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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. well, it is. Historically - it can't legitimately be denied. Far worse than "big, serious trouble" we've kept referring to. https://www.redstate.com/darth641/2020/09/28/opinion-the-steps-towards-revolution-or-hostile-takeover-from-within/ https://www.redstate.com/darth641/2020/09/29/opinion-the-steps-towards-revolution-or-hostile-takeover-from-within-part-ii-what-is-happening/
  2. I second that motion. or gitmo, whichever is quickest.
  3. neo is starting to remind me of woodpecker,....and Jim on the old show "Taxi" ....
  4. This needs to come up in the debate tonight. I think biden will try to keep Pres Trump on defense, but it won't work. Pres Trump will make him look more out of it than Jim on the old show "Taxi"
  5. Things are really looking good - the offensive line is fixed up, playing very well. The Browns' oline "engine" is a fast car. https://www.brownsnation.com/browns-offensive-line-once-again-earns-top-pff-grades/
  6. yeah, put other conservatives on the ballot to diffuse the conservative vote, with only one demented, senile, corrupt, serially dishonest bragger of fake claims... that won't diffuse the demented, senile, corrupt, serially dishonest bragger of fake claims vote. of course they would.
  7. I couldn't care less. I called Pres Trump a "con man" / "circus barker". How many times do we have to tell you things ? it never sinks in. But I started listening to him, and trusted him to KEEP HIS PROMISES because I knew higgardly was a corrupt, garbage unhuman being. and sure enough, Pres Trump HAS KEPT ALL OF HIS PROMISES and he and Pence have accomplished HUNDREDS OF GOOD/GREAT THINGS FOR AMERICA. go vote for biden/charles manson - whatever. I just consider the emotional knee jerk basis, laugh it off, and walk away. btw, there is a LOT of "Walk Aways" from the corrupt to the core doofacratic party.
  8. not able to because they forced the issue with fraud with mailin ballots and lawsuits for months. it could be a rocky ride, folks. They demand to own America, and all of us. They are using their blackshirts/brownshirts exactly like hitler and mussolini did. Intimidate those who won't go along with who demands total, complete and permanent power.
  9. truth is, the complaint that the board is "owned" by Pres Trump supporters - nobody who matters really cares. The left demands control of all narratives , and can't get that control. We render their completely fake political angst attacks simply by talking results that are GOOD/GREAT for America. They can't defend biden any which way, they won't admit his failings, weaknesses, and complete selling out to the extremists left socialist sombeitches. They are wrong, their emotions tell them to get mad about being wrong, and they cannot STAND to be wrong. So, they attack, slur, lie and throw mud at the wall. At least I guess THAT makes them happy, albeit it's a sick twisted bunch of superficial wingnut knee jerksies acted out. and the left has no legit sense of humor. they are not any fun to discuss things with. You cross them, they are like skunks enraged, and the spray their spray.
  10. getting weirder and weirder you betcha. https://www.theblaze.com/news/teacher-threatens-student-remove-trump-flag
  11. https://www.redstate.com/sister-toldjah/2020/09/28/nc-dems-collude-with-national-party-lawyer-to-remove-crucial-north-carolina-absentee-ballot-safeguards/ NC Dems Collude With National Party Lawyer to Remove Crucial North Carolina Absentee Ballot Safeguards
  12. https://www.redstate.com/shipwreckedcrew/2020/09/28/project-veritas-exposes-naked-corruption-by-ilan-omar-supporters-paying-voters-for-blank-ballots/ Project Veritas Exposes Naked Corruption By Ilan Omar Supporters Paying Voters For Blank Ballots in Minneapolis
  13. true story: https://www.theblaze.com/news/unheralded-man-saved-the-world A liberal/marxist/hater of everything would not have saved the world - they have NO common sense to question.
  14. false narratives. not one word about joe biden and hunter biden getting millions from china etc. you betcha hypocrisy. Like Tex and the woodpecker have ANY IDEA about billionaire tax structures. if it isn't illegal, it is boring.
