make it difficult for poll workers and others to see through the return envelope and read what’s on the ballot, and generally make ballots harder to tamper with.
  12. crap. I remember that now - that was outrageous.
  13. baloney. all this "flawed" whining is just because Pres Trump won and higgardly lost. boo hoo forever and 50 decades. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/why-the-electoral-college-is-vital-not-outdated
  14. lol. No insecurities - a successful and delightfully happy life and accomplishments, and most of all, LOVE, and knowing God is there... I'm a happy camper. You? btw, woodpecker, the thread is titled "free sh** train" - not automation, so there's that. See, what I do know, is that after a career of writing software, I have written some serious, complex software in the manufacturing industry. One time, I wrote a state of the art software that ran machines, two that the same time, from the software and a mouse. That included the GPIB card in the computer, and the IEEE card in the machine, and all the programming to communicate with both - along with the complex interface, that even included real time performance graphing, with the ability to superimpose a previous test's results' graph on top of it - included safety limits on the machine performance during testing, and complex security - it was a test that was classified as very "top secret" - huge advantage in the industry..... see, the tests used to only be run via the machine keyboard, which failed eventually to work. The adaptation to run the tests via my software was necessary because of the serious proprietary work being done. No expert from outside could know. Another time I wrote a software that analyzed giant databases to correct mistakes, evaluate updates, and reject duplicates - with a bit of "AI" analysis as to spellings, word usage, and plenty of rules...etc etc etc. The problem was, the team of analysts was concerned my software would make them obsolete. So, I arranged a meeting with the entire team, explaining that instead of them seriously stressing over humanly looking over multiple gig sized databases and comparing every record, my design would give them a dozen push buttons that would do that for them - so instead of three days of stress, it would take about 3 minutes - maybe 5 - but it included anomaly reports that would require human beings to research and verify. And it was a blue chip success, which is pretty good - since for months, other programmers' attempts ended in failure, and their code was crap, their structure was zero.... for years I worked in serious R&D - like the machine running software, and other scientific software that took extensive work by experts, and made their jobs a hell of a lot easier. I wrote a software for a PHD in polymer science, from India, that calculated serious complex scientific equations - in subsequent many, many steps. he raised hell with me in front of my boss because my stupid problem kept giving the wrong answers. Well, we were called in, and I calmly went up to the white board, and explained basically how I wrote all the calculations to be fool proofed dependable and accurate. He blew his stack, and ended up apologizing to me - and often paid for my dinner at his favorite indian restaurant. My design never failed. He had been making the mistakes for a few years. Outside of that, out of high school, before college, I worked as a machinist, eventually ended up being allowed to run a CNC mill, but hated it, paid off my Chevy Belaire before I could train to program those things. Outside of that, nah, don't know all that much about automation. But it still takes people to program, maintain, and install those machines. It's like the old B-52s on the flight line - one was called the "Thunder Turkey" that the two pilots often offered to take me up for a flight in one. I never did it - but the noisy plane was loud because over the decades, precision got more precise, and the same specs of constructing parts ended up not fitting quite the same as the old parts - so they were very noisy - which lessened over time as the parts worn in. We're probably talking tens of a thousandth of an inch, I think it was, but that was the explanation I got. Most all of us have decades of experiences that reflect who we are as people - you just don't know much, haven't lived much, it's sad, actually.
  15. there surely is going to be a lot of this - I've heard from a few of my very liberal friends - they are starting to sound a lot like they've had enough of the so-called "democratic crap". They've said it isn't a legit party of loyal opposition anymore. No choice between directions on issues... just corruption, viciousness and hatred. You betcha. Went camping for a few days - saw 95% ? (guesstimate) Pres Trump and Pence. I feel sorry for the very few signs for biden. They know not what they do.
  16. https://nypost.com/2020/08/29/political-insider-explains-voter-fraud-with-mail-in-ballots/ https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2020/04/24/28_million_mail-in_ballots_went_missing_in_last_four_elections_143033.html#!
  17. dismal attempt at a woodpecker flippity-flippity. You're the one who has never done anything, yet 'FEELS he is like a "god". So, do you own the company or not? It's very sad you seem to only be able to answer questions and issues with another question. Typical woodpecker.
  18. hunter went with biden to china. I wonder if Chris Wallace will ask him about that. Probably not, biden will get the question: "Why do you think big bad meanie Pres Trump is so mean to you?"
  19. Woody isn't FOR anything, he's just against everything. and everybody who disagrees with him. Just peck peck peck in perpetuum
  20. wait. not Tex comment? no Hoorta join into the discussion? No woodpecker swimming in Egypt? I'm shocked, I tell you.
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