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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. https://www.americas1stfreedom.org/articles/2020/10/6/vice-presidential-debate-should-acknowledge-harris-radicalism-on-the-second-amendment/ this is where smartmouth Hoorta should just apologize for the "paranoid" slur for 2nd Amendment supports who are concerned the left will TRY to take their guns. they crave the power they demand, and they can't have it without disarming all Americans say they can make them very afraid.
  2. STILL waiting on the "there isn't fraud in the election" BS TDS crowd to say they were wrong. of course, hell hasn't frozen over yet.
  3. moochelle, the lefty obaMao man, is one sick sombeitch.
  4. and no comment from the resident TSDers? the only ones who demand that "there isn't any corruption with the election going on" crowd? lol. pitiful.
  5. yep. you are only here to raise hell on the forum to get it shut down, that's what I think. which explains why you don't say one thing to your NeoHoorta for anything he says. But it's ok, you are entitled to your twisted emotional knee jerkie BS TDS. and you really have it bad.
  6. no denial from Hoorta, the alleged "morality voter" ? yep.
  7. and got your tail feathers kicked in eloquently and accurately. You went "NO MAS" in bird language.
  8. sad to note - I hope they figure out who did this double murder. Just hiking and .... murdered. Stay safe hikers. and drivers. and everybody else that cares about themselves and their families. https://www.foxnews.com/us/colorado-missing-couple-colorado-springs-hiking-trail-gunshot-wounds-edmundson-trail-head
  9. lies from the dem sleazeball socialists... blowing smoke up democrat voters' rear ends, for votes. a real emotional circle jerk.
  10. "i'm biden and I won't talk about that until after the election so people like Hoorta will vote for me.... wait....he will vote for me regardless....HHAHAHAHAHAA...what was I just saying ? Where am I "
  11. but Hoorta is going to "vote for biden because of morality" ??? nah. not buyin it. biden is a dishonest slimey political hack with zero leadership. and he was against taking out bin laden, and wrong about so many other major things... it's a disgrace he gets more than a hundred votes.
  12. if president harris and vp biden get elected....
  13. well, they just HAVE to have the dimwitted college student vote, an the illegals vote? the permanent welfare vote.... still won't work for them.
  14. except for the traitors...the deep state kgb wannables... and probably except TDSers.
  15. yet Hoorta and his little woodpecker would kiss his ...ring and vote for him. it just doesn't get much weirder than that.
  16. oh, no, I'm so sorry again that someone else got it. Hope it goes well and you and yours are ok soon.
  17. Hoorta isn't serious - it's Trump Derangement Syndrome for sure. Hoorta says he voted for Trump the first time, but he says he's big on man made goober warning, hates the wall, hates Trump on his "morality" before WE ELECTED HIM, he loves illegals and crime but hey... he is "voting for biden because of morality" ??? LOL. that is a childish and weird emotional knee jerk trick - to try to influence others to not vote for Trump by saying he's an "independent" who "voted for Trump" but hates him ... yeah. sick BS TDS.
  18. https://www.redstate.com/jenvanlaar/2020/10/05/after-settlement-with-judicial-watch-los-angeles-county-still-mailing-ballots-to-dead-people/
  19. hell, it's an election corruption free for all. https://www.redstate.com/scotthounsell/2020/10/05/forced-mail-ballots-are-showing-up-where-they-shouldnt/
  20. far more likely, it was the press that bought it in to the WH. https://www.redstate.com/nick-arama/2020/10/05/heres-a-new-possibility-as-to-the-origin-of-virus-exposure-to-white-house-officials/
  21. NeoHoorta is running out of ways to try to disrupt the board into helter skelter. won't work. the rest of us are good to just talk politics.
  22. well, it IS possible, especially when brennan and clapper hate our PRESIDENT, and would do any dirty thing to try to keep the corrupt swamp in our gov protected. So, JFK had a deep swamp corrupt insider VP - lbj. Reagan had...George Bush sr. who had headed up the CIA. George W. had...Dick Cheney - a definite swamp insider. and JFK and his brother were at serious odds with the CIA. The CIA Versus the Kennedys - LewRockwell https://www.lewrockwell.com/2020/08/jacob-horn... Aug 22, 2020 · In the minds of former CIA Director Allen Dulles and the people still at the CIA, what Kennedy was doing was anathema and, even worse, the gravest threat to “national security” the United States had ever faced, a much bigger threat than even that … The CIA Versus the Kennedys – The Future of Freedom Foundation https://www.fff.org/2020/08/18/the-cia-versus-the-kennedys Aug 18, 2020 · He then put his younger brother Bobby Kennedy in charge of monitoring the CIA, which infuriated the CIA. Now jump ahead to the Cuban Missile Crisis, which Kennedy resolved by promising that the United States would not invade Cuba for a regime-change operation. ********************************** https://www.history.com/news/september-11-attacks-shootdown-order-cheney-bush One particular moment of that first hour in the bunker would prove among the day’s most controversial moments: that order from Cheney authorizing fighter jets to shoot down hijacked airliners. Did he actually have the authority to give the order? And did he and President Bush connect before or after Cheney ordered the fighters into battle? ********************************************* so, it IS possible that the deep swamp bureaucrats are all over our gov, and they are used to being in charge and running things. Pres Trump isn't a milktoast that can be controlled. So, they hate him, and who knows? maybe covid was planted. of course, that sounds like nonsense....
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