  15. omar the wannabe terrorist. Video Evidence Linking Omar Campaign to MASSIVE Voter Fraud Mike, It appears that Ilhan Omar’s campaign has been fostering voter fraud in her Minneapolis district in each of the past two primary elections and in the 2018 general election. We have followed the corruption of Ilhan Omar right to her district and been told about fraud schemes that involve her campaign, including paying people to vote and stealing, and then harvesting, thousands of unmarked ballots. These reports go back as far as 2016 when Ilhan Omar ran for the Minnesota House of Representatives. Reports are that the fraud became widespread during her 2018 election to the US Congress. By the August 11, 2020 primary election, the fraud was systemic and has formed the foundation of Rep Omar’s campaign activities. Here are just some of the voter fraud schemes that have been observed and documented in Rep Omar’s district: A sophisticated shakedown of voters in the large apartment buildings at both Cedar-Riverside and Horn Towers. Canvassing begins months before the election. Campaign workers use fear of catching COVID-19 and threats of deportation to scare the 7,000 residents of Cedar-Riverside and the residents of Horn Towers, where very high percentages of the Somali people are elderly, illiterate, and don’t speak English, into giving up their personal information. Photos are taken of everyone’s identification cards and the articulated campaign effort catalogs them into a database. The information is later used to request absentee ballots on behalf of the residents, without their knowledge. When the absentee ballots arrive (campaign staff know how many days after requesting the ballots to expect their arrival) in the mail, campaign staffers show up at the mailrooms and at the doors of the residents and proceed to coerce the ballots from them. Coercion tactics include both threats and cash. Upon harvesting of the blank absentee ballots, which no longer require a witness signature due to Democrat Secretary of State Steve Simon’s efforts to remove that requirement, the criminal campaign workers simply vote for their slate of Darod Clan candidates on every ballot, seal the envelope, write and “X” on the voter signature line on the outside of the envelope, and then deposit them into the large, unstaffed, mail-in ballot receptacles located outside of the nearby polling place. Paying people to vote. Voters from the same properties above are organized, utilizing an intricate network of building captains and floor captains, to vote in person. A controlled transportation process, that includes paid campaign workers, is implemented. The campaign’s vans parks outside of a residential building, and workers inside the building escort out the correct number of voters for each van. Voters are checked in on a checklist upon entering the van by the van monitor. The van driver then delivers the voters to the polling place, where they are accompanied inside the polling place and they help people vote. Each voter is checked back into the van after voting. Voters are paid for their efforts, in cash, on the way back to their residential building. Cash paid is as high as $200 per person. Upon arriving at their home, voters are checked back out of the van. The process repeats many times at each building and takes place during each day of the early voting period and during election day. Polling place control by Ilhan Omar’s campaign and illegal behavior within. Engineering of the election judges begins the process. Rep Omar’s endorsing convention delegates are paid by her campaign to apply to the government to be election judges. The Somali workers and English-speaking workers do not communicate, leaving non-Somali-speaking polling place workers completely out of the loop. This enables the election fraud right at the polling place. Ballots are whited out. Polling workers from the campaign accompany voters into the voting booth and “help” them complete their ballot. Campaign workers are ever-present at the polling place, patrolling it regularly, sometimes with intimidating tactics. One man was photographed carrying a large stick (cane) in the polling place. He did not use it for walking. Voters from outside of the district voting. During the 2020 Primary Election, large numbers of voters were again observed, as they were in 2018, being imported into the voting precincts from elsewhere, and voting there. Truck drivers are common people that are called in to help vote, bringing in people from St Cloud, Rochester, and other communities.
  16. LOL satan must have gotten a hold on leftwinger's souls. very sad.
  17. yep. we are going in person. and everybody best hope that soros hasn't paid for the voting machines to reject every one of five votes for Pres Trump. the corruption and rage of losing the last election is real.
  19. yet woodpecker sips on his sippie cup and is happy about it and will vote for biden for more and more corruption and violence.
  20. the false narratives are sick against everything good in our country, just because they lost the last election. America deserves better than slime thrown at her. Real Americans know better.
