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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. Furthermore: https://www.redstate.com/sister-toldjah/2020/10/02/revealed-we-now-know-who-lobbied-debate-commission-for-a-mute-button-and-it-tells-us-everything/ "As I noted earlier this week, there’s a reason Democrats are panicking. They were reminded all over again Tuesday of what Trump did in the 2016 debates. He bought up issues about his opponent that he knew moderators wouldn’t. He kept on talking and trying to fact check his opponent because he knew the moderator would otherwise give him a pass, as happened numerous times Tuesday night. Also, people who believe their candidate “won” a debate don’t typically go around advocating that they no longer participate in future debates or for moderators to have the ability to cut their opponent’s mic."
  2. I wish they still taught geography at woodpecker's college. He missed so much education.
  3. you expected Msnbs? the Communist News Network?
  4. very excellent ! It's beautiful down there - leaves won't have turned yet though. Stay safe !
  5. Now that is an honest reply. Maybe Hoorta could learn from it. nah. liberal lackeys worship their own feelings and nothing else.
  6. that's little Hoorta, Hoorta's little woodpecker, neo-hoorta, and Tex, you betcha lol
  7. Furthermore, little liberal Hoorta: https://www.foxnews.com/media/kayleigh-mcenany-scolds-media-interrupting-debate McEnany accuses media of going ‘haywire about interrupting’ during debate while using same tactic 'You need to let me finish,' press secretary snaps at CBS reporter Paula Reid
  8. the only way the dems accepted Fox to moderate, is that the owner died and his liberal son took over. Fox is getting to be hard to watch a lot of the time. It's so bad, Newt Ginrich mentioned soros, and Harris shut it down immediately in a very strange moment. I've used to respect her objectivity highly. not anymore. that was very strange. scully must be scuttled. no way that asshat should be allowed to ruin a second debate like wallace did.
  9. yeah, it's tough to fight against the dem cities letting rioter "democrat" anarchists burning down businesses and putting people out of work, with dem politicians keeping clamps on businesses all this time - like in new york, Hoorta's loco cuomo.
  10. so, just another deliberate lie by Hoorta, who may actually be still in the third grade with his little woodpecker.
  11. So, lefty globalist talking bs head Hoorta can STFU if he doesn't like it. LOL Hoorta talks out of his rear like he has dysentery. Totally wrong. No wonder he came here and immediately ]resorted to insults. Nolte: Joe Biden and Chris Wallace Started It by ... https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/09/30/nolte-joe-biden-and-chris-wallace-started-it-by-interrupting-trump-numerous-times-first/ Nolte: Joe Biden and Chris Wallace Started It by Interrupting Trump Numerous Times First 1 day ago · JOE BIDEN INTERRUPTION #7: I’m happy to talk about this. At this point, Trump gets double teamed by both Biden and Wallace. Trump begins speaking and on top of Biden interrupting, Wallace again starts badgering and interrupting the president to shut down a valid line of attack: JOE BIDEN: I’m happy to talk about this.
  12. don't need it, go bust your little woodpecker nuts on your bike for a thousand miles, lol, but reality bites you liberals in the ass. See, most of us are REAL AMERICANS. We want AMERICA FIRST. You lefty liltfookers want to be "citizens of the world" to make you FEEL like you are s-p-e-c-i-a-l. That is why you came over here to support your little woodpecker. Want me to post from other sites besides Red State? Does Red State make you cry because it doesn't give you emotional devotionals like your cnn and msnbc and pravda? Truth is, your sicko joe biden interrupted Pres Trump THREE TIMES before Pres Trump started fighting back. and gloating that Pres Trump and our First Lady have covid...you'd be outraged and ban someone for "inflammatory posts" if someone gloated about biden having it. That is so low, it's YOU that surely needs to get professional mental health. I would never gloat about even your sweetie nasty pelosi geting covid. so, act like an asswhole if you must, I still say, you are only here to raise hell and get one of us to respond in a way you can get them kicked off the board.] Seriously, you should resign as a mod, right before you kick yourself off the forum. Have a nice lefty milktoast soros day, globalist. and STOP hating people who know better than you. Which is, most of us.
  13. I expect Hoorta or his flacid little woodpecker to spout off about that being two weeks before the debate. HAHAHAHHA. fools, I say. This is AFTER the debate: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/washington-secrets/trump-up-in-first-post-debate-poll-on-the-rise-again Trump up in first post-debate poll, ‘on the rise again’
  14. Poor Hoorta and his little woodpecker can't handle the truth. lol https://www.foxnews.com/politics/poll-trump-approval-rating-september-2020 Trump sees approval rating increase, majority expect him to beat Biden: poll
  15. https://www.redstate.com/mike_miller/2020/10/01/trump-rips-wallace-in-raucous/
  16. great. If there isn't legal consequences for this coup attempt.... our country is out of our control. https://www.redstate.com/shipwreckedcrew/2020/10/01/breaking-dc-legal-circles-rumor-says-member-of-muellers-prosecution-team-has-flipped-for-durham/
  17. someday the next four Pres Trump years... all this deep swamp state garbage had better be cleaned up. clapper, brennan, strzok, etc etc etc etc...comey....are traitors and must answer for their crimes.
  18. corruption ...organized soros funded slime crime.... all the while weinies complain about hating Pres Trump. not good at all. the left has no honor nor integrity.
  19. that's a hiring salary, not a gift. btw, want to finally man up and talk about biden arranging, in person, to get his son hunter sleazy biden 1.5 million from a russian mayor's wife? how about 1.5 billion from the communist chinese? you know, the communist chinese that let the covid go all over the world? lied about it? nah, didn't think so.
  20. yeah, so the hand picked partisan former biden sniffly can shut down Pres Trump's mic, and let biden go off on not answering questions.... peanut gallery - you watch - only dems will be there in that demoquack peanut gallery. to protect your sleepy senile child sniffer.
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