  21. well, everybody knew (with any common sense, which leaves out woodpecker, Tex and a few others) that a dirty October surprise was forthcoming by the left. I suppose they will hire some actress to do a strip tease, take pictures, and put it in the NY times as Judge Barrett. Nothing is off the table. The deep swamp means serious dangerous business, because WHEN PRES TRUMP wins, they out OUT of business. Just once, I wish Pres Trump haters would find fault with obaMao or biden. Just one time. But no, they worship the biden -hunter mafia lies and suck on it. Just really strange. Pres Trump and Pence have done hundreds of GOOD/GREAT things for AMERICA. Biden has never done one. Put your country last on the list of things you care about? pitiful, low-budget and swarmy.
  22. and.....the answer is... nope. mueller is as dirty as the complete "ruin Trump" so-called staff of prosecutors, starting with dirty weissman.
  23. egad. more and more stupid false narratives. Facts don't matter to leftwing cult members - only their emotions do. However: https://www.heritage.org/budget-and-spending/commentary/do-the-rich-pay-their-fair-share But the idea that the rich aren’t paying any taxes is based on misinformation fed to voters. They have been told over and over by politicians and the media that the wealthiest among us — Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Tom Brady, and Taylor Swift — are paying very little income tax compared to the rest of us. We are told by no less than Mr. Obama that these millionaires and billionaires have all the money, but they don’t bear much if any of the burden to pay for the schools, and the roads, and the police, and the welfare benefits, and the rest of the tasks of government. So time for a reality test. Mr. Obama wants to raise the income tax payments from the top one percent to level the playing field and enhance tax “fairness.” Here are the latest statistics from the IRS for 2011. The top one percent earned 19 percent of the total income and paid 35 percent of the federal income tax. So one of 100 shouldered 35 percent of the entire burden. And the average of the five most recently reported years (2007-2011) is closer to 40 percent. Several years ago Al Sharpton, now of MSNBC said the “top one percent in this country pays very much less than 10 percent” of the income tax. Most Americans no doubt believe the same thing. The top 10 percent pay two-thirds of the income tax. And the bottom 50 percent — all Americans with an income below the median — pay just 3 percent of the income tax. The federal income tax, according to a recent study by the Tax Foundation, is one of the most progressive tax systems in the world. Scott Hodge, president of Tax Foundation, says: “Almost no other industrialized nation depends on the rich to pay the bills more than the United States.” What about the super duper rich? The multimillionaires and billionaires. Warren Buffett famously says he pays a smaller share of his income in tax than his secretary. But when properly accounting for the taxes paid and income earned, the top 0.1 percent paid 16 percent of the income tax. So the top 0.1 percent paid an aggregate amount more than five times that of half the population. That isn’t enough? Mr. Obama wants to raise the capital gains and dividend taxes to 28 percent — almost twice what they were when he entered office. He wants an effective inheritance tax rate of over 50 percent. It’s a Robin Hood strategy. But raising tax rates on the rich is a proven failed policy to increase the share of taxes paid by the wealthy. History proves that cutting tax rates is a better way to get money out of the rich than raising them. In 1980 when the highest income tax rate was 70 percent, the richest 1 percent paid roughly 19 percent of the income tax. In 2007 when the top tax rate was 35 percent, the tax share of the richest 1 percent was more than twice that amount. How did that happen? Raising tax rates on the rich takes money right out from under small and medium-sized business owners and hurts the economy. It takes dollars from employers which leaves less left over for hiring more workers. The best way to soak the rich is to through low tax rates on work and investment which creates a prosperous economy with rising incomes for everyone. You don’t have to believe me. Listen to John F. Kennedy who said in 1962 at the New York Economics Club that “it is a paradoxical truth that tax rates are too high today and tax revenues are too low and the soundest way to raise the revenues in the long run is to cut the rates now.” A lot of our problems in America could be solved if more politicians in both parties thought like that now. - Stephen Moore is the chief economist at the Heritage Foundation. Originally appeared in The Washington Times
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